The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 101


His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was very unhappy.

There was a suffocating feeling as if the treasures that I had hidden so carefully were discovered by others, or even almost robbed.

He had known Ruan Shiqing's ability for a long time. In the past, when he was on a small garbage planet, even if he was brilliant, people outside could not see him, and naturally no one would compete with him. He privately marked out the territory and confined people to his own small piece of land.

Now that he has arrived in Sikkim, there are many people who know the value of Ruan Shiqing and want to lure him to their own territory.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was very unhappy when seeing this.

Before entering the door to grab the player, he watched from the sidelines for a long time.

Knowing that Ruan Shiqing attached great importance to today's exchange, neither he nor the kids at home asked to go with them and just spent time in the hotel.

Before Ruan Shiqing left, he told them that he would be back around 5:30 at the latest.

The kids wanted to wait for their dad to celebrate together, so they didn't eat in the afternoon.

I waited and waited but no one showed up. I sent a text message but no one responded.

When they were about seventy-three, the kids began to worry about their father, and Rong Heng finally could not sit still any longer.

After instructing 09 to take good care of the cubs, Rong Heng transformed into human form, put on a disguise capsule, and went to the exhibition center.

When he arrived, he heard that the exchange meeting had been extended, but it had not yet ended. He did not have an invitation, so he could not get in and had to wait outside.

It was not until the exchange session was finally over that people started to leave, and the gatekeepers also withdrew, but Ruan Shiqing still hadn't come out.

Only then could he not wait any longer and came in.

As a result, he saw Ruan Shiqing being surrounded by a group of people like a popular commodity. He finally couldn't bear it any longer and grabbed someone to grab him out.

Ruan Shiqing was held by his shoulders and took the things in his hand. He was protected and walked out. He only made a quick gesture to Dai Si and Huo Sang to indicate that he had to take a step forward.

Dai Si, who failed to intercept the servants, was unwilling to give up. He waved his hand and shouted, "Master Ruan, my teacher wants to invite you to be a guest. I will send you the time and location. You must come!"

Rong Heng paused, turned around and glared at Jinmao.

Then he took Ruan Shiqing onto the landspeeder without stopping.

Only when he sat in the passenger seat did Ruan Shiqing relax and take a breath. Today was indeed not an easy day. The Q&A session alone took up a lot of his energy. After the meeting, he was surrounded by so many people. It is said that you should not hit a smiling person. Ruan Shiqing spent a lot of energy to deal with them. Only now did he relax.

"Thank goodness you're here." Ruan Shiqing leaned on the driver's seat, looking at him from the side, with a smile between his eyebrows.

But then he remembered his classmate's current status, and nervously moved closer, or reached out and touched the redness on his face, then lowered his voice and asked softly: "You don't want to be recognized like this, do you?"

Ever since he found out that all the guys in his family were wanted criminals, he has been worried that they might accidentally reveal the truth.

Rong Heng was so startled by his sudden intimate gesture that his breathing stopped.

When he was disguised as a cub, his classmates touched him a lot. But the feeling then and now is completely different.

Even with a disguise capsule on her face, she could still clearly feel the warmth of his fingertips. The skin where his fingertips moved felt like it was passing through a small electric current, causing goose bumps.

But Ruan Shiqing seemed unaware and was still very close to him, staring at him with a pair of dark eyes, waiting for his answer.

Rong Heng curled his fingers and turned his eyes away uncomfortably. After a few breaths, he could not help but turn around and said in a low and hoarse voice: "No."

After getting his answer, Ruan Shiqing felt relieved, straightened up, and leaned back into the passenger seat.

The warm breath suddenly left, and Rong Heng felt a little disappointed.

Ruan Shiqing seemed extremely tired. He stopped talking and just leaned against the car door with his eyes closed and pretended to be asleep.

There was no conversation along the way. When we arrived at the hotel, Ruan Shiqing was already fast asleep leaning against the car window.

Rong Heng leaned over to call him, frowned at him, and turned his face to the car window, leaving only the back of his head to him, but he did not wake up and was still sleeping soundly. He must have been really tired today.

Rong Heng didn't want to wake him up, so he went around to the other side, opened the car door, and prepared to carry him in.

But Ruan Shiqing was leaning against the car door. As soon as the door was opened, his body lost its support and fell out immediately. Rong Heng caught him in time and prevented him from waking up.

Carefully unbuckling the opponent's safety belt, Rong Heng took a step back and was about to pick the person up horizontally when his eyes were attracted by the snow-white figure.

—Ruan Shiqing was sleeping soundly in his arms, with only half of his head and a white ear exposed.

