The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday

Chapter 61


Gu Yanzhi's expression softened, he lowered his head and kissed the corner of his lover's lips: "It's getting late, go to sleep."

He wanted to deepen the kiss, but he was afraid that he would not be able to restrain his desire while kissing, so he just touched it lightly.

Xie Yishu glanced at the time, did not turn off the lights, but asked Gu Yanzhi: "Do you want to submit your resume? Or go directly to the interview?"

If you submit resumes, it may scare the employees who are responsible for screening resumes.

Gu Yanzhi: "My friend said that he has already said hello to the personnel department and asked me to go directly to the interview tomorrow morning."

"Because it's a security interview, the threshold is not very high." Gu Yanzhi explained, "So it's not so strict..."

"Let's prepare in advance." Xie Yishu paused and suggested, "Shall I accompany you to simulate tomorrow's interview?"

Strictly speaking, their behavior is through the back door.

Although he felt that Gu Yan was fully capable of being the security guard of that company, he still had to prepare for the interview. After all, Gu Yan has no experience as a security guard, so if he behaves embarrassingly during the interview, it is easy to leave a bad impression on others.

Xie Yishu turned on the optical brain, searched "Questions that may be asked when applying for a security guard" on Xingwang, browsed and said to Gu Yanzhi: "It should be very simple, let's simulate it once, and then go to bed when we have a bottom line."

Gu Yanzhi, who holds the power of the company and is very confident in his heart: "...OK."

Xie Yishu summed up several questions shared by netizens, acted as an interviewer, and asked Gu Yanzhi questions.

President Gu patiently rehearsed with his lover.

Xie Yishu compared the reference answers and felt that Gu Yanzhi's answer was better, so she turned off the optical computer with confidence, put it on the bedside table, and reached out to turn off the light: "Sleep. Remember to wear the shirt without the washing mark tomorrow, I put it in the closet inside."

He hasn't had time to buy a better shirt for Gu Yanzhi.

At present, there is only the shirt that he has enlarged to look more formal in the family.

I will buy it tomorrow, five or six pieces, and two pieces for Bo Zai.

Xie Yishu lay down while thinking, and just after lying down, a familiar warm body covered her from behind.

"Good night."

"Good night."

Although he said good night, Xie Yishu didn't go to sleep immediately.

He has something on his mind.

He actually didn't want Gu Yanzhi to be a security guard. But he also knew that with the money he earned now, it was not enough for them to lead Bo Zai to live a well-off life on the main planet. Gu Yanzhi still can't stay at home with peace of mind, or do what he wants to do.

Xie Yishu pursed her lips. He remembered a question he saw during the mock interview with Gu Yanzhi just now.

He didn't ask that question.

If you want to ask, the question will be filled like this: Mr. Gu, your resume says that you graduated from the Finance Department of Nanxi University. May I ask why you chose to become an auto mechanic after graduation instead of engaging in a more suitable job

Xie Yishu didn't ask this question, because she felt that tomorrow's interview would not ask this question.

The second is because he can probably guess the answer.

Gu Yanzhi did not work immediately after graduation.

Instead, go to him first.

I missed the best time for employment, and when I needed to work to support myself and my baby, I couldn't find a suitable job.

Forced by life, I can only start as an apprentice in auto repair, and while working in the shop, learn about auto repair, gradually enrich my knowledge reserve and experience in car repair, and become a senior auto mechanic in the shop.

If it wasn't for his sudden disappearance, Gu Yanzhi would be working in a bank now, or an employee of a big company.

Xie Yishu felt a little guilty.

The breathing of the man beside him was slow, he should have fallen asleep.

Xie Yishu let go, put Gu Yanzhi's hand on her waist, and said softly: "Gu Yan, I love you."

He won't let Gu Yanzhi be the security guard all the time.

When he earns a little more money, he will open an auto repair shop for Gu Yanzhi, let Gu Yanzhi be the shopkeeper, rest when he wants to rest, and work when he wants to work.

Or Gu Yanzhi wants to try other industries, and when they have enough savings, Gu Yanzhi can let go and try. Go to a bank, go to a company, or start your own business.

Gu Yanzhi can do whatever he wants.

As soon as the words fell, Xie Yishu noticed the breathing of the man behind him.

not asleep

Xie Yishu's cheeks burned.

Before he could let go of his hand, his hand was clasped backwards. The other party's fingers slipped between his fingers, and the arms around his waist tightened a little: "Xiao Shu..."

Gu Yanzhi was a little distressed.

He knew that his lover might just say it casually, or suddenly feel emotional when he thought of something, without any other meaning, and he didn't have any thoughts about it, but he was still provoked by his actions and voice to react.

"Don't tempt me."

Facing Xie Yishu, he couldn't hold back.

The man's voice was low and hoarse, with a sigh at the end.

Xie Yishu's first reaction was to refute, "I don't have" three words before she left, her chest clinging to her back.

Xie Yishu listened to the sound of Gu Yan getting off the bed and opening the door to go out, and pulled up the quilt to cover her dispirited cheeks that were beginning to flush, only a small black hair was exposed.

When Gu Yanzhi calmed down from the bathroom, Xie Yishu had already fallen asleep. Gu Yanzhi pulled down the quilt so that he wouldn't get bored.

Looking at his lover sleeping under the quilt with puffy cheeks, Gu Yanzhi sighed.

There are three more days until the weekend.

Gu Yanzhi gently kissed Xie Yishu's closed eyes, stretched out his arms to hug the young man, closed his eyes, and no longer had other thoughts.

The next morning, Xie Yishu woke up in her firm embrace, opened her eyes, and met a pair of dark eyes.

