The Cub I’ve Raised is the Crown Prince of the Empire

Chapter 72


Yu Xingqiao went around and around, and just when he was about to understand, he heard the goblin elder continue to speak.

"His Royal Highness..."

Elder Goblin's eyes flickered slightly, and finally shook his head, "I don't know any news about him, I just hope he is safe and sound now."

The tendon that Yu Xingqiao was about to connect to was broken just like that.

The Great Elder didn't know about Brother Zai Zai either... Could it be that something went wrong with both of them

Catherine stared fixedly at the elder goblin.

She thought for a while and said, "Thank you Great Elder for telling me such an important thing."

"I didn't know before, but now that I understand the crux of the problem, my elves can no longer ignore it, and I will go back and report to the queen immediately."

"The real murderer must pay the price!"

Catherine stood up abruptly, seeing her angry expression, if Sal stood in front of her, she would definitely rush forward and tear him apart without mercy!

"You're right!" Elder Goblin nodded vigorously and echoed.

"Elder Joseph, I'm afraid I can't deal with the real murderer with the strength of my family alone. We must unite more forces!"

"And looking for His Highness is also a top priority."

Catherine said, "Since the murderer is in such a hurry, something must have happened to His Highness. We must find His Highness before him and protect him!"

"This is a matter of life and death for all of our races!"

Elder Fairy nodded, he took Catherine's hand, patted the back of her hand lightly, and said, "Well, you should contact the Fairy Queen first and see what she says."

Catherine paused, glanced at her hands, and then replied, "Okay!"

Afterwards, Catherine left from the cabin of the goblin elder.

Listening to their conversation, Yu Xingqiao felt his blood boil for a while. Although he still vaguely felt that something was wrong, there was no need to be entangled in such a small problem.

After all, his understanding of the Glorious World is still too little, is it possible that only a very small number of people know the existence of Zai Zai

When I think about it this way, I feel that Zai Zai is so pitiful!

His elder brother is the much-anticipated crown prince, and he is obviously also the little prince, but he is a transparent person.

Ah, Zai Zai is too miserable!

Yu Xingqiao was full of love and affection for Zai Zai for a moment, he released Zai Zai's perspective, and when he returned to the safe room, he saw the little guy sitting on the sofa with his head bowed, looking very depressed.

He couldn't help reaching out and touching his head.

"Good boy, you still have me! I will protect you well." Yu Xingqiao said softly.

Jun Lu felt a caress on his head.

Now he could tell when the master came in person and when he didn't.

He pursed his lips, raised his eyes to look at the direction with the strongest gaze, and said softly: "Master, are you still coming to see me tonight?"

With pitiful eyes and little longing eyes, he asked who could bear it

Yu Xingqiao felt that the blood tank was empty.

"Come, come, come, definitely!" He quickly called up the command editor and started typing.

Then click Send.

A line of small golden characters danced in front of Jun Lu's eyes, and every word seemed to be shining.


"Babe, wait for me obediently."

Junlu's ears were reddish, but the corners of his mouth had already curled up a little.

"Okay." He responded softly, his voice soft.

Yu Xingqiao covered his face, looking at the little boy and grinning, how could Zai Zai be so cute

But at this moment...

[Zai Zai is preparing to leave the safe house]

[Warning, [The Fairy Queen's Gaze] has not disappeared, please choose carefully whether to leave]

Yu Xingqiao was taken aback, is the Fairy Queen still monitoring the Great Elder's house

He hastily typed to remind Jun Lu.

Seeing Yu Xingqiao's reminder, Jun Lu couldn't help but pause.

The Fairy Queen hasn't given up yet

"Hmph, this old bastard, Joseph, knows how to do tricks in secret all day long!"

In a rather ornately furnished wooden house, the Fairy Queen Funa looked at the vanity mirror in front of her, and saw the scene in the room of the Fairy Great Elder on the mirror.

After the little old elf saw off the elf princess, he returned to the table and continued to work on his herbs.

The Fairy Queen dipped some nail polish with a small brush, brushed it lightly on her nails, admired it carefully, and glanced sideways at the mirror.

The little old man is still making medicine.

"Tsk, I've been messing with these herbs all day, but I don't know what's the use?"

She said boringly, and tapped lightly on the mirror, the light and shadow changed, and the goblin elder disappeared on the mirror, and the elf Catherine who had just left reappeared.

Catherine is vigorous and agile, and shuttles through the sea of flowers.

The image on the mirror couldn't keep up, and lost her figure from time to time, but in the end she was able to catch up again.

Catherine came out of the Fairy Valley, and she transformed into a small person back to her original size.

Arriving here, the Fairy Queen's expression became more cautious.

Outside of the fairy world, it's not her territory anymore, so naturally she can't do whatever she wants.

"Catherine, you're back!"

There are elf companions waiting outside the Fairy Valley, who come up to talk to Catherine.

