The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 110


After leaving, the Sheriff's Department's alarm system returned to normal and the patrol robots began to work normally.

The robots soon discovered the destroyed prison room and Liv, who had fainted on the stairs. The red alarm light flashed, and the prison echoed with sharp and piercing alarms.

Si Yan received the news immediately.

The order to temporarily detain Liv was issued directly from the palace. If something went wrong with the detained prisoner, the Public Security Bureau had no choice but to report it immediately.

The subordinate who came to deliver the message asked carefully: "At the same time, they also captured the assassins sent by Tutar to rescue Liv."

Si Yan stood by the window with his hands behind his back. After a moment of contemplation, he came up with a solution: "The Fox King sent people to break into the Public Security Bureau at night, openly defying the laws of the empire. Send the bodies of the dead soldiers back to Tutar Planet, and transfer Liv and her group to the military prison."

The security level and strictness of the military prison and the temporary prison of the Public Security Bureau are not at the same level. Once you enter the military prison, there is no possibility of escape unless you are released after serving your sentence.

According to Si Yan's words, they might have to break off relations with the Tutar star.

"Yes." The subordinate bowed and replied, then hesitated and said, "There is a saying that the people who attacked the Public Security Bureau... seem to be another group. The identity of this group is unknown, but it is certain that they are from Tutar."

Judging from the traces at the scene, the group of unidentified people arrived first, while the assassins who rescued Liv arrived later and bumped into them.

The Public Security Bureau had no idea of the identity and purpose of the first group of people.

"Don't worry about these minor details. Just do as I say." Si Yan waved away his subordinates and stood by the window for a long time.

He naturally knew who the first group of people were.

Thinking of his son being with a group of cubs, the expression on his face softened for a moment, but only for a moment.

Soon, when he turned around, his face was filled with his usual gentle mask.

He walked out and went to Queen Seya's bedroom.

Seya's belly has become much bigger.

She was taking a nap on the recliner beside the bed. When she saw Si Yan coming in, she quickly stood up and greeted him: "Your Majesty, have you finished your official business?"

Si Yan hummed, letting her grab his arm and pull him to sit on the soft chair.

The two of them huddled together and talked for a while, and Si Yan subtly mentioned the purpose of this trip: "Father-in-law's health is recovering very well. His birthday will be in half a month, and I plan to take this opportunity to hold a grand banquet." He showed a worried look at the right time: "Although father-in-law's health condition has been under pressure, the outside world has not speculated. The people in the Naxi Group are in turmoil, so it's a good opportunity to hold a grand birthday banquet to stabilize people's hearts."

His proposal was reasonable and Seya had no reason to refuse, so she agreed with a smile.

"My father-in-law has not fully recovered yet, so the birthday banquet can only be handled by you. But it doesn't require too much trouble. When you are busy, you can hand it over to your brothers and sisters." Si Yan's expression became more gentle: "With me here, they dare not have any other thoughts."

The man's doting tone made Seya blush again.

She looked up at him, her eyes full of obsession.

She had waited for this day for ten years. Her brothers and sisters said that she was lawless because of her father's favor, and that ambitious people like Si Yan were too ambitious, so they told her to give up as soon as possible, accept the marriage and dedicate herself to the family.

But it turned out that her waiting was right.

Not only did she gain love, she also sought the greatest benefit for the entire family.

When the baby in her belly is born, he will be the most honorable prince of the empire, and the Naxi Group, with the support of the royal family, will far surpass other chaebols.

Seya lowered her head, joy and ambition intertwined in her eyes.

Thinking of the portrait that was always hanging in the study, she relaxed her body and leaned into Si Yan's arms.

Both this man and the throne of this empire will belong to her and her child.

Sooner or later, she would openly take down the portrait in the study.

After dealing with Seya, Si Yan returned to the secret room in the study. After cleaning and disinfecting, he sat in the dark for a long time before sending out a message: [In half a month, there will be a birthday party at the Alice Hotel. Get ready.]

The cubs piloted the aircraft and successfully returned to the spacecraft.

Two hours, not too much, not too little, just right.

The cubs transformed into cub forms tiptoed into the first-class cabin and lay back in the rest cabin as if nothing had happened.

Rong Heng was also preparing to lie back in the rest cabin, but just as he passed Ruan Shiqing's position, the tightly closed rest cabin suddenly opened and a hand dragged him in.

The space in the rest cabin was not large, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was forced to lie on Ruan Shiqing's chest. His nose was filled with the other's scent, and his heart was beating like a drum.

Half panic, half shy.

"What did you do when you went back?" Ruan Shiqing rested his head on his upper arm, his eyes drooping, and looked at him.

The charming atmosphere suddenly disappeared, and Rong Heng felt his scalp tingling again.

