The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday

Chapter 85


Xie Yishu plans to make jar candles.

In the history of Atlantis, candle lamps also appeared briefly for a while, but soon disappeared in the long river of history and were replaced by oil lamps.

In Atlantis now, it is difficult to see candles in places other than popular science books and historical film and television dramas, so when Xie Yishu first saw candles in Ancient Blue Star, he acted as if he had never seen the world people.

He didn't expect that the ancient blue star could keep this craft for thousands of years, and also endowed candles with other functions that were only used for lighting purposes.

Like scented candles.

Add essential oils when making candles, and when the candles melt, they can diffuse a good smell. Different fragrances will bring different effects, some are suitable for sleep aid, and some are suitable for refreshing.

Xie Yishu in Gulanxing often asks the students who are looking for him to borrow campus cards, bring their own raw materials to the laboratory to make scented candles, and then sell the candles on the street stalls.

Use beautiful jars as containers, and give each candle a nice name. The finished product is very popular among young girls in the university town, and it can sell a lot every time it is set up.

Many customers asked him for his contact information, and bought a can every now and then.

Xie Yishu is not very sensitive to scents, and he has no preferences, but he likes to light a jar of wood-wick candles at night, and listen to the crackling sound when the candles are burning, like sitting by a warm fireplace, which feels like home.

It was like being in Atlantis, and still in the Mouton Orphanage.

This time Xie Yishu also made wood-wick candles.

He found a furniture store that sells wood on the main star network, bought a few pieces of small cherry wood, and asked them to make wooden cores and send them over.

Essential oils and jars can also be bought ready-made, only the wax base can not be found.

Xie Yishu is used to using soybean wax. It’s just that there are no places where soybean wax is used in daily life, and there are no stores that sell soybean wax on the star network. To order soybean wax, you have to find the relevant factory.

Fortunately, in order to save costs, Xie Yishu also used the equipment in the laboratory to extract soybean wax in Ancient Blue Star, so she ordered a set of hydrogenation equipment and related raw materials directly on the star network.

This also saves one step of melting the wax than using a wax base.

Bozai couldn't wait to see the little props, and he cooperated especially when taking a bath. Gu Yanzhi rubbed his chubby arms, and he also had one free hand to rub his own belly.

Gu Yanzhi is also interested in the "little props" in his lover's mouth. The father and son worked together to cut the usual time for washing the little fat pier/father to help him take a bath by half.

Putting on his pajamas, Bo Zai rushed out.

Seeing the mother in protective clothing fiddling with experimental equipment, she slammed on the brakes.

The "Bear Adventure" he usually watched recently had a new little bear, a weird science bear immersed in his own experiments every day.

Mom is dressed just like the weird science bear, the chubby backed behind Gu Yanzhi timidly, poked out the chubby face from behind Gu Yanzhi, and said weakly: "Daddy?"

Dad is not possessed by the weird science bear in the cartoon, right

The little fat pier was frightened by his own thoughts, he hugged Gu Yanzhi's thigh tightly, his eyes were red again: "Back away!"

Gu Yanzhi knew that Xie Yishu studied chemistry in college, and for a whole year he spent a whole year in the laboratory except for part-time jobs.

He was familiar with the outfit of his lover, but he didn't expect that the "little prop" would need experimental equipment: "Xiao Shu?"

Xie Yishu didn't expect Gu Yanzhi to help the little fat man take a bath so soon, he glanced at the measuring cup, and said to the big and small: "I'll be here for a while."

Hearing the familiar voice, Bo Zai knew that the person in front of him was still his mother, and he was relieved that he was not possessed by the weird science bear, and ran over to see Xie Yishu doing the experiment: "Daddy, what are you doing?" ?”

"Extracting the wax base."

Little Fatty was dumbfounded: "Extract the garbage?"

He couldn't help but glance at the kitchen with his small eyes.

If it's trash, isn't there in the kitchen

There is a barrel too!

Bozai ran to the kitchen, took out the trash bag awkwardly, dragged the trash bag back to Xie Yishu, held up the trash bag to show Xie Yishu: "Daddy, you don't need to pick it up, Bozai brought it for you!"

Xie Yishu was amused when she saw the garbage bag in Xiaopangdun's hand.

He knew that Xiaopangdun had misunderstood it. He touched Bozai's little head and explained with a smile: "It's not rubbish, it's wax base. Dad will explain it to you later."

