The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday

Chapter 34


Xie Yishu found an anonymous forum in the corner of the platform called "the leader of the handicraft world".

When I clicked on it, I saw those hot posts that remained high.

Each post was followed by thousands of replies, Xie Yishu clicked on one of them, and simply browsed through it.

Almost all of them are saying that he is beyond his control.

A few who spoke for him were also chased for several pages.

After a whole night, the heat didn't drop, Xie Yishu refreshed it, and a few more replies popped up.

Another private message was sent by "the leader of the hand-made world".

[The leader of the hand-made world: Teacher Sheyu, what should I do?]

Xie Yishu thought about it and replied.

[She Yu: It's okay, don't worry about it, just let them talk.]

Xie Yishu can actually understand the thoughts of those who posted.

When he received the tip from "7788219", his first reaction was that the other party might have made a mistake.

Because he felt that his live broadcast was indeed not worth the other party's reward of 10,000 interstellar coins.

Those who posted must also think so, so they post in the forum, thinking that he is crowding out other people's recommendation positions, and they are overestimating their capabilities.

Facing the screen full of "I want to be popular and want to be crazy", Xie Yishu is not very angry.

What pissed him off were the people who mocked his audience in those thread replies.

Xie Yishu pursed her lips, and sent a private message to the "hands-on man".

[She Yu: Tonight is still live broadcast at 8 o'clock, and then I will teach you how to make something different.]The other party will reply soon.

[The leader of the handicraft world: ok, ok, I will sit in front of the light screen on time!][The leader of the hand-made world: Teacher Sheyu, just don't be influenced by those remarks, I will always support you!]Xie Yishu replied "Thank you", clicked on her homepage, and edited an announcement.

[Sheyu's live broadcast room: The live broadcast at 8 o'clock tonight, the materials that will be used are as follows, everyone can prepare in advance. [Picture][Picture]] After editing the announcement, Xie Yishu returned to the anonymous forum and refreshed it a few times. Sure enough, two newest posts related to him appeared.

#Report! The homepage newcomer host makes a show again! Baking soda, cornstarch, coconut oil, transparent hollow balls used as chocolate models... Suspected Transformation Food Anchor#

#Are amino acid surfactants edible? Is SY going to broadcast live gastric lavage tonight? ? #

This was probably a blessing in disguise.

Xie Yishu has been looking for an opportunity to start the mission of 001, tonight's live broadcast is an excellent opportunity. Whether the people who eat melons come to join in the fun, or wait to see the jokes of his new anchor, the number of people in the live broadcast room tonight will definitely not be small.

Xie Yishu quit the live broadcast platform and placed an order on Xingwang for the materials needed for tonight's live broadcast.

After doing all this, Xie Yishu remembered that there were still private messages that had not been answered, and quickly clicked into the live broadcast platform again. Looking at the two private messages sent by "7788219", Xie Yishu thought for a while, and finally gave the most official reply: [She Yu: Thank you for your appreciation.]

[She Yu: I will continue to work hard.]

At 7:30 in the night, Gu Yanzhi and Bo Zai each had a light brain, and sat side by side on the soft cushion on the bay window of the small room.

Tonight, Xie Yishu was going to record a live broadcast at the dining table, so Gu Yanzhi took the initiative to take Bo Zai into the small room to "read and study".

As soon as the father and son entered the live broadcast room, they were surrounded by bullet screens.

[The hottest kindergarten in the whole kindergarten: Appeared! Digital Tunnel!]

[Young people drink more boiled water: 666, you dare to come tonight.]

[Damn my charm that has nowhere to put it: after all, I'm trying to make a show, and I have to make it look a little bit better.][Give me the Lord, let the Lord come: Mess with me.]

Gu Yanzhi: "...?"


Gu Yanzhi's barrage has its own special effects, which are particularly conspicuous in the black barrage.

Almost everyone saw the question mark of "Digital Trench", and in an instant, dense barrages caught up.

[Damn my charm that has nowhere to put it: yes, pretend to be real.][Yawning: I suggest awarding the best actor of the year to SY and his "fans".]Bozai looked down at Guangnao with his chubby face down.

He knows few characters, and he doesn't know most of the characters in the barrage.

But even so, Little Fatty felt that something was wrong.

It seems that there are too many people and barrage in the mother's live broadcast room tonight than usual.

The little chubby tugged on Gu Yanzhi's sleeve in a somewhat helpless way: "Father..."

Gu Yanzhi frowned slightly as he looked at the barrage.

