The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday

Chapter 63


When Xie Yishu received the photo from Gu Yanzhi, she was preparing for the recording of the handmade soap video in the cafeteria.

Making floating soap requires an automatic mixer and a cooking table as large as possible. The recording location is set in the small cafeteria of Yunshan Kindergarten.

Although only faculty and staff usually eat in the small cafeteria, the decoration is very childlike and cute. Blue sky, white clouds and lush trees are painted on the walls, and the tables and chairs are made of strange mushroom shapes.

For many children in the Little Mushroom Class, this is their first visit to the small cafeteria of the kindergarten.

This feeling is like hiking.

First line up outside the classroom, and then go to the small cafeteria hand in hand under the leadership of Teacher Ge and Teacher Xie.

After shooting the video, they will also eat in the small cafeteria by the way.

This made the little ones who had never eaten in the small cafeteria a little excited.

Xie Yishu weighed in advance the materials to be used later at the cooking table.

This time the video is different from the usual live broadcast. He doesn't need to teach the referee in front of the screen how to make these handmade soaps like a teacher, he just needs to complete the production with the children in the class.

So this time Xie Yishu weighed the ingredients in advance, put a label on the stainless steel bowl, and marked it in pinyin.

In this way, the little ones can understand it, and when he says what materials he needs, he can pass the materials to him and participate in the making of handmade soap together.

After Lu Yun adjusted the camera, she went to the cooking table to watch Xie Yishu weigh the materials. After thinking about it, she said to Xie Yishu: "Mr. Xie, don't be nervous later, you can re-record if you haven't finished recording."

Xie Yishu stopped what she was doing, and smiled at the principal, "Okay."

He's actually not very nervous.

Compared with a live broadcast that only has one chance and cannot be repeated from the beginning, the pressure of recording a video is relatively much less.

Lu Yun looked at the calm Xie Yishu, and felt more or less relieved.

Although it is said that it can be re-recorded if it is not recorded well, the effect of recording the second time is definitely not as good as the first time.

After all, children's reactions cannot be faked.

It is the most natural and engaging when recording the first pass, and you will get bored and impatient by the second or third pass.

"I'll go there." Lu Yun pointed to the tripod beside him, "Call me when you're ready, and I'll start recording."


Xie Yishu weighed the last few ingredients, tidied up the cooking table, and said to Lu Yun who was not far away: "Director Lu, you can start now."

Lu Yun nodded and pressed the camera button.

Recording starts.

The young man with a gentle smile in the camera clapped his hands: "Come here, the teacher is ready."

The children not far away got up one after another.

Bozai has been waiting for this sentence.

As soon as he entered the small cafeteria, he chose a small mushroom chair closest to the cooking counter, sat on the chair and waited patiently. Hearing that my mother said that I could pass, I immediately jumped out of the small chair and rushed towards my mother with my short legs.

Then he was overtaken by a small partner.

Then came the second, third... When the little chubby cub rushed to the cooking table, there was no place beside Xie Yishu.

The little fat cub could only purse his mouth and stand beside his little friend.

There are a total of 30 children in the little mushroom class, just surrounding the entire cooking table.

The staff in the cafeteria learned that they were going to record a video today, so they put a circle of wide pedals on the side of the cooking table in advance. Rao is the shortest child in the little mushroom class, and he can easily show his chubby standing on the pedals Face.

Xie Yishu introduced: "Today the teacher is going to make the handmade soap that I mentioned yesterday. The first thing to make is a floating soap that can float on the water..."

Lu Yun pushed the camera on him.

Nobody dislikes beautiful things.

She felt that her teacher was pleasing to the eye just by standing there. Laughing makes people want to get closer, as if they are born with an affinity and are easy to be liked.

Lu Yun looked at Xie Yishu surrounded by children, and thought it would be good to put this video alone in the kindergarten's promotional video.

With him around, more parents would be willing to send their children to Yunshan Kindergarten.

The video was recorded for a total of two hours.

Although it will be edited at that time, it will still take a little longer than originally expected.

Xie Yishu made one more soap than originally planned.

Because when I was making cake soap, there was an episode.

Xie Yishu prepared a flower-squeezing bag, and planned to let each child in the little mushroom class squeeze a shell flower on the "cake embryo" with their own hands to complete this big cake soap together.

But when Xie Yishu handed them the flower bag, the brave little ones retreated.

Even his little cheerleader clenched chubby's hand, a little hesitant.

They were all worried that they would not squeeze well and thus ruin the whole cake soap.

Xie Yishu put the cake-shaped soap embryos first, and used the extra materials to make rendering soap.

This is Xie Yishu's favorite soap in Ancient Blue Star.

It is easier to make than floating soap. As long as you control the concentration and color of the soap, you can freely play without worrying about failure. Even if the outline of the lines is not good-looking, there will be an imperfect artistic beauty.

It also sells well in the lively University Night Market.

Xie Yishu poured blue, green, and white toning soaps into the primary color soap, stroked it casually with a small scraper, and handed it over to Dynasty next to him to do the second stroke.

After the dynasty was Tang Tang, and after Tang Tang was Song Yansheng... The little guys didn't know how to stroke, so they could only hold a small spatula and stroke like the last little friend.

When the mold box and small scraper filled with soap liquid returned to Xie Yishu's hands again, the soap liquid had already been stirred up badly.

