The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday

Chapter 88


Xie Yishu followed the chubby boy's eyes to look at the Shenglin mansion outside the car window.

It is not far from the place they rented, and it is also very close to Yunshan Kindergarten. On the day Xie Yishu came to the kindergarten for an interview, she passed by here by bus.

And it wasn't just the interview.

When I went out to buy daily necessities with Mr. Wang, when I took a taxi to the airport...he passed by the entrance of Shenglin Mansion many times.

If Gu Yanzhi happened to come out of it when he passed by... Xie Yishu shook his head, suppressing such thoughts.

Even when Gu Yanzhi happened to come out of the car when he was passing by, the two of them couldn't see each other when they were sitting in the car.

Xie Yishu's thoughts drifted away, and she heard the little chubby boy beside her ask: "Daddy, do you want to go and see where Bozai and daddy used to live?"

Bo Zai now knows that her mother didn't want to go home because she hated the big house, so she no longer hesitates to hide the fact that she lived in a big house with her father.

And he still has something to give mom.

[The rest is talking]

The author has something to say: Little Fatty looked at Xie Yishu expectantly, and got Xie Yishu's affirmative answer: "Yeah."

Xie Yishu naturally wanted to see it.

He turned his head to look at the driver's seat, and found that Gu Yanzhi was also looking at him through the rearview mirror.

The eyes of the two collided.

Xie Yishu froze for a moment.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but he felt that Gu Yanzhi didn't want him to go.

Before Xie Yishu could speak, Gu Yanzhi looked away.

He stepped on the accelerator when the red light turned green, and asked Xie Yishu: "Then go to the place where Bo Zai and I used to live first?"

Xie Yishu nodded hesitantly, thinking that the other party would not be able to see him while driving, so he quickly said "um".

He looked at Gu Yanzhi's side face, and felt that it should be his own illusion just now.

He didn't notice that the other party's hand on the steering wheel was silently clenched.

After passing the traffic light, the car turned a corner and drove into the Shenglin mansion from another road.

Xiao Pangdun was very familiar with this place, he took Xie Yishu's hand as soon as he got out of the car, and led him to press the elevator with ease.

Gu Yanzhi locked the car door and followed behind them.

The elevators in the Shenglin Mansion are disinfected and cleaned every day, and the elevator doors are so clean and shiny that they can reflect the appearance of people.

Xie Yishu listened to Xiaopangdun's milky voice introducing "Bo Zai and Dad live on the top" "There are a lot of small biscuits in the cabinet, Dad, let's eat biscuits together later", looked up to see which floor the elevator reached , seeing Gu Yanzhi's expression reflected on the elevator door.

Xie Yishu frowned.

It was not his illusion that he was in the car just now.

But why

Is there something he can't see

Before Xie Yishu could figure out the answer, the elevator arrived.

The little chubby pulled him into the elevator first, stood on tiptoe and pressed "10", then pressed the door open button with his chubby little hand, urging Gu Yanzhi: "Dad, dad, hurry up."

He couldn't wait to give those things to his mother.

In stark contrast to the excited little chubby, was Gu Yanzhi who was almost silent.

Xie Yishu suddenly regretted coming over.

Although he didn't know why Gu Yanzhi didn't want him to come.

The elevator stops on the 10th floor.

Bo Zai was the first to jump out, the chubby pressed the door with his hand, and opened the door easily.

He took a pair of bear slippers for himself to put on, turned his head and saw his parents were still standing at the door, and waved to them: "Dad, little dad, come in."

Xie Yishu came back to her senses, changed her shoes and walked into the room.

Bozai pulled him and introduced: "Daddy, this is the living room."

"This is a sofa. Press this side, and something with cups will pop out, just like a movie theater."

"This is a coffee table, and there is a refrigerator hidden under it. Look, Dad, it can be opened with one touch. Put the juice in it in summer, and take it out after five minutes. It's delicious!"

"Click this, and the coffee table will be put away, and then press this again, and this sofa will become a bed, and you can lie on it and watch a movie!"

"And there's more..." Bo Zai licked his mouth, "There's a small coffee table here..."

Little Fatty stared at Xie Yishu who pressed the button, took out a cup from the small coffee table and poured him a cup of warm water, and was stunned.

