The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday

Chapter 83


After school, Gu Yanzhi came to pick up Bozai and Xie Yishu.

Although Bozai regrets not being able to squeeze the bus with his mother, he is still very happy when he thinks that he can go to the family restaurant with his parents at night.

He was sitting in the child safety seat, shaking his short legs leisurely, chatting with Gu Yanzhi about what happened in the kindergarten.

I can't remember some details as I talked, and I cast a small look at Xie Yishu for help, and Xie Yishu will help him complete it.

While driving, Gu Yanzhi heard Xiao Pangdun say with a hint of hint, "This afternoon's snack is milk and cookies, which are delicious. Bo Zai put the package in his backpack and brought it back." He stopped the car at the red light and asked Xie Yishu: "Where are you going back tonight?"

Bozai's ears perked up, and he became vigilant.

He didn't expect to be able to go back to the place where he used to live, so he hurriedly answered before Xie Yishu could speak: "Of course I will go back to the place rented by my little dad and Bozai."

If he goes back to the place where he lived before, no matter where he goes, he will have his own small room.

There is no way to sleep with mom and dad!

Bozai's chubby face flashed panic.

He was worried that Xie Yishu would give a different answer, so he tugged on Xie Yishu's sleeve nervously: "Is that right, dad. Our journey has just begun!"

Xie Yishu was a little embarrassed.

He didn't want to upset Poppy, so he kept comparing his moving out to a trip.

But now Pumpty really seemed to think they were traveling.

Children, naturally they don't want the trip to end early.

Xie Yishu touched Bo Zai's little fat face, and planned to discuss with the little fat pier to end this "trip" early, and take him on a real trip when the kindergarten is on winter vacation in a few weeks.

Together with Gu Yanzhi.

Xie Yishu was just about to speak, when Gu Yanzhi said: "Okay."

Pop Cub immediately cheered.

The car drove into the underground parking lot.

Seeing the sign of the elevator, Bo Zai ran to press the up button as soon as he got out of the car.

Xie Yishu walked behind and asked Gu Yanzhi: "You promised him to go back to Mumuyuan at night...then where do you sleep at night?"

Gu Yanzhi took his hand and replied, "Mu Mu Yuan."

The warm touch came, Xie Yishu was thin-skinned, and she didn't have the habit of doing such intimate things in public. He tried to struggle, but he couldn't break free, so he looked around with red ears.

There are few people in the underground parking lot, and there are no other people around them.

Holding his hand silently tightened because of his previous struggle, Xie Yishu gave up struggling.

No one saw it anyway.

Wait till above.

He returned to the previous topic: "Are you going back to the one you rented?"

"Go back to the set you and Bo Zai rented."

"I can't sleep." Xie Yishu recalled that Gu Yanzhi had never been in the bedroom, and explained, "It's a 1.5m bed."

It's just right for him to sleep alone with Bo Zai, and Gu Yanzhi... Gu Yanzhi can only sleep on the sofa if he wants to live with them.

Gu Yanzhi had never been in the bedroom before, so he didn't know about it, no wonder he promised so readily just now.

Xie Yishu thought for a while and said: "I'll go tell Bozai to go back to Kangle in the evening. After the winter vacation, we'll take him on a real trip..."

Xie Yishu paused.

He remembered that he and Bo Zai had a two-month vacation, but Gu Yanzhi did not.

Gu Yanzhi's company should only have ten days off like most companies on the main star.

Xie Yishu added: "Wait until you are free."

"Okay." Gu Yanzhi smiled and lowered his voice slightly, "There's no need to tell Bozai. We'd better go back to Mumuyuan at night."

"Able to sleep. Leave it to me."

Xie Yishu's family restaurant is on the fifth floor.

Today is a weekday, and there are not many people in the family restaurant. As soon as Bo Zai entered, he kicked his short legs and went straight to the swing booth. After ordering and waiting for the food to be served, he excitedly pushed the table and played on the swing slightly.