After such a long period of recuperation, Ruan Shiqing not only grew taller, but also his sallow and dull complexion caused by malnutrition disappeared, and his skin was whiter than snow. Set off by his elegant black hair, it seemed to be translucent, and Rong Heng couldn't move his eyes away.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince swallowed hard, as if he had thought of something, and his cheeks felt a little hot.

As a single-born Ymir, he had no experience. In addition, he went to the frontline at a young age, where he spent his days either killing Zerg or hanging out with a bunch of unreliable soldiers, so he could barely even experience the restlessness of puberty.

But since he realized his own thoughts, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince began to work hard to make up for his lessons, and naturally understood more about certain subjects.

When watching the video, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince did not show much emotion.

‌Now, when I look at the person sleeping in my arms, the long-lost desire surges up.

Rong Heng stood still in front of the car door, his Adam's apple rolling several times and his cheeks getting hotter and hotter.

After struggling for a long time, he leaned down hesitantly, his lips getting closer and closer to the ear. Closer and closer...

His heart was beating so fast that it was about to jump out of his chest. Rong Heng was so nervous that he almost closed his eyes. Just when his lips were about to touch the ear that was tempting him to do something bad, Ruan Shiqing's voice rang out like a thunder: "Are we there yet?"


His Royal Highness, whose attempt to steal a kiss failed, straightened his body suddenly like a frightened animal, but he forgot that there was a car door frame above his head, and his noble head made close contact with the car door frame, making a dull sound.

The confused Ruan Shiqing was startled and suddenly woke up, looking worried: "Are you okay?"

"No, nothing." His Royal Highness's head was buzzing, but he still had to keep up appearances and forced a smile, "I saw that you were sleeping soundly, so I was going to wake you up."

Ruan Shiqing looked at the dented door frame. It was obvious that he was trying to show off.

He got out of the car with a frown, handed the speeder to the hotel waiter, and then took him upstairs.

Rong Heng followed him dejectedly, the back of his head throbbing with pain.

He had experienced countless injuries more serious than this, but this time it was probably because of his guilty conscience and frustration that he completely wilted.

Ruan Shiqing took him back to the room and asked 09 to bring the medicine box. He was left alone, tall and big, sitting there with his head down, looking pitiful.

He took out the disinfectant and sterile cotton balls and pointed to the small stool at his feet: "Come sit here, I'll check it."

Rong Heng pursed his lips and sat down obediently on the small stool at his feet, but he didn't dare to look at him.

Half of it is empty, and generally it is caused by qi.

The prince's first attempt at a secret kiss not only failed, but he was also gloriously injured.

That’s not all, but his sweetheart saw the whole thing. I guess there is no one more embarrassed than him.

"Lie down for a while." Ruan Shiqing patted his legs and motioned him to lie down.

Rong Heng realized it belatedly and looked up at him in disbelief.

Ruan Shiqing didn't wait for him to hesitate. He raised his hand, pressed his head on his legs, pulled aside his long hair, and went to check the injured area.

The impact just now was indeed quite severe. Not only was there a big bump on the back of his head, but the skin was also broken and bleeding, and there were small blood stains on his white hair.

"It needs to be disinfected before applying medicine." Ruan Shiqing frowned, worried about hurting him, and was extremely careful when treating the wound.

This time Rong Heng didn't feel any pain. He hoped that the injury would not be more serious, so that he could stay on Ruan Shiqing's legs for a while longer.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince cherishes this rare moment of intimacy very much, and savors it carefully with his eyes lowered.

But unfortunately, Ruan Shiqing treated the wound very skillfully. In less than ten minutes, he had applied the medicine: "It's done."

"Oh, thank you." Rong Heng responded dryly, and reluctantly straightened up. The scent lingering in his nose gradually faded away.

"Be careful when you sleep and don't hit the back of your head. It should be healed tomorrow." Ruan Shiqing advised him while packing the medical kit.

After Rong Heng responded sullenly, he had no more excuses to stay and just went to the living room.

The kids who had been watching from the doorway came over and asked, "What happened to your head?"

"I bumped into it accidentally." His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had a gloomy look on his face and was in a low mood.

After hearing that it was not a big problem, the cubs immediately put away their worries and went around him to find their father!

I haven't seen my dad for a day!

Ruan Shiqing played with the kids for a while, ordered a meal service, and then prepared to wash up and change into light clothes.

When I walked into the living room, I saw Rong Heng, who had turned back into a cub, lying on the cushion alone. Looking at his back, he seemed very depressed.

Ruan Shiqing looked at it for a few more seconds, then subconsciously reached out to touch his left ear, but then he quickly withdrew his hand as if he was burned.