The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday

Chapter 1



"Xie Yishu."

"Affiliated area?"

"District 21."

"Identity code?"



The electronic tone representing the failure of the process attracted the attention of many people in the hall.

In this era of intelligence where bionics are involved in all walks of life, many affairs can be done by themselves with the assistance of bionics.

For example, the management and update of personal terminals.

The people in the hall are basically here to update the terminal information. Their personal information has expired and needs to be re-entered.

There are also a few who broke their personal terminals and came to repair and replace them.

They are all very fast, and with the help of the bionic receptionist, they can go through all the procedures in less than three minutes.

After all, they are ordinary citizens, not big shots, not interstellar fugitives. Identity information is simple and clear at a glance.

Hearing the notification that the process failed from window No. 3, almost everyone looked over curiously, wanting to see who it was.

They saw the young man standing in front of window number three.

The young man was carrying a bag on one shoulder. He was tall and had long legs. He was wearing a white shirt and jeans. He looked in his early twenties, clean and bookish.

Like a college student, or just graduated... In short, he doesn't look like a big shot, nor like a fugitive.

However, the words of the bionic receptionist showed that the identity of the young man was indeed extraordinary.

"The file is abnormal, and the personal terminal cannot be handled by yourself. It has been transferred to manual service for you, please get the tracking number."


The young man reached out to take the note. His voice is gentle and sounds comfortable.

Some people began to recall the little stars who appeared on the screen recently, and some people wondered whether they might be the young master of a big family they met... The young man turned around, and everyone looked away.

Xie Yishu is used to the reactions of people around her.

In the past five years on Ancient Blue Planet, he was often regarded as a rare animal by the people of Ancient Blue Planet because of his lack of common sense.

It's just that I didn't expect to come back now and encounter such a situation.

Xie Yishu was a little helpless, glanced at the note with downcast eyes, wrote down the manual door number, folded the note casually and put it in his trouser pocket, and walked through the crowd without looking sideways with his bag on his back.

After he entered the elevator, someone murmured in the hall.

"It's the first time I see someone who wants to switch to manual service..."

"Me too… "

"Who is he? I don't think I've seen him on the holographic screen..."

In room 206 on the second floor of the hall, Xu Tao is using the last time to touch up her makeup.

As a manual receptionist in the service hall of District 1, Xu Tao's job is quite leisurely. Although they are facing big figures who often appear in the news, and there is no tolerance for mistakes at work, those people will ask their assistants to make an appointment before they come to give them enough time to prepare.

It was the first time in her not too long and not too short career that she received a reception notice without any notice like today.


The makeup applicator made two short beeps, reminding Xu Tao that the makeup she selected was done. Xu Tao quickly took off the instrument, opened the drawer, and pushed the makeup applicator in with some rudeness.

Document Received appears on the display.

Xu Tao clicked on the file from the system, and before the file was loaded, he heard the sound of the elevator door opening.

That's too late.

Xu Tao pushed aside the chair and stood up. While arranging her clothes, she walked quickly towards the door.

There was a knock on the door.

The young receptionist took a deep breath, pressed the doorknob, and smiled professionally and appropriately.

Seeing the young man standing at the door, Xu Tao's "please come in" stuck in his throat.

She reads news and trending searches every day, and because of work, she recognizes many faces. The young man in front of him had a good-looking face, but he was also very strange, and he couldn't be equated with any big guy with a special file in her impression.

Xu Tao began to wonder if the No. 3 machine downstairs was malfunctioning.

Thinking about it, the last overhaul was a year ago, and it’s time to inform the technical department to come over again... But it’s good to have such a breakdown once in a while, to meet such an eye-catching person...

If the essence of human beings is Yangou, then Xu Tao is the type of person who implements this essence most thoroughly.

Although Xie Yishu is used to being looked at as a rare animal, she is not used to being stared at for so long.

He glanced at the number on the door, and it was indeed 206, then looked at the young woman in uniform in front of him, and asked slowly, "Is this the place where you will get a replacement personal terminal?"

Only then did Xu Tao realize how unprofessional he had done, and his cheeks flushed red: "Yes, please come in."

It's time for her to change her habit, in case the other party is really special... Thinking of this, Xu Tao hurriedly turned sideways and let Xie Yishu into the office, "Please sit down... Sir, would you like tea or coffee?"

"Drinking water is fine, thank you."

