The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday

Chapter 65


On the other side, Xie Yishu turned on Star Live for a long time, and was taken aback when she saw the number displayed on the private message below.


He didn't expect to receive so many messages.

Xie Yishu clicked on the private message, swipe up and down the screen with her finger, and quickly browsed it from top to bottom.

Most of them were sent by viewers in the live broadcast room, and a few were inquiring about business cooperation.

Tonight's live broadcast is scheduled for 8:30, and there are still more than two hours before the start.

After Xie Yishu prepared the materials that will be used for the live broadcast later, she sat on the sofa, took an optical computer, and replied to the private messages one by one.

Half an hour later, Xie Yishu found that between the large number of confession-style private messages and homework-style private messages, there were always a few question-style private messages asking why he followed the video step by step, but did it differently from him.

Looking at the "failed soap" photos sent by these questioners, Xie Yishu felt a little kind.

These photos reminded him of himself when he learned how to cook.

When he learned to cook, he also followed the recipe step by step, but the appearance and taste of the cooking were different from what he imagined.

A questioner called "Little Bear is not at home" asked him in a private message, is he the only one who made bubble bath balls and fudge soap like this

Xie Yishu typed in the dialog box: [You are not alone.]

After saying these words, Xie Yishu quit Xingxing Live, and clicked into the software whose icon was Little Planet in Guangguang's brain.

This software is called "Night Sky", and it is the social software with the most users in Atlantis. Almost everyone has a "Night Sky" account.

In "Night Sky", people can build their own small planets. These small planets can be open to the outside world to attract people with common interests to "live" on the planet, or they can only be seen by themselves and become private small planets that only belong to them.

Xie Yishu also has several small planets, one of which he set to be "visible only to himself", called "Failed Works Protection Star".

The dishes he failed to cook in college are all recorded in it.

Xie Yishu changed "only visible to me" to "public" in the settings, copied the planet number, and sent it to the "Little Bear is not at home" who asked the question in the private message and a dozen other viewers who failed to do it.

"The Bears Are Not Home" just happened to be online.

His real name is Xu Zhou, and he is an illustrator. As long as he is not rushing to draft, he has more free time.

The first time I came across Xie Yishu's video, it was also in an afternoon when I didn't have to rush to draft. I was attracted by the fudge soap in the video, and I planned to make some for my mother and sister.

Unexpectedly, it failed.

Xu Zhou was quite confident in his own hands.

He can draw illustrations that make fans go "ahh!" and he's good at cooking. Although his chemistry scores were not very good, and he only got a "pass" in the high school experiment class, he took the first place in the elementary school manual class.

And almost every time the first.

So Xu Zhou didn't expect that he would stumble in making bubble bath balls and fudge soap.

He found Xie Yishu's live broadcast room along the marketing account of the reposted video, and asked Xie Yishu in a private message if he was the only one who made bubble bath balls into bubble steel balls and fudge soap into mud soap.

Then I received a reply from Xie Yishu: [You are not alone.]

[She Yu: [link] planet number SJDY772887, protection star of failed works.][She Yu: If you don't mind, you can post the works you think failed here.][She Yu: If someone with the same production experience sees it, they may tell you where the deviation started.]Like the pot of fish soup that Xie Yishu simmered according to the recipe when he was in college.

Xie Yishu didn't know which step went wrong, which caused the fish soup to be so fishy.

It wasn't until Xie Yishu told the old man who took him in about his experience of cooking fish soup in Gulanxing that he shared his private room experience and found out which two details went wrong.

He started with cold water, which stimulated the fishy smell.

The pot was covered before the water boiled, and the fishy smell could not be evaporated.

Xu Zhou clicked on the link Xie Yishu sent him.

He originally thought that Teacher Sheyu sent him an empty new planet, but he didn't expect that there was already content on the planet.

[Little Bear is not at home: Teacher Sheyu, these are...]

[Sheyu: I did it.]

Xu Zhou looked at the fish soup that was not handled well, the steak that looked old, the fried vegetables that were wilted or even blackened...

He thinks the world is fair.

He uploaded the photos of failed bubble bath balls and fudge soaps to the "Failed Works Protection Star", then returned to Star Live and sent a message to Xie Yishu.

[Little Bear is not at home: Teacher Sheyu, I'm pretty good at cooking. [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]] [Little Bear is not at home: I have a chance to make biscuits and send them to you.]

Following the "Little Bear is not at home", several other people who saw the reply to the private message also uploaded photos of the failed products on Xie Yishu's little planet one after another.

