The Cub I’ve Raised is the Crown Prince of the Empire

Chapter 43


Jun Lu looked down at his hands.

He didn't say that desire, and he didn't call the system, he just thought in his heart, because he knew that it was a request that was impossible to get a response.

Praying for warmth from the devil, how could he have such a naive and ridiculous idea

Doesn't the phrase "I am" already explain everything

The master knew everything that happened to him, but he didn't intervene and let the darkness swallow him up. This already shows that the master is happy to see it happen, right

Falling into darkness and acquiring powerful abilities is what his demon master really needs him to do so that he can serve him better.

So what is he struggling with

When you sold your soul and signed the contract, didn't you already think of the worst outcome

All the relatives and friends who passed away flashed before his eyes, and all the things he lost, the black energy on the little boy became even more turbulent.

As long as he can get revenge, he is willing to give everything.

There was a different voice that sounded in his heart, but it was too small, and he had no strength to listen to it.

Let's completely merge the darkness like this.

If you lose all your emotions, you won't feel pain and loneliness anymore, right

The little boy managed to recover a little bit of bright blood pupil, and because he didn't get a response for a long time, gradually, it became cloudy again.

The black air surrounding him was so thick that it was about to drown him.

However, at this moment, he was suddenly taken aback.

He felt... he fell into a strange embrace.

Is it an illusion

No, the arms encircling his back, the warm touch on his cheeks, and the faint heartbeat in his ears...

It all feels so real.

It feels much more real than touching the head and face in the past...

What's going on

Looking at the scene outside the door, Yu Xingqiao fell into a kind of sluggishness.

Is this thinking day by day and dreaming at night

But why does everything in front of me not seem unreal at all? He could even smell the fragrance of jasmine in the air, which was his favorite flower.

Something flashed through my mind, but...

"Can you give me a hug?"

Low and small prayers sounded in his ears again, he looked at the little boy who was only a few steps away from him, as if blessed to his heart, Yu Xingqiao suddenly understood——

This is the voice in Zai Zai's heart.

He was begging for a hug, for someone to pull him out of the abyss.

And he came here just to give him a hug.

After thinking this through, Yu Xingqiao completely forgot everything, and forgot to explore the truth and falsehood.

All he knew was that he was going to hug his cub.

Without any hesitation, Yu Xingqiao walked out the door quickly, even when he heard the sound of the door closing behind him, he didn't look back.

The boy was still wearing a soft snow-white hospital gown. He stepped on the floor with bare feet. His snow-white and slender feet were as perfect as a work of art.

Even though the floor he stepped on was covered with thick dust, it didn't stick to his snow-white feet at all.

He came gently to the side of the bed.

The little boy sat relatively inward, and he couldn't reach him even if he stretched out his hand, so he could only lightly lift one leg, kneel on the edge of the bed, with the soles of his feet turned up.

His body was so light that even with all his weight on the bed, the bed board did not make any protesting sounds.

The boy's feet were tense, and the white and soft soles of his feet were slightly congested with force. He leaned forward and opened his thin arms.

Yu Xingqiao recalled the way his brother hugged him on weekdays, clumsily wrapped his arms around the little boy's back, and gently hugged him into his arms.

At the moment when he really hugged Zai Zai, Yu Xingqiao was stunned belatedly.

The little boy's body was warm and soft.

Although his body seemed to be filled with a black energy ray, repelling all the creatures that approached, but it didn't have any effect on him.

Feeling the soft and glutinous little dumpling in his arms, Yu Xingqiao was a little dazed.

Isn't this in a dream

Why does it feel so real

So soft and fragrant...

This was Yu Xingqiao's first real hug, and it was still hugging a child who was so much younger than him.

Thinking of Zai Zai's cool and cute appearance, he couldn't help laughing.

The cubs in the mobile phone are so cute, I didn’t expect the three-dimensional cubs to be even more adorable!

Yu Xingqiao couldn't help tilting his head, and put his chin on the top of Zai Zai's hair. The little boy's black hair was thin, soft, and fluffy, a touch he had never experienced before.

The boy narrowed his eyes and rubbed his cheek lightly.

so comfortable...

Is this what it feels like to rub someone's head? Zai Zai's hair seems to be much softer than his own.

He couldn't help reaching out, wanting to touch the top of Zai Zai's hair, but...

"Warning, please do not perform any behavior other than hugging, otherwise this channel will be closed immediately."

The mechanical electronic sound sounded again, as if it was directly imprinted in his mind, clear and majestic, as if it would be executed immediately as soon as he violated it.

