The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 122: (Second update)


When Rong Heng went there, Garland had just received the genetic comparison results.

He sent the electronic file to Rong Heng and told him his guess: "Sally, Jason, the new Zerg, the three captives, and even... the nine eggs that were kept." He deliberately blurred the name that might irritate Rong Heng: "After comparison and confirmation, the DNA sequences in their bodies are more than 60% identical. Their DNA sequences are likely to come from the same Zerg."

There are commonalities in the genes of species, that is, different biological populations have their own specific DNA composition, but at the same time there are differences between individuals. These differences are essentially manifested as differences in genes, that is, differences in DNA composition sequences. [Note]

That is to say, these Zergs are not produced naturally, but are born through some artificial means.

That’s why there is more than one queen in the Zerg.

"According to the information provided by the three anthropomorphic Zergs, the Zerg Queen died more than ten years ago, but no new one was born. The Zerg can still reproduce today, most likely through the DNA sequence extracted from the dead Zerg Queen to create new Zerg." Garland said solemnly: "Based on Sally's performance in protecting the eggs, the Zerg technology should have made a breakthrough recently. Those ten eggs are all from the newly cultivated Queen, so they are very important."

Thinking of the newly born queen insect, he showed a fearful expression: "Fortunately, it was contained in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

In the past, they had to guard against a single Zerg Queen with all their might. If they were allowed to create a real Zerg Queen and have her lay eggs continuously, then sooner or later the Empire would be unable to contend with the Zerg.

"One thing may be wrong." Rong Heng confirmed his guess, but refuted one point. He thought of what Ruan Jiao said before, hesitated for a moment, but still did not hide it: "You collect Ruan Jiao's data and make a comparison." After a pause, he instructed: "No matter what the result is, it must be kept confidential."

He thought of the cub crying, and his expression softened for a moment: "I don't want him to be affected."

Ruan Jiao had shown his extraordinary attraction to the Zerg a long time ago. His unique ability, coupled with the past events he mentioned today, made Rong Heng more certain of his guess.

Whether the speculation is true or false still needs to be proved by Garland.

It would be best if he guessed wrong. If he guessed right, he would not put the cub in danger.

Garland was stunned for a moment, then he thought of the cub's strange appearance and quickly understood what he meant. He nodded and said seriously, "Don't worry."

After getting the promise, Rong Heng left.

He returned to the repair shop but did not go in immediately. He just looked from a distance.

The repair shop is the same as before, yet it seems different.

The Xiong brothers were still doing business. Under Ruan Shiqing's guidance, their skills were quite good and the repair shop was doing very well. But in the past, when the brothers were repairing things in the front yard, the cubs would always be excited to play for a while, or run around in the yard and play. At this time, the golden little robot would always chase after them, asking them to be careful, or sing or build vines on its own.

In short, the yard will never be quiet as long as the kids are at home.

But the yard was very quiet today.

After finishing their work, the Xiong brothers sat side by side on the steps, frowning and sighing. It was not until they saw Rong Heng coming in that they raised their faces and greeted him.

Xiong Yuanyuan opened his mouth as if he wanted to ask something, but Xiong Fangfang pulled him back, so he closed his mouth in disappointment.

Rong Heng nodded at them and went upstairs lightly.

The second floor was also very quiet. There was no one in the living room, and the kids were probably in the bedroom.

Rong Heng deliberately slowed down his footsteps so that the kids didn't notice his arrival.

Heli, Nota, and the little mermaid surrounded the bed, looking at Ruan Jiao nervously. Ruan Jiao and Ruan Shiqing were forehead to forehead at this time, and their tentacles were swaying gently.

After a while, the cub raised its head and its tentacles drooped weakly.

The three nervous cubs asked, "How is it?"

Ruan Jiao shook his head, bit his lip, and said sadly, "It's no use."

Rong Heng finally let out the breath he had been holding back subconsciously. Although he knew it was useless, he still couldn't help feeling disappointed.

Ruan Jiao had tried it once when he found that Ruan Shiqing had no external injuries but was unconscious. He even tried to share his life force with him.

But none of them are good.

He could fully understand Ruan Jiao's feeling of powerlessness. Ruan Shiqing's body was like a bucket full of water at this moment. Neither his spirit nor his vitality could hold any more. They had no idea where to start.

If he hadn't been in a coma, his physical condition would be much healthier than that of an ordinary person.

Rong Heng closed his eyes, adjusted his expression, quickened his pace, and pretended to have just come downstairs.

When the kids heard the noise, they all found places to sit down. Some studied, some talked, pretending to be a lively scene and properly hiding the sadness in their hearts.

Rong Heng sat down beside the bed, caring for the sleeping person, and praying in his heart that he would wake up soon.

