The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday

Chapter 75


Ning Bupeking is very sure: [I didn't admit my mistake.]

[Ah Ning: Jiang Zhou and Zhang's mother were also there that day, so I sent them a look.]Xie Yishu's head was a little messed up, and she quickly replied: [Okay.]

The upper left corner is blank, without the words "typing in progress".

Ning Bupeking probably took the photo to the other two for verification.

Xie Yishu turned her head to look at the chubby who was sleeping soundly with her head tilted to one side.

The road was a bit uneven, and the little fat man pressed his head against the car window, and the little fat face trembled slightly following the car.

The more Xie Yishu looked at it, the more she felt that Ning Bupeck had admitted the wrong person.

After all how is it possible

Their family and Ye Yinghou's family... Xie Yishu paused in her thoughts, thinking about it carefully, their family is indeed closely related to Ye Yinghou's family.

There is something wrong with fate.

The birth of Bo Zai is related to Gu Jinming and Ye Wan.

When Gu Yanzhi was on a business trip, he ran into Gu Jinming on the plane and took the wrong suitcase with him.

His two patents were bought by Ye's Sanye Group.

Their family won the lottery and went to the resort to play, and they all collided with the itinerary of the richest man's son's family.

Ye Yinghou had appeared near their home.

The richest man Gu, Ye Yinghou, and Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu's wife and son who have never met... Ye Yinghou's family seems to appear too frequently in their lives.

Can ordinary people have so many connections with the richest man and movie queen in their life

Even Gu Yanzhi and Bozai both have the surname Gu.

Xie Yishu's thoughts were in a mess.

Gu Yanzhi frowned slightly when he saw Xie Yishu who was staring at the light brain in a daze from the rearview mirror.

His little Shu was a little absent-minded.

After receiving the message from Ning Bupeck.

It was because of other men's absent-mindedness, not because of him.

Gu Yanzhi suppressed the jealousy in his heart, and asked casually: "Xiao Shu, did your brother say anything to you?"

"I didn't say anything." Xie Yishu subconsciously said.

After a pause, he said, "My brother is coming to the main star for development recently. He wants to build his own studio on the main star."

This is the first time that Xie Yishu lied to Gu Yanzhi for reasons other than "preparing a surprise for her lover".

Gu Yanzhi: "He wants to come to the main planet?"

Xie Yishu nodded, thinking that Gu Yanzhi was driving and couldn't see him, so he quickly let out a "hmm". The optical brain in his hand vibrated, Xie Yishu looked down at the optical brain.

[A Ning: [Picture] [Picture]]

Xie Yishu clicked on the first picture.

It was a conversation between Ning Bupeking and Jiang Zhou.

Ning Bupeking asked Jiang Zhou if he had any impression of the child in the picture. Jiang Zhou said yes, saying that he had seen him in the orphanage before, and asked Ning Bupeking if he remembered that they had an oolong at that time.

He is obviously a child of the sponsor's family, but they treat him as a new little brother.

Xie Yishu's mind blankly moved to the next picture.

The next picture is the conversation between Ning Bupeck and Zhang's mother.

Xie Yishu's eyes stayed on Zhang's mother's sentence "It's Ye Yinghou's grandson. He hasn't announced it to the public yet, you guys don't want to say it", suddenly felt a little absurd.

If the little fat man next to him is Ye Yinghou's grandson, then who is the man driving in front

Is it the Gu Yan he knew, or Ye Yinghou's son

Ning Bupeking sent another message: [Xiao Shu, why are you with Ye Yinghou's grandson? Did you participate in any activities?]Xie Yishu looked at the message in his brain, not knowing how to reply.

Should he say that it's not Ye Yinghou's grandson, but his and Gu Yan's son, and he didn't participate in the event, but just took the little fat man to the resort with Gu Yan

Thinking of the resort, Xie Yishu thought of that time at the resort, a staff member called Gu Yanzhi "Mr. Gu".

Xie Yishu lowered her eyes, and typed in her optical brain: [He is the kid in the class I told you about last time, and we went to the resort together.]He didn't want the mothers in the orphanage to worry about him, so at the beginning, he concealed the fact that Gu Yan had a loan of three million to be repaid, that he and Gu Yan were working hard on the main star, and that there was a son who had just entered kindergarten to be raised.

The circle of friends with the photo of Bo Zai also blocked the three mothers.

