The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday

Chapter 67


Xie Yishu looked at the silent man beside him.

It was the first time he saw Gu Yanzhi who seemed to need protection so much.

It's too cute.

I really want to kiss and hug.

Apart from pity, Xie Yishu was full of this thought. He tried hard to flatten the corners of his mouth to hide his excitement: "It's okay."

"I was also eliminated from the beginning yesterday." Xie Yishu shared her experience, "You must have not hidden well, and you were repeatedly sniped by the opponent."

Although heavy equipment has a thick skin, it is easy to become a target.

Coupled with the bulky body, once the evasion is not timely, it is easy to be blasted into a hornet's nest by the opponent.

However, this is also the case with the Human-Machine Bureau. In real games, snipers usually don't snipe the same mech.

They will change positions to ambush after firing a shot, and move flexibly to prevent themselves from being exposed to the scope of hostile snipers.

The heavy armor is thick, and it's okay to take a shot.

Find the supply package to repair the body and return with full blood.

Xie Yishu suggested: "Shall we have another game?"

He sent Gu Yanzhi a team invitation.

Gu Yanzhi nodded, "Agreed".

This time the map is still ancient ruins.

Melee, no command.

Xie Yishu waited for the countdown to end, then pulled Gu Yanzhi to hide behind the ruined wall, pointed to the booster pack that had fallen not far away and said to Gu Yanzhi: "There is a supply pack over there, do you see it? I'll get it, you hide here and wait." I."

Gu Yanzhi nodded obediently.

He watched the heavily armored mech on the screen under the cover of ruined walls, moved to the side of the supply bag with a few moves, and dragged the supply bag over.

"Heavy equipment is an auxiliary mecha. Teammates cover for teammates when they need it. They don't need to cover to collect supply packages. Occasionally participate in close combat and help forwards."

Xie Yishu said while opening the supply bag, "Let me see what's in this bag..."

Two energy guns, twenty rounds of ammunition, and a compression cannon.

There are no shields and no repairers.

Xie Yishu didn't know whether they were lucky or not: "It's not bad."

He distributed half of the energy gun and bullets to Gu Yanzhi, and put away the compression cannon: "If you can pick up the cannon barrel later, this one can be used."

They are not forwards. In the initial state, they have no barrels and cannot use heavy artillery.

Gu Yanzhi took the energy gun and bullets, and reloaded the gun under Xie Yishu's guidance. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a shadow on the opposite wall: "Xiao Shu, there is someone."

Upon hearing this, Xie Yishu immediately loaded the gun.

While loading the gun, he did not forget to comfort his lover: "It's okay, I'm here."

Before picking up the detector, whether there is a place around mecha can only be observed by themselves.

Xie Yishu held his breath, listening to the increasingly clear rolling sound in the headset, carefully protecting Gu Yanzhi behind him, holding the energy gun, and when the enemy's mecha appeared in front of their eyes, he fired at the mecha two shots.

One shot was emptied, and the other shot was lucky to hit the opponent's weapon.

Xie Yishu hastily fired another shot at the energy cabin.

The opponent is a striker controlled by an optical brain, with a thin skin, and one shot at a place where a heavy weapon can take three shots is enough to kill.

Xie Yishu looked at the scrap metal forward in front of him, stepped forward to remove the opponent's cannon barrel, put it on himself, and said to Gu Yanzhi: "That's it, it's very simple."

"The enemy mecha will appear later, you come to fight. Don't worry about losing, I will be by your side."

Gu Yanzhi nodded.

The gunshot just now will attract the enemy mechas, they can't stay here for long, they need to change places.

During the movement, Gu Yanzhi found two more enemy mechas.

Under Xie Yishu's encouraging eyes, Gu Yanzhi raised his gun and pointed the gun at the energy cabin of one of them.

After skilled operation, the game is very simple.

Especially the Human-Machine Bureau, which can be called a novice training camp.

Gu Yanzhi moved slightly, aimed at the gap between the two mechas, and fired a precise shot into the air: "Xiao Shu, I don't seem to have hit it."

He emptied the bullets in the energy gun, pressed randomly on the screen, trying to make his voice sound a bit caught off guard: "Xiao Shu, I seem to be out of bullets."

"Get down." Xie Yishu pressed Gu Yanzhi to lie down, and the bullets passed over their heads.

He took out the cannon barrel and fired a shot at the opposite side. When the smoke cleared, he saw that the two mechas on the opposite side were scrapped and out, and then he pulled Gu Yanzhi up.

