The Cub I’ve Raised is the Crown Prince of the Empire

Chapter 11


Yu Xingqiao was stunned.

How could a pacifier be armor? He clicked on the detailed description and looked at it.


Description: This is a very powerful armor.

Equipment effect:

1. Affinity +100.

(When Zai Zai sucks his pacifier, no one can resist his charm!)

2. When the pacifier is bitten, the wearer will become an ordinary cub, and no one can spy on his existence.

(No one can disturb Zai Zai sucking his pacifier!)

Yu Xingqiao: "..."

It was indeed a powerful piece of armor, and what he needed.

Well, that's right, pacifiers go well with cubs too!

Thinking of this, Yu Xingqiao directly equipped Junlu.

OK, he's now a little black ball with a pacifier in it.

so cute!

Looking at the grass bent by the wind, Yu Xingqiao rubbed his chin and clicked on the mall again.

He found a cat litter in the column of daily necessities. Although he didn't know why the mall would sell this kind of thing, he clicked to buy and stuffed the unconscious Xiao Junlu into it.

Lan was fully on guard, turned around inadvertently, and saw the cat's nest that appeared out of thin air.

It took two steps back with some vigilance, and then saw its little master levitate up, and wobbled into the small pink-blue nest.

Lan froze for a moment, and couldn't help but tilt her head.

Is this created by the little master

Lan could feel that the little master's breath of life became stronger, just like itself, it was obviously about to die just now, but suddenly all the injuries healed.

Maybe this is the trick of the little master.

And looking at the little master, for some reason, a strong sense of intimacy suddenly surged in my heart, thinking that I didn't protect him well just now, Lan was full of self-blame.

The white wolf's pricked ears drooped like a frustrated dog.

But soon, its ears moved slightly, and it turned around to stare at the distant sky vigilantly. Compared with just now, it seemed to have a more silent aura.

Yu Xingqiao was attracted by Lan's actions.

He turned the camera to the direction it was looking at, and saw two small black dots in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, two black dots rapidly enlarged in the screen.

It turned out to be two giant black eagles!

According to Yu Xingqiao's visual inspection, these two eagles are definitely about the same size as when Lan became the Wind Wolf King, or even bigger.

He quickly clicked on the detection.

Race: Prairie Black Hawk

growth: maturity

attribute: wind

Level: Elementary

Rarity: B

Ability: Hurricane Roll

Skill Description: Wings flap to drive a violent gust of wind, blowing objects on the ground away

Status: healthy

Fortunately, it was only a beginner level, so Yu Xingqiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but two-on-one, and the air-to-land has a clear advantage, Lan may not be the opponent.

Yu Xingqiao suddenly remembered something and quickly opened his backpack.

He remembered that when he completed the task of [pet title] last time, the system gave him a wolf tooth necklace, and he never thought of looking at it.

[Spike Fang Necklace]

Description: Made of the teeth of the forty-fifth wind wolf king, blessed with the blessing of the wind wolf king.

Equipment Effect: All attributes +10

Note: When the wind wolf wears this necklace, the effect is doubled.

Wow, it is actually the same as the attribute added by the title of Wind Wolf King, and when the wind wolf wears it, it has double the effect!

Yu Xingqiao quickly put it on for Lan.

Xiao Junlu is still in a coma, and it is all guarded by Lan, and its strength cannot be ignored.

Lan was staring vigilantly at the two flying eagles in the sky, when suddenly he felt a force pouring into his body.

Although it is quieter than the ritual power of the Wind Wolf King and will not allow its body to grow rapidly, this power is undoubtedly much stronger and purer.

Lan feels that her abilities in all aspects have been greatly improved, and she is more comfortable with the use of wind and thunder.

How is this going

It lowered its head and saw the necklace that suddenly appeared around its neck.

The wolf teeth hanging on the necklace gave him a familiar and friendly feeling, and contained very powerful energy.

Lan couldn't help but look back.

There is a bit of pink-blue color in the dense grass, and the fluffy satin is embroidered with small daisies. It is clean and delicate, and it looks out of place on the rough prairie.

It should be the little master!

Thinking of this, Lan looked at Feiying with more stern eyes.

This time, it must protect its master!

And after putting the spike necklace on Lan, Yu Xingqiao pointed the camera at the two black eagles in the sky.

They circled and danced in the air, their sharp eagle eyes circling around, as if they were judging the situation.

Since he bumped into him, Yu Xingqiao naturally couldn't let them take the lead, he moved his fingers subconsciously, his eyes fixed on the screen.

His attacks don't do much damage, so be sure to make weak point attacks.

And he just tested it, his game camera can only move within 100 meters of Xiao Junlu, so he has to watch the timing even more.

An eagle chirping resounded through the sky.

The two black eagles swooped down as if they had made an agreement!

It's now-

Duh! Duh! Duh! Duh!

Yu Xingqiao aimed at the black hawk rushing ahead, and tapped four times, all of which hit its eyes.