Xie Yishu sat down on the single sofa, put the backpack aside, took the disposable paper cup handed over by Xu Tao, and took a polite sip.

Xu Tao also went back to the desk and sat down.

The file had been loaded, and Xu Tao finally saw Xie Yishu's personal file.

Name Xie Yishu, age 25 years old. The identity code is STN77991621. His parents died early and he was adopted by the Mouton Orphanage. Graduated from Nanxi University in June 5521... Xu Tao glanced at ten lines, and saw a special note marked gray in the last column.

[Disappeared in District 1 at 9 am on June 30, 5521, and her whereabouts are still unknown.]

This is also the case. Although the identity is not sensitive, but because of the special experience, I can't handle the personal terminal by myself.

He disappeared in 5521, that is, he disappeared for five years. In this era of rapid technological development and the disappearance of kidnapping and trafficking, being able to avoid the disappearance of the police for five years... Xu Tao was slightly speechless, feeling a little incredible.

"Mr. Xie, the file shows that you disappeared on June 30, 5521..."

"Yes." Xie Yishu accepted Xu Tao's words.

He guessed the reason when he heard the bionic man say that his "file is abnormal", and made up a temporary reason: "Five years ago, a major change occurred in my life. I couldn't think about it for a while, so I chose to commit suicide."

He couldn't say that he traveled to another world five years ago and came back half an hour ago, so he could only make up such a small story.

Xie Yishu lowered her head slightly: "There was an accident when I committed suicide. I broke my personal terminal and fell into a coma. An old man picked me up and took me home. She said I looked like her grandson and took me in. In the past five years, she has been enlighten me..."

The young man is good-looking and has a nice voice, which makes people not suspicious.

Xu Tao couldn't help asking: "That old man..."

Xie Yishu thought of Gu Lanxing's old man who took good care of him, with gentle eyes: "She is old, my daughter is worried that she lives so far away, so she took her back to take care of her."

Xu Tao breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help laughing.

She firmly believed in Xie Yishu's story, and was very happy that the old man had such an ending.

"Mr. Xie, there is nothing wrong here. Please look at the camera here."

"Please put your hands on the touchpad in front of you, it may tingle a little after a while... Well, the information collection is complete, thank you for your cooperation."

"The updated personal information is as follows, Mr. Xie, please see if there is anything that needs to be changed."

Xie Yishu looked at the contact information in the file, his eyes showed nostalgia.

At that time, Nanxi University uniformly handled the communication cards for the freshmen. He and Gu Yan received the cards one after the other, and there was only one digit difference in the number. Later, he and Gu Yan got together, and his friends joked that they were a couple number...

It's a pity that he came back suddenly, the terminal and optical brain were left in the ancient blue star, and he couldn't bring them back.

Xie Yishu pointed to the column of contact information: "I haven't bought the optical computer yet, and I haven't got the communication card. Can I modify it by myself at that time?"

"Yes, I will clear it for you first, and then let the business hall help you re-bind it."


"By the way, Mr. Xie, remember to take time to go to the police station in a few days. The missing person needs to report to the return side."


When Xie Yishu walked out of the service hall, there was an extra personal terminal on her wrist.

The familiar metal texture made Xie Yishu more or less relieved.

He didn't know why he traveled to another world five years ago, and he didn't know why he suddenly came back today.

There is no time for him to think about this now. Because he doesn't know how long he can stay here, and whether he will go to the ancient blue star again.

Reissue of the terminal is only the first thing.

Next, I have to buy an optical computer and get a communication card. You should contact the dean's aunt and tell them that you are back and that everything has been fine for the past five years.

I still have to go to Gu Yan.

Xie Yishu clicked on the terminal, glanced at the account balance five years ago, and was about to go to a nearby shopping mall to buy an optical computer, when a small electronic sound suddenly sounded in her head.


The voice is very soft, like hallucinations.

In the next second, the voice amplified several times proved that the voice just now was not Xie Yishu's hallucination.

"Host, aren't you a native of the ancient blue planet? Why do you have a bank account in this world?"

It was obviously a mediocre electronic sound, but it sounded like she was about to cry.

"Did 001 choose the wrong one? Did 001 choose the clothes as soul wear?"

The author has something to say:

(The ancient blue star is the ancient earth, and Gu Yan is the alias used by Gu Yanshang in school)

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