The Cub I’ve Raised is the Crown Prince of the Empire

Chapter 68


In the bedroom, on the luxurious double bed provided by the system, the little boy huddled under the quilt, forming a small hill.

Yu Xingqiao looked at him curiously, wondering what the little guy was doing.

After a while, I saw a shadow tentacles sneaking out from under the quilt, groping on the quilt, and finally grabbed the sweatshirt of the short-sleeved shorts.

The tentacles rolled up the small clothes, and shrank into the quilt, but accidentally got stuck, and a corner of the small pants was exposed.

But soon, he was pulled in again.

The quilt suddenly moved.

Yu Xingqiao could even imagine the little guy hiding underneath, struggling to put on his clothes.

He couldn't help covering his mouth, watching this scene with some amusement.

After a while, the quilt was finally lifted, and the little boy who had already changed his clothes tidied up his messy hair with his little hands, and then got off the bed as if nothing had happened.

"Good morning, master."

He greeted him solemnly, and then walked towards the living room.

Looking at his small back, if he hadn't seen his red ears, Yu Xingqiao would have been bluffed.

This is embarrassing!

Haha, cubs are still so cute~

Yu Xingqiao adjusted the camera, followed him to the sink, watched him move a small stool, stand on it, then took a toothbrush, squeezed some toothpaste and began to brush his teeth.

The toothpaste is strawberry flavored with a little sweetness.

Jun Lu sighed once again, he, the demon master, seems to really love sweets.

that is…

Why do you keep looking at him

The feeling of being watched is much stronger than before... So, has the master been secretly watching him like this before

Thinking of this, the roots of his ears turned even redder.

Jun Lu can only brush his teeth seriously to divert his attention.

After a while, the little boy reflected in the mirror had a white beard around his mouth.

Yu Xingqiao watched him brush his teeth, and felt that Zai Zai's every move was so cute, so he could watch him for a long time if he kept looking at him like this.

Woohoo, this kind of daily cub raising is really joyful!

Jun Lu finally finished washing, squatted down slightly with his two calves, jumped off the small stool lightly, and then carefully moved the small stool back to its original position.

Although he is a little prince with a noble background, Zai Zai is really not squeamish at all...

Thinking of this, Yu Xingqiao couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

Watching him walk towards the dinner table to eat, he touched his chin and turned on the lucky draw wheel. If he can draw a miracle coin once, he will carry out the plan he just thought of.

He clasped his hands together for a moment of prayer, and clicked on the draw.

The turntable started to spin.

Yu Xingqiao didn't dare to look at it, squinted his eyes, and waited until it was almost there before opening a slit to look.

[Ding ~ Congratulations to the lucky draw: Miracle Coin*1]

Haha, another good start!

Yu Xingqiao smiled happily, closed the lottery system, and then operated on the phone screen.

Then, he put down his mobile phone, took out the virtual game device from the drawer and put it on, but did not open the game, but lay flat on the bed, closed his eyes, and stretched his limbs.

After he lay down, the system box popped up on the game screen.

[The channel is established, a miracle is about to happen, please be prepared]

[Countdown begins]




Yu Xingqiao walked through the familiar corridor, pushed open the light door in front of him, and took a step forward.

Jun Lu, who had just climbed onto the chair and finished, suddenly felt something, and raised his head to look across the table.

Just now, he felt that the master's sight had disappeared, and before he could get lost, he found that staring gaze reappeared.

And it was more obvious than before, so that he could feel his position.


Across the table, Yu Xingqiao looked at him and grinned happily.

"Hee hee, here I come again!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a mechanical electronic voice sounded in his ears: "Time is limited, please start the interactive action as soon as possible—feeding."

Yu Xingqiao pouted, using the interactive system, although he could come over, but there were many restrictions, and there was no way to communicate with Zai Zai through the command editor.

But thinking that he only spent one miracle coin, he soon felt relieved.

After all, it is cheaper.

He pulled a chair next to Zai Zai, then picked up the oatmeal he had just cooked, took a sip of it with a spoon, blew it lightly, and tested the temperature with his lips.

Ah, this porridge is so fragrant!

It's a pity that he can't eat it, so he can only taste it a little by testing the temperature, otherwise the system will definitely send him back.

So ruthless QwQ

Yu Xingqiao thought pitifully, and delivered the porridge that had been tested for temperature to the little boy's mouth.

Junlu blinked.

At first, he thought it was what the master wanted to eat, because he clearly saw that the oatmeal on the spoon was missing a small corner, and it turned out...

He brought the spoon to his mouth again.

The little boy blushed.

"Master... Master, I'll do it myself..." he stammered.

You must not let yourself come!

Yu Xingqiao thought, so I won't be able to stay.

Looking at it in front of the mobile phone screen, how can it be fun to participate in it yourself? Not only can he feed Zai Zai, but he can also take the opportunity to taste a little.

Jun Lu felt Little Spoon's insistence.

He opened his mouth helplessly, took the oatmeal into his mouth, chewed it carefully and swallowed it.

Next, he watched as the little spoon scooped up every mouthful and sent it to the owner first.

At first he thought the porridge was too hot, so he wanted to blow it to cool it down, but the sudden change of white smoke from the porridge could also explain this.

It was only later that the porridge was no longer hot, and this action was not omitted.

Jun Lu was a little puzzled, but then his attention was diverted again.

The oatmeal was put down, the toast on the plate was picked up, and after the jam was spread, a small piece was torn off and delivered to his mouth.

