The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 107: (Second update)


After Liv and her group were taken away, the spaceship that had been delayed could finally be prepared to fly again.

Garland did not leave, but traveled with Ruan Shiqing and his party. They first arrived at the planet B3024 and then went to the planet Balem to find Hector.

He had previously worked with Si Yan. To conceal his tracks, he pretended to go to a remote planet to work on a project. In fact, he changed his identity to investigate the person who plotted against Hector and help Si Yan monitor the progress of the experiment. At that time, in order to prevent being tracked and located, he shut down all his intelligence and communications. Only Si Yan and his confidants knew the new communication number.

Now that he had switched back to his usual smart computer, he realized that Hector had tried to contact him a long time ago. Not only was there a communication request, but there was also a text message.

Garland held the little dragon cub in his arms and read the text messages sent by Hector one by one.

Hector's text messages started to come frequently after he learned of the little dragon's identity. He used text messages to tell him every detail of his time with the little dragon. The text was said to record the cub's growth, but the words revealed his desire to get back together.

The little dragon cub sat on his lap and stretched its neck as well.

After catching a few cats, it couldn't help but cover its eyes, ran out of Jialan's arms, and dived into Rong Heng's belly, with its thick and short tail dangling from side to side.

He also muttered in a low voice: "Hector is so corny, it's childish."

Garland laughed when he heard that, and his brows, which were always tense, were now completely relaxed and very gentle.

He hadn't smiled so happily for a long time since the dragon egg was lost. Hector always thought that his lies were perfect, and even though he had found the dragon cub now, he still carefully wanted to ask for his forgiveness.

But in fact, after he calmed down, he guessed that the loss of the dragon egg was probably an accident, and Hector was not to blame.

At first, he was overwhelmed by the long-term guilt and self-blame, but after calming down and thinking it through, he could not get over the hurdle in his heart. He and Hector put so much effort into the dragon egg, and he remembered every detail of taking care of it clearly. If he did not separate from Hector temporarily, he was afraid that he would be driven crazy by memories and guilt.

The dragon race has a long life, and they still have a lot of time, so he thought that the temporary separation was nothing. But he didn't expect to suddenly receive the news of Hector's death.

At that moment, he felt extremely regretful.

Fortunately, he still had a chance to redeem himself. His eyes became gentle as he read the text message. Garland pointed his finger at Hector's number, hesitated for a long time, and still did not dial it.

Given the other party's aggressive personality, he might immediately set off from Balem upon hearing the news. It would be better to wait until he reaches B3024 before contacting him.

Garlan put away his intelligent brain and focused his gaze back on the little dragon cub.

The little dragon cub had been pulled out from under Rong Heng's belly with disgust at this time. He couldn't sit still, so he jumped from Rong Heng's position and squeezed in with the other cubs to whisper.

Because of the previous accident, the little mermaid was afraid that the little fox’s mood would be affected, so she was chatting with Ruan Jiao.

But the little fox took her father's words to heart and did not feel depressed because of being targeted. Moreover, she saw with her own eyes how embarrassed Liv was when she was captured, which made her even feel depressed when she was a child.

"Actually, I saw her before, and she had a very bad temper back then." The little fox thought about the past, feeling proud, and whispered to a few cubs.

At that time, she had been wandering for a long time and had rich experience in snatching food, so she no longer had to go hungry. But she still envied other cubs for having their parents love her, and occasionally when she was full and had nothing to do, she would secretly go to the cub school to wait.

She would hide in the treetops or outside the fence, watching the cubs playing carefree in the school. Especially after school, parents lined up to pick up the cubs. The cubs would excitedly throw themselves into their parents' arms and act like a spoiled child, and then be taken home by their parents.

Whenever she saw the cubs being taken home, she would fantasize that maybe one day her parents would come to take her home.

But she waited for a long time, but no one came to pick her up. Later, as time went by, she learned to give up her fantasy.

Instead, Liv noticed her for some reason and started to cause trouble for her.