"Gu Yan? You woke up so early today..." Xie Yishu pushed the man away and sat up, sat on the bed to wake herself up for a while, picked up the optical computer on the bedside table, and looked at the time, only to realize that it wasn't Gu Yanzhi who woke up early, It's that he didn't hear the alarm clock today.

The alarm clock showed that it had rung a quarter of an hour ago.

It was turned off.

Xie Yishu didn't react for a while: "You heard the alarm clock go off? Why didn't you wake me up?"

Gu Yanzhi got up and kissed his lover who was still confused: "I want you to sleep a little longer. You don't have to catch the bus today."

Xie Yishu, who was thinking about whether she could catch up with the bus she usually took, stopped to calculate.

He remembered, they bought a car yesterday, and now they are car owners.

Gu Yanzhi felt that the lover who was not fully awake was very cute, so he couldn't help but leaned over and kissed again: "Can you sleep for another quarter of an hour, and sleep for a while?"

Xie Yishu looked at Gu Yanzhi, then at the time on the optical brain, and finally chose to get up: "I won't sleep anymore, if I sleep again, I won't be able to get up again."

Xie Yishu didn't sleep, so Gu Yanzhi also got up.

Two grown men huddled together in front of the small sink, brushing their teeth together.

Xie Yishu looked at herself and Gu Yanzhi in the mirror, and remembered the days when she lived in Lin Jiali's rented house.

Also such a small washstand.

He and Gu Yanzhi got up when the last alarm clock rang, hurriedly changed clothes, washed, ate breakfast, had morning classes and had morning classes, and had part-time jobs without morning classes.

At that time, he thought that when he worked to earn money in the future, he must buy a house with a large bathroom.

"Gu Yan, when we have more savings, we'll look at the house. Buy one with a big bathroom." Xie Yishu paused, then changed his words, "Buy a house with two bathrooms."

Gu Yanzhi hooked the corner of his mouth: "Okay."

Poppy was the last to get up.

He woke up once in the middle of last night, knowing that his parents were sleeping, he didn't bother them, he went to the bathroom to go to the toilet, came back to play for a while with the car his grandma gave him, and returned to his little bed when he was sleepy.

This caused him to be a little sleepy when he was woken up by Gu Yanzhi.

The three of them had breakfast and drove to the kindergarten.

In the car, Bozai learned that his father lost his job last night and was going to Jingsheng Company for an interview with security guards today, and he immediately felt relieved: "Dad will be a security guard in the future?"

He just fell asleep and Dad became a security guard

Little Fatty was deeply confused.

Xie Yishu corrected his statement: "It hasn't been decided yet, it depends on the result of today's interview."

He paused, and said to Gu Yanzhi: "If you can get a result after the interview, you can send me a message and let me know."

Gu Yanzhi said warmly: "Okay."

Xie Yishu added: "Then ask about the working hours. If there are night shifts, or if it's too hard, we won't do it. We can find other jobs."

He can also support Gu Yanzhi.

Although they have no savings after buying the car and paying off the loan, but now his monthly salary is over 10,000, and the money earned from the live broadcast can also subsidize the family. Even if Gu Yanzhi can't find a job for the time being, their life will not be easy. too difficult.

Gu Yanzhi smiled: "Okay."

The car stopped at the gate of Yunshan Kindergarten.

After Xie Yishu said "see you tonight", she got out of the car with Bo Zai in one hand and the things needed to make handmade soap in the other.

Gu Yanzhi stared at the backs of one big and one small, and waited until their backs disappeared from his field of vision before restarting the car.

He drove to the car modification shop, where the assistant and driver were waiting for him.

He returned the car to the store manager and told the store manager that he would not work here in the future.

The store manager knew that the big boss in front of him would one day experience the life of an auto mechanic, so he was not surprised at all. When the assistant heard from the boss that he would not work here anymore, he had the urge to cry with joy.

Every time he heard the boss say "ask the driver to prepare the car, go to the car repair shop" and "bring the work clothes from the shop, I will wear them then", it is a huge shock to his young heart.

But he was not happy for too long, the car was almost in front of the company, and he heard the boss in the back seat quietly ordering him to "bring a new set of security uniforms later".

Security uniform

Mr. Gu is here to experience the life of a car mechanic, are you going to experience the life of a security guard

The assistant inadvertently asked.

Gu Yanzhi raised his eyes and glanced at him, the assistant immediately fell silent, not daring to ask any more questions.

The optical brain shook.

Gu Yanzhi took a look at the optical computer, and found that it was a payment notice from the bank.

Xie Yishu transferred three million to him.

At the same time, Xie Yishu also sent a message.

[Xie Yishu: Did you receive the money? I transferred it last night, but it seems like it was just accepted.][Xie Yishu: Take it and repay the loan.]

An emoji was also sent.

Kitten's Claw is holding a black card with the words: Swipe casually.

The corners of Gu Yanzhi's mouth raised unconsciously.

He typed: [Xiao Shu, let's pay back part of it first, and I can pay back the rest slowly.]Relying on the security guard's salary, I can't buy a house for Xiaoshu in the short term, so I can only find another way: [Reserve part of the 3 million for financial management. ] After sending the message, Gu Yanzhi glanced at the assistant again.

He was waiting for an assistant to come and ask him why he was in such a good mood.

But the assistant just asked something that shouldn't be asked, and now that Gu Yanzhi's mood has improved, he doesn't dare to ask Mr. Gu why he is in a good mood.

Gu Yanzhi didn't hear the assistant asking him, so he frowned and looked at the driver again.

The driver was so absorbed in driving that he didn't notice his gaze at all.

Gu Yanzhi frowned even tighter.

The assistant inspector looked up, saw Gu Yanzhi's frowning eyebrows, and quickly lowered his head.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but Mr. Gu's mood seemed to turn bad again.