The comparison of Ruan Jiao's genes soon yielded a result. The highly overlapping gene fragments in the Zerg were of course consistent with Ruan Jiao's own gene fragments - this was completely consistent with Ruan Jiao's previous experience, indicating that the Zerg had begun extracting his genes for experiments a long time ago.

It’s just that his genes are more stable and complex, while the genes of those artificially created Zerg are still somewhat inferior.

After Galan showed the results to Rong Heng, he destroyed all the experimental data.

They tacitly concealed it and did not explore it further.

The queen must be a female, but Ruan Jiao is a male, and doesn't even have a Zerg form. Only his dark red eyes and tentacles seem to be related to the Zerg. But as long as they don't say it, outsiders won't associate it with the Zerg.

"Since the Zerg have evolved into anthropomorphic form, do you think it is possible that they have factions within themselves?" Garland boldly put forward a hypothesis based on the existing information.

After all, Ruan Jiao must be a special existence in the Zerg, and the Zerg has always had a strict hierarchy. It is impossible for the subordinate to rebel against the superior... But the Zerg extracted his genes for experiments, which was completely different from their previous understanding of the Zerg.

"It's not impossible." Rong Heng thought for a while, and then remembered something that happened a long time ago: "Do you still remember that in the two years before my mother passed away, the situation on the front line seemed to have eased a lot."

The Empire and the Zerg have always been at war to the death. The two sides have been fighting for thousands of years, and the fighting on the front line has never stopped for a moment.

When the Zerg offensive is fierce, in order to stabilize the morale of the army, the emperor with strong blood will go to the front line in person to stabilize the people's hearts.

But he vaguely remembered that for a year or two, the Zerg's offensive seemed to have eased a lot. The battle on the front line was not so intense and fierce. It was not until the battle where his mother died that things returned to their old ways.

Garland recalled it and had some impression: "It seems that there were rumors at that time that the number of Zerg was decreasing and they couldn't hold out for much longer..."

At that time, all major media were very excited for a while, but not long after, the Zerg made a comeback, even worse than before.

"But these facts alone cannot prove anything." Garlan shook his head and sighed: "As of now, the Zerg is still united and there is no sign of division."

The two of them couldn't discuss anything else, and Rong Heng was just about to leave when he saw Hector rushing over in a hurry.

"Something happened, hurry up and read the news."

Seeing his solemn expression, the two of them immediately opened their smart brains and browsed the news section. After reading a few press releases, their faces darkened and they showed a hint of grief.

"Another planet has been invaded by the Zerg?" Garlan sighed, "The Zerg are moving faster than we thought."

Rong Heng stared at the news and said in a deep voice: "They must have planned this long ago."

Otherwise the action wouldn't be so fast.

At some point that they didn't know, the Zerg might have already made their plans.

Before the Driftwood incident was resolved, it was revealed that another planet was invaded by Zerg. This was a silent war of aggression without the smoke of gunpowder.

The successive bad news completely triggered public panic and anger. Now the holographic network is unanimously condemning the Siyan government and the military for their incompetence.

"What's the situation in Sikkim?" Rong Heng asked.

He was in a low mood before and didn't pay attention to the news outside.

Hector was paying attention, and seemed to have thought of something, with an angry expression. But when he saw Rong Heng, he hesitated again.

"Just say what you want to say. Don't worry about anything." Rong Heng looked at his hesitant expression and guessed that Si Yan might have done something weird again.

Seeing him like this, Hector couldn't help but say, "The emperor is really a piece of shit. Now that the Zerg are rampant and two planets have been occupied, he still has the mood to hold a birthday party for his father-in-law in the hotel. Isn't this retribution?"

Rong Heng turned his gaze to him: "What do you mean?"

Hector then told him the latest news he had received.

Unlike the panic and anger of the holographic network, Sikkim, as the capital planet, has always been prosperous.

Just this morning, Si Yan held a birthday party for his father-in-law, Old Bart, at the hotel.

This banquet was extremely extravagant. Not only did the emperor attend with the empress as the son-in-law, but even three other chaebol leaders who rarely met were also invited.

The birthday boy, old Bart, who had not appeared in public for a long time, appeared that day with a rosy face and full of energy, surrounded by his children.

The banquet was attended by dignitaries and celebrities, and countless media outlets rushed to report on it.

But according to Hector, one should not do things too drastically. Si Yan did things too drastically, so he suffered retribution.

At this time of public outrage, not only did he ignore public sentiment, but he also held a grand birthday party for his father-in-law. Wouldn't there be people who would rather die than live to cause trouble for them

He had just received news that the hotel where the birthday party was being held had been attacked by a suicide attack.

The attack came suddenly, with more than a dozen shuttles crashing into the hotel banquet hall at the same time and detonating simultaneously. Most of the banquet hall collapsed, and countless guests were killed or injured.

The three chaebol leaders and even His Majesty the Emperor were not spared.