The Cub I’ve Raised is the Crown Prince of the Empire

Chapter 74


In the safe house, Jun Lu is listening carefully to a few nursery rhymes on the player.

At first he was shocked by the cheerful melody, but after careful identification, he recognized the language—isn't this the "devil's language" spoken by the master

It turns out that the demon clan also has such a cheerful song

He tilted his head, listened to the song carefully, and imagined what kind of environment his thin demon master grew up in.

Still... a little hard to imagine.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something, frowned and looked at the wall behind the sofa.

On the empty beige wall, a rectangular door suddenly appeared silently.

Jun Lu stood up cautiously and came to the front of the door.

The door was not closed, he walked over and saw the space inside the door.

That scene was exactly the same as the blank screen he saw when he first entered the safe house, and the area was similar.

This is…

Jun Lu was taken aback for a moment, but a line of cute characters popped up in front of his eyes.

[The host has upgraded the [Safe House], and the [Safe House] has been upgraded to lv2 at present]

[According to the agreement, you can choose one of the following as remuneration]

[1. Realistic form (ontology)]

[2. The simulated voice of the host]

Looking at the words in front of him, Jun Lu couldn't help blinking.

He didn't do anything...

Suddenly, he thought of the postcard he just sent to his master...

Jun Lu couldn't help but raise his forehead, he didn't mean to ask the master to upgrade the house, and now this house is already a surprise to him.


Looking at the two options in front of me, it would be a lie to say that I am not tempted.

'Choose only one? 'Jun Lu asked in his heart.

The small characters of the system jumped out: [Yes]

Jun Lu pursed his lips, looked at the two choices carefully, and was rarely caught in a tangle.

Probably seeing something, the system's cute Q characters continued to pop up.

[If you can let the host continue to upgrade the safe house, another option can be used as a reward for the next level]

Looks very talkative.

'Upgrading means continuing to expand the size of the house? 'Jun Lu was a little curious.

[No, the next level will become a two-story building]

'Why... do you want the master to upgrade the house so much? do you have any good '

The small characters of the system instantly changed from cute to bold.

[No comment]

Jun Lu sat back on the sofa again.

The little boy looked in front of him, his eyes focused on a point in the void, and his fingers lightly stroked the pages of the dictionary.

"Tick tock—"

The hands of the clock on the wall passed one frame slowly.

The system waited patiently without urging him.

After a long time, Jun Lu let out a breath slowly, and said in a low voice, "I choose 2."

[You chose 2]

[From today, when the host comes to you, you can hear the voice of the host]

[Looking forward to the next cooperation]

Then, the small characters in front of my eyes slowly disappeared.

The little boy's expression was indifferent, and he didn't seem to be very happy. He leaned back on the sofa, raised his little hand slightly, and faced the chandelier on the ceiling, a soft halo was outlined.

He just looked at his young and immature hands. After a long time, he sighed, then restrained all expressions, and continued to read with his head down.

The hands of the clock went round and round, and finally, he closed the book, closed his eyes slightly and took a nap.

The cheerful nursery rhymes stopped at some point, and were replaced by soothing light music.

The chandelier on the ceiling is faintly emitting light.

If someone is here, they can see that as the little boy breathes, a wonderful magnetic field seems to be born on his body.

The originally dim chandelier suddenly became bright.

The light in the room was approaching the little boy, forming a halo around him.

Deep sleep is a way of healing.

If you just look closely, you will find that there is a light layer of black air at the bottom of the halo, covering every inch of his skin, blocking all the light from the outside.

It was as if his mind was tightly closed, shielding all damage and blocking the light.

I don't know how long this state lasted. At a certain moment, all the visions disappeared, and the little boy also fell on the sofa. His small body curled up into a ball, and he pulled the blanket unconsciously to hide himself.

He fell asleep, but his sleep was not peaceful, and the frown between his brows never eased.

At a certain moment, in addition to the music and the sound of the clock, there was an unusual movement in the quiet room.

The plush carpet on which the coffee table was placed suddenly had a depression. If you look carefully, you will find that it is in the shape of a pair of feet.

He tentatively touched his feet, fiddled with the fluff on the carpet, and then ran on it as if he was having fun.

The sound of running was not too loud, but it was a little too jubilant.

After a while, those feet stopped suddenly, and then slowly backed up until they reached the coffee table, before finally stopping.

The shape of the feet sank deeper, as if the owner of those feet squatted down, and then—

The teapot placed on the coffee table floated up gently, "Gudong Gudong—", the reddish-brown tea fell into the white printed teacup, making a clear and crisp sound.

The teapot fell, and the teacup floated up.

"Zi Liu—"

After taking a sip of the tea, there was a sigh of satisfaction.

Immediately, the teacup was put down again, and a cookie placed on the small plate also floated into the air.

"Kacha Kacha—"

A round cookie with one corner bitten off, and then another corner, like a hamster, only a small bite at a time, but very fast.

