The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 93: Beautiful spring


Murong Ci was so angry that his whole body trembled, he actually kissed him

Isn't it an act? Is it necessary to act so realistically

Murong Yu leaned on her body, his lips and tongue slid, and his delicate skin immediately turned an ambiguous blush.

It was just for show, to taste it, but the taste was so delicious, the moment he touched it, his blood burst, like a galloping horse, which made him want to stop.

She pushed him hard and scolded him countless times in her heart, bastard bastard bastard

"No distractions."

The voice was almost inaudible.

She immediately became as charming as water, and she groaned in harmony with his actions.


she almost died of embarrassment

With a creak, the door of the inner room was pushed open.

Two men in black came in silently. The moonlight is clear today, and the bed mat under the wooden window is as thick as frost.

In the cold and frosty white, the mountains are undulating under the thin coarse cloth quilt, and the shape is beautiful, which attracts thousands of imaginations.

The messy clothes on the ground were tangled together, like the lingering passion of the man and woman on the bed.

The man kissed the woman frantically, panting heavily, not even noticing that someone came in. And the woman under him only showed a head, but the light was dim, and the facial features could not be seen clearly.

The men in black looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Really fragrant

They all looked hot.

One of them walked over and picked up a corner of the thin, coarse quilt with a long sword.

A silver light flashed, and it was extremely cold.

The man noticed something strange, turned around and saw two men in black standing in the room, shouting in shock and panic, "Who are you?"

Seeing that the long sword was close at hand and could kill them at any time, he became even more frightened, "What do you want to do?"

And the woman under him turned to the inside in shyness and fear, her fragrant shoulders on the outside were slightly raised, revealing a touch of whiteness that was more radiant than the moonlight.

The two men in black looked at each other again and made eye contact: they were indeed naked, they were just a young couple in a private house.

Thinking of his master's strict order, the man in black didn't dare to delay, so he immediately turned around and went out to find someone in another house.

Murong Ci breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately pushed him hard, "I'm not going down yet."

This torture, comparable to the strongest torture, finally passed.


Murong Yu's pupils flashed, with a little bit of sadness.

Sure enough, there were no footsteps of the man in black leaving outside.

"Miss, quickly serve as your husband." He whispered, his courtship voice was hoarse and charming.

"Sir, I'm already very tired." She had no choice but to respond coquettishly, with a softness that made her muscles and bones go limp.

The right hand touched his side waist and pinched viciously.

She smiled and said coquettishly, "Sir, how am I serving you?"


He growled, although it was slightly exaggerated, but it was very similar to the sound he made when he climbed to a certain peak and couldn't restrain himself. Moreover, he continued to speak, vividly.

Murong Ci listened to his realistic sound of yelling, and couldn't help laughing while disgusted, and couldn't do anything anymore.

When the two men in black outside heard this, they no longer doubted and left quickly.


She patted him on the shoulder, but seeing him staring deeply at herself, she couldn't help but froze.

His deep black pupils were filled with frosty moonlight, his warm aloe fragrance permeated into mist in the dense summer night, his upright body surrounded her like a mountain, and he was deeply entangled with her

At this moment, she seemed to have lost the ability to speak, as if she was sucked in by his eyes, falling into the abyss.

Murong Yu kissed her suddenly, at first it was gentle like a breeze, but soon it hit her like a storm, sweeping her, tossed and tossed in the huge waves.

Without any barriers, without any obstacles, what he saw before his eyes was all soft and smooth jade, which brought him an indescribable touch and ecstasy. Although he had never possessed her deeply, it was far more real and stunning than the shock that that cold and charming woman gave him.

A hundred times more real, a thousand times more amazing

I just want to taste it, I just don't want to lose this excellent opportunity to kiss Fangze, I just want to imprint my own mark on her body and heart, but he overestimated his own restraint, he didn't want to restrain at all, the ups and downs without any flaws are beautiful The palm of his hand is like a beautiful and beautiful Qionghua blooming silently.

The breath is entangled, and the body temperature rises sharply.

There is no wind in the summer night, and the sweat is dripping.

Murong Yu savored every inch of spring with an attitude of worship, wanting to get closer to each other's souls and blend without hindrance. And she softened into a puddle of spring water, letting it be picked, her bright red lips parted slightly, a fatal experience she had never had in eighteen years, the surging spring tide was surging, it was more exciting than the entanglement in the nightmare a few months ago People are unforgettable, and they have tasted love and hatred.

Ruyu's skin is thin and soft, the moonlight flows on it, and the brilliance is clear, and a deep red snow lotus suddenly blooms in the snowy field, which is so enchantingly red that it instantly amazes him with his life.

The sudden stabbing pain made her arch her body involuntarily, and it also woke her up.