The swing in the family restaurant is fun, and the food tastes good. The manager on duty saw that the little chubby was cute, and gave him a small ice cream scoop.

Bo Zai ate very happily. He especially loves the signature T-bone in the store and plans to eat it again next time.

After dinner, the three went for a walk to the second floor.

There are several holographic cabins in the experience store. Xie Yishu asked the shopping guide for the product manual to compare the parameters of several holographic cabins.

Gu Yanzhi looked at the lovers who were seriously making comparisons, and thought they were extremely cute. He leaned over, took advantage of Xie Yishu's inattention, kissed the tip of his ear, and whispered: "Xiao Shu, we don't need to think about the price now."

Xie Yishu's ears warmed up, and she subconsciously tilted her head: "What?"

When he saw the "Luxury Supreme" series that Gu Yanzhi was referring to, he realized what Gu Yanzhi was talking about: "It still needs to be considered. The price/performance ratio of this product is very low."

Now he doesn't need to worry about improving their living standards, and he has savings of more than three million yuan. The brand's high-end luxury series holographic cabins are also affordable.

But wouldn't it be nice to have the money to do other things

"I don't need any of these functions." Xie Yishu pointed to the product manual and paused when she saw "bring you the top enjoyment like a real massage" and "it's equivalent to buying a holographic cabin and a massage cabin at the same time" , "But this massage function is quite good."

Staying in a holopod can also be tiring.

It's also nice to enjoy a quarter-hour realistic massage after exiting the holographic world.

A massage cabin costs tens of thousands of dollars.

Although the holographic cabin of the high luxury series is more expensive, the two-in-one does not take up space.

Xie Yishu began to hesitate between the "Luxury Supreme" series and the "Family Leisure" series, and heard Gu Yanzhi say: "This function is not practical."


Just as Xie Yishu wanted to ask what was not practical, Gu Yanzhi chuckled, "You already have me. You don't need two 'massage cabins'."

Xie Yishu finally chose the family leisure series blushing.

He went to the front desk to pay, and the mall would send someone to deliver the holographic capsule to the address he reserved within half an hour.

There is a supermarket on the first floor.

Little Fatty wandered around and was a little hungry again, with his hands behind his back, he mentioned again "the afternoon snack is cookies, Bozai still remembers its packaging" very suggestively.

Xie Yishu happened to want to buy some fruit, so the three of them went to the supermarket again.

When they arrived at the community, the bionic delivery man was already downstairs.

The Holopod is a big piece.

Adding two androids and a holographic cabin in the small elevator is a bit cramped.

Fortunately, their floors are low, and the elevator will arrive in a short while.

The elevator door opened, and Xie Yishu walked out quickly to open the door, but was stunned when she saw the express boxes piled up as high as two hills in front of her house.

Gu Yanzhi walked out of the elevator with Bo Zai in his arms, and was stunned when he saw the express box mountain beside Xie Yishu.

The two spoke at the same time.

"I, I bought something..."

"I didn't expect to divide so many express boxes..."

The two stopped.

Xie Yishu asked Gu Yanzhi: "Have you bought something too?"

Gu Yanzhi nodded.

He bought the things needed to build the "children's room" according to the two young people at the opposite door.

"No wonder, I also bought some."

Xie Yishu bought materials and tools for making various aromatherapy products. He calculated the quantity and did not buy too much. That's why I was so surprised when I saw the express box mountain.

Now it seems that he bought only half of the tools and materials, while Gu Yanzhi bought the other half.

But no matter who bought it, the mountain of courier boxes in front of him takes up a lot of space.

The space in front of the house was relatively small, but with the addition of Heshan, him, Gu Yanzhi, Bo Zai, two bionic deliverymen and a holographic cabin, it was completely full.

"Gu Yan, take Bozai to the stairwell first." Xie Yishu glanced at the numbers of the two bionic deliverymen, and commanded, "T06, T21, you put down the holographic cabin first, and put the express box together with me." Move to the stairs."

