The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday

Chapter 25


Being mistaken for the little fat cub's parent, Xie Yishu didn't think much about it, and hurriedly picked up the coat on the back of the chair, opened the door and went out, and said to the little fat cub on the other side of the light brain: "Bo cub, wait for me over there. I'll be right there."

Little Fatty nodded with tears in his eyes.

The young man with an optical computer interrupted: "Then I will hang up here first, and I will send you the location."

"Okay, thank you."

"It's easy to do." Lin Yang hung up the video call, sent the location to Xie Yishu, closed the children's little light brain, and touched the head of Xiaopangdun, "Okay, don't cry, your mother will be here soon."

Bo Zai sobbed softly, turned away from the chubby face angrily, and didn't appreciate it.

He was knocked down by this big brother just now, and he sat on the ground, his ass still hurts to this day! Then I lost face in front of my mother again... The little man's self-esteem was severely hit, and now his mood is very low, and he doesn't want to talk to anyone!

Lin Yang smiled helplessly: "I'm sorry, my brother didn't look at the road when he was walking just now, does his butt still hurt?"

What responded to him was the angry little back of his head.

Lin Yan had no choice but to touch his nose and stop bothering him.

When Gu Heng saw this, he sneered: "Don't you have a younger brother? Coax him with the way you coax your younger brother."

"My brother is so cute, I'll be happy after just flying a few times." Lin Yang looked at the lover who was hugging the little chubby, and suggested, "How about I hug him around twice? Children like that."

Gu Heng was noncommittal, and raised his chin to Lin Yang: "Okay, come here, you're dead."

"Bozai is not heavy!" This sentence accurately stepped on the bottom line of Xiaopangdun. He struggled like a little penguin flapping its short fins, and defended himself confidently, "Bozai is only slightly fat!"

Fat Chirp on the tree jumped twice, tilted his head, and looked at him with his little black bean eyes: "Jiu?"

Bo Zai shrunk his belly with a guilty conscience, but he still had the confidence to emphasize it again: "It's just a little fat!"

The scene where the chubby boy emphasizes that he is only slightly fat is really funny.

Lin Yang suppressed his laughter, took the little fat pier from Gu Heng's hand, weighed it twice, and coaxed: "Well, it is indeed slightly fat."

Gu Heng folded his arms and leaned against the wall, looking sideways at Lin Yang holding Xiaopangdun in circles, he felt a little thirsty after watching for a while, and said to Lin Yang, "I'm going to buy water, what do you drink?"

"Let me think about it, let's have herbal tea."

Gu Heng nodded, didn't leave, and looked at Xiaopangdun lightly.

Only then did Bozai realize that the other party was waiting for him to speak, Xiaopang blushed, and said awkwardly: "Bozai wants to drink Awang's milk."

Gu Heng turned around and went to the convenience store on the side, and came out with two bottles of herbal tea and a box of milk after a while. The herbal tea was given to Lin Yang, the milk poked the straw, and passed to the little fat boy: "Here."

Bozai took Awang's milk, and thanked him Nuoxuo: "Thank you."

Cannibals have soft mouths and short hands, a box of Awang milk is enough to turn Xiaopangdun from a small steel ball into a soft glutinous rice ball.

Bozai sucked on Awang's milk, his cheeks bulging.

Even Lin Yang squatted down to poke his little belly and little fat face, just glanced at it, and continued to suck the milk seriously.

Not far away, a taxi stopped, and someone got out of the car in a hurry.

Seeing someone coming, Bo Zai's eyes lit up, he stopped sucking the milk, put the milk box in his hand, and rushed up with his short legs. He couldn't reach Xie Yishu's waist, so he could only hug his legs, and obediently said with his chubby face up: "Mr. Xie!"

He just cried, his eye circles were a little red, and there were still tear stains on Xiaopang's face, he looked very pitiful.

Xie Yishu checked it nervously, she didn't see any external injuries, so she felt relieved.

Lin Ji and Gu Heng walked over.

Xie Yishu recognized that they were the two young people who contacted him, and took Bozai by the hand to thank them again: "Thank you for contacting me."

Seeing this, Bo Zai also bent down clumsily.

"It's a small matter, you're welcome." Lin Yang waved his hand, looking at Xie Yishu, he always felt that the other person looked familiar, but he didn't remember where he met him.

