The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday

Chapter 51


Gu Yanzhi frowned slightly.

He had no impression of the man in front of him.

He glanced at the assistant, who was also thinking hard.

Some people don't mind being told they look like other people.

Seeing Gu Yanzhi frowning, Zhang Cheng also realized that his words were wrong, and quickly explained: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend. What I mean is, you and my boss are both handsome."

"I took a look at my boss from a distance at last year's annual meeting, and thought he was very handsome, even more handsome than the stars who became popular on the Internet. Brother, you are also very handsome, that's why I feel that way. "

It turned out that we only met once at the company's annual meeting.

Gu Yanzhi's eyebrows stretched, "Thank you."

Hearing last year's annual meeting, the assistant finally remembered who the person wearing sunglasses was: "You are the one..."

Zhang Cheng gave him a positive look: "That's right, I am 'Charter 4.5'."

A professional smile subconsciously appeared on the assistant's face: "I've watched your live broadcast of the game. You 'Hawkeye' played very well."

"The Final Battlefield" is a tactical competitive sandbox game developed by Kano, which has been very popular in the past two years.

At the beginning of the system, two players are randomly selected as the commanders of their respective camps, and the rest of the players choose their own mechs, and under the leadership of the commanders, they will fight against the players of the opposite camp.

Hawkeye is the most difficult sniper mecha in "The Final Battlefield".

"Rule 4.5" has a high effective sniper rate when operating Hawkeye, so it is also well-known in the game area.

Jingsheng holds 18% of the shares of Kano, and Gu Yanzhi also attended the annual meeting of Kano last year.

Zhang Cheng regarded the assistant as a small fan who watched his live broadcast, and laughed, "Now you don't have to worry about me being a liar."

He turned the topic back and asked Gu Yanzhi: "How about it, brother? Help me see what's wrong with my dashboard. If I can continue to drive, I'll take you to Liao Yun."

Gu Yanzhi wanted to refuse, but seeing Xie Yishu's expectant expression, he finally nodded.

The people from the car modification shop will be here in a while.

He can say that he can't be sure just by looking at it. He has to wait for his companion to bring tools and check all the connected places before he can determine where the problem is.

Zhang Cheng turned sideways quickly, moved out of the way, and pointed to the blinking icon on the dashboard for Gu Yanzhi to see.

Gu Yanzhi looked at the dashboard that was constantly prompting that the water tank was short of water: "..."

If he can't solve this immediately, Xiao Shu will definitely become suspicious.

Gu Yanzhi glanced at Xie Yishu, and said four words to Zhang Cheng: "The water tank is short of water."

Zhang Cheng didn't know anything about this, so he asked blankly, "What should I do if there is a shortage of water?"

"Add water." Gu Yanzhi said concisely, "Is there any coolant in the trunk?"

Zhang Cheng is not sure: "It seems there is?"

He borrowed this car from his brother. He is a novice on the road and doesn't know much about it.

Xie Yishu pushed Gu Yanzhi: "Gu Yan, help him take a look."

Zhang Cheng smiled at Xie Yishu, and said to Gu Yanzhi: "Brother, come with me."

Gu Yanzhi found a bucket of coolant in the other party's trunk, opened the hood, unscrewed the cap, and poured the coolant into the water tank.

The assistant and the driver watched blankly.

Although it is common sense for people who own a car to know that "the water tank is short of water, you need to add coolant", they will add it, not to mention Mr. Gu who even knows the "front swing arm", but when he saw Mr. Gu open the hood, Adding coolant to the water tank still made them feel shocked.

Gu Yanzhi closed the hood and said calmly, "Okay."

Zhang Cheng glanced at the dashboard, and the blinking icon did not blink.

He gave Gu Yanzhi a thumbs up: "Damn, brother, bull."

He paused, and then said to Xie Yishu: "It would be great to have a lover who can repair cars. You don't have to worry about the car breaking down when you go out."

Xie Yishu likes to hear others praise Gu Yan, so she bent her eyebrows and said, "Yeah."

They don't have a car yet.

After signing the contract with Sanye on Wednesday, he and Gu Yan went to the shop to look at the car.

Bozai also likes to hear people praise his father, his chest is puffed out, and the chubby face is full of pride: "Bozai's father is very powerful."

Gu Yanzhi didn't like extravagance at first, but seeing his lover and son happy, the impatience in his heart disappeared.

Zhang Cheng opened the car door: "Then as I said before, I'll take you to Liao Yun."

Xie Yishu thanked: "Thank you."

They would have troubled the owner of the Klinger. Now that someone can take them to the resort, Gu Yan's colleagues should arrive soon. They get to go to the resort, and the Klingher owners get home early after the repairs are done, killing two birds with one stone.

The assistant followed suit: "Then the driver and I will wait here for someone to repair the car, Gu..."

The assistant stopped and swallowed the word "General" that was about to be said immediately.

He forgot for a moment that Mr. Gu wanted him and the driver to delay time on the road.

