The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday

Chapter 4


The little chubby cub is very cute when he opens his arms and begs for a hug.

Xie Yishu resisted the urge to pinch his little fat face, and asked gently: "Where do you want to go?"

Among his high school classmates, there are professional truants, and among his college classmates, there are a lot of skipping classes.

But he didn't expect that the children now want to skip school when they are only in kindergarten.

Xie Yishu's question overwhelmed several children.

The five little heads got together and chatted for a while, and the little boy in the head looked at Xie Yishu: "We want to go to Muxie Avenue."

Xie Yishu asked: "Why do you want to go to Muxie Street?"

The little boy looked at Xie Yishu, hesitated for a moment, and answered honestly: "There is a toy store there, and the latest episode of "Bear-Bearing Adventure" will be played on time at eleven o'clock at noon."

"Can't you watch it in the kindergarten?" Xie Yishu made some preparations for the interview last night, remembering that Yunshan Kindergarten will show animations to the children in the last class in the morning, that is, from 11:00 to 11:30. piece.

"Usually it's fine." The little boy became annoyed when he said this, "but this morning our little mushroom class will have a physical examination."

It turned out that the physical examination took up the time to watch cartoons.

Xie Yishu held back her laughter and concluded: "So in order to watch "Bear Bear Adventure", you want to leave the kindergarten."

Three children nodded, and the other two shook their heads.

The little boy in the cream yellow coat explained: "I want to leave because Dynasty, Lu An, Tang Tang, and Gu Bo are all leaving."

He stopped and thought for a while, and became more and more sure of his choice: "They are not here, and I don't want to be."

It seems that the relationship between these children is very good.

Xie Yishu nodded in understanding, and looked at the little fat boy who had just yelled "Daddy" in astonishment: "What about you?"

The chubby man looked away, with a sullen chubby face, and said nothing.

The only little girl present patted his chubby arm and told Xie Yishu: "Gu Bo doesn't want to have a physical examination. The physical examination requires weighing, and you have to announce it loudly after the weighing."

The little chubby hung his head with tears in his eyes.

Xie Yishu understood.

He glanced at the time displayed on the terminal. There was still a quarter of an hour before the start of the interview. He looked up at the children and made a distressed look: "I see, but which of you should I take away?"

The five children looked at him blankly.

Xie Yishu explained to them patiently: "I can pretend to be the parent of only one of you at most. If I open my mouth, I will take all five of you away, and your teacher will also be suspicious."


The little guys' shoulders slumped.

This uncle can only be the "father" of one of them, not the "father" of five of them.

The five little heads got together again.

Xie Yishu could hear them discussing: "What should we do? Should Gu Bo go with him first? The four of us stay here and wait for other uncles and aunts to take us away..."

"No, no, no, we can't separate. It's too dangerous to act alone. Yesterday Lan Xiong was in danger because he left the team..."

Xie Yishu participated in their discussion: "If not, I'll ask the teacher for you to see if I can show the rebroadcast of "Bear Adventure" during the break in the afternoon. As for the weighing and counting, I will also help you ask Ask, see if you can change it and let you write it yourself, or say it like a whisper... ”

"Uncle, are you really willing to speak for us!"

"Hmm." After all, they are all reasonable demands. Xie Yishu glanced at the time, "Then you go back to the little mushroom class first, I will go to your teacher..."

The five little guys looked at each other, and the little boy who was the leader shook his head: "We are waiting for you here."

If Teacher Ge disagrees, they still have to find a way to get out of here.

Yunshan Kindergarten opens at 7:00, and the first class begins at 8:30. Xie Yishu thought that the interview should not take half an hour, she nodded and said, "That's fine, you guys wait here for me."

"Now I'm also a member of your team, you can't leave me alone until I come back."

The little ones nodded solemnly.

They all watch "Bearing Adventures", and the bears never leave the team behind.

Xie Yishu stretched out her little finger and hooked them through the iron fence.

Five minutes left.

"Then I'll go find your teacher." Xie Yishu got up and straightened her shirt, then waved goodbye to the five children.

When he showed the interview letter to the doorman and found the director's office according to the doorman's dictation, the time on the terminal was exactly eight o'clock in the morning.

Not late.

Xie Yishu breathed a sigh of relief, raised her hand and knocked on the door three times.

"Please come in."

Xie Yishu pushed the door open and walked in.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a woman sitting behind the desk, about forty years old, with short hair shoulder length, and looked very capable.

Xie Yishu saw her photo when she checked the information.

The principal of Yunshan Kindergarten, Lu Yun.

Yunshan Kindergarten was established by her and her husband.

"Please sit down."

Xie Yishu sat down on the chair in front of the desk.

"Mr. Xie, I read your resume and it is very outstanding. You graduated from Nanxi University, received a federal scholarship for four consecutive years, and hold a preschool teacher qualification certificate... To be honest, I saw someone with such a resume applying for our Yunshan Kindergarten The nursery staff, as the director of the kindergarten, I feel inferior."

Lu Yun looked at the young man in front of her with sharp eyes, "What made you choose us among so many job hunting information?"

It was the question he was preparing for last night.

Xie Yishu let go of her clenched hands, and spoke clearly: "One is because I like this profession. I like children very much, and getting along with children makes me feel happy and relaxed. The second is because of the salary and benefits..."

Xie Yishu paused, and said with a wry smile, "You must have seen that in my resume, my work experience is zero."

"Five years ago, I received a medical certificate from the hospital. The doctor said that I might not live to be twenty-five years old. I didn't want to spend the remaining five years in the hospital, so I started a trip with my college savings. "

"Five years later, I went back to the hospital for a follow-up visit. The doctor told me that there was nothing wrong with my body. The medical certificate that year may have been misdiagnosed by the doctor. The five-year trip almost used up my savings, so I really need a copy Jobs that provide accommodation.”