Gu Heng took out the toddler leash he just bought from a convenience store from his pocket, and handed it to Xie Yishu: "There are a lot of people outside on weekend nights, don't let your child get lost again."

Xie Yishu was stunned for a moment, took the leash, thanked the other party for his kindness, without further explanation: "Okay, thank you."

Bo Zai looked at the leash, he knew this thing, when he was playing outside, he saw many uncles and aunts using this for the baby.

Grandma Qiu also wanted to use it for him, but he thought it was childish to use it, so he refused.

But if it's with my mother, it's not impossible.

Bo Zai imagined that Xie Yishu would take him out to play in the future, and use this scene to hold him, and he was a little yearning.

As soon as I yearned, my stomach growled.


The sound from below attracted the attention of the three adults present.

Bozai chubby blushed, seeing that they were all looking at him, he quickly lowered his chubby face.

He has had dinner.

Bo Zai got the right fingers.

It's just that I just drank milk and I'm a little hungry again.

Xie Yishu laughed, and reached out to rub the fat cub's soft hair: "I'll take you to have supper later."

He looked at the two young men: "Together? My treat."

"No." Lin Yang thought for a while, but still couldn't remember where he had met Xiaopangdun's parents. He smiled and said, "He and I have to go home early."

He is currently learning how to make toys from a hand-made anchor, and he wants to return to District 21 to give to his younger brother during the next vacation. The live broadcast usually starts at 8 o'clock. Although I missed the beginning today, I should be able to catch up now when I go back.

After Lin Yang and Gu Heng left, Xie Yishu took Bo Zai around. He asked for leave in the live broadcast room, so he had plenty of time.

In addition to a 24-hour convenience store that is open, there is only one bakery left.

Xie Yishu gave it to Xiaopang Dun to choose: "Which family do you want to go to?"

Bozai pointed to the bakery.

There were not many varieties left in the bakery, so Xie Yishu bought a chocolate tart for Little Pang Dun. Seeing that Xiaopangdun had black hands and black mouth after eating, he took him to a convenience store to buy a pack of wet tissues.

After the chubby guy was full, Xie Yishu wiped him with a tissue, and got to the point: "Boy, are you outside alone? Where's your father?"

Bo Zai paused for a while while touching his belly, sat upright, and avoided Xie Yishu's gaze with a guilty conscience, and obediently said, "Bo Zai came out to find Dad."

"I can't come out alone so late in the future, I have to call the teacher." Even if I have a personal terminal now, I am not afraid of being kidnapped or lost, and it is dangerous to let a child go out alone at night, "Do you know where your father is? The teacher will take you to find him."

Bo Zai nodded his chubby face, opened his small mouth, and paused again. After a while, he hesitated to say a few words: "Zero, zero plus zero?"

He doesn't quite remember the name of the community where his parents lived before, but he vaguely remembers it as an arithmetic problem.

Hearing the familiar community name, Xie Yishu was taken aback for a moment: "Lin Jiali?"

"Yes, yes, that's right there." Bozai Chick nodded as if pecking rice, "Lin Jiali."

Linjiali is a bit far from here, it takes about an hour by taxi. It is close to Nanxi University, where Xie Yishu shared a rent with Gu Yan for a period of time in her junior and senior years.

Came back not too long ago. He wanted to try his luck to see if he could find Gu Yan there, but was told that no one had lived in that house for a long time.

"How many buildings and units?"

The little fat cub was questioned.

He is only five years old, and he can only remember so many things. It is already very good to be able to remember "zero plus zero".

"Mr. Xie, Bozai will call and ask."

While talking, Bozai dialed Gu Yanzhi's phone, put the optical brain to his little ear, and heard an electronic voice: "No one answered the phone you dialed..."

Bo Zai put down his light brain, a little at a loss: "Mr. Xie, no one answered..."

Dad rarely doesn't answer the phone.

The other party didn't answer the phone, Xie Yishu had no choice.

He thought for a while and said to Bozai: "Well, Bozai, you send a text message to Dad and tell him that you are with the teacher. The teacher will take you back to the kindergarten and sleep with the teacher tonight, okay?"

Since the little fat cub ran out alone, there should be no adults at home. Xie Yishu was also worried about sending him back to the empty home.