He didn't know what happened, but he could deduce from the barrage of guns and sticks that it was definitely not a good thing.

The notification bar indicated that he had received several private messages.

Gu Yanzhi clicked on the private message interface, and saw a message from "There is a girl named Tangtang Fairy at home".

[There is Tangtang Fairy's daughter: Mr. 7, don't you know what happened?][Fairy Tangtang’s Daughter: [Link][Link][Link][Link][Link]][Fairy Tangtang’s Daughter: Go and see, I’ve sent you these posts, saying you And she gave it to the teacher. ] Gu Yanzhi clicked on one of the links, and when he saw the title, his expression turned cold.

He didn't expect that he would have such a negative influence on Xie Yishu just by giving a few gifts in the live broadcast room last night.

"There is a little fairy girl named Tangtang" who kept sending him messages.

[There is Tangtang Fairy's daughter at home: Lao Song and I don't usually hang out in forums, and we just found out about it.][There is Tangtang Fairy's daughter at home: I don't know if Teacher Sheyu will be affected.][Fairy Tangtang’s daughter: Now those posts are all one-sided. Lao Song and I just entered the forum today, and we can’t speak yet, and we can’t help Teacher Sheyu explain to you.][7788219: I will handle it.]

Gu Yanzhi opened the letter and sent a message to Fang Ziyu.

[Gu Yanzhi: Do you know Cheng Xiao?]

The other side replied quickly.

[Fang Ziyu: This name sounds familiar, Cheng Jue's little cousin seems to be called Cheng Xiao.][Fang Ziyu: It seems that he opened a small company in the sixteenth district, and his family owns a live broadcast platform on Xingwang.][Gu Yanzhi: Star platform.]

[Fang Ziyu: That's right, that's the one. What's wrong with him, you suddenly asked him.][Gu Yanzhi: Please help me.]

[Fang Ziyu: This kid is lucky.]

[Fang Ziyu: [business card], here, the contact information Cheng Jue gave me.][Fang Ziyu: Cheng Jue asked me to tell you that if there is anything his cousin is not doing well, Mr. Gu, please have a lot and take care of him. ] Gu Yanzhi replied with "um", and added Cheng Xiao's message.

Just as I wanted him to grant him a background permission, I received another private message from "there is a little fairy Tang Tang's daughter".

[There is Tangtang Fairy at home: ok ok.]

[There is Tangtang Fairy's daughter at home: I just told me that Teacher Sheyu told us not to worry, he will take care of it.][There is Tangtang Fairy's daughter: Mr. 7, why don't you wait for Teacher Sheyu to finish the live broadcast first? Maybe Teacher Sheyu has her own ideas. ] Gu Yanzhi lowered his eyes, tapped the screen, and replied "Yes".

It's eight o'clock.

Xie Yishu started the live broadcast.

Xiao Pangdun felt that today's barrage was very annoying, full of dense words, and they were all words he couldn't understand, so he simply waved his hand, turned off the barrage, and only watched his mother's live broadcast.

Gu Yanzhi put on the earphones and listened to the sounds outside and in the studio at the same time.

Xie Yishu looked at the number of viewers displayed in the upper left corner and was a little surprised.

He originally thought that the 3,000 he estimated was too much, but he didn't expect that there were already more than 10,000 people in the live broadcast room before the live broadcast started.

Barrages continued to flash across the live broadcast room.

[Jiu: Hasn't the host started yet?]

[Blank: It's already eight o'clock.]

[Can't think of the name: Could it be that he fled the battle?]

Xie Yishu saw the barrage of "run away", smiled, turned on the front camera, let the audience see the materials prepared in advance on the dining table, cleared her throat, and said the first sentence of the night: " Hello everyone, I am Sheyu."

"What I'm going to teach you to do tonight is Bear's favorite bath partner: bubble bath balls."

When Cheng Xiao received a call from his cousin, he almost lost his grip on the optical brain.

He has always wanted to use his cousin Cheng Jue to get on the line of the main star Fang's family. But he didn't expect that one day the young master of the Fang family would take the initiative to ask his cousin about him, because the Gu family asked him for a favor.

Gu family, how many Gu families are there in the main star

Cheng Xiao never dreamed that one day he would be able to contact the Gu family of the main star.

He quickly passed the friend application from the Gu family, and waited quietly, but he didn't hear from him for a long time.

Cheng Xiao pondered for a while, and took the initiative to send a message to the other party, but did not get a reply.

Cheng Jue told him to wait, but he couldn't calm down.