"Daddy..." Bozai took the teacup, raised his chubby face to drink water, put down the teacup after drinking, and asked Xie Yishu curiously, "Daddy, how do you know there are teacups and a water dispenser in the small coffee table?"

Because he told Gu Yanzhi that when he has money in the future, he will order a multifunctional coffee table with a built-in disinfection cabinet and water dispenser and put it next to the sofa.

Xie Yishu pinched Bozai's chubby face: "Daddy guessed it."

"What about this?" Bozai pointed to the button on the side, "Daddy guess what will come out when you press this."

Xie Yishu hardly had to think: "Snacks."

Bozai pressed the button, the small coffee table rotated for half a circle, opened with a "click", and the inside was empty.

"It's a place to put snacks." The chubby glanced at Gu Yanzhi secretly, pulled Xie Yishu's sleeve to let him squat down, and complained aggrievedly by Xie Yishu's ear, "But Dad won't let Bozai let him go."

Under the advice of the family doctor, Gu Yanzhi strictly controlled the snack intake of the little fat man.

Xie Yishu couldn't help this: "My little dad also thinks it's better not to let go."

For things like snacks, it's better to keep them out of reach of the little ones.

Little Fatty's "trick" failed, but he was not discouraged by it.

He has always regarded his mother's words as an imperial decree. Since his mother also said that it would be better not to let go, then he also thinks it is good not to let go.

Anyway, even if it is released, he can't eat it without the permission of adults.

After that, Bo Zai took Xie Yishu to visit other rooms.

He is a competent little commentator, and he introduced every corner of the house.

Xie Yishu looked at the house in front of her, which was almost decorated according to her "fantasy" when she was in college.

There are a lot of "fantasies" that he doesn't remember himself, but only remembered after listening to the introduction of Xiaopangzi. He once told Gu Yanzhi that in the future, in the future, when they have their own house, this place is designed in this way.

Xie Yishu's sleeve was slightly pulled.

Bozai pulled him to the study room that he had introduced, and said to him: "Daddy, Bozai has something to give to daddy."

The little fat pier was a little shy, but also a little excited, his cheeks were all red.

Xie Yishu followed him to the bookcase, looked at the neatly arranged file bags in the bookcase, and heard the little fat man say: "These are all for my dad."

"There are shells, greeting cards, and paintings..." Xiaopangdun himself forgot how many things he had, so he could only draw a big circle, and when he lowered his arms, he hugged Xie Yishu's waist, and rubbed his little fat face affectionately Rubbing, "There are many, many!"

Xie Yishu opened the bookcase and took out a file bag.

There are words written by Gu Yanzhi on the file bag:

A stone given to mother by Pop Cub.


Xie Yishu opened the file bag, and there was a small stone in it.

It is a bit like a pebble, with a smooth surface and beautiful patterns.

In addition to the small stones, there is also a note.

On the note was Gu Yanzhi's handwriting:

On March 27, Bo Zai picked up this stone in the flower bed downstairs and said he would give it to his mother.

I told him mom would love it. Xiaoshu, you will like it, right

Xie Yishu quickly stuffed the note back.

His chest is tight now, and his nose is sore. If there is no one here, he will definitely cry out in embarrassment.

Xie Yishu took a deep breath, lowered his head and said to the little chubby cub around his waist: "This stone is so beautiful! Thank you, Bo cub. Daddy likes it very much."

Bo Zai was so happy that Chubby blushed.

He rubbed against Xie Yishu shyly, and shyly said: "There are still many more."

The file pockets on the bookcase are sorted by time.

Xie Yishu dismantled them one by one.

The top few rows were all written by Gu Yanzhi, and in the lower rows, there were document bags and notes written by the little chubby boy himself.

The last portfolio is "Portrait of Mom" on September 21st.

There are many presents that Bozai can’t remember, such as the first picture he drew, and the audio of him learning to say “Dad” and “Mom”. What a gift for mom.

"Dad, do you like it?"

Xie Yishu said softly: "I like it."

"That's all!" After introducing his presents, there was nothing to introduce, "Daddy, when are we going home?"

Little Fatty's topic jumped too fast, Xie Yishu couldn't keep up for a while: "Huh?"

