The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 121: (Update 1)


Rong Heng was guarding beside the treatment cabin.

According to the data displayed on the virtual screen, Ruan Shiqing's vital signs were normal, except for a minor injury to his ear. With treatment in the treatment cabin, he recovered quickly.

But there was no sign of waking up.

Seeing the cub lying beside the treatment cabin with red eyes, Rong Heng picked him up and said, not sure if he was comforting him or himself: "Don't worry, Dad will wake up soon."

An adult and a child stood guard at the treatment cabin, and time passed by minute by minute until cheers of victory were heard over the communication channel, but the unconscious person still hadn't woken up.

Fearing that it would affect the battle situation, Rong Heng did not mention Ruan Shiqing's injury when handing over the command. Others only thought that something went wrong with the Zerg in the laboratory, but they did not know that Ruan Shiqing was injured.

Three hours have passed since the accident in the laboratory.

Rong Heng's heart sank a little bit. Listening to the chattering of the kids on the communication channel, he tightened his jaw to prevent his voice from revealing anything unusual. "Tow the battleship back and bring it back to planet B3024."

I still remember that Ruan Shiqing was very interested in this black battleship.

There was a response from the communication channel, and the cubs jumped out of the fighter jet and stepped onto the deck of the spacecraft.

The battleship was riddled with holes after being forcibly landed and bombed by fighter jets. The metal plates on the internal panels and bulkheads were lifted up, and it looked a mess.

"After it's blown up like this, will dad still be able to use it after we drag it back?" Nota's combat boots stepped on the metal plate that seemed much more fragile, and he looked very worried.

He turned his head and looked at He Li, blaming him: "It's all your fault. I told you not to fire so hard."

He Li snorted and said unconvincedly: "How can we take it down so quickly without increasing firepower?"

The two cubs walked forward noisily to check the condition of the other cabins. Fortunately, except for the parts that were severely damaged by the bombing, the other cabins were still well preserved. If they were handed over to their father, they should be able to be repaired... right

The two cubs looked at each other, both feeling a little guilty.

The soldiers who boarded the ship with them were escorting the prisoners who had been injected with relaxants out. When they saw the two men returning, they asked, "The stern cabin of the spacecraft is full of incubation devices, which store a large number of insect eggs. What should we do with them?"

Looking up at Sally with her bulging belly, Nota showed a disgusted expression and said, "Dispose of the eggs directly and don't damage the incubator." She thought her father might not be able to use it.

There were no other soldiers on this spaceship except for three anthropomorphic Zergs. There was only a ship full of incubators and Zerg eggs. We took a look and were disgusted.

After counting the spoils and prisoners, they called off the battle.

The huge black battleship was dragged behind by the metal arm and returned to the B3024 planet.

The captives were temporarily detained in a makeshift cell in the bottom cabin. After the cubs reported the battle situation, they returned to their room to clean themselves, then changed back to their cub form and excitedly went to the laboratory to find their father.

They can't wait to show off to dad!

The three cubs met on the way to the laboratory and went there together.

But when I arrived at the laboratory, I didn't see my father. Instead, Rong Heng and Ruan Jiao were guarding a treatment cabin, and Garland, Hector and Melaire were all there.

The excited cubs looked hesitant. The little dragon cub stood on tiptoe to look into the treatment cabin, but because he was not tall enough, he could not see the situation inside the treatment cabin. He looked at everyone hesitantly: "Who is injured? Where is Dad?"

Garland looked at the bewildered cub, sighed softly, and walked forward to pick him up: "Dad was only slightly injured, he will be well soon."

This is the only way to comfort the cubs.

The little dragon cub was held by Galan, and then he saw that the person lying in the treatment cabin was Ruan Shiqing. He quickly jumped out of Galan's arms and climbed onto Rong Heng's legs, and then he saw his father up close.

The big golden eyes were filled with tears, but she tried hard not to let them fall.

The little fox and the little mermaid walked over silently, and looking at the person lying quietly in the treatment cabin, they couldn't help but lower their heads and rub their eyes.

"How did Dad get hurt?" asked the little mermaid.

However, there was silence in the laboratory and no one could give an answer.

Garland's words just now were not meant to deceive the cubs. After he came back, he checked Ruan Shiqing's body but did not find any hidden injuries. He just fell into a deep sleep and could not wake up.

The worst guess is that his mental state is damaged, so he can't wake up. With the current medical technology of the empire, it is still impossible to effectively treat damaged mental states. I have seen people who have suffered serious head injuries and whose vital signs are normal, but can never wake up again.

But this guess was too horrifying, so Garland kept it in his heart and didn't reveal it easily. But he thought to himself, if he waited a little longer, maybe he would wake up in two days.

Because Ruan Shiqing was injured and unconscious, the atmosphere on the spacecraft was very depressed. When they arrived at planet B3024, there was no joy of returning home after winning a battle.

