The Crown Prince is Actually a Princess!

Chapter 98: Your enemy is not the king


With a good appearance, it is no wonder that Wanfang Jinwu hides her beauty.

Murong Ci said coolly: "Isn't your husband an official? Just tell your husband."

Lu Liu's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words, but he quickly calmed down. Even if they couldn't guess the background of these three people, judging from their clothes, they must not be bandits. However, her husband is a high-ranking official of the Military Weapons Supervision, and she thought that these three people should come for him, so she got up high, and said with her head held high: "Since you know that my husband is an official, you should know that we are in danger. The family is not easy to mess with."

Heh, give her a little color and she will shine brightly.

Murong Ci teased her and said: "You are just a concubine who can't be put on the table, your husband even despises your background."

Luliu was so angry that her seven orifices were full of smoke, but she couldn't refute it. Indeed, she was born in a poor family and had no choice but to fall into prostitution and become a pipa girl. If Wan Fang didn't take pity on her, she wouldn't be able to escape from the secular world and live a peaceful and ordinary life.

But she knew that her husband did despise her.

Although he didn't say anything, he occasionally showed a bit of disdain.

"Wan Fang is in charge of the Military Weapons Supervision. He committed the capital crime of punishing the Nine Clans. He will show his head to the public tomorrow."

Murong Ci admired the changes in her expression with great interest, Lu Liu's eyes slowly widened, panic and fear gradually permeated, and she looked like she couldn't believe it.

Her husband is dead, so what should she do? She finally found a stable life

Luliu shouted hysterically: "It's impossible for you to talk nonsense."

"Bengong came to talk nonsense to you in the middle of the night, do you think I'm free?" Murong Ci walked over, and raised her chin with his slender fingers, "More than forty members of the Wanjia Mansion have been detained in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and you are the only one left. One."

"No, no, no," Lu Liu shook her head in panic, still deeply in shock.

"If you make a full confession, I will reward you with a whole body, otherwise, you will strip off your head and show it to the public, so that everyone in the capital can see your full face." Murong Ci smiled, so bloodthirsty and ruthless.

"I don't know anything, how can you persecute me like this?" Lu Liu was horrified, "Who are you?"

"This is the Yuwang, and this palace is the prince." Murong Ci introduced slowly.

a bolt from the blue

Lu Liu's complexion changed drastically, because she was too shocked, her legs were as soft as water, and she slid on the ground, dumbstruck.

royal king


This is the people of the Tian family who are so powerful that crushing her to death is like crushing an ant

She has no room for resistance

Murong Yu sat in the main seat, looking leisurely and carefree, as if he was watching a play, the nobility and coldness surrounding his body made people tremble, and the arrogance and contemptuous demeanor was so frightening that no one dared to look directly at him.

She sneaked a glance and immediately lowered her eyebrows, as if she would die on the spot if she glanced again.

"Whatever you two gentlemen want to know, just ask, and I will tell you everything. I just ask you two to be merciful and spare my life." Seeing the current situation clearly, Lu Liu begged sadly and weakly.

"It's good if you figure it out. If you answer honestly and answer well, maybe I will be happy and spare your life." Murong Ci said.

"Yes, sir."

"Does Wan Fang come to your place often?"

"I used to come to my place often, but in the past six months, I have been here less often. I only come once in ten days and a half. I asked him, and he said that the military inspector has a lot of work and can't take time off."

"Has he mentioned Linglong Xuan to you?"

"Linglongxuan" Lu Liu frowned and pondered, "I remembered, he mentioned it once, saying that he would go to Linglongxuan to see the jade carvings."

"What else did you say?" Murong Ci asked.

"That's all, I didn't say anything. At that time, I felt a little strange. He usually doesn't like jade carvings, and he doesn't know how to buy jade carvings. He likes them somehow."

"Apart from going to work as a military inspector at night, staying in the mansion, and coming to your place, do you go anywhere else?"

"No more."

"You'd better think about it before answering, otherwise I won't be in a good mood."

Seeing the murderous look in her eyes, Lu Liu thought about it seriously, and then said: "My lord, I really don't know. Every time he comes to my place, I serve him food and bathe him, and he rarely tells me about the outside world. but I know he is a capable person, and he will be rich and powerful in the future."

She suddenly realized that she had said something wrong, and quickly said: "I didn't expect him to commit a capital crime. I really don't know anything."

Murong Ci asked again: "What are Wan Fang's hobbies on weekdays?"

Luliu replied: "He doesn't have any hobbies, he just likes to write a few words. The calligraphy and paintings in this room are all written by him."

Murong Ci had already seen several calligraphy and paintings hanging on the two walls of the hall, so she went to the east wall to look at the three calligraphy and paintings.

Wan Fang is really talented, his calligraphy and painting skills are quite amazing, not much inferior to everyone in the world.

The character is calm and majestic without losing vertical and horizontal spirit, and the brushstrokes are as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water, opening and closing, but if it lacks a little bit of character, it becomes a traitor and a criminal.

Seeing that the two nobles were concentrating on looking at the calligraphy and painting, Lu Liu thought about it, got up and ran out immediately.

However, before she ran a few steps, she was grabbed by the ghost who had been paying attention to her. Ghost Shadow said angrily: "Be honest!"

Murong Yu stood in front of the west wall looking at the calligraphy and painting, and suddenly said: "Your Highness, come and have a look."

