The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday

Chapter 53


If the staff raised their heads, they would find that the manager in front of him, who had been instructed by the manager ten thousand times, to treat him well and not to offend him, had a very ugly face at this moment.

But he didn't.

He is so nervous.

He didn't know why the manager didn't receive the three distinguished guests himself, but asked him to come.

But it's useless to think about these things now.

What he should think about is how to make these three distinguished guests have fun and feel at home in their resort.

The staff gathered their thoughts, bowed to Xie Yishu, and said respectfully: "Mr. Xie."

The idea of the staff is simple.

The husband and wife have children, and the property must be shared. Shouting "Mr. Xie" must be right.

Xie Yishu: "...?"

Beside him, Gu Yanzhi frowned.

He raised his hand and patted the staff on the shoulder, and said kindly, "Are you a new employee here? Don't be nervous."

I have been working here since the opening of the park, and I am already a staff member of the old staff of the resort: "...Okay."

Although he was a little depressed about his promotion of "new employee" status, he still breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

President Gu and his family seem very approachable.

The poor staff just felt relieved, but in the next second, they were confused by the conversation between the easy-going husband and wife.

"Xiao Shu, when the employees of their resort were training, they must have simulated receiving some company bosses, so they couldn't change it for a while, and called us 'Mr. Gu' and 'Mr. Xie'."

"Well, he seems to be 'one-on-one'. I saw this special service on the official website yesterday, and it costs 10,000 yuan per person. Those who can afford this must be rich people."

Xie Yishu paused, hesitant: "But our 'family tour' should not include this service."

He looked at the staff and saw the blankness in the other person's eyes. He confirmed his guess even more, and asked gently: "Did you make a mistake? We are a winning family, and the package does not include this."

Bozai also stretched out his chubby hand. He wanted to imitate his father and pat the staff on the shoulder, but found that his arms were too short, so he could only withdraw his chubby hand regretfully, and said old-fashionedly: "Uncle, it's okay."

"It's not terrible to make mistakes, everyone will make mistakes sometimes, just correct it."

Little Fatty closed his eyes tightly, then opened them again with a squeak.

This is his own enhanced version of Wink. He hoped that the staff uncle could understand his hint.

The staff stared blankly at the chubby little VIP, and after a while, looked at the other two VIPs.

mistake? Who got it wrong? He made a mistake? What went wrong

The staff opened their mouths, wanting to ask if they were Mr. Gu Yanzhi and Mr. Xie Yishu, to check their identities.

Gu Yanzhi raised his hand to stop his words.

Gu Yanzhi looked at Xie Yishu: "Let's go to the front desk with him and ask if there is a mistake."

He glanced lightly at the staff. The words have been said for this sake, the other party should understand.

Xie Yishu thought for a while: "You go to the front desk with him and ask, I will take Bozai to a nearby store to choose clothes first? We will act separately to save time."

He made a plan with Little Fatty last night. Have a self-service barbecue at noon, take a walk to the horse riding field after eating, buy an experience class, let Bo Zai ride a pony for half an hour, and then watch the equestrian show at 4:30 in the afternoon.

If there was any further delay, they would have to sit in the last row or on the far side to watch the equestrian show.

Bo Zai was interrupted by the staff, and he forgot that he and his parents were going to snap up parent-child clothes, Xiaopang showed an eager look on his face: "Daddy, let's go to the nearby store! Dad, let's meet at the nearby store. "

Gu Yanzhi: "Okay."

Xie Yishu took Bozai to find nearby shops.

Gu Yanzhi stood where he was and waited for Xie Yishu's figure to disappear around the corner before turning around.

The manager has been watching the situation here from a distance, and seeing something is wrong, he quickly walked over: "Mr. Gu."

He glanced at the employees under him without leaving a trace, and asked: "Is there something that our Xiao Wang didn't do well? I'll change it for you..."

Gu Yanzhi interrupted him: "He did a good job."

Fortunately, I called Xie Yishu "Mr. Xie".

Gu Yanzhi recalled what he had told the manager last night, frowned and said, "It's because I didn't explain it well last night."

He repeated: "My family and I want to be treated like normal people when we go on vacation."

manager:"… ?"

Gu Yanzhi took the address as an example, and said concisely: "Don't call me 'Mr. Gu', call me 'Mr. Gu' or 'guest' like other guests."

The manager was stunned for a while before turning the corner.

Mr. Gu and his family want to experience the vacation of ordinary people.

The eyes of the employees on the side were straight.

He thought that the plots of "rich kids hiding their identities and experiencing the life of the poor" in the film and television were written by screenwriters.

I didn't expect that there would be rich people who really couldn't think about it and lowered their living standards to experience the lives of ordinary people.

It's not that the life of ordinary people is not good, but normal people want to become rich!

Just like him, he just wants to get rich overnight, quit his job, and live a life of extravagance!

The manager asked cautiously: "Then 'personal play'..."

Gu Yanzhi said lightly: "Cancel."

There was already a small, bulging light bulb, and Gu Yanzhi didn't want another big, unfamiliar light bulb.

"Okay, okay." The manager also said politely, "Mr. Gu, please wait a moment."

He turned around, walked quickly to the front desk, asked the person at the front desk for a card, walked back quickly, and handed the card to Gu Yanzhi: "Because of our mistakes, we have brought you and your family a bad vacation. Experience."

