The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 120


Ruan Shiqing was examining Sally, who had completely transformed into an insect, in the laboratory, while outside the spaceship, the war was in full swing.

Hector, Garland, Melel and the cubs drove fighter jets and led the soldiers to surround the black warship, while Rong Heng operated the gunboat and continuously fired at the black hole, blocking the opponent's quick escape route.

After the hangar of the black battleship was bombed unexpectedly, it had already activated its defense and launched a counterattack.

The hatch of the battleship's bottom cabin opened, and numerous Zergs came out from the hatch. These huge Zergs fought with the fighters, while the black battleship and the blue battleship confronted each other, neither of them made any rash moves.

The battle was somewhat stalemate for a while, but Rong Heng's side still had the upper hand.

Both the soldiers and the cubs were good at killing Zerg. They cooperated well with each other and, with the help of fierce artillery fire, they quickly cleared out the Zerg.

But the other side had more than just this batch of Zerg soldiers. After cleaning them out, they released another batch.

After repeating this three times, Rong Heng realized the problem: "No. They are stalling for time."

He was in the operations room, keeping abreast of the battle situation through the data sent back by the central control system. When he saw three batches of Zerg being released in succession, he realized the problem - if the enemy spacecraft carried so many Zerg combat forces, they should all be released at the beginning of the battle, instead of releasing them in batches as they were doing now and dividing their own strength.

Moreover, the number of Zerg released was increasing, but their size and combat effectiveness were decreasing. This difference was not obvious, but Rong Heng found the difference after several comparisons.

"These Zergs... seem like they were temporarily bred." Rong Heng narrowed his eyes slightly. After knowing that the Zergs were able to be anthropomorphized, his guesses became much bolder when he looked at these Zergs.

Hector's startled voice came from the communication channel: "No way? Did these Zergs eat growth hormones to grow so fast?"

"You'll know when you get down. Don't get entangled with those Zergs. Concentrate your firepower on attacking the enemy warships." Rong Heng said.

If his guess was correct, if they continued to fight with the Zerg, they would only fall into their trap and lose their strength in repeated car battles.

In that case, don't give them the opportunity to create Zerg soldiers.

All fighters immediately adjusted their formations and strategies. They stopped engaging with the Zerg and instead took advantage of the fighters' high flexibility to begin besieging the black battleships.

The IQ of these low-level Zerg soldiers was obviously not very high. The little guys operated the fighter jets and deliberately followed the black battleship to avoid the Zerg's attacks. At the same time, they deliberately led these stupid Zerg to attack the black battleship's protective shield.

This move of using spears to attack shields was energy-saving and easy to use. After the war lasted for three hours, the Zergs had knocked a hole in the black battleship's protective shield.

Rong Heng seized the opportunity and fired a double-spin high-energy ion cannon at the gap.

Amid the fierce artillery fire, metal fragments scattered like meteors, and the huge black battleship was almost broken into two.

"Prepare for a forced landing."

In the communication channel, Rong Heng's voice remained steady.

The guys driving the fighter jets were at the front and had already rushed into the spaceship through the gap to conduct a forced landing.

In the laboratory, Ruan Shiqing was recording Sally's physical data.

The detection equipment showed that her vital signs were gradually weakening, but strangely, the ten insect eggs in her body were still developing.

"These insect eggs seem to be absorbing her as nutrients." Ruan Shiqing muttered to himself as he looked at the pile of recorded data at hand.

According to known information, the Zerg do not reproduce in this way.

The Zerg are clearly divided into different levels. Normally, the queen lays eggs, which are then hatched and raised by the workers. However, it has never been heard that the eggs absorb nutrients from the mother to feed themselves. This is completely contrary to the current social structure of the Zerg - the Zerg has the ability to reproduce, only the queen.

The Queen of Insects is a unique existence, at the top of the Zerg race, and it is impossible for her to feed the eggs with herself. Only at the end of her life will she use all her vitality to lay a king egg, which will be the next Queen of Insects.

But now everything is inconsistent with the records.

Some unknown and huge changes must have occurred within the Zerg.

Ruan Shiqing looked at Ruan Jiao beside him: "Jiaojiao, how do you feel?"

The cub sat on a chair beside him, which was a bit high, so his two short legs could only hang in the air. The tentacles on his forehead stood straight, and his dark red eyes stared at Sally in the isolation laboratory, with the black pupil in the center constricted.

He pursed his lips, his brows furrowed in confusion.

I still feel a bit anxious which I can't explain.