"How is it? What did the goblin elder say?"

Catherine looked solemn, she shook her head, and said, "I'll ask the Queen for instructions first."

Seeing this, the other elves stopped talking.

Catherine walked straight into a tent. Before entering, she winked at her companions. The other elves understood and did not enter. Instead, they all guarded around the tent.

Seeing this scene, the Fairy Queen couldn't help curling her lips.

She didn't give up, and wanted to move the perspective into the tent, but it seemed that she was hindered by some kind, preventing her from moving forward.

Cut, if you don’t watch it, don’t watch it, what’s the big deal!

She snorted coldly, and slapped the mirror on the dressing table.

In the tent, Catherine looked at the palm of her hand.

I saw a line of small characters written on the palm of her hand.

"Someone is watching, come to me at night, don't let anyone know."

Catherine frowned, and under her gaze, the line of small words quietly disappeared.

She tilted her head in thought for a moment, then took out the messenger stone from her bosom, and gently placed it on the ground.

As she chanted, a figure appeared in the messenger stone, it was Katrina, Queen of the Elf.


Catherine saluted her respectfully.

The Elf Queen looked deeply tired. She looked at Catherine and asked, "Catherine, I have been waiting for your news. How is it? What did Elder Joseph say?"

Catherine said with a heavy face the news that Her Majesty and Her Highness the Queen were killed.

The elf queen looked sad, "Go on."

Catherine recounted the oracle in the inheritance and her own analysis.

"Queen, it's time for life and death, we must take action! We need to unite more forces and enter the imperial capital together to avenge His Majesty and His Highness the Queen!"

The elf queen nodded.

"Apart from these, what else did Great Elder Joseph say to you?"

Catherine shook her head, "His residence seems to be under surveillance, and he asked me to find him another time at night, avoiding everyone's attention."

The elf queen nodded slightly.

"What you said just now makes sense." She said, "However, our top priority now should be to find His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"If it's like what you said, I probably know what's wrong with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Hearing this, Catherine couldn't help being overjoyed, and asked, "Queen, do you know what the problem is?"


The Elf Queen's expression was full of sadness and sorrow.

"His Royal Highness, you have turned your back on the light and fallen into darkness! We must find him as soon as possible!"

Catherine was stunned by her words.

"Falled into darkness?"

"It's not wrong. I'm afraid it's because he fell into the darkness, which caused the pollution of the Guangyao God's Pool. There may even be problems with the companion God's tree, so the mother tree of life was implicated."

Catherine opened her eyes wide, barely digesting her words.

As we all know, the totem of the Guangyao Empire is a big tree growing on the golden pool.

They are the two sacred objects of the Guangyao Empire - the Guangyao God's Pool and the Guangyao God's Tree. They live together and have existed since the establishment of the empire.

Rumor has it that the Clan of Light was born in the pool of gods.

What I learned today was too shocking. The "symbols" that Catherine originally thought of had such an important meaning.

She suddenly remembered a sentence from the goblin elder.

"The world as it is, you may never see it..."

It turned out that she had been so wrong all along, she was too self-righteous.

"Queen, let's act now!"

Catherine's bewildered expression suddenly retracted, her eyes filled with determination and unyielding.

A mistake is a mistake, the most important thing now is to make up for it!

"Whether it's entering the imperial capital or looking for His Highness, we must act as soon as possible. We must not let His Highness fall into the hands of Archbishop Saar!"

Catherine's words were resounding, and the elf queen nodded, her expression becoming more serious.

In the tent, the elf woman stood upright, looking eagerly at the image in front of her, hoping to get the affirmation and support from the elf queen.

The elf queen pondered, and finally made a decision.

"Catherine, you are a princess, you are too important to the elves, I cannot let you participate in dangerous wars."

"But the queen..."

Catherine wanted to speak, but was stopped by the elf queen.

"Your current strength is not enough. You don't understand Thrall's strength. He can stand shoulder to shoulder with Emperor Guangyao..."

The Elf Queen said, "So, your next task is to find His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. You have to understand that this matter is also very important!"

Catherine showed a hint of unwillingness on her face, but she was finally persuaded.

"I see, Queen," she said.

The elf queen showed a gratified expression, and said: "Stand still and relax, and I will bless you with another blessing, so that you can improve your strength faster."

Catherine opened her mouth, but in the end she stopped talking, kneeling on one knee in front of the image, lowering her head and waiting for the elf queen's blessing.

The Elf Queen waved the scepter in her hand, and saw a ball of golden light emerge from the top of the scepter. With a slight wave of her, it suddenly escaped from the image and shot directly into the center of Catherine's eyebrows.

The golden light enveloped the elf princess.

Her expression suddenly became dull, her body began to harden, and then slowly shrunk, turning into a puppet with her head slightly bowed and kneeling on one knee.

The dolls look lifelike, and even the most powerful craftsmen may not be able to make such perfect figures.