"Bozai is a little hungry, little dad, what shall we have for dinner?"

Xie Yishu completely forgot the time when she was unwrapping the presents, raised her wrist to look at the terminal, only to realize that it was already half past six: "Tonight... what do you want to eat?"

I want to eat grilled chicken wings and fried chicken legs.

Like most chubby guys in the world, it is difficult for Bozai to resist the temptation of fried food.

But he knew he couldn't eat so much fried food, so he sneaked another glance at Gu Yanzhi before "making a wish" to Xie Yishu.

The look reminded him of something he had forgotten.

— Dad's safe.

Although his father didn't let him see the contents of the safe, he knew that there was such a safe in the study: "Little Dad, there is another thing in the study. Bozai forgot to introduce it. It's Dad's guarantor..."

The sound of the door opening interrupted Bozai's words.

In the next second, Aunt Qiu's voice sounded outside: "Sir? Young Master?"

Although the house has not been lived in for a long time, housekeeping comes to clean it every week.

Today is Friday, regular cleaning day.

Aunt Qiu did not expect to meet the two gentlemen and the young master today.

Aunt Qiu is most of the insider about this matter between the young couple. She knew that Mr. Xie had discovered Mr. Gu's identity a few days ago, and she also knew that Mr. Gu had been forgiven by Mr. Xie.

So... it's time to move back

Aunt Qiu suppressed her curiosity and asked, "Sir, do you want to prepare dinner?"

Xie Yishu glanced at Gu Yanzhi, seeing that the other party didn't say anything, she smiled at Aunt Qiu: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Aunt Qiu waved her hand: "Sir, you are welcome. What do you and the young master want to eat tonight? There should be some ingredients in the storage room downstairs. If not, I will go out and buy them."

"Bozai wants to eat eggplant and meat!"

Bo Zai is a fat man who is easily satisfied. He can't eat grilled chicken wings and fried chicken legs. He is also satisfied with eggplant embedded meat, "There are also braised shrimp!"

Aunt Qiu: "There are already eggplants embedded with meat, how about changing the oil-braised shrimp to white wine?"

Pop Cub: "Good!"

Aunt Qiu: "Sir, I'll go to the storage room downstairs."

Xie Yishu nodded.

He took a look at Gu Yanyi, who had been acting abnormal since he entered the Shenglin mansion, and said to Bozai, "Bozai and Grandma Qiu go downstairs to have a look. If there are no eggplants or shrimps, eat them with the ones in the storage room."

Bo Zai didn't realize that he was being dismissed, nodded his head, and went out with Aunt Qiu in a hurry.

Almost at the moment the door closed, Xie Yishu was hugged from behind. Only he and Gu Yanzhi were left in the room.

"Xiao Shu." The person who has been serving as the background board since entering the room finally said, "Do you like this place?"

Xie Yishu had a feeling of "finally here".


Gu Yanzhi's voice was a little hoarse: "Then do you want to live here?"

Xie Yishu raised her eyebrows: "You don't want me to live here?"

The person behind gave a low "hmm".

Xie Yishu sensed her lover's emotions, and patted the back of the other's hand comfortingly: "Why?"

Gu Yanzhi didn't speak.

He was silent for a long time, so long that Xie Yishu thought he would not answer, so he opened his mouth and said: "I had a dream at noon."

"A dream?"

"In my dream, I brought you here and asked you if you like it, and you said yes. I asked you if you want to live here, and you said yes."

Xie Yishu: "Then?"

The arms around her waist tightened, Xie Yishu heard the man whisper: "Then you disappeared."

Xie Yishu was stunned.

He didn't expect Gu Yanzhi to be so abnormal today because of a dream.

Xie Yishu couldn't laugh or cry: "Gu Yan, how old are you this year? It's just a dream..."

The arms around the waist tightened even more.

Xie Yishu smiled helplessly. He planned to tease Gu Yanzhi a few words to make the other party not so nervous, he had already said that he would never leave again.

But Gu Yanzhi's next sentence made him unable to make any jokes.

"Xiao Shu, I have seen the surveillance at that time. I have seen it many, many times."

"You entered the corridor and didn't come out again, as if you disappeared out of thin air."