Xie Yishu knew that the rhetoric of "spending all his savings" might bring him points deducted, but other than that, he couldn't think of a more suitable reasoning to explain his five-year vacancy.

To his surprise, Director Lu did not ask him in depth about his "five years of experience", but instead asked him another very official question: "You said you like this profession very much, Mr. Xie, do you imagine What is the occupation of the childcare worker in the school?"

This caught Xie Yishu a little off guard.

But fortunately, this is also the question he was prepared to ask last night.

He watched a life documentary related to childcare workers on the optical brain, which introduced a day of a childcare worker in detail.

If the kindergarten opens at seven o'clock, the nursery staff will arrive at six o'clock. They have to disinfect tables, chairs, toys, floors, walls and other things that young children can touch in advance, and assist the kitchen to make children's breakfast... From morning to night, they have almost no time to rest.

Hard. However, they cannot be replaced by bionics like other professions.

Because this is a kindergarten, those who need their group of nurses are children whose minds and emotions have not yet been fully established.

If at the beginning Xie Yishu submitted her resume with the mentality of "suffering as long as it is hard, after all, food and housing are included", then after watching the documentary, Xie Yishu has a new view on this job.

This should be a very rewarding job.

Seeing those little faces that trust you, all the hard work will be rewarded.

Xie Yishu organized his language and expressed his thoughts.

He quietly waited for Director Lu to ask the third question.

Lu Yun stared at him for a while, showing a gentle smile that didn't match his capable image, and took out a contract from the drawer and handed it to him: "Let's sign it. One month probationary period, if you can stay for one month, you can become a full-time employee after one month .”

Xie Yishu was taken aback.

This is the end? Just two questions

Xie Yishu didn't expect it to go so smoothly, her cheeks should be a little hot with excitement.

But thinking of the monthly salary, Xie Yishu calmed down again. The work is hard and the salary is low. It is normal for him to get the job without other competitors.

Xie Yishu opened the contract and was about to sign it. When she saw the salary marked in the salary column, she stopped holding the pen.

There was one more zero than what he saw in his optical brain yesterday.

Xie Yishu couldn't believe her eyes, looked up at Director Lu, Lu Yun smiled and said, "I think you must have checked 'board and lodging' directly when you read the recruitment information yesterday."

Xie Yishu blushed and nodded. He did.

"If you see the recruitment of other 'childcare workers', you will find that the number in the contract is the normal monthly salary."

"I missed a zero in my job posting."

"I only discovered this yesterday. When I was about to revise it, I saw someone submitting a resume."

Lu Yun smiled: "Your education is very good, but your lack of work experience will make you get rejected in the first round."

"But you still sent me an interview letter..."

"Because I really want to see what kind of person is willing to get only 1,000 interstellar coins a month." Lu Yun said to Xie Yishu, "You answered both questions very well. I also saw you I am willing to give you this opportunity to get along with the children in the little mushroom class."

Xie Yishu was even more surprised: "It turns out that those children are also..."

"No, I didn't arrange those children. They really wanted to sneak out of the kindergarten."

In order to ensure the safety of the children, surveillance cameras are installed in every corner of the park. As soon as Bo Zai and the others ran to the fence, they were noticed by Lu Yun.

Lu Yun paused, a little helpless, "I didn't expect these children to be so courageous... But your handling method is very good. You let them know that if something goes wrong, you can discuss it with the teacher first."

As she said that, she took out another work card: "This is your work card. I directly used the photo in your resume. You hang it up first. If you want to change the photo, you can change it yourself."

Xie Yishu took the work card and hung it up, Lu Yun patted him on the shoulder: "Go, those children are still waiting for you in the grass."

"What you want to lead is their little mushroom class. You are quite destined."

Xie Yishu walked out of the director's office, and the little fan 001 exploded, excitedly saying: "Host host, you are amazing!!"

It felt that it would be great if the host could find a job, but it didn't expect that the salary would double after one interview.

Moreover, the host's understanding of "nursery staff" also provided it with a lot of inspiration.

It and the host can start with the cubs, tell the story of the ancient blue star, and promote the name of the ancient blue star. A cub is a point, and a class of cubs is a lot of points!

Xie Yishu was also a little excited.

Substituting a class and writing a courier service is not counted, this is the first job he found after graduation.

He still walked at first, but when he got downstairs, he couldn't help but quicken his pace.

Soon he walked to the back wall and saw five cubs squatting in the grass waiting for him.

When the little guys saw him, they all got out of the bushes, surrounded Xie Yishu and asked, "Uncle Uncle, how are you doing?"

Xie Yishu made a "success" gesture to them: "It's done."

The little ones cheered immediately, and the little chubby cub was so happy that he jumped two centimeters off the ground. Xie Yishu saw the grass leaves on his head, and reached out to pat him.

Bo Zai knows that he doesn't need to report his weight in front of other children for the physical examination today, so he is in a great mood. Lowering his chubby face, he obediently asked the good uncle to pat the leaves of grass for him. He also consciously patted the little fat buttocks, wanting to slap the grass leaves off his pants.

After the blades of grass fell off, Bo Zai raised his head, and saw Xie Yishu's work card hanging on his chest.

Little Fatty's eyes widened suddenly—

He had seen the picture on it.

The photo above is similar to the photo of mom that dad showed him! ! !

The author has something to say: Bozai: I checked the photo, it looks very similar to Bozai's mother! [Favorite +100]

Gu Yanzhi: Son, if you look carefully, they should be exactly the same.