She still remembered the first time she met Liv. She was wearing a pink ball gown and looked like an exquisite doll, but she spoke vicious words and was not likable at all.

Liv asked her bodyguard to take away the nutritional supplements she had saved with great difficulty and dumped them into the trash can in front of her. She also warned her fiercely that she was not allowed to go near the school or her father again.

At that time, she didn't understand how she had offended this lady. After resisting in vain, she left with scars all over her body. But she didn't listen to Liv. She still went to the cub school. But she hid more secretly and didn't let Liv find out.

Later, when Liv's mother came to pick her up, she accidentally overheard the conversation between the mother and daughter, and only then did she vaguely understand why Liv was targeting her.

—Liv complained to her mother. She said she didn't want people to know that she had a half-sister of lowly descent, which was too embarrassing.

Liv's mother told her gently that no one would know about this.

She was delighted at first when she learned about her life from their conversation. She even tried to sneak into the palace to see her father, who was said to be the Fox King.

But he ran into Liv who was traveling with her parents.

Liv found her, but did not immediately have anyone capture her. Instead, she let the guards chase her viciously while she aimed and shot with her exquisite little bow and arrow.

And the man who was said to be her father sat with the noble Fox Queen, occasionally giving Liv instructions on how to shoot more accurately.

She was not seriously injured, but Liv was weak and her aim was not good enough, so she was not seriously injured. But she pretended to be dying, so that Liv and the guards would relax their vigilance and escape from the palace when they were not prepared.

Before running away, she bit the man who was her father hard.

From then on, she no longer expected love from her parents.

"That's probably it." The little fox no longer found it difficult to talk about the past.

In her heart, Ruan Shiqing is the only father.

Instead, the three cubs who were listening to the story showed anger, especially the little dragon cub, who flapped his bat wings in anger: "I should have spit two more fires! Burn her bald!"

Even the usually good-tempered little mermaid clenched her fists and nodded in agreement: [She's getting it too easy!]

Ruan Jiao looked at the two of them and waved his fists in indignation.

The little fox rested his head on his paw and muttered, "Anyway, I already let out my anger just now. If she hadn't suddenly appeared, I wouldn't have remembered it."

After being adopted by her father, the bitter memories of the past gradually faded, and all she recalled now were the happy times.

"No, we want to avenge you!" The little dragon was so angry that he was spinning around. He originally wanted to ask Galan's father for help, but when he passed by Rong Heng, he suddenly stopped what he was doing.

He felt that it would be better for him to avenge Nota himself, as it would be too embarrassing to ask an adult for help!

The little dragon cub rubbed his way closer to Rong Heng and nudged him with the horns on his head: "Snowball, Brother Rong..."

Rong Heng raised his eyelids and looked at him.

What does this annoying kid want to do

The little dragon cub leaned close to his ear and whispered, "Did you hear what I just said? Let's find a way to avenge Nota, okay? That Liv is too much!"

Rong Heng looked at him coldly, without her doing anything.

Seeing this, the little dragon cub continued to make efforts and even asked the little mermaid and Ruan Jiao to lobby: "You are the eldest brother, shouldn't you help Nota to vent his anger?! Ruan Yuebai and Ruan Jiao both agree!"

He stretched out his paw and pointed at Rong Heng, then pointed at himself and the other kids: "One to four, the majority must obey the majority."

The kids stared at him intently, waiting for him to speak.


Rong Heng sneered and typed slowly: [How do you want to take revenge?]

The little dragon discussed with the other cubs for a while, then leaned over to whisper in Rong Heng's ear.

After listening to this, Rong Heng couldn't help but sneer.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince doesn't really want to get involved in the cubs' childish revenge.

He is such a grown man, but he went to seek revenge on a kid who was not even an adult yet. How embarrassing would it be if the news got out

Just as he was about to refuse, he met the expectant gaze of the little fox.

He paused for a moment, and his fingers typed out the following words before he realized it: [Just as you say.]