Rong Heng personally carried Ruan Shiqing off the spaceship and sent him back to the bedroom of the repair shop.

Garland said that Ruan Shiqing was fine now and didn't need to stay in the treatment cabin. Being in a familiar environment might help him recover.

So Rong Heng took her home and put her on the big bed in the bedroom.

The bedroom was cleaned spotlessly by 09 in advance. It was no different from before they left, except that there was an extra vital signs monitoring device at the bedside.

Rong Heng, 09, and the other kids take turns to take care of him, and go and talk to him when they have nothing to do.

But after leaving the bedroom, everyone became much quieter.

Especially Rong Heng, after returning to the repair shop, he never went out again. He stayed in Ruan Shiqing's bedroom for a long time, watching over him silently. He was afraid that if he stayed in there for too long, he would disturb Ruan Shiqing's deep sleep, so he stood on the balcony of the living room for the rest of the time, staring at the sleeping person in the room through the bright French windows.

The cubs no longer maintained their cub form. After transforming into complete human forms, they consciously shared all the tasks that were originally supposed to be done by Rong Heng.

Rong Heng took all of this in, but said nothing.

It took him five days to sort out his thoughts and force himself to cheer up. After that, he went to the prison on planet B3024 where the three anthropomorphic Zerg captives were being held.

Upon hearing the news, the kid went there with his father.

The prisoners were injected with muscle relaxants and held in three cells, with electric shackles on their arms and legs that automatically alarmed to prevent them from escaping.

Hector had interrogated the man once before, but he was too arrogant and didn't reveal anything.

Rong Heng entered the cell with an expressionless face, but stopped the cubs outside.

An hour later, he came out with a blank expression on his face, but there was a faint trace of blood on the handkerchief he used to wipe his hands. The cubs turned their heads to look at the prisoner in the cell and found that he was lying in the corner like a puddle of mud, with no scars on his exposed skin.

Rong Heng had already raised his foot and went to the next cell.

Two hours later, he came out of the cell of the three captives, with a strong smell of blood on his body. Before he could close the cell door, the captive rushed past him, his limbs waving wildly, but he finally fell to the ground powerlessly. He stared at Rong Heng with scarlet eyes, wishing he could eat his flesh alive.

"The war has already begun. Even if you catch us, it will be too late to stop us."

Rong Heng was indifferent and kicked him back into the cell. He closed the door.

Afterwards, all the information collected will be sorted out and sent to Garland.

These anthropomorphic Zergs indeed knew a lot of information. The most crucial information they revealed was that the larva that hurt Ruan Shiqing in the laboratory was a newborn queen insect.

It is said that this experiment was carried out secretly a long time ago. After the death of the last Queen Zerg, the remaining Zerg tried to breed a new Queen.

The ten eggs in Sally's stomach were the most successful and closest test insects to the queen. As for the young queen who was born, it absorbed Sally and the other nine eggs. It was a complete accident under special circumstances, and the captives did not know much about it.

Rong Heng couldn't ask anything else, so he could only hope that Garland could find a breakthrough.

"Let's go." His eyes never looked at the cubs from beginning to end.

However, Ruan Jiao, who was following beside him, grabbed the hem of his clothes.

After the catastrophe, the only remaining cub, which had not yet grown up, became silent. After returning to planet b3024, he never cried again, but whenever he had time, he would practice speaking hard. Now he speaks much more fluently than before. It's a pity that no one rubs his head and praises him with a smile anymore.

The cub's tentacles drooped down, and he whispered, "I know that person just now."

‌They had never seen each other, but they recognized each other's scent.

A long, long time ago, when I was still an egg, my companions disappeared one after another, and the ones who accompanied me later turned into those Zerg with a disgusting smell.

One of them was the prisoner.

At that time, I hated these Zergs and didn't want to communicate with them, but these Zergs kept stabbing me with sharp needles. At first, I was very careful and this happened only occasionally. Later, it became more and more frequent and the movements became much rougher.

Ruan Jiao tried hard to recall what the other party had said at that time, and repeated, "I heard him say: "I have seen some clues."

The cub looked up at Rong Heng with a worried look in his eyes, not knowing whether the information he recalled was helpful or not.

Rong Heng seemed to be thinking about something. After a moment, he raised his hand and rubbed the cub's head, then smiled briefly: "I understand."

Ruan Jiao pursed his lips and replied with a small smile.

"You guys go home. I'll go look for Galan." Rong Heng looked at Ruan Yuebai, motioning him to take the cubs home.

He Li and Notachi wanted to go and take a look. They roughly understood that Rong Heng was interrogating these Zergs in order to find clues to cure his father. Now that he had gotten something out of it, they couldn't wait to know the result.

But seeing the deep wrinkles between Rong Heng's brows, the kids finally chose to be patient and followed Ruan Yuebai back home obediently.