The smell emanating from Sally's abdomen also made him feel uncomfortable.

"Hateful." Ruan Jiao frowned and continued to stare at Sally's bulging belly.

Ruan Shiqing frowned slightly. He could not get any useful information from the cub's words, so he could only continue to observe. The anthropomorphic Zerg was too shocking. What he could do now was to record Sally's situation as much as possible and publish it in the future, so as to increase the empire's understanding of the Zerg and not be helpless.

At this time, the monitoring instrument made a beeping sound, and then the weakly struggling black Zerg in the experimental chamber completely lost its vitality. Its limbs drooped weakly, and its entire body seemed to be emptied, leaving only its abdomen protruding exceptionally high.

Ruan Shiqing switched the monitoring target to the eggs in the Zerg's abdomen.

What surprised him was that the number of eggs in the abdomen was decreasing, one, two, three...

As the number of insects decreased, the protruding abdomen gradually deflated, and finally, only the last egg was left. That egg, which had absorbed all the nutrients, contracted and beat like a heart, as if the contents inside were about to break out.

Ruan Jiao stood up nervously, with the tentacles on his forehead standing straight up. He subconsciously grabbed the corner of Ruan Shiqing's clothes, and a gentle spiritual wave spread out from his body.

Ruan Shiqing also realized that this insect egg was unusual. He did not take it lightly and immediately lowered the special transparent baffles around the experimental chamber to strengthen the defense. At the same time, he called in a team of experimental auxiliary robots just in case.

The shrinking egg was only the size of two basketballs. The yellow-white egg was torn apart by the black arthropods, and a pure black Zerg crawled out from it.

It is not big in size and looks similar to ordinary Zerg, so it does not seem to be threatening.

Ruan Shiqing saw it struggling to get out of the egg, stumbling to its feet, turning its head, and its red compound eyes quickly locked onto them. The long tentacles on its head swayed, and it opened its mouth to let out a silent scream—

It is indeed silent because the decibels are too high, beyond the range that human ears can detect.

Ruan Shiqing didn't notice anything unusual at first until he felt the pain in his ear. He subconsciously reached out and touched it, and his fingertips felt wet, which was blood.

After a while, the strange whistling sound gradually became clearer.

It was an indescribable sound, like countless thin needles piercing his ears and head. Ruan Shi was drowsy for a moment, until he felt the corner of his clothes being pulled. He lowered his head slowly and saw Ruan Jiao's anxious face.

The tentacles on the cub's forehead kept shaking and its mouth opened and closed, as if it was saying something, but Ruan Shiqing could not hear it.

His confused eyes saw that cracks had appeared on the solid transparent baffle, and the larva was still screaming. All the sounds in his mind faded away, leaving only that sound, like fine needles, constantly piercing inside.

In the last moment before falling, he issued a clearing command to the robot on standby.

The robot on standby started the cleaning procedure and cleaned up the newly born Zerg.

It was indeed a very fragile newborn Zerg. It died quickly under the attack of the robot, leaving only a corpse trapped in the experimental cabin.

The communication signal that was briefly disrupted by the high-decibel scream returned to normal, and Rong Heng's voice finally came through: "What happened in the laboratory?"

—Just a moment ago, the laboratory area showed abnormality.

"Dad, Dad!" However, what came out of the communication channel was not Ruan Shiqing's gentle voice, but the panicked cry of the cub.

Something happened.

Rong Heng's heartbeat stopped for a moment. Before leaving, he handed over the control to Noah, and asked the little mermaid to withdraw the battleship command immediately.

He himself rushed to the laboratory.

The door of the laboratory was suddenly pushed open, and Rong Heng strode in and saw Ruan Shiqing fainted on the ground. He half-lifted the person up and quickly scanned the laboratory, finding that everything was normal except for slight cracks on the experimental cabin and baffle.

He looked at the panicked Ruan Jiao and said in a heavy voice: "What happened?"

Ruan Jiao opened his eyes wide and shook his head vigorously.

He doesn't know.

He and his father had been observing the larva that had just broken out of its egg. He could sense that the larva's mental fluctuations were very strong, and it also carried an aura that made him dislike and feel uneasy. So he vigilantly raised his tentacles to fight against the other party, isolating his father from the other party.

But for some reason, Dad's ears suddenly started bleeding and his expression became dull. He tried to call out for a long time before his father came to his senses, but it was too late.

The cub followed Rong Heng's feet closely, watching him quickly pick up Ruan Shiqing and send him to the treatment cabin for treatment, tears falling from his eyes.

He didn't protect his father.