Yu Xingqiao didn't understand, but only roughly understood that he could only hold Zai Zai but not touch him, otherwise the dream would wake up.

Ah, so stingy!

I hugged her, but I didn't even touch her!

The boy couldn't help curling his lips.

But soon, he put this unhappiness behind him.

He wrapped the little boy in his arms again.

The little boy had a faint milky scent, and just smelling it made him feel immersed in a kind of happiness.

So, is this what it feels like to really hug someone

There is no need to wear thick protective clothing, no need to worry about getting infected with germs, there is no such cool plastic feeling, and there is no barrier—

The feeling of completely embracing a person, it turned out to be like this.

Yu Xingqiao felt his heart swell and warm.

For him, this was really a strange and novel experience.

He likes it so much!

Yu Xingqiao began to be confused whether this was a dream or reality, and he also forgot that he came here to comfort the poor Zai Zai and satisfy his desire for a hug.

He even felt a little warm in his eyes.

It wasn't until this moment that Yu Xingqiao realized—it turns out that the person who longs for a hug is not only Zai Zai, but also himself...

Such an unobstructed and intimate hug was what he had been longing for in his eighteen years of pale life, but he would never get it.

He also once thought that until the day when his death was approaching, he would no longer have to worry about the danger of organ failure. At that time, he could leave the sterile room and hug every member of his family to his heart's content.

He used to look forward to that day countless times at night, and he longed to be as gorgeous as a summer flower before he died.

But now, his wish has come true!

Although it was in a dream, all these experiences were so real that he was willing to believe that it all happened for real.

He really broke the dimension wall, came to the game, and hugged his favorite Zai Zai.

Even if the next moment, his life is over like this, he thought, he has no regrets, right

Thinking of this, Yu Xingqiao couldn't help but tighten his circle around the little boy's arms.

Jun Lu opened his eyes, still in a dazed state.

The surroundings were empty, except for the little old goblin who didn't dare to approach, he didn't see anyone there.

However, he really felt it.

Someone is holding him...

"Your Highness..."

Seeing that his condition had improved, Elder Goblin called out to him, as if he wanted to say something.

The little boy's blood pupils were still cloudy, his eyeballs moved slightly, and when he glanced at the goblin elder, the elder sank silently, blinking his eyes and sinking into the shadow under his feet.

Shadow Cage!

He imprisoned the Great Elder in the shadows.

Originally, with the ability of the Great Elder, he shouldn't have been recruited so easily, but at this moment, Jun Lu's strength has skyrocketed, and the Great Elder was caught off guard, so Jun Lu was easily locked up.

Instinctively, Jun Lu didn't want anyone to ruin this moment.

He closed his eyes gently.

Without visual interference, he realized more clearly—

Someone was indeed holding him.

He could feel the man's thin and flat chest, the slightly warm breath, and the real heartbeat of the man who was not strong.

If you listen more carefully, you can still hear the sound of blood flowing slowly in the blood vessels.

Is it the master

Junlu couldn't help thinking.

He couldn't help stretching out his little hand, wanting to touch it.

However, he found nothing.

He still couldn't touch that person, but... this hug was enough.

Jun Lu told himself that he couldn't be too greedy.

He thought for a while and asked in a low voice, "Master, is that you?"

The little boy's voice was soft, small and soft, like a fallen leaf falling into Yu Xingqiao's heart lake, causing ripples in circles.

Although his language is still very unfamiliar, Yu Xingqiao happens to know the meaning of this sentence—

Because he listened to the lines every day and had the translation in the chat bubble, even after only one month, he still remembered a lot of words.

The first pronunciation is master.

That's a name he often hears, well, not too often, because Zai Zai is so cool that he rarely asks him for help.

No matter, anyway, he just remembers!

The second pronunciation was a bit long, but he also understood the meaning.

But how would he respond

Just because you can understand, doesn't mean you can speak!


In the end, Yu Xingqiao could only choose to give a soft answer, which was regarded as an answer.

He didn't realize that Zai Zai couldn't see him, couldn't touch his body with his hands, and...

Can't hear his voice.

Jun Lu, who didn't get a response, felt a little disappointed, but he thought of another way to confirm.

'System, is the master here? '


The system's answer was still short, but it made him feel extremely happy. This emotion dispelled the haze in his heart, and also made the turbulent black energy around him dissipate a little.

Jun Lu didn't understand, why did his demon master come? Why would you really give him a hug

He only understands one thing.