In the golden light, the puppet began to split.

In the end, it changed from one to two, and the two identical dolls knelt on the ground on one knee.

Since then, the golden light has completely disappeared.

In the image, the elf queen took back the scepter, the sorrow on her face was gone, only a look of indifference remained.

At this time, the vision suddenly appeared.

A black hole suddenly appeared on the top of the tent, and a hand stretched out from the hole, grabbing one of the "Catherine Dolls" in his hand.

In the wooden house, the goblin elder suddenly felt something.

"Ring ring ring—ring ring ring—"

The bell hanging on the bookshelf suddenly shook and made a crisp sound.

The goblin elder was so startled that he almost jumped up from his chair.

He hurriedly put on his wizard hat, closed the doors and windows, and then moved a few books on the bookshelf, and the coffee table that had just been repaired moved sideways.

A little boy in a sweatshirt with short sleeves and shorts came out from under the stairs.

"Your Highness!"

The goblin elder almost screamed, but he quickly covered his mouth when he realized something.

But he quickly remembered that the sound-proof barrier he had just set up hadn't been cancelled, so he put down his hands, happily ran to the little boy's side, and looked him up and down.

"Your Highness, where did you come from?"

The goblin elder grabbed the little boy by the shoulders, looked at him, and looked at the stairs with a puzzled face.

He obviously turned the bottom over and over, but he didn't see him, why did he suddenly come out from the bottom? He thought something had happened to him!

Jun Lu knocked off his hand.

He looked around the wooden house to make sure there was nothing suspicious, and then asked, "What message did you just leave for the Elf Queen?"

Elder Goblin blinked, "Huh? How did you know, Your Highness..."

Jun Lu glanced at him, the Great Elder shut his mouth wisely, and said, "It's nothing, I'll let her come over again at night."

"What did you ask her for?"

"Your Highness, I think this child should be trustworthy." The elder said seriously, "We need help."

Jun Lu frowned, he still felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

"To deal with Thrall, our strength alone is not enough, and you are in such a situation now..."

Elder Goblin sighed, "I didn't expect that even the elf princess didn't know the importance of the Clan of Light to the Shining World. I'm afraid it's hard to say the same for other races."

"Right now, I'm afraid that many races have been bewitched by Thrall, and there are still some who have no brains. They want to arrest you and avenge the... empress."

Jun Lu's eyes were cold and indifferent.

In front of the phone screen, Yu Xingqiao looked at him, feeling really distressed.

"I heard that a coup d'état has already taken place on the human side." The goblin elder sighed, "We must try to get helpers as much as possible, otherwise we will only become more and more passive."

"I don't need help." Jun Lu said suddenly.

"Your Highness..."

"Rather than relying on others, it is better to rely on yourself."

The little boy clenched his palms tightly, his eyes were cold and determined, "What's more, with the strength of that mob, do you think you can really deal with Thrall?"

He has fought against Thrall, and has a deep understanding of Thrall's strength, not to mention, even his father was killed by him.

Jun Lu didn't think that on this planet, except himself, anyone else could defeat Thrall.

The goblin elder didn't quite agree.

"Besides defeating him head-on, there are many ways to get revenge."

He stroked his gray beard and said, "If you want revenge, of course you have to let him experience the real pain, only then can you relieve the hatred in your heart!"

Yu Xingqiao nodded. What Elder Goblin said was quite reasonable, so... Is this an attempt to outsmart

Why do you always feel a little unreliable

Jun Lu was also lost in thought, as if he was thinking carefully about the elder's words.

"Then what do you think... what can we do?"

The education Jun Lv received was upright, and he also believed that, with such a disparity in strength, it was too difficult to count the opponent as dead.

After all, the entire Glorious World is now completely under Thrall's control, and he himself is not stupid.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have spent decades gaining the trust of him and his father, and finally did such a rebellious thing!

Elder Goblin was also very troubled, he asked: "Do you know... does he have any weaknesses?"

Jun Lu recalled it carefully, and finally shook his head.

"He is self-disciplined and strong. He is very friendly to everyone, but he rarely gets close to anyone. If it was before, I would think his my father."

"The only person he seems to care about is my father."

Jun Lu narrowed his eyes, his eyes were full of sternness, "But now, I know, everything in the past is his disguise!"

He clenched his fists and said in a deep voice, "The weakness he showed is not believable."

The goblin elder scratched his head with a troubled expression on his face.

"Then we can only slowly collect his weaknesses from now on. Now that he has achieved his goal, it is probably the time when he gets carried away. At this moment, it is easiest to show his feet!"

Junlu looked thoughtful.

"What you said is also reasonable. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles. I will leave this matter to you. As for Catherine... you continue to test her."

The Elder Goblin nodded repeatedly, "Okay, I will definitely investigate her, but the most important thing now is His Highness's injury."

As he spoke, he took out a small bottle from his pocket.