He originally planned to wait for 001's mission to be completed, so he didn't have to worry about going to the ancient blue star again in the future, so he would confess to Gu Yan where he had been for the past five years, and then take Gu Yan and Bo Zai to District 21. Introduce them formally to his family.

At that time, the loan should have been repaid, and their lives should be getting better and better. The mothers in the orphanage don't have to worry about his poor life in the main star, or whether his and Gu Yan's salary is enough for them. Two people and one child live in the main star.

Then they can talk about getting married.

But now... everything happened unexpectedly.

Xie Yishu put his mind down and looked at Gu Yanzhi who was driving.

Thinking back to the man's low self-esteem "Xiao Shu, I'm just a security guard...", Xie Yishu couldn't figure out what her lover was thinking for the first time.

The car is parked in the community parking lot.

The little chubby cub slept all the way, and was not woken up when he was picked up by Xie Yishu. He hummed twice like a piglet, found a comfortable position in Xie Yishu's arms, and then fell asleep soundly with his mouth pouting again. up.

Although the little chubby cub is only five years old, it is heavy to hold.

Xie Yishu felt a little heavy, and subconsciously weighed it.

Seeing this, Gu Yanzhi stretched out his hand: "I'll do it."

Xie Yishu nodded, and just wanted the man to take the little chubby, but was hugged by the man.

In his sleep, Bozai dreamed that he had become the sandwich of a sandwich biscuit, and kicked his short legs uneasily.

Xie Yishu smelled the clean smell on the man, pursed her lips, and called his name: "Gu Yanzhi."

Gu Yanzhi paused.

Xie Yishu seldom calls him "Gu Yanzhi", most of the time he still keeps the old habit and calls him "Gu Yan".

Xie Yishu also realized that something was wrong with her emotions.

But when he thought that he was being concealed by Gu Yanzhi for so long like a fool, he couldn't restrain his emotions: "Don't be like this outside. Let's go home first, and you come to hug Bozai."

Gu Yanzhi silently tightened the arms around the young man's waist, and said after a while: "Okay."

He let go.

Xie Yishu stuffed the chubby guy into Gu Yanzhi's arms, picked up the Lepin in the trunk, and walked towards the door of the unit.

Gu Yanzhi looked at Xie Yishu's back and frowned.

He could sense that Xie Yishu was in a bad mood.

But he didn't know what caused Xie Yishu's mood change.

Is it because of that Ningbupeck

After returning home, Gu Yanzhi took a bath for the little fat man first.

After sending Xiaopangdun to bed, the sound of dripping water came from the bathroom.

It was Xie Yishu taking a shower.

Usually, Gu Yanzhi would take advantage of Xie Yishu's shower time to deal with work emails.

His work efficiency has always been very high, but today he looked at the densely packed text on the optical brain, but he couldn't read a single character.

Fang Ziyu sent him a dozen messages.

Gu Yanzhi clicked on it and saw his photo in high school.

Fang Ziyu asked someone to process the images, and there was no shadow of Jia De in every photo.

The walls of the classroom are mottled, the tables and chairs are worn out, the school trousers on his body are cut short, and the uppers of his shoes are also badly worn.

[Fang Ziyu: Ask someone to deal with it.]

[Fang Ziyu: In order to highlight your personality as a poor student, I also asked them to make your school uniform a little bit out of place.][Fang Ziyu: I used the background and school uniform of Thirteen High School. I also asked a kid in my studio to get their graduation photos.][Fang Ziyu: How's it going, isn't it good?]

Gu Yanzhi replied briefly with two words: [It's okay.]

The other side replied quickly: [Then I sent these to Xie Yishu to read?][Um.]

Gu Yanzhi lowered his eyes and asked his friend: [After the lover and his family exchanged messages, their attitude towards you was a little cold. What are the possibilities for this to happen? ] Fang Ziyu thought for a while: [That depends on the family.]

[Fang Ziyu: If they are of the same generation, it may be that the other party has also fallen in love recently. The two compared their lovers and found that their lovers were compared. When you lose face... you know. ] Gu Yanzhi frowned: [Xiao Shu wouldn't do this.]

[Fang Ziyu: You and Xie Yishu...then there is another possibility.][Fang Ziyu: Are you not Jingsheng's security guard now, and you still have millions of loans? His family may look down on you a little bit, and asked Xie Yishu to break up with you. Xie Yishu was under a lot of pressure.][Fang Ziyu: This kind of pressure can easily make people feel tired, please be considerate of them. ] Gu Yanzhi guessed the same way.