This is one of the few warmths he has, he wants to hold on to it, and doesn't want to let go at all.

"Thank you."

He said softly, and then buried himself deeper into the man's arms.

It is a miraculous thing that he cannot touch the person who hugs him with his hands, but he can touch it with his face.

Yu Xingqiao understood Zai Zai's words again.

He couldn't help thinking, Zai Zai is so kind, in order to take care of him, he kept his words short so that he could understand.

As for thank you...

In fact, this sentence should be said by him.

He was really happy to be with Zai Zai this month, and this hug fulfilled his wish for many years.

Although it is in a dream, it cannot be realized without Zai Zai!

Yu Xingqiao didn't know how to express it, and in order to maintain his tall image as a parent, he didn't speak, but hugged Zai Zai even harder.

At the same time, he thought in his heart, after waking up from this dream, he must work hard to learn Zai Zai's language.

Maybe in the future, we can still meet in dreams

Because of that strange rule, he also can't touch it with his hands, but he can rub Zai Zai's head with his face.

Oh, so soft, so comfortable...

His wish for many years has been fulfilled, but he is reluctant to let go.

Just rubbing against each other, he opened his eyes slightly, and saw Zai Zai's pointed ears protruding from his hair.

The tips of the fair-skinned jade ears have been dyed a bright red color, and they are very cute to look at, making his hands a little itchy, and he really wants to pinch them.

He just raised his hand—

"Warning, please do not perform any behavior other than hugging, otherwise this channel will be closed immediately."

Well, don't move if you don't move.

Yu Xingqiao had no choice but to withdraw his hand, tilted his head and thought, Zai Zai's ears are so he shy

Hee hee, Zai Zai is still so easily shy!

It's so cute, it's so cute that his blood tank is empty and empty.

Only very quickly, his gaze was attracted by the pair of transparent wings behind the little boy again.

These are fairy wings!

I really want to touch it!

But thinking of the warning from the mechanical voice, he had no choice but to hold back. After all, he still wanted to hug him for a while, at least to put the cub to sleep, right

Yu Xingqiao recalled it carefully, and soon remembered the lullaby that the nurse lady once hummed to him.

He recalled the tune of that song, hugged Zai Zai, shook his body gently, and hummed softly.

Yu Xingqiao has a good memory and a good sense of music. Although he heard it a long time ago, he still hums it perfectly.

The boy hummed softly.

Jun Lu felt his body shaking slightly. At first, his body was a little stiff, but after finding that nothing happened, he slowly relaxed again.

It's just that he didn't quite understand, why did the master hug him and shake him

Moreover, he could feel that the man had been rubbing his soft cheek against the top of his hair, and the soft and smooth skin would occasionally touch his forehead.

Every time at this time, he felt a tremor crawling up his tailbone.

He hadn't been this close to someone in a long time.

master now...

He was also holding him in human form, right? He couldn't help but picture the demon master in his mind.

The owner must be very thin, it seems... not very tall

This thought flashed in his mind, and Jun Lu quickly threw it out of his mind. The master is a real strong man, and he shouldn't judge his appearance casually.

Not high... Maybe it was also to accommodate him

At this moment, Jun Lu faintly heard a humming sound.

The song was very unfamiliar, but the melody sounded so moving, especially the person who sang it, the tranquility and gentleness in the voice made the song even more beautiful.

Is this the master's voice

Impossible, the master is a powerful demon... How could there be such a clean and beautiful voice? sounds like a teenager...

Jun Lu's thinking became more and more chaotic, and his speed of thinking became slower and slower.

Listening to this unfamiliar piece of music, he felt unprecedentedly relaxed.

Slowly, Jun Lu became a little sleepy.

He yawned slightly and uncontrollably.

But he couldn't bear to sleep, he rubbed against Yu Xingqiao's arms in attachment, and finally, he slowly lost consciousness and fell into sleep...

When Jun Lu woke up again, his red pupils had already returned to clarity, and the energy rays that surged and spread around him disappeared without a trace.

He found himself lying on a small bed in a dark room, surrounded by emptiness, his demon master should have left, and his mouth...

Also has a pacifier.

Junlu: "..."

Why did he turn into a goblin, and this pacifier still works? Did it get smaller too

Jun Lu blinked slightly.

Yes, the master can become a goblin to hug him, not to mention a pacifier.

The little boy sighed helplessly, but still sucked the pacifier skillfully.

He looked at the Xiaoying lamp on the ceiling, and suddenly thought of something.

The owner's chest... is flat.