"This is the care of our resort. Show this card and you will get a 10% discount on all consumption in the resort."

"10% off card" can be said to be the symbol of Liao Yun Resort.

Many guests who have suggested improvements to the staff have received this card.

His Xiaoshu will definitely be happy when he sees this card.

Gu Yanzhi's brows and eyes softened, he took the card and said, "Thank you."

The manager did not expect that a 10% discount card could satisfy this distinguished guest, so he was a little flattered: "As long as you are satisfied, the guest."

"Hope you and your family have fun at our 'Liaoyun'."

When Gu Yanzhi arrived at the surrounding souvenir shop, Xie Yishu and Bo Zai had already chosen their parent-child outfits.

It is bright yellow, with Yilong, one of the five mascots of Liaoyun Resort, printed on the front.

Bozai showed Gu Yanzhi his little sweater: "Dad, my little dad said that Bozai is like this little milk dragon."

Gu Yanzhi looked down, with a little smile in his eyes.

Thick and short limbs, round belly, can it be different

It's a pity that the little client didn't know about this, so he bent his chubby arms to show his father how strong he was, and said flatteredly, "Bo Zai is as strong as a dragon."

Gu Yanzhi couldn't bear to hurt his son's self-confidence, held back his smile, and looked at Xie Yishu: "I'll just buy what you choose. You have a good eye."

"Okay." Xie Yishu took three unopened items from it.

Gu Yanzhi looked at the "Brother Yilong" that Xie Yishu had chosen for him, and the "Father Yilong" he had chosen for him, and reminded him: "Xiao Shu, you got it wrong."

"Huh?" Xie Yishu picked up "Brother Yilong" and gestured at herself, "Isn't it good-looking?"

Good-looking is good-looking, but, "I'm inferior."

Xie Yishu originally wanted to get "Yilong Daddy", but there is only one piece in this size, and only one of him and Gu Yanzhi can wear it.

It is impossible for him and Gu Yanzhi to wear "Mom". Xie Yishu joked: "Is it not possible? Dad?"

Gu Yanzhi paused with the hand holding the clothes, and looked at Xie Yishu, his eyes deepened a little.

Xie Yishu was watched by Gu Yanzhi's dark eyes, mistakenly thinking that the other party cared about the "inferior" thing, and took another one: "Why don't you take 'mother'?"

Gu Yanzhi suppressed the charming thoughts in his mind, and said in a low voice, "I'll take 'Dad'."

"Then I'll take 'Brother'." Xie Yishu actually liked "Brother Yilong" a bit more, "Father Yilong" looked a little old-fashioned, and "Brother Yilong" was younger.

He picked up three sets of clothes, "I'll go check out."

Gu Yanzhi took out the discount card given to him by the manager from his pocket: "The manager gave it as compensation for making a mistake."

Xie Yishu's eyes lit up: "10% off card!"

"I also saw them mentioning this when I was doing my homework yesterday." Xie Yishu took the card, her voice couldn't help but be happy, "The service attitude here is really good, no wonder so many people recommend it on Vacation here."

Although a bit more expensive, it's worth it.

Xie Yishu thought that they were here for free this time, so she couldn't help picking up the biggest hero and kissing her: "Thanks to our Boli."

Little Fatty doesn't know why this thin little card can make his mother so happy, but it doesn't prevent him from kissing his mother and exchanging hugs with his mother: "It's thanks to the little dad, because the little dad bought toys for Bo Zai , Bozai can draw a lottery."

Looking at his lover and son, Gu Yanzhi suddenly felt that it would be nice to be like this all the time.

His little Shu is always happy.

Because of wearing Xinxinnian's parent-child outfit, Xiao Pangdun pays special attention when eating barbecue.

Fearing that the oil and sauce would splash on his little milk dragon sweater, he deliberately made a simple rice dumpling for himself with a napkin. After eating for a while, replace it with another one to ensure that after a barbecue, your little milk dragon sweater is still clean.

Because after the meal time, there are fewer people eating buffet barbecue, and the speed of preparing grilled food in the back kitchen is very fast, which greatly saves their grilling time.

It was less than three o'clock when we arrived at the riding ground.

Xie Yishu used the 10% discount card to buy a equestrian class for Xiaopangdun.

The class is held by several children at the same time, and the teacher in equestrian clothes patiently teaches them the basics.

Xie Yishu stood outside and listened carefully.

He plans to explain the horse show later, and also come for a horse ride.

He was so big that he had never touched a horse.

The focus of the children's equestrian class is to let the children experience horse riding.

After explaining the basics, the equestrian led a brown pony from the stable.

A few children in the class were looking forward to it, but after seeing the real horse, they were a little scared and dared not ride it.

Little Fatty is the one who is most eager to try. He is bold and remembers that he has ridden a pony, so he is very confident.

But he was so short that he also looked like the smallest of several children.

The equestrian was afraid that something would happen to such a young child when he got on the horse, so he didn't dare to let Bo Zai ride first.

This is not the first time this has happened, and the equestrians are quite experienced.

He looked at the adults outside the field, and pointed out precisely one who seemed to be able to cooperate with him: "That dad over there is wearing our commemorative hoodie of Liao Yun Resort."

"Yes, that's the one wearing 'Iron Papa'."

"Come on, come in, and set a brave example for the children."