The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 126: (Update 1)


Ruan Shiqing was startled by the sudden appearance of the tentacle. Just as he was about to raise his hand to feel if there was another one, he saw another tentacle spontaneously fall down and lie in his palm.

The two tentacles are very similar to the tentacles on Ruan Jiao's forehead.

But Ruan Jiao may be a Zerg, but he is not. Having lived for more than 20 years, he has always firmly believed that he is an ordinary human, whether in his original world or when he traveled to planet b3024.

He never expected that after waking up in a completely unfamiliar place, he would have two tentacles on his forehead and a different race.

This was even more bizarre than if he had been transported into a novel he had read.

The tentacles in the palm of his hand suddenly became hot. Ruan Shiqing loosened his hand abruptly and patted his cheek hard, constantly comforting himself that it was just a dream.

He was floating in the water, and all he could see was azure blue water, with nothing else in sight and no visible boundaries.

But not only did he not drown, he seemed to be able to breathe freely.

This is very inexplicable, only dreams can make sense.

Ruan Shiqing rubbed his cheeks hard, telling himself that it was all a dream. He looked up at the rippling water above his head and swam hard - he had a vague and strange premonition in his heart that as long as he left this area of water, he would wake up.

His long limbs swayed rhythmically, and Ruan Shiqing swam towards the surface of the water with all his strength.

Ruan Jiao will also sleep with his father tonight.

The baby's own little pillow is placed next to its father's pillow, and the baby sleeps carefully next to his father.

Rong Heng and the other cubs were not at home. 09 was charging and sleeping on the first floor, and there was only him and his father on the second floor. The cub felt a little lonely and only felt safe when he was with his father.

The cub always sleeps in a proper posture. He sleeps on his side facing Ruan Shiqing, with one hand on his father's arm. The tentacles on his forehead rise and fall with his gentle breathing, and he looks very peaceful.

On the contrary, Ruan Shiqing, who was sleeping beside him, had shallow waves spreading around him, like ripples on the water, spreading to all directions.

The momentum is continuous and endless.

The cub was awakened by the surging waves of sperm. Ruan Jiao woke up from his sleep, sat up abruptly and looked around, only to find that the unusual movement came from beside him.

The ripple-like waves now came as violently as the sea waves.

The cub widened his eyes in surprise and called "Dad" anxiously several times, but found that Ruan Shiqing was frowning in pain, and then he looked at the monitor on the bedside and saw the curves also became ups and downs. In desperation, he knelt on the bed, bent down and put his forehead against the monitor.

‌ was released as gentle waves, slowly blending into the wave-like waves, and even the turbulent waves gradually became calm, as if soothing.

But he was just a young cub, and after holding on for a while, he felt exhausted. The tentacles on his forehead were about to droop, but every time they were about to droop due to fatigue, they would suddenly stand up again, maintaining a regular rhythm.

As Ruan Shiqing struggled to swim upstream, he encountered an obstacle.

The higher you go, the muddier the water becomes.

Grayish-white flocs were swimming in the water, and when he approached, they spontaneously entangled him - the feeling of suffocation and exhaustion became more and more intense.

He tried to get rid of the flocs, but the harder he struggled, the faster his strength drained away, and his mind became dizzy. In a trance, he seemed to hear the scream of the new Zerg piercing his eardrums again.

The struggling movements became increasingly sluggish.

After realizing his own powerlessness, Ruan Shiqing's heart trembled, and he struggled again. While resisting the piercing scream, he waved away the gray-white flocs and swam upwards.

During the fierce struggle, the water became turbid.

Ruan Shiqing didn't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that the water light above his head was brighter, as if it was about to reach the surface.

There was more determination in his eyes, but his increasingly tired body and drowsy mind made his movements slower and slower. Just when he felt that he could not hold on any longer, a gentle force enveloped him again.

The water around him became clear again, and the grayish-white flocs were separated and could only float around, unable to get close to him.

With strength re-emerging from his limbs, Ruan Shiqing gathered his spirits and ran towards the water...

The huge consumption made Ruan Jiao fall into a sleep exhaustedly with his forehead touching his father's.

The tense body fell limply, and the cub tilted its head and slid to the side of Ruan Shiqing's neck. He vaguely seemed to remember that he wanted to help his father, and his body arched instinctively, but he was too tired to wake up. Finally, he lay on his father's chest, buried his head in the crook of his father's neck and fell asleep.

The sleeping cub was awakened by the screams outside.

He staggered to his feet and rubbed his eyes. Before he could turn around, he heard 09 and the Xiong brothers talking about things like "What happened to these vines?" and "How did they grow so big overnight?"

The cub shook his head vigorously and finally woke up for a moment. Then he realized something was wrong. The bedroom seemed to be particularly dim today.

He subconsciously looked towards the window, and then widened his eyes in surprise - the bright floor-to-ceiling window in the bedroom was now tightly blocked by the tangled falling star vines. Only a little sunlight squeezed in through the gaps between the branches and leaves, so that the bedroom was not completely dark.

