The Cub I’ve Raised is the Crown Prince of the Empire

Chapter 60


In the silent night, even the cries of insects were muffled.

Yu Xingqiao eavesdropped on the conversation between the Fairy Queen and Thrall, and felt his heart pounding. Although he knew she couldn't hear his voice, he still covered his mouth nervously, and even his breathing slowed down.

He recalled what the Elf Elder said before—he said that Thrall had a good face, and the Elf Queen seemed to be fascinated by him, so she cooperated with him in capturing the cubs.

Now it sounds like, the goblin elder should not have lied, the goblin queen and Thrall are indeed in the same group!

Is Sal really coming over

With Zai Zai's current strength, can he beat him

Yu Xingqiao felt very nervous, after all, even Zaizai's parents were killed by him, no matter how talented Zaizai is, with his small body, it is impossible for him to be better than his parents, right

What's more, he is still injured.

But soon, Yu Xingqiao breathed a sigh of relief from the conversation coming from the barrier.

"Funa, you have used this excuse many times." The pleasant male voice sank slightly, appearing a bit harsh.

"Is it true this time!" The female voice was a little anxious, and the end of the delicate voice was drawn out.

Yu Xingqiao even heard the sound of chopping feet.

"I've been inseparable lately..."

"My lord, what I said this time is true! Just trust me again~"

"When you have accurate information, let me know."

Thrall's voice remained cold.

The woman stomped her feet again, "By then, that little Highness may have already run away."

"You are the fairy queen." The man said in a deep voice, "Is there no way to solve such a small matter?"

"Those elders and ministers don't listen to me! There are also goblins, one or two are mischievous, and none of them are obedient!"

"That's something you need to address."

"grown ups… "

The Fairy Queen seemed to want to defend herself, but Thrall had already interrupted her and continued, "Okay, I'll go over after I finish dealing with the matter here."

The woman's voice obviously became lighter, "When was that?"

Yu Xingqiao also pricked up his ears, and heard the man's flat voice: "About a month later."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to come~" The Fairy Queen's cheerful voice came out.

Yu Xingqiao also felt very happy.

It's okay, it's okay, there is still a month to go, escape or do something else, I can always come up with a countermeasure.

At this time, he heard Thrall say again:

"The evil force you mentioned, you should investigate carefully and give me a result as soon as possible."

"Got it." The Fairy Queen agreed obediently.

Yu Xingqiao pursed his lips, it seemed that Zai Zai could not be allowed to come out again, since the Fairy Queen was alerted, they should heal their injuries as soon as possible and leave as soon as possible.

"Is there anything else besides this?" Thrall continued to ask.

Queen Funa said: "Oh, there will be an elf messenger coming tomorrow."

"The elves..." Thrall pondered, "What purpose do they have?"

"I'm not sure. I have some questions and we need to discuss them later." Queen Funa replied.

"Okay, then you have some snacks, and report to me at any time if there is any trouble."

"I know~"

Probably hearing that Thrall was about to end, Queen Funa said unwillingly, "My lord, won't you chat with Funa for a while?"

"I'm busy."

After speaking, the call probably ended, because Yu Xingqiao heard the sound of the Fairy Queen stomping her feet angrily.

"Hmph, it's like this every time! Be busy, there are always so many things to be busy!"

Queen Funa thought about it for a while, and suddenly became happy again, "When the elf comes tomorrow, I will have another excuse to talk to him!"

She clapped her hands happily, and then hummed a light song, like a little girl in love.

Yu Xingqiao sighed a little.

It seems that the Great Elder is right, the Fairy Queen is really obsessed with Thrall, and she is so fascinated by him.

He rubbed his chin, thinking about what to do next, and found that the pile of grass blades in front of him suddenly parted from the middle.

Yu Xingqiao's ear tip moved slightly.

He clearly heard the humming of the Fairy Queen, why didn't he see anyone

In his puzzled eyes, the tuft of grass blades closed again, and the humming sound got closer and closer to him, then passed him, and then further and further away.

Um? Is it stealth

But why can he still hear voices? This stealth is too unprofessional, it is easy to be exposed.

Yu Xingqiao complained silently from the bottom of his heart, but he did not rule out his own particularity, which is why he could hear the voice of the Fairy Queen.

When the Fairy Queen's voice was completely inaudible, Yu Xingqiao waited for a while, just about to take out the duckbill cap and put it on his head, when he suddenly heard—

"Hey, no one hides and seeks, what a waste of my time."

Even Queen Funa's voice, she didn't leave at all! Or back and forth.

Yu Xingqiao's little heart was beating fast.

This is the first time he experienced such a thing, he felt a little nervous, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

After an unknown amount of time, the surrounding voices fell silent, and Yu Xingqiao still didn't dare to move, fearing that the Fairy Queen would still be hiding aside and guarding.

After coming over for a while, he asked cautiously, "System, is the Fairy Queen gone?"

His voice was very soft, for fear of being heard.


Yu Xingqiao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wow, this Fairy Queen is so cunning! She almost revealed herself."

Although others can't see his body, others can see the props he took out from his backpack, and when he walks on the ground, if he accidentally kicks a stone, others can see it too.

With the vigilance of the Fairy Queen, it is estimated that it is easy to detect him.


Suddenly, Yu Xingqiao faintly heard a whimpering sound, like a little girl crying.

