The Cub’s Father Pretends to Be Poor Everyday

Chapter 99


After a night of fermenting, those who know that Xie Yishu is Sheyu basically know the hot search last night.

Xie Yishu returned a message to Zhang Cheng and the others after waking up, and at the same time saw Gao Yihang's message.

[Gao Yihang: Boss, after waking up, I went to the lab, it's almost done.]Xie Yishu glanced at the message time, it was six o'clock in the morning.

Those three people probably spent the night doing experiments in the laboratory.

And he slept till dawn.

This comparison hastily flashed through Xie Yishu's mind, Xie Yishu gave up the idea of sleeping for a while, and decisively lifted the quilt.

The little fat man in the middle of the bed hummed twice, turned over, and shrunk himself into a fat ball. He still has to sleep.

Gu Yanzhi heard the movement and opened his eyes to look at him.

"I'll go into the holographic cabin, and you and Bo Zai will sleep for a while." Xie Yishu said while putting on a sweater for herself. Just as she was about to get up, a man grabbed her wrist.

Xie Yishu turned her head, looked at Gu Yanzhi for a few seconds, and understood the hint in the other's eyes.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet." Xie Yishu muttered, but still lowered her head and kissed her lover's face.

The transmission code that Yan Zheng sent him has not expired yet.

Xie Yishu successfully found the laboratory, opened the door and was shocked by the scene in front of her.

If the laboratory was still neat and tidy when he left yesterday, then the current laboratory can be described as "tornado passing through".

Crumpled paper balls can be seen everywhere on the ground, and it is difficult to find a foothold.

Pei Ning was the only one in the lab.

The little girl was sitting by the console, with dozens of bottles and jars in front of her. Before Xie Yishu came, she was smelling the spices with her eyes closed.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Pei Ning put down the small bottle in her hand and glanced at the door.

Seeing that it was Xie Yishu, the little girl quickly made a "shh" gesture, and then pointed to the sofa.

Xie Yishu looked in the direction she pointed, only to find that there was another person in the laboratory besides him and Pei Ning.

The other party was lying on the sofa, covering his head with a blanket. Xie Yishu couldn't tell whether it was Yan Zheng or Gao Yihang for a moment.

Pei Ning waved to Xie Yishu.

Xie Yishu nodded knowingly, closed the door gently, tried to avoid the paper balls on the ground, and walked to the operating table.

Pei Ning bent her fingers and tapped twice on the operating table, and the bottles and cans on the table disappeared immediately, replaced by a set of chemical equipment that Xie Yishu was familiar with.

"Gao Yihang made this set last night, ahem, accompanied his friends to make this set, and we tried to make a few sets."

Pei Ning brought up the experimental results of the past ten hours, and whispered to Xie Yishu, "The wax liquid and volatile liquid will affect the original smell of the essence. We have made some adjustments to the existing formula."

She paused, and her voice became softer: "It's mainly Yan Zheng who changed it. He and Gao Yihang didn't sleep all night. My family doesn't let me stay up late, so I'll go offline when the time comes, and come here in the morning to talk to Gao Yihang." Airline changed shifts and helped Yan Zheng."

"Gao Yihang went off the assembly line to rest, and Yan Zheng just lay down." Pei Ning said as she glanced at the sofa.

Yan Zhengren is offline, but he is still lying in the holographic cabin. As long as she went to call him, the hologram would wake him up.

In fact, before Yan Zheng went offline, he also told her to wake Xie Yishu up once he went online.

But Pei Ning selfishly hoped that he would rest for a while.

"So let's lower our voices... I'll show you these for a try, and tell me how you feel after you smell them. If you have any thoughts during the smell, you can write them down on paper." Pei Ning gave Xie Yishu a pen and a stack blank paper.

Xie Yishu took the paper and subconsciously glanced at the ball of paper on the ground.

"Ah, that's..." Pei Ning paused, not knowing how to explain it, she could only point to the young man on the sofa, "That's Yan Zheng's little habit, he changed the formula and often wrote two words just..."

Pei Ning made a movement of rolling the paper into a ball and throwing it back.

Xie Yishu nodded knowingly, bent down to pick up a ball of paper on the ground, and unfolded it.

On paper is not a recipe, but a painting.

To be precise, it is half a painting.

The tree is only half drawn.

Pei Ning looked over and saw the crumpled half tree on the paper, she showed a knowing smile, and said to Xie Yishu: "This is also Yan Zheng's little habit."

"Drawing out the scene that he wants to present with fragrance will give him some inspiration for the deployment. He has learned to paint since he was a child, and I know him because of painting. We learned to paint at the same teacher. I thought he was Will be a painter when I grow up…”

While talking, Pei Ning realized that she had gone too far, and quickly brought the topic back, "If you have any ideas later, you can also draw them."

