The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday

Chapter 21


Gu Yanzhi's shift was three hours earlier than Bo Zai's.

When going out, the little fat pier reluctantly gave him a little intimacy, and kissed him several times on the face. After kissing, he said earnestly, "Dad, Bozai will miss you."

Gu Yanzhi gently pinched his chubby cheeks: "Daddy also wants to boo cubs."

This is the first time for Xiaopangdun to go out with grandma. Gu Yanzhi was a little worried, and he said a little more than before: "Grandma will come to pick you up later. Dad is not here. Bozai has to listen to grandma."

Bo Zai nodded his chubby face. Although he is small, he has his own way: "Dad, don't worry, Bo Zai will protect grandma."

He knew that grandma was the only woman in the family, and he was the little man in the family. When grandpa and father were away, he had to listen to grandma and take good care of grandma.

Gu Yanzhi smiled and said, "Okay, then leave it to Bozai. Dad will bring cloud candy to Bozai."

"I need to bring two boxes." Bozai made a "2".

Because there is a box to give to his mother, Xiao Pangdun is very afraid that his father will forget about it. Since last night, he has repeatedly said: "Three boxes are fine, and it would be better if you can bring five boxes. Bo Zai will also give Dad took…”

Bozai paused and scratched the chubby face.

He doesn't know what specialties are available in his mother's hometown, so he can only generalize: "It's delicious! Bozai will also bring delicious food from mother's hometown to dad."

"Okay." Gu Yanzhi rubbed his head, "Then dad will thank Bozai first."

The third area is relatively close to the main star.

When Gu Yan got off the plane, Bo Zai and Gu's mother had just boarded the plane.

Gu's mother took a photo of the little chubby and sent it to her son.

In the photo, the chubby boy is obediently wearing his seat belt, talking to the flight attendant with his chubby face up.

Gu's mother has good eyesight, and every time she comes here, she will dress Xiaopangdun very trendy.

In addition, the little chubby is cute, soft, chubby, polite and not afraid of strangers, and is very popular among women when going out.

The flight attendant in the photo was captured by Xiaopangdun, and gave Xiaopangdun two pieces of fudge prepared by the airport for passengers.

Gu Yanzhi tapped the screen twice with his fingertips, saved the picture, and replied to Gu's mother.

[Gu Yanzhi: Thank you, Mom.]

[Ye Wan: Why are you being polite to Mom?]

Although she knew her son had such a personality, Ye Wan still hoped that her son could get closer to her. It's not that she didn't think about changing her child's personality before, but after so many years, Ye Wan also knows that some things like personality are inborn and cannot be changed.

Fortunately, Bo Zai is sweet and milky, unlike his father. Ye Wan looked at the little fat man beside her. She has seen photos of her daughter-in-law from her son, and she thinks Bozai should be more like her mother, and she is cute when she smiles.

"Grandma!" Xiao Pangdun had just finished chatting with the flight attendant sister.

He handed Ye Wan the sleep mask he got from the flight attendant's sister, and said thoughtfully: "Grandma, you should wear this, it's warmer on your eyes, more comfortable than sunglasses."

"Thank you, Bobby."

Ye Wan looked around lightly, no one was looking in their direction. Ye Wan took off her sunglasses, revealing a face that would make many young people scream.

As a former movie queen, although Ye Wan left the industry early, her achievements in the film and television industry have not been surpassed by any popular actress so far. She was almost fifty years old, but the face that was hailed by the media as "the face favored by heaven" did not leave many traces of age.

There were some fine lines in the corners of her eyes, but because of her exquisite makeup and excellent temperament, those few fine lines added a bit of charm to her.

It's a pity that the only one present to appreciate the face of the immortal goddess is a little chubby who is already immune to this face.

Bozai asked concerned: "Grandma, are you comfortable?"


Hearing what Ye Wan said, Bo Zai was relieved.

He still remembered that before his father went out, he promised his father to take good care of his grandma, checked Ye Wan and his own seat belts like a little adult, and then started playing with the small model airplane that the flight attendant sister gave him.

As a five-year-old, Bozai is still very independent.

He can play with himself quietly and doesn't need adults to accompany him all the time.

Ye Wan suddenly asked him: "Bozai, who do you like more, Dad or Grandma?"

Bo Zai put down the flying machine model, a little embarrassed.

He likes his dad, and he likes his grandma, but if he has to choose one, he still likes his dad better.

But if he answers Dad, Grandma might be sad.

A little man can't make a girl sad. Grandma is a girl, he doesn't want to make grandma sad, but he doesn't want to lie to grandma either.

Bozai was in a dilemma for a while, but finally chose to follow his heart, and asked cautiously: "Grandma, if Bozai chooses father, will you be sad?"

Ye Wan smiled: "No."

Little Fatty immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and replied, "Bozai likes Dad more, but Grandma, you come second."

After he finished answering the questions, he was about to continue playing with model airplanes. Unexpectedly, Ye Wan asked him again: "Which one do you like better, Dad or the kindergarten teacher?"

This time Bozai couldn't answer, he was tangled up and said, "May I like it the same?"

On the one hand, there is his father who takes good care of him, and on the other hand, the mother who makes him a bear puppet. He really can't choose which one he likes more. Bo Zai thought for a while, and added: "Father and teacher are tied for first place, and grandparents are tied for second place."

Ye Wan was a little surprised by this answer.

Before her son told her that Xiao Pangdun liked "Mr. Xie" in the kindergarten very much, but she thought it was just a general liking. Unexpectedly, it has reached the level of parallel liking.

Maybe it's because they like each other very much, so they can't choose which one to choose, so Ye Wan asked a little more detailed: "Then if Bo Zai chooses, does Bo Zai want to live with the teacher or with Dad? ?”