Returning to his original state, Murong Ci felt his limbs regain strength, and pushed him away coldly, "Enough"

Murong Yu stared at her bewilderedly,

It's more than >

The deep red lips were of a strange color, and the deep eyes were slightly narrowed, and he slowly bowed his head

She was about to curse, but he fell on top of her, head on one side, as if dead.

"Murong Yu Murong Yu"

She patted him on the shoulder and called a few times, but he didn't respond.

By the way, he was injured and poisoned

She tried to move him aside, but he was too heavy to move at all.

After several efforts and all the effort, she lifted half of his body and moved out from under him.

His face is pale, his lips are dark red and black, and the wound on his left arm oozes a lot of blood. It must have been caused by the violent movement just now. The poisonous gas must have begun to attack his heart. What should I do

If you go out at this time and accidentally bump into those men in black, it won't be a waste of all your work

If he stayed here and went back to the palace tomorrow morning, he might have died of poison.

For a moment, Murong Ci, who had put on his robes, was unable to make a choice and was very confused.

"Murong Yu, wake up Murong Yu"

She patted his cheek, maybe it would be better for him to decide his own life and death, after all, he would not joke about his own life.

At this moment, she never thought that this was the best time to kill him.

In just a few months, the deep-rooted hatred and killing intent in her mind gradually faded and disappeared.

It was replaced by concern and worry, yes, she was worried that he would die of poison and never open his eyes again.

She was also unaware of the change in her mentality, she was completely swayed by panic, and only cared about his life and death.

Murong Yu slowly opened his eyes, but he seemed to be extremely tired, and his eyes were half-closed.

"It's great that you're awake." Murong Ci's frowning brows relaxed, almost crying with joy.

"Silly girl." He raised his hand to touch her little hand, "Help me up."

She helped him up, "You've been poisoned, what should you do? Go back to the palace now?"

He said softly, "I can't go back yet."

"Then what if you get poisoned, are you really going to die?" She frowned in surprise.

"Don't you want my life?" Murong Yu slowly rubbed her soft cheeks, blinking her thick long eyelashes weakly, "Tonight is my weakest time, if you don't act, you will miss the best opportunity. "

She looked at him blankly, yes, why didn't she think of this

Is there a better chance than now

He grabbed her little hand and put it on his chest, "If you want my life, take it."

She was dumbfounded, the opportunity she dreamed of came and it was in her hands, what are she waiting for

Murong Ci, what are you still hesitating about

The man in front of you is your greatest enemy in this life, a confidant that you must get rid of, a treacherous minister you have hated for several years, and a man who took away your innocence. The most important thing you should do now is to beat him to death

However, she felt that her hand weighed a thousand catties and she couldn't lift it. Her heart seemed to be pressed by the mountain, and she was about to suffocate.

Her bright eyes are intertwined with various complex emotions in the dimness, changing several times, from the most emotional to the most sexual.

Suddenly, Murong Yu stretched out his arms to hold her in his arms, and said in a gentle voice, "Silly girl, this is not what it used to be, you and I can stop being enemies. Maybe, you can try to get close to me, understand me, like me, and fall in love with me." "

Murong Ci broke free abruptly and left, returning to his usual coldness and alienation, "Remember, I am the crown prince."

How can you be distracted, how can you be confused by his sweet words, how can you fall in love with your enemies

too ridiculous

She just hates and can't do it

"The king is tired and wants to lie down and rest."

After finishing speaking, Murong Yu lay on his side, his snowy face surrounded by darkness.

She stared at him, and slowly clenched her right hand. Now, she can still kill him, absolutely.

The moonlight was quiet, his bare shoulders were straight and exquisite, his collarbone was exquisite and full of the strength of a general, like a cold jade floating in the moonlight.

Looking at him for a moment, Murong Ci never made a move, motionless like a clay sculpture or wood carving.

After tossing around in the middle of the night, she was also a little tired. She sat on the wooden bench and lay down beside the bed, gradually falling asleep.

A big hand suddenly reached out and touched her sleeping hole.

After that, Murong Yu carried her to the bed and fell asleep hugging her.

"I know, you can't do it. In your heart, there is a small place for me. One day, I will occupy your whole heart."

The soft and hoarse voice is so charming and charming in the dark summer night.

When he was awake, Murong Ci felt that his body was a little heavy, but his lower body was a little soft.

The fingers moved, the tentacles were warm and soft.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and saw that familiar snowy face was close at hand, and she used his arm as a pillow, lying almost half of her body on him. He was lying on his back with his right arm around her, the bright sunlight came in from the wooden window and splashed all over his body, his jade-white skin was thin and transparent, shining with light.

She jumped up and saw that his thin lips had turned black and purple, and shouted anxiously: "Murong Yu, wake up Murong Yu!"

After calling several times in succession, Murong Yu lazily opened his eyes.

Seeing her eyes glistening with water, he was moved, "I thought the king was dead"