Xie Yishu nodded silently.

Thinking of his child's stick figure-like drawing ability, he decided not to draw anything for a while.

Pei Ning unscrewed a small aluminum can and let Xie Yishu smell the candle inside: "What did you think of?"

Xie Yishu smelled it, and hesitated: "Flowers?"

Very gentle smell, smells a little familiar.

Xie Yishu recalled that when she was in the orphanage, she always seemed to be able to smell this fragrance in spring.

Faintly accompanied by the smell of earth, mixed with the fragrance of other flowers and plants.

But the jar that Pei Ning gave him only had the scent of that kind of flower, as if it was picked from the wild flowers all over the mountains and made into a large bouquet, pure and clean.

Xie Yishu couldn't help asking: "Is it a small light blue flower that blooms in spring?"

Pei Ning glanced at Xie Yishu in surprise, nodded and said, "Yes. Its scientific name is Karlan. Because it is as inconspicuous as a wild flower, many people don't know its name."

"I didn't know it at first. A writer I like very much wrote it into the article. I went to check the information and found out that this small wild flower that is common in the corner is called Carlan."

"The writer is from the Ninth District. In his hometown, Karlan is the messenger to welcome spring. Every March 1st, girls will pick off Karlan and weave them into wreaths to wear on their heads and wrists."

"I like the allegory of Carlan. After being in perfumery, I have always wanted to make a perfume with Carlan as the main note. But its fragrance is too mild, and until today I have not found a fragrance that can match it .”

"And it's not the same as rose or jasmine. What Callan distills to remove the acid is a phenol, not a sesquiterpene alcohol. If you make a perfume with only Callan, the fragrance will evaporate very quickly."

"I tried to make it into aromatherapy. I tried the aromatherapy candles, flameless aromatherapy, and aromatherapy stones you introduced that day. They solved the problem of not lasting fragrance, but..."

Xie Yishu took the words: "But the layers are very monotonous."

Pei Ning nodded in frustration: "So this is just a failure..."

Xie Yishu interrupted her: "It's not a failure."

The little girl froze for a moment, then smiled playfully: "Boss, don't comfort me."

She pouted at the remaining small aluminum cans, and changed the subject without leaving a trace: "These are prepared by Yan Zheng. I have experienced them. The quality is guaranteed, and they will definitely sell well."

Xie Yishu tapped the paper with the pen tip.

Pei Ning's Karlan reminded him of the days when he sold aromatherapy in Ancient Blue Star.

At the beginning, he also made many single-scented scented waxes. Compared with the scented candles made with compound essential oils later, the single-scented scented wax did not sell very well. Only a dozen cans were sold from the beginning to the end, and more than half of them were bought by the same person.

Xie Yishu still remembers what she said at the time: put roses in the study, lavender in the bedroom, and irises in the living room... They are lit at the same time at night, as if they have a garden that belongs only to her.

If a single-scented candle is made into wax blocks of different specifications, customers are free to choose the type of wax blocks and the order in which they are placed...

Xie Yishu suddenly had many new ideas.

He planned to take a good look at this new idea after going offline, so he could only reiterate to Pei Ning: "The 'Kallan' you made is not a failure, it has given me a lot of inspiration."

Pei Ningquan thought Xie Yishu was comforting herself, shrugged, picked up another aluminum can on the table, unscrewed the lid and let Xie Yishu smell it: "Try this."

She is not the kind of person who is easily beaten by failure.

She has experienced too many failures, and she has long known how to face failure calmly.

Anyway, she will succeed one day.

"What does this remind you of?" Pei Ning asked.

Xie Yishu didn't know the process of Pei Ning's psychological changes, so he turned his attention back to the small aluminum can that Pei Ning had just opened, and sniffed it closely.

Unlike the previous gentle floral fragrance, this jar is very fresh. With a bit of greenery and wet water vapor, it looks like a mountain forest after rain.

Xie Yishu spoke out her thoughts, and a lazy voice sounded not far away: "Then it's called 'Mountain Forest after the Rain'."

Yan Zheng didn't know when he went online again, sitting on the sofa with a blanket in his arms and watching them.

Pei Ning was a little surprised: "Yan Zheng, you woke up so soon?"

"Set the alarm clock." Yan Zheng replied briefly.

He rested his arms on the sofa and propped his head, looking lazy. Looking at Xie Yishu, he seemed to be thinking about something.

Just when Xie Yishu couldn't help but wanted to speak, he called Xie Yishu and said to him: "Boss, give the rest a name."