He picked up the white porcelain jar on the table and handed it to the little fat pier: "Bozai, can you and dad decorate it with a paintbrush?"

Bo Zai nodded his chubby face, and solemnly took the small jar.

This is the task that his mother entrusted to him and his father. He must complete it well and get his mother's praise.

Xie Yishu continued to work on extracting soybean wax.

Bo Zai and Gu Yanzhi decorate white porcelain pots in the "children's room".

Little Fatty painted the green grass and the blue sky and white clouds. There are also three people holding hands.

It's him and mom and dad.

Gu Yanzhi looked at the little abstract artist who was concentrating on painting the villain's hair, thought for a few seconds, and asked, "Bozai, do you want to learn to draw?"

Little Pangdun is in the stage of absorbing knowledge like a small sponge absorbing water. He wants to learn everything. Hearing this, he nodded: "I want to!"

Gu Yanzhi silently put on the agenda the matter of "hiring Xiao Pangdun a painting teacher".

After painting the hair of the three little people, Bozai drew eyes, noses and red mouths for them, and added three pairs of parentheses as ears, and the work was completed.

The little painter was very satisfied with his new work, and holding his chubby face, he admired it intoxicated for a while.

Then it suddenly occurred to him that this was the task his mother had entrusted to him and his father.

He has finished his father's tasks, so what will father do

Little Fatty felt a little guilty.

He put himself in another place and thought about it. If it was his father who gave them the tasks assigned by his mother and finished them first, and he was not allowed to participate, then he would be very angry.

Bozai stretched out his chubby hand, pushed the white porcelain pot towards Gu Yanzhi, and said, "Dad, do you want to draw some too?"

Gu Yanzhi picked up the white porcelain jar: "What are you painting?"

The little artist thought for a while: "Draw a tree."

He clicked in the blank space and arranged: "Dad, you draw a tree here. Draw a longer branch, and then draw a swing. You and mother, I and you, we three swing together."

Gu Yanzhi nodded, took a black paintbrush and began to draw.

When Xie Yishu got the white porcelain pot again, the small pot was already very different.

Childhood Impressionism and Realism form a tragic contrast, but one of the creators did not realize this.

In the eyes of this little artist, his blue sky and white clouds, grass figures and trees painted by his father are the same.

They are all beautiful!

"Daddy!" Xiaopangdun pinched the corner of his clothes, Xiaopang's face was flushed, "Is the painting good-looking?"

Xie Yishu nodded: "It looks good."

Part of this "good-looking" is encouragement, and the rest is the truth.

Xiao Pangdun's paintings are abstract at first glance, but after a long time, you will find that they are full of innocence and childlikeness, very cute.

Xie Yishu smiled and boasted, "It's very artistic."

He looked at the somewhat out-of-place tree in the children's painting, and the bowl of water was level: "This tree is also very beautiful."

"Papa drew this tree!"

Bozai was very happy when he heard that he and his father were praised.

Standing on tiptoe, he leaned on the table and asked Xie Yishu, "Daddy, what are you stirring?"

He discovered just now that the little dad had been stirring the contents of the glass, and... Bo Zai's little nose fluttered, and he sniffed: "It smells so good!"

This taste is a bit familiar.

It's a bit like the bath liquid he just used, but not quite the same.

Xie Yishu couldn't bring out the same smell as the bath liquid, shampoo, and laundry detergent at home, so she could only add some wild nepeta and honeysuckle essential oils to the wax liquid according to the ingredient list.

As for constant stirring, it is to prevent the wax liquid from solidifying.

Xie Yishu said to Bozai: "Bozai, help me get a pair of chopsticks."

Bozai received the task again, Pidianer Pidianer ran to get the chopsticks.

Gu Yanzhi took this opportunity to get closer and asked in a low voice, "What is this?"

"It's a candle."

Gu Yanzhi hesitated: "Candles used for lighting in ancient times?"

Xie Yishu nodded and said affirmatively: "Yes, that's the one. But it's a little different..."

Xie Yishu was a little excited when he mentioned something he was familiar with.

Gu Yanzhi looked at the lover who was talking about the difference between the two with great interest, his eyes darkened a little, and as soon as he got closer, the voice of a small light bulb sounded beside him: "Daddy!"

"Boy, bring the chopsticks!"