His eyes fell on "stress" and "exhaustion", he quit Xunxin, clicked on the fund trading platform, and logged in to Xie Yishu's account.

He used Xie Yishu's account to select several funds.

The gains of several funds were good, Gu Yanzhi flipped through the trend chart, planning to show it to Xie Yishu later.

Fang Ziyu didn't know that Young Master Gu had withdrawn from Xunxin.

He was still sending his guesses to the other party: [Of course, there are other reasons.][Fang Ziyu: For example, what did his family do that bothered him and made him not in the mood to make out with him. Or what you did was discovered by his family, so you shouldn't have done anything behind his back, right? Except for security.][Fang Ziyu: When it comes to pretending to be a security guard, Gu Ge, when are you going to confess to him? You can't keep it a secret, can you? ] Gu Yanzhi did not reply to the message as usual.

Fang Ziyu knew that Young Master Gu must be busy with other things, so he stopped waiting and asked Shen Ding, "How long do you think Gu Yanzhi is going to pretend? It's time to confess, right?"

He ate a meal tonight with trepidation, fearing that he would accidentally slip up.

Shen Ding thought for a while: "If it were me, I would keep pretending."

Fang Ziyu was stunned for a moment: "Keep pretending? Isn't that tiring?"

"If it were me, I would choose a special day and confess it as a surprise."

"The person next to the pillow has transformed from a poor security guard to a wealthy young master, isn't it crazy?"

"After all, I'm luckier than winning the lottery. Winning the lottery, even if it's the biggest prize, can't compare to Mr. Gu's worth."

Shen Ding listened to his lover's nagging, but did not refute.

He didn't know much about Gu Yanzhi's lover.

But judging from Gu Yanzhi's description in the small group in the past and his contact tonight, he felt that if he let the other party know that Gu Yanzhi's identity is fake... I'm afraid he won't feel like he won the lottery as described by his lover.

Xie Yishu sat on the bed, looking at the photos Fang Ziyu sent him, and looking back on the past two months with Gu Yanzhi, the more he looked back, the more he felt like a fool, being fooled for so long.

Even if he hadn't learned the real identity of the little fat cub from Ning Bupeng and Zhang's mother tonight, and looked at the photos sent by Fang Ziyu, he would have continued to be deceived.

After all, the other party was so well prepared.

There are even graduation photos.

When Gu Yanzhi took a shower and entered the bedroom, what he saw was the scene of the young man leaning on the bed and looking down at his own photo.

The warm orange light at the head of the bed fell on the young man, enveloping the young man inside, looking very soft.

Seeing him coming in, the young man raised his head, revealing the light-colored hickey that hadn't faded away on his neck.

Gu Yanzhi's Adam's apple rolled up and down unconsciously.

He walked to the bed, lifted the quilt and went to bed, before saying anything, Xie Yishu put down his brain and asked him: "Gu Yan, is there anything you want to ask me?"

He thought it over, if Gu Yanzhi said "no", then he would say "well, I have something to ask you".

When Gu Yanzhi was asked so abruptly, he instinctively became alert.

He recalled Xie Yishu's troubles from the car, and said cautiously: "Yes."

Xie Yishu froze for a moment: "Say it."

He observed Xie Yishu's expression, thought it over, and said, "Does your brother not want us to be together?"

Xie Yishu: "... what?"

Why did you go back to the issue of Ningbupeck again

Gu Yanzhi took out his optical brain and showed Xie Yishu the fund he bought: "Xiao Shu, if I can make money with the fund, won't your brother stop you from being with me?"

Although he wanted to get Xie Yishu's attention and attention, he also didn't want to put pressure on Xie Yishu.

Xie Yishu didn't expect Gu Yanzhi to think about this.

He nodded and followed Gu Yanzhi's plot: "Yes. My brother really doesn't want us to be together."

"He said you were a security guard, and worried that I would have a bad life if I was with you."

"I told him that you have talent in investment and can make money from funds, but he said that's not enough." Xie Yishu had a half-smile, "He said that you are good-looking, and being a security guard is better than being an actor. "

Gu Yanzhi twitched his eyelashes and said habitually: "I don't know how to act..."

"Then who is the person who acts as the security guard by my side every day?" Xie Yishu's voice was very soft, but the words he said exploded in Gu Yanzhi's ears like a mine.

"Is it the Gu Yan I know, or the son of the richest man and actress?"