They all knew that if he could help with this, his position in the Cheng family in the sixteenth district would be stable. If it didn't help, his horde of cousins would have to do something again.

Cheng Xiao had no choice but to turn on his live broadcast platform to distract attention.

Among the holographic live broadcast rooms recommended on the homepage, an ordinary live broadcast room with more than 100,000 online viewers stood out from the crowd.

Cheng Xiao clicked in and found that the anchor turned out to be a rookie anchor who had not yet signed a contract with the platform.

Cheng Xiao suddenly became interested, turned up the volume, and watched.

"... At the request of everyone, I will do it again. These four small bowls are filled with baking soda, anhydrous citric acid, cornstarch and rose salt, which can be bought on the star website, according to 10:5:5: 2 ratio, if you have dried flowers at home, you can add a little more dried flowers... "

“…add a tablespoon of coconut oil, add amino acid surfactant in three additions, add your favorite essential oils. My choice here is sweet almond oil and verbena essential oil, which will have a lemon sugar taste…”

"... Divide the mixed powder into several parts, put them back into a small bowl, and color them with food coloring. This time, I choose light yellow, light green, light pink, and light blue. Choose these four colors and match them. There will be a very dreamy effect together, which is very suitable for male friends present to give to their lovers... "

“…The next step is to put the colored powder into the mold. Fill a little more so that it protrudes like a hill, and then put the two ‘hills’ against each other and press them firmly. If it is for It’s made by children, and you can put a small toy in it…”

"Okay, put it in the quick-setting box of the refrigerator for five minutes, and it will be released from the mold after a while."

As the anchor's voice fell, the barrage filled with "My material has arrived, I can start to make it" and "Why hasn't my express delivery arrived yet, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry".

Cheng Xiao posted a barrage and asked, "What is this doing?"

At first, he thought it was for food, but when he saw that active agents were added behind it, he didn't think it was for food.

As the boss of Xingxing Platform, Cheng Xiao's barrage special effects are also very eye-catching.

Soon someone replied to him in the barrage.

[If the bubble bath ball is not ready, it will not be renamed: bubble bath ball.]

[I’m a fan of Sheyu from today: the previous one is more rigorous, it’s “Little Bear’s favorite bathing partner: bubble bath ball”.][Chirp: I think we keep giving newcomers popular science about this. Posts in the previous forum, and today's live broadcast.][The worst kindergarten in the whole kindergarten: I think this incident can be recorded in the history of the forum. The apology post on the forum has already turned 30 pages. ] Cheng Xiao saw the barrage, double-opened the interface, played the live broadcast on one side, and clicked on the forum on the other.

The first post on the forum is the apology post mentioned in the barrage just now.

#火: Did the group of people who forced Lai Lai Sheyu yesterday and today apologize? #

Click in, the first sentence of the main building is: I come first. Teacher Sheyu, I'm sorry, bang bang bang.

You are definitely not overreaching, thank you for the live broadcast, thank you for the bubble bath ball, my girlfriend who hasn't spoken to me for three days just finally spoke up and asked me what this is and if I will do it. Thank you Teacher Sheyu, Kuang Kuang Kuang.

In the apology post, there are linkages with other posts, as well as a summary of this matter.

Cheng Xiao took a rough look and knew what happened.

Before I had time to put on my vest and say something, a voice came from the live broadcast room next door: "Five minutes are up, and I'm starting to take off the mold... It's a success!"

Cheng Xiao quickly zoomed in on the screen in the live broadcast room, and saw a big round ball with a dreamy color in the anchor's hand.

"I just refilled the bathtub. Next, let's take everyone to watch the reaction of the bubble bath ball after it hits the water: 蹡蹡—"

Cheng Xiao watched the tumbling balls in the bathtub and the gradually denser and more milky white bubbles, and followed other audience members to post barrage.

[Cheng Zi: Damn it!]

[I won’t change the name until the bubble bath ball is ready: I’m crying, the active agent I ordered hasn’t arrived yet.][Sleepy: I seem to lie down in the anchor's bathtub and take a bath right now.][Baby is five years old: Teacher Sheyu, thank you, my baby doesn't like to take a bath. I just made bubble bath balls according to your method. He told me, "Mom, I have to take a bath tomorrow."][System prompt: "Baby is five years old" presented the anchor with a flower. ]

"Baby is five years old" was not the only one who tipped, even Cheng Xiao sent a basket of flowers to the new anchor.