"It's normal to be inaccurate at the beginning, and you'll be proficient after a few times." Xie Yishu took Gu Yanzhi to transfer positions, while passing on his own experience, "Next time you fire two shots and leave immediately, don't love to fight. Otherwise If the sneak attack fails, it will expose yourself instead.”

Gu Yanzhi was taught: "Well, good."

Seeing the man pretending to be calm, Xie Yishu couldn't hold back, leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, and said flatteredly: "It doesn't matter if you get exposed, I'm by the side, I'll protect you."

He clicked on the icon in the upper left corner to watch the replay, and saw that he was protecting Gu Yanzhi under his body in a smart way, took out the barrel and used a one-on-two, and simply and neatly dealt with the two mechas on the opposite side, he felt secretly refreshed.

Didn't notice that the man beside him raised his mouth: "Okay."

Xie Yishu and Gu Yanzhi played two human-computer games. When Zhang Cheng went online, the second game had just ended.

Xie Yishu killed the thirty-five mechas operated by the optical brain on the opposite side, and led the team to win the final victory. Gu Yanzhi also took down the two mechas on the opposite side with the help of Xie Yishu.

Zhang Cheng connected to the microphone and asked them, "Come on?"

Xie Yishu has just achieved good results, and can't wait for the official round: "Okay."

He said to Gu Yanzhi: "After a while, it will not be a man-machine game. The opponent will be more flexible than the optical brain just now. But don't worry, if you encounter a powerful one, I will protect you."

Gu Yanzhi said warmly: "Okay."

Zhang Cheng, who was listening to the conversation between the two: "...?"

Zhang Cheng didn't expect that Gu Yanzhi would be the one who needed Xie Yishu's protection.

He didn't know much about Gu Yanzhi, but because Gu Yanzhi looked a lot like one of his bosses, which made him feel awed from the bottom of his heart, he always felt that Gu Yanzhi was a very versatile person.

Small games like "The Final Battlefield" should be no problem for the opponent.

However, Teacher Sheyu was introduced by him yesterday. Mr. Gu just came into contact with it today, so it's normal that he didn't play as well as Teacher Sheyu.

Zhang Cheng put this disobedience to the back of his mind, and sent Xie Yishu and Gu Yanzhi an invitation to form a team.

Xie Yishu and Gu Yanzhi accepted the invitation from Zhangcheng to form a team.

After entering the game, Xie Yishu skillfully selected Reload, Gu Yanzhi followed him and clicked Reload, but failed to choose.

Reloading is already full.

The number of various mechs in each game is fixed, and once the selection is full, it cannot be selected again.

Now the only options left are snipers and specials.

Xie Yishu touched his nose.

He forgot to remind Gu Yanzhi that in the official game, the choice of mecha at the beginning of the game depends on robbing.

The Human-Machine Bureau did not practice other types of mechs before.

Xie Yishu looked at the two remaining mechas on the screen, and asked Gu Yanzhi: "Gu Yan, do you want to try the special type?"

Special is a very special type of mecha.

Its initial indexes are mediocre, and it is a mecha that can change its attributes according to the equipment picked up later.

If you are lucky, if you pick up good equipment, you may have the last laugh. If you are unlucky... it will be the cannon fodder at the beginning.

"You can also choose a sniper. Anyway, I'm here, and you won't be eliminated before me."

Zhang Cheng began to express his views on "special" and "sniper".

Gu Yanzhi blocked Zhang Cheng's tirade, and chose the specialty that Xie Yishu recommended him at the beginning.

For him, it really doesn't matter what he chooses.

After Gu Yan, several other people who were not sure what to choose also made choices one after another.

The game started, and three seconds later, their team was teleported to a waterfall.

"It's 'Plains and Hills'." Zhang Cheng's voice came from the headset. He is very familiar with the various maps of "The Final Battlefield", "We are in the waterfall area, which is close to the front line, and we should win the first battle soon. Teacher Sheyu and Brother Gu, get ready."

Plains and hills, a hundred-man battlefield.

The game time is one hour, and the task is to capture the camp flag of the opposing camp.

If the robbing is successful, the game is over. If both sides have defended their camp flags after one hour, the winner will be determined according to the number of survivors of the two teams.

Xie Yishu and the others were close to the front line, and were assigned the task of installing anti-detection equipment, but before installing the equipment, they had to find a supply package for Gu Yanzhi and arrange the weapons.

As a sniper, Zhang Cheng needed to find a suitable place nearby to ambush, and couldn't find supplies with Xie Yishu and the others.

Zhang Cheng habitually wanted to say, "Brother Gu, take good care of Teacher Sheyu", but thinking that Gu Yanzhi was the one being protected in the game, he swallowed the words again.