Finally, a small biscuit was eaten, and the teacup floated up again.

"Gulu Gulu—ah~"

Under the blanket, Jun Lu's eyelashes moved slightly and opened slightly.

Hearing the movement of the "little hamster", his brows furrowed, and he stretched out his hand to gently pull down the blanket covering his head.

"Little Hamster" has already picked up the second biscuit and gnawed it in small bites.

Even if he couldn't see anyone, just looking at the picture and listening to the voice, he could still imagine the cute appearance of the young boy gnawing on the biscuit with his cheeks slightly bulging.

He tightly knit his brows into a small knot, and then quietly loosened them.

The little boy leaned on the pillow, watching the biscuits disappear little by little with red eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Suddenly, the sound of gnawing biscuits fell silent.

Jun Lu raised his brows slightly, his face showing a bit of restlessness.

Finally found him

Yu Xingqiao was happily nibbling on the cookies, his eyes narrowed into slits.

Woohoo, it's really delicious!

It turns out that the crispy texture looks like this—in order to protect the mouth wall, he can only eat liquid food, and even the occasional snacks are special candies that melt in the mouth.

It was the first time he had a cookie.

Although it is a bit hard, it can't stop the fragrance! It was so delicious that Yu Xingqiao wanted to cry.

He ate obliviously, and then suddenly stopped.

The feeling of being watched made his body freeze, and he looked up stiffly, and saw the little boy sitting on the sofa, looking at him with his head tilted, with a smile in his ruby-like eyes.

Ah, when was Zai Zai here

Why didn't he find out just now

Yu Xingqiao stayed where he was, looking at the little boy in embarrassment, watching him lift the blanket and walk towards him.

His gaze followed the little boy, watching him come to him, he stretched out his little hand, his fingertips accurately touched the corner of his mouth, and wiped it lightly.

The boy's eyes were so gentle, for a moment, Yu Xingqiao felt that he could see him.

A little bit of biscuit crumbs were wiped off, the little boy looked at him, the corners of his mouth slightly curved in a small arc, and he said softly: "Master, good evening."

Zai Zai caught him stealing food, Yu Xingqiao blushed a little.

"Well, good evening."

The boy's voice was soft, probably shy, small, with a bit of milkiness.

Jun Lu blinked slightly.

This was the second time he heard the voice of the devil boy, no, plus the initial singing, it should be the third time.

The system did deliver on its promises.

After the boy finished speaking, he seemed to realize something, gave a soft ah, stuffed the leftover biscuit into his mouth, and chewed it, not knowing what he was doing.

Small golden characters appeared in front of Jun Lu's eyes.

"Good evening, baby~"

Jun Lu frowned slightly, so the demon master was just texting him

The two were close, he stretched out his hand, and touched the boy's arm. He was wearing a soft robe.

In my impression, he seems to be wearing similar styles, and I don't know if the colors have changed.

"Haha - it's so itchy..."

The boy's sweet, coquettish voice sounded, and at the same time he gently pushed his hand away.

Jun Lu blinked, feeling his heart tremble slightly.

So, did he just feel itchy

He continued to stretch out his hand tentatively, only to feel a small bump.

"Oh, it's not allowed here..."

With a blushing face, Yu Xingqiao pushed his hand away again, feeling a little embarrassed.

Jun Lu tilted his head. He couldn't understand what the devil boy said, but he could tell the shyness in his tone, especially the soft and reproachful ending, scratching at the tip of his heart like a feather.

He thought for a moment, and soon realized what he had just encountered.

A blush crept up to the base of his ears, and he turned his face away uncomfortably, but if you look carefully, you can see the little excitement deep in his eyes.

Yu Xingqiao naturally didn't go to see him.

He had already stood up, came to the sofa, and opened the small drawer underneath.

I saw that it was stuffed with biscuits, chocolate, potato chips and other snacks, and even spicy sticks!

Yu Xingqiao's eyes lit up, he really wanted to eat these snacks in his dreams.

He opened a bag of potato chips first, squeezed a piece carefully, and bit it into his mouth.

Slightly spicy taste, it explodes in the mouth, coupled with the crispy taste of potato chips, if this time, coupled with a glass of cold happy water...

Yu Xingqiao just wanted to get up to get it, when he saw two shadow tentacles, rolled up two bottles of Coke, and put them gently in front of him.

He couldn't help but glanced at Zai Zai.

The little boy came over, opened the iced Coke for him, and said obediently, "Master, do you want a drink?"

"Oh, baby, you're so good!"

Yu Xingqiao immediately forgot about the rest, lowered his head and touched his little hand, took a sip of the drink, the cold liquid flowed down his throat, bringing a burst of refreshment.

The young man sighed contentedly, feeling that his life had reached its peak.

Jun Lu at the side, listening to the contented sigh, looked at the void in front of him again, the small characters that reminded him just now had become—

[Give you a Like]

He tilted his head involuntarily, what does it mean to like it