The bubble bath ball gradually melted into the water, and Cheng Xiao heard the anchor say: "Today's live broadcast ends here, and tomorrow is still at 8 pm, I will teach you how to make another practical little thing. The necessary materials will be posted in the announcement in advance .”

[I won’t change the name until the bubble bath ball is ready: OK, I will definitely prepare in advance this time.][Jiu: Me too, I must prepare two copies in advance.]

[From today onwards, I am a fan of Sheyu: I will prepare three copies, no, five copies. The store in the same city where I just placed the order for the active agent, the amino acid surfactant has been taken off the shelves! I don't think I can take another copy, but I have to find a store across the city. ] "Finally, let me say a few more words. I know that many viewers here only know about my live broadcast room after seeing posts related to me in anonymous forums. They also know that my live broadcast tonight may make you Some of them have changed their minds about me."

[Chirp: The anchor is being humble, it’s almost everyone, I just looked at the apology post on the forum, and it’s already turned fifty pages!][The worst kindergarten in the whole kindergarten: I just changed my mind. Let me put my words here, who will talk about our Teacher Sheyu later, I will fight with him to the end. ] "However, I still want to say a few words for our little bear puppet. Compared with the 'bubble bath ball', the 'little bear puppet' is indeed not that brilliant, or it can be said to be mediocre."

The young man's voice is gentle, "But my audience's mood when they are learning to make a bear puppet is the same as when they are learning to make a bubble bath ball. They hope to receive gifts made by themselves. One can feel happy."

"Some of them are parents, some are brothers and sisters, some are boyfriends and girlfriends... Their kindness should not be ridiculed. So I hope that if there are people here who laugh at them in the forum for learning to make bear puppets, they can apply for a delete reply in the background .”

"thank you all."

[Can't think of a name: I apologize to everyone with my real name, I'm sorry.][xx: I also apologize in my real name. I followed suit and made fun of me last night. I'm sorry.][National Certified Handicapped Expert: It’s okay, it’s okay, everyone is friends now. We will watch the live broadcast together in the future.][Learn to be a little bear tomorrow: I also apologize in real name.]

[Suddenly want to drink milk tea: real name +1, sorry everyone.]

Cheng Xiao looked at the barrage above the live broadcast room and felt that this anchor named "She Yu" must sign.

Just as I was about to offer an olive branch to this new anchor backstage, I received a message from the Gu family.

Cheng Xiao shook his hands and checked quickly.

[Gu Yanzhi: Gu Yanzhi.]

[Gu Yanzhi: [link]]

[Gu Yanzhi: Do me a favor, seal the account of the person in this thread.]

[Cheng Xiao: No problem, no problem.]

[Gu Yanzhi: Thank you.]

[Gu Yanzhi: Next time, if you need help, you can come to me. ] Cheng Xiao clicked on the link and found that it was a new post a few minutes ago.

The new post is aimed at the "newcomer anchor" just now, stamping everything as a long-planned hype. Said that the few posts last night were the other party's trolls, and called on everyone in the forum to resist this kind of behavior and boycott the new anchors.

Cheng Xiao personally opened the authority to check, and found that the other party was the "water army" who opened several trumpets and ran up and down.

The real identity is also a newcomer anchor, and the signing information in the background shows that they are negotiating.

Cheng Xiao frowned, decisively blocked several of his accounts, and planned to talk to the editorial staff tomorrow that they couldn't have this kind of person.

Keep the evil wind sooner or later.

After sealing the account, Cheng Xiao remembered that this was a post related to "She Yu".

Mr. Gu sent him this post, does it mean that he also watched the same live broadcast as him.

And it is very likely that she is a fan of "She Yu".

Then he wants to sign this rookie anchor.

At that time, if Mr. Gu wants to praise this newcomer, he can make it easier for Mr. Gu.

Thinking of this, Cheng Xiao couldn't help asking.

[Cheng Xiao: Mr. Gu, do you also watch Teacher Sheyu's live broadcast?]

[Gu Yanzhi: Yes.]

[Cheng Xiao: I also watch his live broadcast.]

Cheng Xiao was about to personally send out a signing invitation to the newcomer, but before he could do so, he received another message from Mr. Gu.

[Gu Yanzhi: He is my lover.]

Seeing this message, Cheng Xiao paused when he clicked "Send".

His mind is full of whether he can still sign this potential rookie.

After all, Mr. Gu's news is full of possessiveness between the lines.

It seemed to be warning him not to make any crooked ideas.

Can he still sign? This potential star.

Cheng Xiao looked at the letter, then at the signing invitation, deeply entangled.