He couldn't say something like "Teacher Sheyu, protect Brother Gu" with such a strong sense of disobedience.

Unless he was allowed to see with his own eyes how Gu Ge was being protected by Teacher Sheyu.

Zhang Cheng thought so.

Then I actually saw it.

To be precise, I heard it.

He heard Mr. Gu say in a cold and deep voice, "Xiao Shu, someone seems to be coming over there." "Xiao Shu, I seem to miss my shot." "Xiao Shu, I ran out of bullets." Run quickly" "Xiao Shu is amazing".

I also heard teacher Sheyu's gentle voice say "Stand behind me" "It's okay, I took a shot" "Here's mine, there seems to be a supply bag there, let's go and see" "You run in front of me, I just started Take out a grenade" "Okay, don't be afraid, it's safe."

Zhang Cheng couldn't help thinking of one of his playlists.

In order to make a living, I used a voice changer, and said to Jinzhu’s father in a sweet voice every day, "Brother, I am so scared", "Brother, give him a shot", "Brother, are you so good?"

Zhang Cheng shook his head, shook off the messy associations in his mind, and said to Xie Yishu: "Teacher Sheyu, I am ready to ambush."

"I'll send you the coordinates. If you run into someone across the street later, you and Brother Gu will lead them over."

Xie Yishu pressed the headset: "OK."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a few figures passing by across the forest.

Gu Yanzhi spoke beside him: "Xiao Shu, there seem to be seven people on the opposite side."

Seven people, more than the group just now.

If they failed to lure people to Zhangcheng, they would have to face a siege.

Xie Yishu had never met so many people at once, she was a little nervous, but thinking that the man beside her must be more nervous than him now, she calmed down again: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

"We lead them to Zhangcheng."

Xie Yishu glanced at the coordinates that Zhangcheng sent him, it was not far from them.

While protecting Gu Yanzhi's position towards Zhangcheng, he contacted Zhangcheng: "Zhangcheng, did you hear that?"

Zhang Cheng set up the gun: "I heard, you and Brother Gu come here, I'm ready."

Relying on the large number of people on the opposite side, they didn't want to let go of Xie Yishu and Gu Yanzhi, the two big fat fish. In addition, they didn't expect a sniper to find an ambush position at the beginning of the game, and they chased them up with great enthusiasm.

Xie Yishu took Gu Yanzhi to the location sent by Zhang Cheng, but did not see Zhang Cheng: "We are here."

Zhang Cheng also saw them in the scope: "Hide behind the tree, pay attention to protecting the energy cabin, and then shoot at them casually."

Although he felt that he didn't need to cover against seven ordinary players, he was still cautious: "I'll count three two one."

"Three... two... one."

Xie Yishu and Gu Yanzhi jumped behind the tree at the same time, turned around and shot at the chasing mecha.

Zhang Cheng shot one energy capsule in the dark, simply and neatly.

After the gunpowder smoke cleared, Zhang Cheng said: "Go and see if there are any good things on them, take them and let us change places."

It is too troublesome to deal with the seven mechas and the traces on the ground, so it is better to find another place to ambush.

Xie Yishu took Gu Yanzhi to unload the equipment.

While picking up the bullets, Gu Yanzhi whispered to Xie Yishu, "Xiao Shu, I wasted all the bullets just now, and I didn't hit any of them."

He just saw a mecha pointing at Xie Yishu with an energy cannon, and subconsciously fired a shot at the cockpit, but Xiaoshu probably didn't notice his action.

Xie Yishu did not notice.

He comforted Gu Yanzhi: "I didn't hit any of them either."

Listening to their conversation, Zhang Cheng looked at the effective sniper rate "6" in the upper right corner of his interface, confused.

His effective sniper rate is 6, and Teacher Sheyu and Brother Gu's is 0, so how did the other mecha get scrapped

Was it accidentally injured by his teammates

Zhang Cheng called up the replay and saw that in the melee just now, a bullet from one direction accurately hit the cockpit of one of the seven mechas, and then extravagantly fired more than two dozen empty guns towards the side.

And the person in that direction... Zhang Cheng listened to "Xiao Shu, I wasted all the bullets" in the headset, "Xiao Shu, I didn't hit any of them"...

Zhang Cheng: Fuck

The author has something to say: Zhang Cheng: It seems that something has been broken, but I dare not say it.

This chapter gives out one hundred red envelopes.

Thank you all for waiting!

Thanks Gummy Bears and Freedom, Books and Big Moon Babes mine! Hug and kiss one by one!