Bozai asked eagerly: "Can Dad, Bozai, and teacher live together?"

The other children live with their parents, and he also wants to live with them.

But this time Ye Wan was not so easy to talk to, she said ruthlessly, "No, Bo Zai can only choose one."

Bozai chubby frowned. But he quickly gave the answer: "The boy still wants to live with his father."

He thought so.

He can still see his mother when he goes to the kindergarten, and his mother can see him, but if he lives in the kindergarten with his mother, his father will not be able to see him.

In this way, father can neither see mother nor him, and is alone, how pitiful.

But Ye Wan misunderstood what Xiaopangdun meant.

She thought that in Bozai's heart, her father was still more important than "Mr. Xie", so she breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew her son well, and knew that if her son identified someone, he would be completely trapped, and no one else would tempt him.

She thinks this is good, it shows that her son is like his father. All the men who take care of the family are like this.

Over the years, there have been quite a few people who came to persuade her to find a daughter-in-law who was well-matched under the pretext of "for the sake of her grandson", but she dismissed them all. Because she knew that her son would never find a "new mother" for Bozai.

Even if Bo Zai wanted a "new mother", her son would not agree.

Bo Zai used to be young and didn't understand anything. Now that he is growing up, he finds that other people have one more mother than himself, and he may want to be like others. It's not that she can't understand, but in this way, the relationship between the father and son will inevitably become rigid for a period of time.

Gu Yanzhi told her about the child named Xie Yishu, and she also knew their plans for the future. What kind of job to find, what kind of house to rent, what kind of car to buy, and when you have saved enough money, you can participate in the training cabin program.

Pop Cub is a surprise prepared by Yanzhi for the child named Xie Yishu. After the child disappeared, Yanzhi did not stop the plan for the breeding warehouse. For a while, Yanzhi's condition was not right, and the family doctor also advised them to ask a psychological expert to counsel Yanzhi. It was the birth of Bozai that gave Yanzhi hope that her familiar son would come back.

She wondered if Bo Zai would one day blame them for insisting on letting him come into this world when he knew he might not have a mother. But she hoped that at that time, Bozai could still remember that the most important thing to him was his father.

"Bozai, you have to remember what you said to grandma today."

After Ye Wan finished speaking, she began to close her eyes and meditate.

But Bozai doesn't want to play with model airplanes anymore.

He still wants to live with his father and mother.

Bo Zai thought while holding his chubby face.

Why can he only live with one of his father and mother

When getting off the plane, Bozai thought of the answer.

Maybe it's because my mother likes a dilapidated small house, while my father likes a spacious and beautiful big house.

In fact, he also prefers a big spacious and bright house, but if he can live with his family, he would also like to live in a kindergarten.

He went back to ask his father, since he kept saying that he loved his mother, would he be willing to live in a crappy little room like him.

After figuring it out, Bo Zai temporarily put it behind him.

He was completely fascinated by his mother's hometown.

As soon as he left the port, grandma bought him a special product of Mouton Star, quicksand cake.

The surface is sweet and glutinous, and his favorite salted egg yolk is overflowing with a bite... It is so delicious!

He must buy many, many boxes back home, one for his father and one for his mother.

Bozai happily ate quicksand cake, Xiaopang's cheeks bulged.

He was brought into the car by Ye Wan, Ye Wan actually had something to do here. Now she is in charge of the Gu family's charity foundation, and she is going to visit the Mouton Orphanage in District 21.

The Mouton Orphanage and the port area are not far away.

After more than an hour, they arrived at the Mouton Orphanage.

It was Dean Zhang who had contacted her to receive them.

Ye Wan glanced at the little chubby who was holding her hand curiously, and said to Dean Zhang: "Shall we go to your office? My grandson... leave him alone, let him play with his peers for a while."

Bozai knew that grandma was going to do business and needed him to stay by himself for a while. He nodded obediently, and raised the optical brain in Xiaopang's hand, indicating that he would not run around, and grandma could use the optical brain to find him if something happened.

Ye Wan followed Dean Zhang to the office.

Poppy stayed where he was.

Little Chubby looked at the children of the Mouton Orphanage, and the children of the Mouton Orphanage also looked at the squat child.

"Is he new here?"

"It should be, you see, he was left behind by that aunt just now."

"Should we say hello to him? After all, we will live together in the future."

"You go." "You go."

Bo Zai scratched the little fat face.

These little brothers and sisters spoke with the unique accent of District 21, which he couldn't understand.

He was thinking whether to take the initiative to go up to them and say hello to them. They could watch "Bear Adventure" together, and his father helped him download the latest episodes into his little light brain.

Before he stepped forward, a little brother came towards him.

Lin Zhi looked at the chubby future younger brother in front of him, and stuffed the puppet bear that brother Xiao Shu had given him into his hand: "Here."

He knew the feeling of being unable to adapt to a new environment.

He wanted to help the younger brother adjust to the new environment.

Bo Zai looked at the familiar puppet bear in his hand, and suddenly opened his eyes wide.

The two cubs spoke at the same time:

"This is the little bear Xiao Shu gave me, for you to play with."

"This little bear looks like the little bear Mommy gave Bozai!"

Bozai tilted his head suspiciously: "Little brother, what did you say?"

Lin Zhi blushed.

He knew his Interstellar was not quite up to par.

He stammered and repeated his words.

Bo Zai said "Oh" twice, this time he understood.

This little bear was made by the little brother's brother.

As the number one fan of Xie Yishu's live broadcast room, Bo Zai is full of affection for the little brother and the little brother's brother in front of him: "Your brother must have watched my mother's live broadcast."

Looking at the little bear in his hand, which was obviously learned from his mother, Xiaopangdun said happily: "My mother is amazing!"