With the four [-1] damage emerging, Black Hawk closed his eyes and wailed in pain.

And because it suddenly lost its direction and its flying speed slowed down, the partner behind it couldn't avoid it and slammed into it.

Two Black Hawks had very serious flight accidents and crashed one after another.

Lan looked at the black eagle spinning and falling from the sky, and couldn't help being a little stunned. This scene always felt a little familiar.

But seeing the two black hawks struggling to stand up, it bared its teeth and pounced on it again, fighting with the two black hawks.

After Lan was expelled from the wolves, she was able to grow up alone in the wilderness. Naturally, she did not lack vigor and fighting skills.

Seeing that the two black hawks had obvious flaws at this moment, it quickly seized the opportunity.

For a moment, the screen was filled with black feathers flying.

Two eagles and one wolf scuffled together, and Yu Xingqiao assisted from the side, so that the two eagles had no chance to fly into the sky again.

The battle situation gradually became clear.

In the end, Lan kept the two eagles at the price of half a tube of blood!

[Ding~ Pet [Lan] kills [Grassland Black Eagle], completes the chain task [Hunting and anti-hunting], source power +1]

[Ding~Pet [Lan] kills [Grassland Black Hawk], completes the chain task [Hunting and anti-hunting], source power +2]

[Original Power: 10/10]

Wow, I didn't expect Lan to kill the hunter and complete the task!

Yu Xingqiao's eyes lit up.

The tacit cooperation with Lan just now made him a little excited.

Lan's combat awareness and adaptability are not like the npc in the game at all, but more like a human being with self-consciousness.

Yu Xingqiao was immersed in it, and realized the fun of this game more and more.

He opened the skill tree, and used 10 points of source power to upgrade Jun Lv Lv2's [Shadow Binding] to Lv3. As for upgrading to the next level, he needed 20 points of source power.

Interestingly, if using Fate Coins, you still only need one.

This is simply a huge temptation, especially at this stage when everything is difficult at the beginning.

Yu Xingqiao forced himself to look away and shut down the skill tree—he would never let Xiao Junlu go to the fate of blackening.

He turned his attention to the game again, Xiao Junlu was still asleep.

According to the frequency of his encounters with hunters, Yu Xingqiao guessed that he probably hasn't slept for a long time, and now he can finally take a rest, and it will probably take a while before he wakes up.

After Lan bit off the necks of the two black hawks, he began to bite the black hawks' flesh and blood.

It hadn't eaten for a few days, and with the attribute blessing of the Wolf Fang Necklace, its energy consumption was even greater, and it was already hungry.

The python's snake skin is too hard for it to bite, but these two black eagles are good food.

Yu Xingqiao sprayed Lan with a few blood bottles, and after filling up its blood, he ignored it and continued to wander around the mall.

His backpack has only 10 slots, and it is almost full now. He wants to see if there is an expansion backpack.

Yu Xingqiao's eyes were temporarily attracted by the mall.

And Lan was eating again, although he would glance at Junlu from time to time, but from an angle that he couldn't see, there were white spots coming out from under the cat's nest.

If you zoom in, Yu Xingqiao will find that these white spots are no strangers to him.

This is a group of ants that are light white and almost transparent.

These ants are not small, about the size of a little fingernail, but in the grassland, such a size is still very convenient for lurking.

The white tentacles vibrate in the air, distinguishing the smell in the air.

They are very smart, and with the cover of the grass blades and the natural cover of the cat's nest, it is difficult for Lan to find them.

The transparent termites moved silently and quickly. They began to crawl up the cat's nest along the fluff.

A termite at the front, when it climbed to the top, poked its head out vigilantly, looked in Lan's direction, and then quickly crawled into the nest.

The termites behind did not keep up, but hovered at the entrance of the cat's nest, waiting for the signal of the front ant.

Although the small black ball is only the size of an adult's palm, it is still quite large for this termite.

It sensed that pure energy, and the tentacles on the top of its head trembled excitedly.

It's just that when the transparent termite opened its two fangs and was about to take a bite, a strange sense of guilt suddenly came to my heart.

Eat fast, eat fast, you can advance!

You can't eat it, you can't eat it, how can you eat it if you are so cute!

Two diametrically opposed thoughts occupied the limited brain capacity of the termite. Its fangs opened and closed, and its steps retreated and advanced.

Probably it took too long, and two more termites crawled in behind.

Then, as if bewitched by an evil spirit, the three termites sometimes opened their fangs to eat, and sometimes backed away again and again, and finally reached synchronization at a certain moment, and their movements were uniform.

When Jun Lu woke up from his coma, what he saw was this funny and spooky scene.

Carnivorous termites are the most annoying hunters Junli has encountered in the wild.

They always appear in groups. When the frontier ant sends out a signal, other termites will swarm up until the prey is eaten clean, and only the stream can block their progress.

Junlu has suffered from them before, so he hates this kind of ants.

It's just these three termites... what are they doing


Then he belatedly realized that he was lying in a furry and comfortable place with a…

Um? nipple