If he does this, can he ask Mr. Gu to delay the time

The assistant didn't dare to look at Mr. Gu's expression, so he bit the bullet and finished the rest of the sentence: "Mr. Gu, Mr. Xie, take the children and leave first."

"Boss, driver, help Gu, Mr. Gu and the others with their luggage."

Gu Yanzhi sat in the passenger seat, and Xie Yishu sat in the back row with the two children.

Zhang Cheng looked at the back seat from the rearview mirror and reminded his little nephew: "Yun Shu, share snacks with your friends."

"Okay!" The little boy named Yun Shu responded crisply.

He gave Bo Zai a piece of chocolate, and said with a smile, "You eat this, this chocolate egg is delicious."

Seeing this, Bozai quickly put his chubby hand into his small backpack and took out a bag of bear biscuits to Yun Shu: "Then Bozai treats you to some biscuits, this biscuit is strawberry flavored, and it's also very good eat."

The two children got to know each other by sharing snacks.

Xie Yishu is used to being a life teacher. Before the two children started the snack party in the car, she took a wet tissue to wipe their hands.

The atmosphere in the back seat is very harmonious.

What's not harmonious is... Zhang Cheng glanced at the man in the passenger seat.

Although the opponent's occupation is an auto mechanic, it really feels like someone in a high position.

Sitting quietly is a kind of deterrent to people, making people afraid to talk to each other when they are fine.

Gu Yanzhi stared at Xie Yishu who was sharing snacks with the two children in the rearview mirror, tapped his finger on the armrest lightly, wanting to disrupt the plan.

The plan just now was made out of desperation.

There are many places where it is lacking.

For example, Uncle Zhang doesn't have to arrive earlier than them.

In the case of luggage storage, Uncle Zhang only needs to deliver the suitcase before they come back to pick up the luggage.

For another example, he may not have the opportunity to store his suitcase.

Xiaoshu may propose to put the suitcase in the room first, and then take Bozai to play outside.

The truly foolproof way should be to delay time on his side and let Uncle Zhang pretend to be a tourist and wait at the front desk with a suitcase.

When Xie Yishu checked in, he exchanged suitcases with Uncle Zhang.

But now, unless the car breaks down suddenly, Uncle Zhang shouldn't be able to arrive in front of them.

You can only prepare with both hands:

Store luggage as originally planned.

Or open the suitcase in front of Xiaoshu.

When getting out of the car, Gu Yanzhi had already thought up the countermeasures.

Zhang Cheng parked the car, and the two families went to the front desk together.

The receptionist at the front desk received the notice in advance, and after verifying Gu Yanzhi's identity, he said the words he had prepared in advance: "Sir, there is still room for luxury suites tonight, so I will upgrade you to luxury suites for free."

"The room number is 808, and the room card has been bound to your terminal. I wish the two of you and the children a happy stay in our Liaoyun Resort."

Zhang Cheng enviously said: "What kind of luck are you guys having!"

Thinking that it was rare for him to take his little nephew to the resort, he booked a luxurious suite with huge sums of money.

If he had known that there would be room here, he would be able to upgrade for free, so he also booked a normal family room.

Xie Yishu didn't expect to be so lucky these two days.

He smiled, picked up the chubby boy, and asked him to touch the hands of Zhang Cheng and Yun Shu: "It's my son who is lucky. Come on, Bo Zai, let's share some of the good luck with Uncle Zhang and Brother Yun Shu."

Bozai was very happy to do good deeds, so he stretched out his chubby hand, actively shook hands with his uncle, and then shook hands with his little brother.

Knowing the identities of this family, the front desk said to Zhangcheng with insight: "Sir, we can refund you the price difference after check-out."

Zhang Cheng didn't expect such a good thing to happen to him, so he quickly said, "Okay, thank you."

He looked at Xiaopangdun, and greeted his little nephew: "Come on, Yun Shu, let's touch brother koi more."

Bozai liked the name very much and giggled.

Xie Yishu would have such a follow-up, she turned her head and smiled at Gu Yanzhi and said, "We will call Bo Zai 'Bo Li' from now on."

He lamented the good luck of the little chubby in his arms.

He didn't find the real big koi watching him tenderly, smiling without saying a word.

Zhang Cheng's room was on the seventh floor, and they got out of the elevator one floor earlier.

Arriving at the eighth floor, the elevator door opened, Bo Zai rushed out on his short legs, Xie Yishu followed behind him.

Gu Yanzhi dragged the suitcase and walked slowly at the end.

He took out his optical computer and sent a message to his assistant: [Call the airport and say you took the wrong suitcase.]Sent another message to the driver of my family:[Uncle Zhang, pull over and stop the car, open the suitcase, take a photo and send it to my assistant Xiao Chen. There is no need to bring the suitcase over here, but send it to the airport, saying that it was taken by mistake. Excuse me, let you make an extra trip. ] After sending the message, he quit Xunxin.

But that alone doesn't seem to be enough.

"Xiao Shu."

Xie Yishu and Bozai looked over.

Gu Yanzhi looked directly at his lover and son, feeling a little embarrassed, but still bit the bullet as planned and said: "Xiao Shu, I have never lived in such a nice room."