Intermittently, it seemed a little ethereal in the silent night.

He looked left and right.

There was no one around, and in the wilderness, he was the only one.

the vibe...

OK, so scary...

He'd better get out of here quickly!

"System, I'm going back!"

Yu Xingqiao was quite frightened, he quickly sent a command to Zai Zai, and then quickly called the system.

[You request to return]

[This [Entering the Painting] is coming to an end, please be prepared]

Yu Xingqiao watched his body gradually disappear, and finally felt a little more at ease.

Before returning completely, he looked around again, managed to remember the characteristics of the environment, and listened carefully to the cry.

Even though I was scared, I couldn't stop being curious.

Finally, he found that the cry seemed to come from the grass where the Fairy Queen had just stepped out.

He touched his chin, and before he could continue to explore, his body had turned into tiny specks of light and disappeared in place.

And the sobbing cry also dissipated in the wind...

On the grassland, the sun is just right, in a small forest with sparse trees.

Laura returned to the clearing with a few firewood in her arms, ready to light a fire for cooking.

After she woke up, she found that the little master had disappeared, and only she and the white wind wolf were left in the camp. The memory before she fell asleep was stopped at the trembling grass and the voices in the grass.

Realizing the danger, she hurriedly asked Mr. Lan, but he didn't answer her.

This giant white wolf has never talked much, but it always gives people a sense of stability and reliability. However, after she woke up, it was already sluggish.

It has been guarding this temporary camp, and it doesn't eat much. The beautiful hair on its body seems to have lost its luster.

"Master Lan, do you have something on your mind?"

Laura put the firewood aside, went to sit beside Lan, and asked softly.

The white wind wolf looked up at her, then lowered his head, lying on his forelegs.

Laura didn't force it either, she went to deal with the ingredients first, and then put a big pot of barbecue in front of Lan.

She is a qualified cook, capable of producing excellent, full-bodied meals with even the humblest of kitchen utensils.

"Master Lan, it's time to eat."

The giant white wolf straightened up, looked down at the barbecue in front of it, and suddenly said in a low voice, "Laura, I'm still too weak to help the master at all."

It lowered its big head, and its green eyes were watery, as if it was about to cry.

Laura wanted to pet it on the head. Big, fluffy dogs were attractive to some people, but the awe in her heart still prevented her from making such an offensive move.

"Everyone has their own value and position, you don't need to underestimate yourself, and from my point of view, your future has unlimited potential."

Laura was engaged in field sample collection work before, and her understanding of Warcraft can be regarded as a professional.

She could tell that Lan was in the stage of evolution, otherwise it would be impossible for her body to undergo such a big change within a month.

"The little master should have taken a fancy to your potential. You have to eat more and work hard to become stronger, so that you can be worthy of the trust of the little master."

Listening to her words, Lan's eyes gradually brightened.

"Yes, you are right."

The drooping big tail suddenly turned up, "I want to become stronger, to prove that the little master's vision is correct!"

Seeing that it finally cheered up, Laura smiled slightly, and moved the barbecue in front of it again.

Lan didn't speak any more, holding the barbecue pot, he started to eat big mouthfuls.

Laura breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment, a line of text suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, which made her a little stunned.

"What's wrong?"

Rand sensed her sadness.

Laura quickly restrained her expression and said, "The great master just gave me instructions."

Lan couldn't help standing up, finally got news from the master and the others!

"Oh? What did the great master say?"

"He said... I don't need me for the time being, if you want to go home, you can go back."

Lan tilted his head, "Then do you want to go home?"

Laura frowned tightly, looking a little confused.

"Think about it carefully."

Lan suggested, "The wild is still too dangerous for you humans. If you want to go home, I can send you to the border."

Although Laura's craftsmanship is very good and he likes her cooking very much, Lan is not going to keep her.

She should go back to her family and companions, and it's... used to being alone.

Seeing the sincerity in the giant wolf's eyes, Laura nodded slightly.

"Well, let me think about it first."

After that, one man and one wolf stopped talking.

Laura was so preoccupied that she got into the tent at night, while Lan lay on a big rock and took a nap while watching the night.

Suddenly, its ears stood up, and its green eyes opened, looking in a certain direction.

In the sky, a hole glowing with silver light appeared.

Sitting cross-legged, with his arms folded and his eyes closed, the red-haired young man also opened a pair of sea-blue eyes.

Akabane has been flying for a full twelve hours.

After disappearing from the cabin suddenly, he appeared in a tunnel, and the surrounding light and shadow kept changing. After the freshness in the early stage, he quickly entered the boring stage.

Until now, he was a little dubious, thinking that if he knew whose prank it was—

He will definitely blow the opponent's head off!

After a long and repetitive boring time, he finally ushered in a change.

A hole appeared in front of him and sucked him in.

Akabane is ready.

The next second, while the sky was spinning, he hit the ground with a bang while his face was on the ground, making a loud noise.

"Dog! Don't fucking let Master Ben..."

Akabane pulled his face off the ground cursing, and when he looked up, he saw a huge figure standing up from the stone in front of him.

A pair of emerald green eyes, with a faint green light under the moonlight, looked down at him condescendingly.

The author has something to say: Lan: I heard you want to blow my dog's head off

Akabane: ...