The cub opened his mouth and didn't even bother to put on his shoes. He rushed to the living room, only to find that it was also dark and the windows were sealed tightly with falling star vines.

Then suddenly remembering something, he rushed back to the bedroom to look at his father.

The monitoring equipment at the bedside had returned to normal. Ruan Shiqing was lying comfortably on the bed, no longer frowning in pain, and looked calm.

The cub breathed a sigh of relief and was about to put on his shoes and go downstairs to call 09, then turned his head away in horror.

The dark red eyes were wide open, with the black pupil in the center forming a vertical line, staring at Ruan Shiqing motionlessly.

—He felt that his father seemed different from before.

Before the cub could figure out what was different, 09 had already rushed upstairs. Seeing that he and Ruan Shiqing were both fine, he was relieved and muttered exaggeratedly: "I don't know why, the Falling Star vines in the yard suddenly started to grow wildly..."

It is not entirely accurate to say that they are growing wildly. To be precise, they are going through cycles of "growth-branching-fruiting-withering".

The falling star vines outside seemed to be experiencing the cycle of the four seasons. They grew from two or three meters high landscape plants to five or six meters high. After the overly lush branches surrounded the entire small building, they entered the fruiting period again.

The golden falling star fruits are heavily dotted among the branches and leaves, like falling stars in the sky.

This unprecedented spectacle attracted many people to come and watch. In just a moment, the repair shop was surrounded by a crowd.

The reason for the abnormal growth of the Falling Star Vine is still unknown, 09 dare not deal with it rashly. He can only contact Galan and immediately go upstairs to look for Ruan Shiqing and Ruan Jiao.

"Mr. Garland will be here soon." While comforting the cub, 09 skillfully checked the data from the monitoring equipment to confirm Ruan Shiqing's condition.

When he saw the changes in the data from the previous night, he looked at Ruan Jiao nervously: "Did you see anything unusual last night, sir?"

Ruan Jiao then told about the abnormal energy fluctuations he experienced last night.

"Why is this happening?" 09 paced the bedroom worriedly and checked Garland's coordinates again.

Mr. Garland won't be here for another ten minutes.

At this time, Ruan Jiao poked his arm again, frowning and looking puzzled: "Dad is different from before."

09 was stunned for a moment, then bent down and looked at Ruan Shiqing carefully.

The robot naturally didn't just rely on its eyes and memory to identify. It called up Ruan Shiqing's previous images for comparison and confirmed what the cub said—the gentleman's appearance was indeed different from before.

His stature grew taller, from 1.78 meters to 1.82 meters. His originally warm white skin color turned into a cool white. His facial features became more profound and mature, shedding the last bit of boyishness and now looked like a mature young man.

If you only look at his current appearance, he looks no different from a young man of twenty-four or twenty-five years old, and you would never think that he has just reached adulthood.

09 squatted beside the bed with the cub in a daze.

I don't understand how this happened, the sleeping person's appearance changed overnight, but he is still the same person as before.

Garland hurried upstairs and saw a boy squatting beside the bed with a sad face.

But judging from the situation, it doesn't seem like Ruan Shiqing was at fault.

"What's the matter?" He put down the heavy box and methodically took out the instruments inside, preparing to examine Ruan Shiqing.

While waiting for the instrument to start, 09 compared Ruan Shiqing's before and after data to show him.

"This situation has never happened before..." Garland frowned and searched through various cases in his memory, but could not find any similar examples.

Finally, he could only say, "Let me measure my bone age first."

After saying that, he began to debug the instrument he brought. After a moment, he, 09, and Ruan Jiao stared at the "25 years old" displayed on the instrument.

If he remembered correctly, Ruan Shiqing had just turned eighteen years old.

After a long silence, he took out a syringe and drew two tubes of blood: "I'll take the samples back for testing."

Afterwards, he asked 09 and Ruan Jiao to take good care of Ruan Shiqing and inform him immediately if there was anything unusual, and then he hurried back to the laboratory.

Before the "Dongfang" landed, Rong Heng couldn't wait to drive the shuttle and bring the cubs back first.

This trip to support the attacked planet took a full half month.

The Zerg's offensive was fierce, and Rong Heng had no time to think about anything else during the war. But when it was time to return home, all the previously suppressed thoughts rushed up one after another.

He couldn't even wait for the Vostok to land, so he took the cubs back home in the shuttle.

The shuttle stopped not far from the repair shop. Rong Heng and the three cubs jumped off the gangway one after another and were about to rush home, but then they found that the door was blocked.

There were three layers inside and three layers outside, and it was filled with a sea of human heads.

Rong Heng frowned, not knowing what these people were doing at his door. He roughly pushed through the crowd and was about to go out and call for help when he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

—The once exquisite three-story villa was completely gone, replaced by tangled and entangled fallen star vines.

His Highness the Prince opened his eyes in disbelief. He hadn't been back for just over half a month, so how come his home was gone? ? ?