The little ones instinctively felt that they had made a mistake, lowered their heads one by one, and secretly looked up to see Xie Yishu put the mold into the quick-setting box to solidify, and then took it out and cut it into pieces when the time was up.

Each piece has the most unique pattern.

It's not the conventional good-looking, but there's another kind of indescribable good-looking.

This gives them confidence.

When Xie Yishu picked up the flower bag again and asked them who wanted to be the first to squeeze shell flowers, the first one was the first, then the second, and in the end, each of them raised their little hands high.

Everyone squeezed a small shell flower on the "cake embryo".

Xie Yishu made a total of five soaps.

Lu Yun likes rendering soap the most.

When Xie Yishu first asked "Is there anyone who wants to squeeze shell flowers" but no little guy raised his hand, Lu Yun thought they had to reshoot this part.

If the circle does not come back, it will be re-shooted, and the embarrassing part will be cut off if it does.

That's what Lu Yun thought at the time, and she never thought that the young man would use such a way to round things up. It's entertaining and educational, if Lu Yun didn't know that it was an accident, she would have thought it was planned by them from the beginning.

"Mr. Xie, can you give me a piece of rendering soap then?"

Xie Yishu was changing a child's sling, when she heard Lu Yun's voice, she turned her head and smiled at her: "Of course."

"Thirty-six yuan was cut, and each kid in our class took one piece, and there was an extra six yuan."

The little guys' ears perked up, and they asked one after another: "Mr. Xie, can we take them home then?"

"An'an likes floating soap the most! If there is floating soap, An' would like to take a bath every day!"

"I would too!"

"I want to wash my hands with flower petal soap, like a little princess. Little princesses should wash their hands with flower petal soap."

"I also want to use flower petal soap, I also want to use rolling soap, and that, that little yellow duck floating water soap I also want to..."

The little guys chattered around Xie Yishu.

Xie Yishu answered one by one: "After drying, I can take one piece of each soap home."

"Cake soap is also available. Then the teacher will cut it into small triangular pieces like cutting a cake."

"It takes two months to dry. The more evenly the air is, the softer and more delicate these handmade soaps will be, and the longer they can be used."

Xie Yishu paused, and said to the little guys in front of him in the tone of delivering a task: "The task of protecting them and turning them over every day will be entrusted to you."

The little soldiers lined up in unison: "Okay!"

At the beginning of lunch, Xie Yishu and Ge Qing divided their work.

Xie Yishu used a small trolley to transport the handmade soap back to the little mushroom class, and Ge Qing stayed in the cafeteria to take care of the little ones for lunch.

Several little boys expressed their desire to be little guards and escort the handmade soaps to the classroom safely. After getting Xie Yishu's consent, they stood on both sides of the small trolley under the envious eyes of other children, and together with Xie Yishu Bring it back to the handmade soap classroom.

Bozai also wanted to join his mother, but he was a step too late and failed to become a member of the little guard, so he had to stay for lunch.

During lunch, he was very happy to hear the friends at the same table, at the next table, and at the table far away were still talking about handmade soap.

He likes to hear that the things made by his mother are popular with his friends.

The little fat pier was much happier and ate two bowls of rice.

The aunts in the cafeteria felt sorry for this short and fat little man, and filled his small bowl with rice, piled up on top of it.

He also told him to "come back if there is not enough".

After lunch, the first thing the children in the Mushroom class did was to go back to the classroom to look at their handmade soap.

After waking up from a nap, they gathered around the small shelf by the window to look at the handmade soap they will take care of in the next two months.

Even after school, I didn’t want to go home. I didn’t say goodbye to Zaozao until I got a guarantee from Xie Yishu that the handmade soap would not be harmed when they were not in kindergarten and disappeared. Team out of kindergarten.

The little ones are so cute saying goodbye to the handmade soap on the shelf.

Xie Yishu told Gu Yanzhi about this incident as a kindergarten fun before going to bed.

After Gu Yanzhi finished listening, he also shared with his lover the experience of being a security guard on the first day.

"I also met Jingsheng's boss today. When I repaired his car, I only met his assistant and driver." Gu Yanzhi hopes that his other identity can also leave a good impression on Xie Yishu's mind, " Liang Guo, who was on duty with me, said that our boss is very nice.”

Xie Yishu recalled the document that Gu Yanzhi sent him to read, nodded, and agreed: "The company benefits are also very good, he should be a very generous boss."

The corners of Gu Yanzhi's mouth rose slightly.

Seeing her lover talking so happily about her new security job, Xie Yishu pursed her lips, feeling a little distressed.

He picked up the optical computer and dug out the orders in the e-book store: "I bought a few books, magazines, and online courses. Let's read them together."

A book can be shared by three accounts.

Xie Yishu transferred a copy to Gu Yanzhi's account: "Which one should we read tonight?"

Gu Yanzhi clicked on the link.

Before clicking on the link, he thought it would be related to driving, because Xie Yishu was going to learn to drive recently.

After clicking the link, I found out that it was a bestseller related to investment and financial management.

"A Short-term Investment Strategy for You in Three Minutes", "Venture Capital Master Su Yingjie: My Experience and Lessons", "Are You a Novice or an "Old" Hand: An Investment Lesson for "Old" Hands in Financial Management"...

President Gu's smile froze slightly.

Xie Yishu pushed him and asked him to make a choice: "Which one should I read first tonight?"