Before he could open his mouth, he heard Ruan Shiqing say, "Think about it first." His tone was light, but threatening. He was obviously certain that Rong Heng would not dare to lie again.

"..." So His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who had not yet taken a firm stand, immediately betrayed the boys without hesitation and honestly explained what happened to the Public Security Bureau.

After listening to this, Ruan Shiqing snorted and laughed: "You are getting bolder and bolder, but at least you know your limits." At least nothing big happened.

Rong Heng listened to his words and didn't know where to look, as he always felt that he was hinting at something.

The courage of the little ones was not brought up by him.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince feels guilty every day.

But this time, Ruan Shiqing actually asked a question. After hearing that nothing serious had happened, he did not continue to ask for details, but went to sleep.

Rong Heng looked at his peaceful sleeping face in confusion, with question marks all over his head and his heartbeat quickened again.

Ever since Ruan Shiqing knew his identity, he no longer felt comfortable staying in the other person's room at night and always slept with the kids.

But now... the other party doesn't seem to have any intention of letting him out

The Crown Prince's ears flushed and his heart beat faster. He looked at the man who was resting with his eyes closed, then looked at the black button that could open the rest cabin. After hesitating for three seconds, he finally followed his heart, moved down from Ruan Shiqing's chest, curled up and fell asleep by his neck.

The enclosed space with only the two of them made him bolder, and he even had some wild fantasies, but at this moment he obviously couldn't do anything. In the end, he just rubbed Ruan Shiqing's neck with his head guiltily, and his wet nose seemed to rub against the white earlobe accidentally.

The feeling of the fluffy fur rubbing against his skin was a bit itchy, but Ruan Shiqing did not open his eyes. Instead, he turned over and buried his face in the fluffy ball of fur. It was not known whether it was intentional or unintentional, but his soft lips just touched Rong Heng's ear.

The burning sensation spread from the tip of the ear that was kissed to the whole body. Rong Heng endured it for a long time, but he couldn't help it and shook his ears hard.

The spacecraft's route is very long, and there are several planetary stations along the way, all of which require passengers to disembark.

Therefore, the voyage time is much longer than the time it took Ruan Shiqing and his party to travel from B3024 to Sikkim. The spacecraft docked at the port, and when the passengers who had arrived at the destination disembarked, the passengers who had not arrived at the destination could take the opportunity to enjoy the scenery of the planet on the deck of the spacecraft.

This is a great opportunity to attract tourists. In order to develop tourism, the island has put a lot of effort into the port. If the passengers staying here are interested, they may come to travel next time.

Even if the person himself did not come, the port construction is unique, and the other party took videos and photos and posted them on the holographic Internet, which is also a disguised form of publicity.

Planet B3024 was the last stop, so when the spacecraft docked along the way, Ruan Shiqing and his party treated it as a sightseeing tour.

After three days of easy journey and passing two more planets, they will reach planet B3024.

The third-to-last planet looked to be a relatively barren planet. When the spacecraft was about to dock with the space station, many passengers went to the viewing area with large floor-to-ceiling windows.

It's just that this planet looks gray, unlike the planet it passed by before, which looked full of life.

Tourists peered out the portholes and whispered, “This planet looks like a garbage planet.”

"Is Junk Planet the last stop?"

"The guidebook says this stop is Floating Mercury, which is not highly mechanized and is one of the few planets that retains its original ecology. Many people come here for vacation and relaxation because of its original ecology and lack of mechanization... Why is it like this?"

Amidst the whispered discussions, the spacecraft had already approached the Driftwood Space Station.

The pilot issued a landing pattern and requested to land.

A moment later, the passage opened and the spacecraft passed through the atmosphere, preparing to land.

However, the view outside the porthole was becoming more and more confusing. Looking down at the ground from the porthole, there was only a gray area.

—According to the introduction on the Internet, there is a kind of red plant that is unique to the Driftwood Planet. They contain toxins and are not edible, but they are very beautiful and have strong vitality. They cover almost 30% of the planet's soil.

The residents of Driftwood follow an ancient traditional way of life and do not deliberately pull out these red plants. Instead, they use local materials and use the branches of these plants to build unique wooden houses... So when this planet is viewed from the outside, it should be a bright red.

But now, all I can see is gray and black.

Ruan Shiqing also saw the introduction of this planet in the guidebook. He frowned and looked at the ground. The strange feeling became more and more obvious: "Something is wrong here."

Rong Heng, who had not been concerned at first, also noticed it. He carefully looked at the ground through the porthole glass, and then his eyes were slightly stern: [It is a bug nest.]

"Insect nest?" Ruan Shiqing's pupils dilated slightly. After looking at him for a moment, he asked Galan to take good care of the cubs, then immediately stood up and carried him to the cockpit.

If there is an insect nest on the ground, the spacecraft must not land!

Driftwood Star is right!