After a while of busy work, the holographic cabin was installed in the living room, and the express boxes were neatly placed at the entrance.

The two bionic delivery men were about to leave, but Gu Yanzhi stopped them and renewed the rental service for half an hour.

Facing the lover's puzzled gaze, Gu Yanzhi whispered in his ear: "Xiao Shu, I want to move the sofa and coffee table in the living room to Building 10..."

Bozai didn't notice that Mom and Dad were whispering.

He squatted on the edge of the sofa, looking at the biscuits in the shopping bag, thinking in his little head how to get his parents to agree to him eating another delicious little cookie at night.

He wanted to behave better and ask his parents to reward him with a cookie, so when Gu Yanzhi asked the bionic deliveryman to move the sofa, he actively hugged the pillow on the sofa: "Dad! Come and help!"

Gu Yanzhi didn't just want to isolate the small light bulbs.

If they just wanted to isolate the small light bulbs, they wouldn't go back to Mumuyuan at night.

Gu Yanzhi also wanted to take this opportunity to tell his five-year-old son that you have grown up and need to learn to sleep alone.

Whether it's a one-bedroom, one-living room rental, a loft in the past, or a hotel suite in a future need to sleep alone, leaving room for your parents to get along with each other.

Bo Zai didn't know his father's sinister intentions.

He thought that he would be rewarded with a piece of cookie for helping his father, and followed Gu Yan with a pillow in his arms, back and forth several times.

Seeing Dad unpacking the express delivery, he squatted aside to help. When Gu Yanzhi started to assemble the "children's room", he ran around actively, handing this to that.

The "children's room" prepared by Gu Yanzhi is quite deceptive.

Instead of a traditional crib that Chubby can see right through, he uses a custom round mattress and a breathable camping tent. In addition to the sleeping area, the study area and play area are also divided.

A whiteboard was also customized to replace the wall, which can be used to write and draw freely as a barrier between the "children's room" and the entrance and restaurant.

Bozai didn't see what Dad was doing at all.

He ran back and forth to help, and even after the "children's room" was completed, he looked around for a week with his chubby hands behind his back in an old-fashioned way.

There is also his hard work in it.

Worth a small cookie.

Bo Zai has a small belly, a little proud.

He watched his father turn off the light in the living room, and pressed the little turtle that he mistook for a plush toy.

A small turtle emits a soft light, while a large underwater world is projected on the ceiling. There are seaweeds, sea anemones, and groups of small fish swimming around.

Bozai raised his chubby face and opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Gu Yanzhi pressed the little turtle again, and the projection on the ceiling changed from an underwater world to a flowing galaxy.

Little Fatty's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand to Gu Yanzhi: "Father, let Bo Zai try!"

Gu Yanzhi handed the little tortoise to him, Bo Zai took the little tortoise, and the little fat hand pressed hard on the turtle shell.

The mobile galaxy suddenly turned into an animal world. Bozai pressed it again, and the animal world turned into blooming flowers again...

Every time he presses the little turtle's shell, the projection on the ceiling will change. After more than a dozen changes, it returns to the original underwater world.

Gu Yanzhi looked at the little chubby who couldn't put it down to the little turtle, squatted down, rubbed his little head, and asked, "Do you like it? The children's room that Dad built for you."

Bo Zai nodded sweetly, and after a while, he realized that the little turtle fell to the ground with a "slap".

The author has something to say: Bozai is called Bozai because he had a good appetite when he was a child and was often hungry. When he was hungry, he would make a sound of wanting to eat milk paste, like a little fat-headed fish spitting bubbles, bobobobobobobo.

The big name is Gu Bo, which is taken from "the mountain is always green, and the thin grass is fragrant". Bo is a place where grass grows. It is hoped that he can be like a grass, with tenacious vitality, endless sunshine, and wind blowing.

(However, a big baby in "Raising Cubs" next door gave a better explanation: it was because Gu Yanzhi wanted him to be thinner when he grows up.)

This chapter gives out one hundred red envelopes.