Xie Yishu also mentioned her little planet at the beginning of the live broadcast.

For a while, several barrages flashed across the live broadcast room.

[Did Teacher Sheyu broadcast live today: I'll go and see.]

[The lever in the hand-made world: has been added. From now on, we will all be residents of the same small planet, please give me your advice.][You can’t drink milk tea at night: I’m the 520th one to join, here’s a screenshot, to confess to Teacher Sheyu!]As Xie Yishu predicted, some people with the same production experience discovered what went wrong with the "failures" on the planet.

[This nickname has already been taken: "Little Bear is not at home" is watching the live broadcast? The first time I made fudge soap, I also made it like that. I left a message for the reason. Remember to read it.][A dozen lemons: I thought I was the only one making bubble bath balls that fell apart, but I didn't expect many people to fall apart.][A dozen lemons: I have summed it up. There are three reasons why it fell apart: Either no essential oil or other liquid was added, or the mold was not compacted like Teacher Sheyu taught, or I was impatient, and the time was not up. They came out of the quick-set box. Everyone take their seats. ] There are also people who discovered Xie Yishu's "black history".

[A small mouth ba ba ba: I saw the fish soup that Mr. She Yu cooked a few years ago, and Mr. She Yu, who was so fishy that he doubted his life, was too cute.][Jiu: I fried the same dish of vegetables that Mr. Sheyu had! But it's not as dark as the one given to the teacher! [Proud.JPG]] There were also enthusiastic discussions about "Protecting Stars of Failed Works".

[The little yellow duck in the bathtub: In the future, if we make failed products, can we post them all? Can the failed products that have nothing to do with what Teacher Sheyu taught also be posted in it?][Da da want to eat crayfish: Some are not failures, but the people who make them have high requirements. Is this kind of upload? If it is not possible, do you want to formulate a "Planet Resident Code" and set up a few planet administrators to manage the order of the planet?]Xie Yishu happened to see these two bullet screens, and replied casually: "As long as everyone thinks it is a failure, you can upload it to the planet, and it doesn't matter if it has anything to do with the live broadcast."

"As for administrators, we are all administrators. When we see failures, we protect them. When we see failures, we praise them."

Xie Yishu paused, and joked, "Then just 'expel them'."

[A lemon: good expulsion! I saw that jet-black bubble bath ball, it was so cool, how can it be called a failure, this administrator wants to expel it!][Little Bear is not at home: I plan to redo it according to the comments from everyone on the planet. I hope that when the finished product comes out, everyone can expel them. ] At this time, the "Failed Works Protection Star" is still full of content related to "food", "bubble bath balls" and "fudge soap".

No one in the live broadcast room could have imagined that this small planet where they stored their "black history" would become the most important place in many people's hearts in the future.

There will be young girls with low self-esteem due to birthmarks uploading hideous birthmarks on their side faces, and young people who have failed to achieve anything will say how failed they are, and they are not as good as trash.

Some "planet residents" who can draw painted the birthmark as a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, and left a message saying that such a beautiful pattern is not a failure, so it cannot be protected.

He also briefly took in the young man who "has been wasted for several years and suddenly repented", and when the other party regained his strength and found a job to get his life back on track, he smiled and expelled him.

It's just that even Xie Yishu wouldn't think that his little planet "only visible to me" in the past would have such a change in the future.

He clapped his hands and said to the audience on the other side of the camera: "Okay, tonight's live broadcast is about to start. Today I'm going to teach you how to make 'Crystal Soap' and 'Lip Balm'. Have you got all the materials ready?"

Crystal soap, as the name suggests, is a handmade soap shaped like a crystal.

Xie Yishu found that there were two children in Little Mushroom's class who didn't like the touch of fudge soap very much, but liked the clear shape of fudge soap, and said that it would be fine if it was not "soft candy soap" but "hard candy soap".

Thinking that there should be people like those two children in the audience, Xie Yishu added "Crystal Soap" to tonight's live broadcast.

Its production method is different from traditional handmade soap. Xie Yishu doesn't have to worry that the children in the class will associate him with "Mr. Xie".

It is a bit difficult to make a transparent soap base, which can be neutralized with a simple lip balm.

This is Xie Yishu's first live broadcast with a holographic device.

Many viewers who have a holographic cabin at home chose to lie in the holographic cabin this time to experience the feeling of watching Teacher Sheyu make crystal soap and lip balm next to Teacher Sheyu.