Bo Zai's eyes lit up suddenly, and just as he was about to nod his head and say yes, he remembered that he still had two layers of "super protective shields" on his buttocks.

Bozai chubby frowned.

He looked at Xie Yishu, then touched his little fat butt, after a while, he had an idea.

He turned on the children's optical brain, called up Gu Yanzhi's photo, and stuffed the small optical brain into Xie Yishu's hands, Qiqi Ai said: "Mr. Xie, look at the photo of Bozai's father."

He didn't know where his parents used to live, but his mother certainly did.

Xie Yishu looked at the screen and was stunned when he saw the man in the photo.

"Thank you teacher?"

It took a while for Xie Yishu to recover her voice: "Bozai, is this your father?"

Bo Zai nodded his chubby face.

"Your father, is his name Gu Yan?"

"Yes." Bozai added, "Gu Yanzhi."

Gu Yan.

Gu Yanzhi.

One word was missing, Xie Yishu felt that this could not be a coincidence.

Not to mention this photo... Xie Yishu closed her eyes, opened them, and looked at the photo again.

The man in the photo has shorter hair than Gu Yan when he was in college, and he looks a bit cold under the cold light, but he is also more composed.

It was Gu Yan, whom he was all too familiar with.

"Boom boy." Xie Yishu felt his voice was a little tense, he tried to use a lighter tone, but he failed, he knew how nervous he was, and also how afraid he was of hearing answers he didn't want to hear from Xiaopangtun's mouth , "Bozai, your mother is..."

"It's you." Bozai's chubby little face was filled with nervousness, and he seemed more afraid of hearing unexpected answers than he was, "Mr. Xie, aren't you Bozai's mother?"

Xie Yishu looked at Bozai, and Bozai also looked at Xie Yishu nervously.

Three minutes later, Xie Yishu digested the fact that she had a five-year-old son.

The little fat man recognized him from the beginning, but he didn't dare to recognize his relatives because of his "strange" attitude.

He thought he also knew why Gu Yan was in debt.

The "Cultivation Cabin Program" has a fixed number of places every year. Some of them are drawn from the families who submitted applications, and the other small part is purchased.

Xie Yishu didn't know the price, but she also knew it was an astronomical figure.

Bo Zai tugged at the corner of Xie Yishu's clothes, and asked tentatively, "Mom?"

Although Xie Yishu digested the facts, she was still not used to being called "Mom" out of the blue.

He thought for a while, and said to Bozai, "Call me Daddy."

"Daddy!" Little Fatty was a little excited, tiptoed, hugged Xie Yishu's waist, and rubbed his face in admiration, "Little Daddy! Little Daddy!"

Xie Yishu's heart softened into a puddle.

He already liked Bo Zai very much, but now that he knew the relationship between him, himself and Gu Yan, there was an indescribable feeling in this love.

Xie Yishu bent down to pick up the little chubby boy, when his arms touched the little chubby boy's buttocks, he felt a little strange to the touch.

He put the chubby man down, squatted down and asked him: "... Bozai, is there something in your pants?"

Bozai looked at Xie Yishu, then looked down at the tip of his little shoes, feeling that he couldn't hide it, and whispered to his fingers: "Bozai put two small stainless steel bowls."

Xie Yishu couldn't laugh or cry after hearing the reason why chubby pier glued the stainless steel bowl into his pants.

He repeatedly promised that he would not let Gu Yan have the opportunity to hurt their little fat buttocks, and took the little fat pier to the bathroom to take off his pants to get a bowl.

"It can't be like this next time." Xie Yishu said while separating the edge of the bowl from the pants.

Although the superglue is very sticky, but fortunately the contact area between the bowl and the pants is small, Xie Yishu easily took off the two small stainless steel bowls, and when she turned her head, she saw two dishwashing sponges protruding from her underwear.

Xie Yishu tried to pull, but the two sponges did not move at all.

"Boy, you... you also used super glue for your sponge?"

Bozai silently nodded his head.

Xie Yishu was amused by Xiaopangdun's composure, held back her laughter, and said to Bo Zai: "It's okay, it will fall off naturally tomorrow."

He put on pants for Bo Zai, picked up the chubby boy, and weighed it.

Little Fatty was already very soft, but now there are two sponges on his buttocks, it feels really good to hold.

