The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 118


Now that we have fought, we can only do some serious work.

Garland and Hector went to the dugout.

Everyone was in the rest area. When they saw the two people walking side by side, the Crown Prince was pleased, while Ruan Shiqing looked a little embarrassed. Only the little dragon cub, who was worried about Garland's father being bullied, was filled with righteous indignation. He rushed over and hugged Garland's legs, baring his little fangs at Hector: "Galan's father, did Hector bully you?"

Garland coughed lightly, glanced at Hector with an expression that showed he was not afraid of a landslide, and said, "He dares."

The little dragon cub was skeptical and wanted to continue talking, but Hector picked him up and pressed him into his arms, and changed the subject abruptly: "What are you going to do with those two bugs?"

The little dragon cub, who was held in his arms and had difficulty breathing, struggled hard for a long time before popping its head out from his arms and glared at him angrily.

However, he did not continue to ask about the fight, as his attention was diverted to the Zerg.

"They are now on the rescue army's spaceship, and there are people escorting them to Sikkim." Ruan Shiqing said: "Gallan has already said hello to the rescue army before leaving. They will cooperate and relax their defenses. We will follow behind and see their next move."

Sally and Jason left at about the same time as them, except that Sally and Jason went to Sikkim, while they apparently returned to planet B3024, but actually turned on the stealth mode, secretly turned around and followed behind.

"If they want to take action, they should be in this star field." Rong Heng called up the star map and pointed at an empty star field - there happened to be a jump channel near this star field.

Sally now has ten insect eggs in her stomach, so she must be anxious to leave. If these ten insect eggs are important enough, maybe some Zerg will come to pick them up, and they can take this opportunity to capture a few more anthropomorphic Zerg and find out more about the Zerg.

‌ This star field is still some distance away from Driftwood Star, and the voyage will take several hours.

After everyone had reached an agreement, they dispersed for the time being.

Garland and Hector had something to talk about, so they naturally went back to their rooms. Before leaving, Hector was afraid that he would be disturbed by the sensible kids again, so he paid a lot of money to ask Mellor to take all the idle kids to the combat training room for training.

As a result, only Rong Heng, Ruan Shiqing, and the little robot 09 were left in the rest area.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince glared at the annoying little golden robot and winked at him.

09 stared at him blankly for a moment, the red dot on the screen stopped flashing, and he couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

He even asked what was wrong. Of course he was disturbing my relationship.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince glared at him again, cursing inwardly that the robot had no tact at all.

The robot groaned softly on the ground. Rong Heng couldn't leave the little robot alone, so he could only treat it as his own existence. He lowered his head and fumbled around on the smart computer, turning to the latest news.

The most sensational news on the holographic network these days is the fact that the planet Driftwood was quietly invaded by the Zerg.

As expected, the news about the Drifting Wood Planet caused panic among the people. And great panic is often accompanied by anger.

The Driftwood incident was undoubtedly a replay of the Lenka incident, except that this time it was even more frightening because Driftwood had been occupied for a week without anyone noticing anything unusual. If the passenger ship had been attacked by Zerg, the Imperial government wouldn't even know when it would discover the tragedy.

And those terrifying Zerg are likely to attack the next planet after attacking Driftwood.

The Zerg, which was previously kept out of the front lines, now began to appear frequently in the Imperial Star Region, wreaking havoc everywhere. However, the Imperial Government and the military did nothing, not even an explanation.

The angry citizens questioned the capabilities of the government and the military on the holographic network, demanding a reasonable explanation and a commitment to expel the Zerg.

However, the latest information released by the ruling government was about the war with the planet Sijialan.

Looking at the news with shocking headlines, Rong Heng randomly picked one and pretended to share it. He naturally walked to Ruan Shiqing's side and sat down, sharing the virtual screen of the intelligent brain. He said in a mocking tone: "At this cusp of the storm, the emperor is still in the mood to prepare a banquet for his father-in-law's birthday."

"Holding a banquet at this time?" Ruan Shiqing frowned and leaned over slightly to read the news carefully.

When Rong Heng moved his position, he had selfish motives and deliberately stayed very close to him, with only a fist's distance between them. Now Ruan Shiqing leaned over, and the fist's distance disappeared, with thighs almost touching thighs, with only a thin piece of cloth separating the warm skin.

Ruan Shiqing was still looking at the news interface carefully.

The warm body temperatures were transmitted and blended with each other. Rong Heng blinked uncomfortably, wanting to move, but holding back.

The depression caused by seeing the news just dissipated, and was replaced by a secret joy.

He glanced at Ruan Shiqing from the corner of his eyes, and seeing that he was focused, he couldn't help but lean closer. At this time, their shoulders were against each other, their cheeks close together, a very intimate and ambiguous posture, so close that he could even see the soft hair on each other's cheeks.

His Royal Highness's heart was beating fast and anxious.

The distance was so close that it seemed as if he could easily hold the person in his arms as long as he raised his hand.

As soon as this thought came to his mind, he suppressed it no matter what. It was like boiling water boiling in his heart, burning his mouth and making his tongue dry.

Rong Heng's expression changed several times as he struggled hard with himself.

On the one hand, she wanted to hug her lover in her arms without caring about anything; on the other hand, she kept warning him, admonishing him not to be so rash.

The arm resting on the back of the sofa was raised and lowered, lowered and raised again, but no actual action was taken.

When he was about to put down his raised arm again, Ruan Shiqing had just finished reading the news. He naturally leaned back, saying "Your Majesty the Emperor is really putting the cart before the horse", but happened to lean on Rong Heng's arm which he had not had time to retract.

The body's subconscious reaction is often faster than the brain. Rong Heng's hand subconsciously supported his shoulder, as if he was really holding the person in his arms.

But then Rong Heng was startled, looked at him sideways, and his heart was as quick as a rabbit.

Ruan Shiqing did not react that much. It was as if he had just accidentally pressed the other person's arm. He sat up straight with a natural expression and gave him an apologetic smile.

Rong Heng unnaturally withdrew his arm and confirmed that he didn't see anything. He was slightly relieved, but also a little disappointed. He could only pretend to be calm and said, "This is also the first time he has done this."

In his heart, he cursed Hector.

It was all because of that stupid dragon provoking him. Of course he was so eager all of a sudden and almost let the cat out of the bag.