They failed to make these two things with Xie Yishu, but after the crystal soap and lip balm were made, they still smelled the light soap fragrance of the crystal soap and the refreshing mint flavor of the lip balm for the first time.

The virtual data was transmitted from Xie Yishu's equipment into their respective holographic cabins. When Xie Yishu picked up the crystal soap and was about to try it out, the barrage went crazy.

[The handlebar in the workshop: Damn! It's a great touch too!]

[Little Bear is not at home: Teacher Sheyu, don't let it go! Let me feel it a little longer.][A lemon: Am I the only one who feels like I'm touching a piece of jade?][A small mouth ba ba ba: Lemon, you are not alone!]

[System prompt: There are currently too many rewards, and the system temporarily stops broadcasting.]Xie Yishu cooperatively touched it twice, and the live broadcast room was full of "Awwhhhh".

After the audience stabilized in the barrage, Xie Yishu washed his hands with crystal soap.

Seeing "I'm going to come out of the holographic cabin, I'm going to start making crystal soap" and "I like the new and hate the old, damn it, from tomorrow onwards I'm going to use jelly one day and crystal one day", Xie Yishu smiled , and tried a lip balm.

There was a moment of silence in the barrage, and two seconds later, it erupted again.

[Jiu: Teacher Sheyu said that lip balm is for young children, can only young children use it? Can adults please? Adults want to use it too.][Mercury Retrograde Dissipation: My lord wants to use +1! If I make it for myself, promise me you won't laugh at me.][Jiayouguaibao: I've already used it for myself, I've wronged my little man, and I'll make it for him next time.]Xie Yishu looked at the barrage, and didn't know how to answer.

There are some differences between them and the ancient blue star people.

No matter the age of the ancient blue stars, their lips are dry and chapped, but in their Atlantis, only children have such troubles.

Xie Yishu thought for a while and said, "It's not that adults can't use it, it's just that it's unnecessary."

However, the mint lip balm is cool and refreshing on the lips, which is really comfortable.

He added: "If you want to use it, you can use it."

Amid the barrage of "Great, then I'll use it" and "Who isn't a baby tonight", Xie Yishu ended tonight's live broadcast.

He exited the live broadcast room and saw the message from Zhangcheng half an hour ago.

[ZC: Teacher Sheyu, I have an event here, and I need to invite a non-game anchor to participate, can I invite you?][ZC: The event is on Sunday night, and I will play a game with 'North and South' in "The Final Battlefield".][zc: [Please] [Please]]

Bo Zai stood behind Gu Yanzhi, his chubby face tensed.

Even if he took a bite of each flavor of ice cream scoop, he couldn't calm down the grievance in his heart.

He knew that being thrown by his father to Grandma Qiu was a foregone conclusion, so he could only turn his grievance into appetite as much as possible, open his stomach to taste every plate of food on the table, choose the best one, and order another one to take with him. Go back to mom.

He decided to rush into his mother's arms as soon as he got back.

If he can't spend the weekend with his mother, at least tonight he will read picture books and play with cars in his mother's arms.

Bozai clenched chubby's hand and made up his mind.

As soon as Gu Yanzhi opened the door, the short figure jumped in, kicked off his shoes, put on small slippers and went to find his mother.

He found his mother with her back turned to them on the balcony.

My mother is on the phone with the person on the other side of the optical brain: "... I seem to be able to play a little bit in the game just now. I will practice all day tomorrow, and the night after tomorrow should be fine..."

Bozai slammed on the brakes, stopped, and pinched his fingers to make up his mind.

Tomorrow is Saturday, and the day after tomorrow is Sunday. Together, it is the weekend that Dad said.

But didn't dad say that he would go out to do errands with mom on weekends

Could it be that Dad remembered wrongly

The little fat pier was overjoyed, turned his face away, and wanted to ask his father if he had forgotten the date, but he saw his father's face was a little gloomy.

Pop Cub: "?"

Xie Yishu and Zhang Cheng made an appointment to meet at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning on the "Final Battlefield" online, and when they turned around, they saw Gu Yanzhi standing not far away holding Bo Zai.

Although he heard the door opening just now and knew that he and Bo Zai had returned, Xie Yishu did not expect Gu Yanzhi to stand there holding Bo Zai like this.

Xie Yishu was inexplicably nervous.

He didn't know what he was nervous about, obviously he didn't do anything, he just made an appointment with Zhang Cheng to play games for two days on the weekend...

Wait, weekend

Xie Yishu thought for a while, thinking of the weekend appointment with Gu Yanzhi earlier, her heart skipped a beat.