Jun Lu had no choice but to bite his mouth.

Accidentally, his lips touched the young man's cool fingertips.

The little boy froze involuntarily.

He lowered his eyes slightly, and finally saw a trace of jam floating in the air, and then watched the jam float to the top of his chair, and then disappeared little by little.

In his mind, a boy was outlined.

The boy put his finger dipped in jam into his mouth lightly, and sucked with the tip of his tongue.

A crimson color crept up his cheeks quietly.

Yu Xingqiao licked off the jam on his fingertips, and found that the system didn't warn him, and couldn't help but burst into joy from the bottom of his heart.

He bought this jam at the mall. It was made from an exotic fruit he didn't know. It tasted sweet and sour, with a strong fruity aroma, and it was very delicious.

He continued to smear thick jam on the bread, and then deliberately touched it with his fingertips when tearing it, so that after feeding the cubs, he could taste something new for himself.

Simply perfect!

It's just... is it too hot in the room? Why do you feel that Zai Zai's face is getting redder and redder

Jun Lu really had never eaten such a special meal.

Obviously the food is very simple, but he feels that he may never forget it.

He was chewing the bread in his mouth, feeling a little tasteless, after thinking for a while, he asked in his heart: "System, how can I hear the voice of the master again?" '

He remembered that when the master hugged him for the first time, he vaguely heard his singing.

That was one of the reasons why he could be sure that the master was a young man.

[can be simulated]

Jun Lu looked at the system's answer, that is to say, he still can't hear it by himself, but can the system imitate the master's voice for him to hear like the mimicry last night

'what do you want? '

[Let the host upgrade the house]

The system is really persistent...

Looking at the small print in front of him, Jun Lu didn't understand why the system needed the owner to upgrade the house so much

He hesitated for a moment and said, "Can I try it first?" '

The trial experience last night was really exciting, but unfortunately he still couldn't make excessive demands on the master.

Even if the system says that as long as the owner likes him enough, he will upgrade the house, he can't believe it, because there is really no causal relationship between these two things.

But for a trial or something, he felt that he could still fight for it.

The system didn't answer him immediately.

Jun Lu was very patient, waiting while accepting Yu Xingqiao's feeding.


[You have ten minutes to experience]

[[Sound simulation] in progress, please wait a moment]

[After the operation, you can hear the voice of the host (mimicry)]

Jun Lu looked at the small characters on the screen in front of him, tilted his head and thought for a while, raised his eyes to the direction he felt the line of sight, and said in a soft voice: "Master, you can eat too."

The little boy's voice was slightly hoarse.

Yu Xingqiao was about to feed him bread, when he heard his voice, he raised his eyes and met his red eyes.

At this glance, as if the little boy had really seen him, he replied subconsciously: "No, I have to go back after eating."

The youthful and moist voice, with a bit of milky voice, rang in Jun Lu's ears.

He couldn't help but froze.

This was the first time he had really heard the voice of the demon master. Although it was slightly different from what he had imagined, it was almost the same.

The boy spoke clearly, and spoke in a slow, childish tone, as if he was complaining about something.

Then Jun Lu realized—he couldn't understand the language spoken by the young man.

Is this the "demon language"

Jun Lu blinked and asked in his heart: "System, what did the master just say?" '

[This is not within the scope of the trial]

Jun Lu was not disappointed, and while biting the bread that the young man handed over, he asked, "Then master, can you understand me?" '

[do not understand]

Jun law meal.

It turns out that the master can't understand what he usually says

At this time, the small characters of cute Q popped up again, with a little pride: [I have translation]

Looking at the fine print, Jun Lu probably understood that what he said on weekdays was translated by the system for the master to listen to, so that the master knew what he was talking about.

Is that... The words he wrote also need to be translated by the system

This is a bit boring.

Jun Lu narrowed his eyes and said, "Can you teach my master's language?" '

[There are books on the shelf]

Jun Lu's heart moved slightly. Before he had time to take a closer look at the books on the bookshelf, didn't he expect that there were books in the language of demons

It seems necessary to read them all.

Jun Lu was thinking about his next training and reading plans, while Yu Xingqiao fed him slowly, but no matter how much he delayed, he still finished eating.

"Ah, I'm leaving."

The voice of the young man's reluctance sounded, and Jun Lu's heart moved slightly.

Is the master leaving

He stretched out his hand and touched the young man's warm hand, but soon, the warm touch disappeared.

He groped further, but found nothing.

Jun Lu suddenly felt empty in his heart. Although he knew that he might see her again soon, but...

Parting is really an annoying thing.

In the ward, Yu Xingqiao opened his eyes and took off the virtual game device.

The boy's star pupils shone slightly, filled with joy, he smacked his mouth, as if he was meditating on something.

Woohoo, the jam is really delicious!

He wants to buy more, and go to eat with Zai Zai in the evening or tomorrow morning! Besides jam, there are so many other delicacies!

Sweet, sour, spicy...

It seems that I have to look through the recipes, anyway, the safe house is well-equipped, and you can try to make it yourself.

Yu Xingqiao looked at the ceiling, thinking about the beautiful life in the future, he couldn't help grinning cheerfully.

Yu Ting walked in from the sterile room, and saw his younger brother's silly look at a glance, he couldn't help but stop his feet, and deep worry appeared in his eyes.

Qiaoqiao won't stay alone for too long, finally something went wrong, right