Murong Ci came over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Following his gaze, the scene of a calligraphy and painting on the wall seemed familiar.


They said in unison and smiled knowingly.

Is it a coincidence that Wan Fang painted a picture of Xuanyuetan

"When was this painting painted?" Murong Ci asked Luliu.

"About two months ago." Lu Liu replied.

Murong Ci and Murong Yu looked at each other, the timing also coincided, what a coincidence.

He took down the painting, rolled it up and prepared to take it away, and then ordered Ghost Shadow: "Take her into the prison of the Ministry of Justice."

Luliu yelled in fear: "My lord, please forgive me, my lord, I don't know anything about crimes committed by all parties."

The ghost was so annoying that he clicked on her Ya acupuncture point and pushed her out.

On the way back to the Royal Palace, Murong Yu and Murong Ci each took a ride and walked forward slowly.

The sky is high and far away, the night is quiet, and the sky is full of stars, accompanying them to walk on the street. The breeze brushes over the cheeks and ears, comfortable and cool.

At this moment, they didn't feel sleepy at all, thinking about what had happened in the past two days, and clearing up their somewhat confused thoughts.

The young man in golden clothes was good at scheming, he always seemed to be one step ahead of them, and even played tricks on them once. However, they also had a clue.

"What do you think?" Murong Ci was a little excited.

"Don't think about it for now. It will be dawn in more than an hour, and His Highness doesn't need to go back to the palace. Let's rest in the palace." Murong Yu said in a low voice.

"There is nothing to do tomorrow, I will go back to the palace"

"Of course I have something to do tomorrow. This king will show Wan Fang and Wang Taoxiao first."

She was stunned, she just said it casually, but he actually did it.

However, showing Wan Fang and Wang Tao to the public, although the method was harsh, was a great deterrent to the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty and the people of the imperial capital, and it was also a serious warning to the young man in golden clothes.

She kind of admired his decisiveness and brains.

Suddenly, I felt that it was a bit weird for them to ride slowly under such starlight.

Sneaking out of the corner of his eyes, he straddles the divine steed proudly, his posture is as straight as a mountain, his snow-colored face is dotted with faint midnight stars, elegant with a bit of dark charm, people can't help but stare at it, and can't move away look.

"What is Your Highness looking at?" Murong Yu suddenly turned his head.

"It's nothing." Murong Ci looked away in a panic, and touched his forehead in embarrassment, "It's just that the corner of the forehead hurts."

"It's hard to imagine that His Highness would ride horses with this king on the street on such a night, with a peaceful mind." He laughed at himself and smiled lightly.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that either." She suddenly realized something and immediately shut up.

what did you say

He drove the horse close to her and held her little hand holding the rein. She flinched and said angrily, "What are you doing?"

Murong Yu firmly held her little hand, and looked at her deeply, "Your Highness, your enemy is not this king."

Murong Ci was stunned, seeing sincerity and sincerity gleamed in his deep eyes stained with starlight.

Can he be trusted

can he be trusted

You can believe it today, but what about tomorrow

She woke up suddenly, did not answer, and responded indifferently.

"Your Highness, don't you believe me?" Murong Yu asked in a low voice.

"Believe it or not, is it important?" She bent her lips slightly.

"That's right, it's not important." He gently scratched her palm with his thumb, showing more intimacy, "The important thing is that Your Highness has this king in his heart."

Murong Ci withdrew his hand silently, pulled the reins, and galloped, "I'm tired, let's go back early."

He galloped his horse and quickly followed.

It would waste a lot of time to go back to the East Palace to rest and go back and forth, Murong Ci finally decided to stay overnight in the Yuwang Mansion, it's urgent. She slept for three hours, and when she got up, the sun was already high.

After Qin Ruo waited for her to wash, a maidservant came to report that the prince invited her to have a meal.

The servant girl led the way, and the master and servant came to a five-cornered pavilion together.

Surrounded by colorful flowers, the flowers are rich in fragrance, and the lotus in the pond is blooming just right, slim, elegant and noble, with a touch of light red like the shy red cheeks of a young woman, very pleasing to the eye.

Murong Yu was sitting in the gazebo drinking tea, and when he saw her coming, his stern facial features softened a bit, "Please sit down, Your Highness."

Qin Ruo and the maid retreated to the shade of the trees outside the gazebo, and there was a distance between them.

Murong Ci looked at the rich meals on the stone table, including breakfast and lunch, and said with a smile: "I'm really hungry, I'm not welcome."

As he said that, a piece of fragrant, waxy and smooth pastry flew into his mouth and swallowed.

He scooped up a bowl of soup and put it in front of her, "Taste the lotus leaf soup."

She unceremoniously ate two spoonfuls and was full of praise, "It's really good. Don't you want to eat it?"

He smiled lightly, as if watching her eat with relish felt that she was beautiful and delicious. However, he also picked up the silver chopsticks and started eating.

As she ate, the corners of her eyes slanted, and she caught a glimpse of him still wearing a black light robe, elegant and elegant amidst the blooming flowers, his spring-like face carried a faint smile, and those black jade-like pupils were shining with brilliance, No matter how you look at it, it is so beautiful.

"If you want to see it, then look at it openly." Murong Yu smiled.

"Who's looking at you?" Murong Ci lowered his eyes in embarrassment, a blush immediately flushed his cheeks, and muttered, "Don't be ashamed."