Just a little heavy.

It's a solid fat cub.

Xie Yishu patted Bo Zai on the back: "Let's go, I'll take you to find Dad."

There are also many people on the maglev bus at night.

Xie Yishu was lucky and found the last vacancy for Xiaopangdun.

Bozai usually rides in a car. This was his first time riding a maglev bus, he was a little excited, his short legs were dangling, and when he got off the bus, he still had something to say.

"Daddy, can we take the bus again later?"

Xie Yishu thought of the life that Gu Yan and Bozai had lived these years, and felt a little distressed: "Okay."

"You can sit as many times as you want." He led Bozai towards Unit 3, Building 17, "Daddy will take you to sit."

Linjiali, 501, Unit 3, Building 17.

Xie Yishu stood at the door holding Xiaopangdun, without ringing the doorbell for a long time.

He imagined the scene of reuniting with Gu Yan.

Imagine him saying to Gu Yan, "Long time no see, how have you been all these years?"

I imagined that one of them might hug the other, and I also imagined that they might be speechless.

He rehearsed every scene several times in his mind.

But he didn't expect that it would end up here. He took the little chubby cub and brought him to find his father.

What should he start with

haven't seen you for a long time

I'm Bo Zai's life teacher. I took him to find his father. I didn't expect his father to be you

I miss you

Xie Yishu's brain is in a mess.

Bo Zai looked at the gate, then at Xie Yishu, and tilted his head in doubt: "Daddy?"

Why didn't daddy knock on the door

Xie Yishu heard Bozai's urging, and responded. Looking at the familiar anti-theft door, he took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell.

No one in the room answered.

Xie Yishu pressed it again.

Still no answer.

Xie Yishu was about to press it for the third time, but before he could raise his hand, the door opened in front of him.

Gu Yan stood behind the door, looking at him coldly.

Like a dangerous wolf.

Neither Xie Yishu nor Bo Zai had ever seen Gu Yanzhi like this.

Xie Yishu was okay, but Bo Zai was obviously frightened, swallowed, and whispered: "Daddy?"

Gu Yanzhi ignored it and just stared at Xie Yishu closely.

Then she approached step by step and hugged him tightly.

"where have you been?"

Gu Yanzhi's voice was a little hoarse, and the hand clasped around his waist trembled slightly, like an abandoned domestic dog, muttering: "I can't find you."

"I didn't drink so much on purpose."

"But only in this way you are willing to come out and see me."

"Xiao Shu." Gu Yanzhi buried his face on Xie Yishu's shoulder, his voice was imperceptibly fragile, "Where did you go?"

"I..." Xie Yishu uttered a syllable, only to realize that her throat was also dry. He blinked, blinked the mist from his eyes, and said, "I'm sorry. I'm back."

In the old rented house, there was a faint smell of alcohol.

Bo Zai watched from the side, Xie Yishu didn't want to stay too long on the sad topic.

He raised his hand, stroked Gu Yanzhi's head like a large dog, and asked him, "How much wine did you drink tonight?"

Gu Yanzhi said sullenly: "I don't remember."

Unlike Ancient Blue Star, Atlantis will not feel drunk after drinking the wine. Xie Yishu couldn't judge how much Gu Yanzhi drank, he could only guess from the smell of alcohol in the room that he must have drank a lot.

Xie Yishu stroked his slightly short hair and asked him: "Do you have any hangover soup at home? I'll make you a bowl of hangover soup, okay?"

Gu Yanzhi was silent for a while, tightened his grip on Xie Yishu's waist, and stated in a low voice: "Then you have to leave again."

The drunk Gu Yanzhi is more difficult to deal with.

Xie Yishu said to Bozai: "Bozai, you go in first." When Bozai entered the room, Xie Yishu moved into the room step by step. Although Gu Yanzhi refused to let go of his hand, if he moved a step, Gu Yanzhi would also move a step.

After both of them entered the house, Xie Yishu closed the anti-theft door.

"I won't leave this time."

"I promise."

While talking, something fell out of Xie Yishu's pocket.

Xie Yishu looked at the toddler's leash on the ground, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

In the next second, the premonition came true.

Gu Yanzhi picked up the leash, looked away from the leash, and fell on his face, his voice was low and hoarse: "How can you guarantee it?"