The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 127: (Supplementary second update)


The extremely angry Crown Prince pushed away all the onlookers, and finally entered the yard.

In the front yard, the Xiong brothers were working with the service robot to clean up the fallen leaves that filled the yard. Because the fallen star vines kept sprouting and withering, the entire yard was now covered with thick dead leaves. At first glance, it looked a bit like the tropical rain forest in the impression material that was retained earlier.

Rong Heng walked in on the thick fallen leaves, but did not bother to ask about the situation. He forcibly pushed open a gap in the tightly entangled vines and strode upstairs.

The three cubs followed behind him, all looking anxious.

It wasn't until he saw the person he had been thinking about lying on the bed with a rosy face that Rong Heng's heart finally settled down.

He walked slowly to the bedside and noticed the change in Ruan Shiqing at a glance: "What's going on?"

09 explained the general process again, but could not explain the reason: "It was like this overnight. Mr. Garland came to see it, and the cause is still being investigated."

Rong Heng subconsciously looked at Ruan Jiao. The cub was shaking listlessly, with its tentacles drooping, and looked extremely sad.

Hearing that Ruan Shiqing was healthy, Rong Heng's anxiety eased a little. He lowered his eyes and looked at the sleeping young man again, and said to the kid who was guarding the bed, "You stay here to look after Dad. I'll go to check on Jia Lan."

Before leaving, he remembered something and picked up the drooping Ruan Jiao: "You come with me."

Ruan Jiao lay in his arms, clutching the clothes on his chest, rubbing against him carefully, with a dependent attitude.

Apart from his father, the cub relies most on Snowball.

When they got out of the yard, he asked in a low voice, "Will Dad wake up?"

Rong Heng lowered his eyes to look at him, easily seeing the anxiety and uneasiness in the cub's eyes.

Something happened to his father suddenly, and he was the only one left at home. The cub must have been scared at that time.

He smiled soothingly, rubbing the cub's face with his palm, and said firmly, "Daddy will wake up soon."

Getting on the shuttle, Rong Heng sped towards the arsenal.

Garland's laboratory was temporarily set up in the arsenal. Although it was set up hastily, it was well-equipped with complete instruments.

When Rong Heng arrived, he had already received the test results.

"You're here just in time. I found something." Garland looked a little serious and motioned Rong Heng to look at the test results.

Rong Heng took it and read it, his brows furrowed. He glanced at the ignorant cub in his arms and shook his head subconsciously: "It's impossible."

But when the words came out, I felt very unconfident.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the test results, Garland conducted three tests in a row, and the results were the same three times - Ruan Shiqing and Ruan Jiao were related, and the DNA sequence in his body was highly compatible with Ruan Jiao, much higher than the previous Zerg's compatibility.

But Ruan Jiao has a close relationship with the Zerg, and may even be a more advanced Zerg after evolution. Those anthropomorphic Zerg are likely created by his genes. And although he does not have a Zerg form, some of his features still retain the characteristics of the Zerg. For example, the tentacles on his forehead, the red eyes similar to the compound eyes of the Zerg, the ability to influence and even control lower Zerg, etc.

But from the beginning to the end, Ruan Shiqing had no chance to connect with the Zerg.

He grew up on a garbage planet and did not possess any Zerg characteristics or any special abilities related to the Zerg. If you did not look at the test report, he was a complete ancient human.

No matter how you look at it, it shouldn't be associated with the Zerg.

Rong Heng's brows knitted tighter and tighter, and he lowered his head to look at Ruan Jiao. The cub opened his eyes wide, a little confused, as if he hadn't figured out what they were talking about.

Putting him on the chair, Rong Heng paced back and forth to sort out his thoughts.

He thought about Ruan Jiao's origins again. When Ruan Shiqing picked him up, he was not on planet b3024, but later he heard Ruan Shiqing mention that Ruan Jiao suddenly appeared at the door of the repair shop. Ruan Shiqing thought he was an abandoned cub at first, but he had been guarding the door all the time and could not bear to take him in. He also asked the Xiong Fangfang brothers to help find out if there were any families who had lost cubs. But he was never found and he could not remember him.

But if Ruan Shiqing and Ruan Jiao were really related, then could it be that Ruan Jiao's appearance at the door of the repair shop was not just a coincidence? Was he originally here to find Ruan Shiqing

And in fact, there is a question they have never asked Ruan Jiao, which is where he came from and how he came to Planet b3024.

Rong Heng paused, squatted down in front of the cub, and kept his eyes level with him. After thinking for a long time, he asked, "Did you come to Planet B3024 to find your father?"

The cub twisted his body, tried to recall the past carefully, and then tried to think hard, his mouth pouting, looking aggrieved: "I don't know the way, it took me a long time to find it."

Rong Heng and Jia Lan looked at each other and then asked, "Have you ever met Dad before? Why did you go looking for him? How did you get here alone?"

Ruan Jiao shook his head and frowned, saying, "I don't know, it was inside the egg and floated over."

He made a circle with his hands and answered haltingly.

In fact, at that time he himself couldn't clearly explain why he was looking for it or what he was looking for.

He stayed in the egg for a very long time, sleeping most of the time, and awake for a short time, able to sense the outside. Later, the Zerg always pricked him with needles, so he didn't want to stay awake even for a short time. Until one day, he suddenly sensed a very faint breath that made him want to get close to it. An unprecedented impulse made him break through the egg shell that imprisoned him and stumbled away.

He didn't know where the faint smell came from. He searched for a long time without any direction. Later, when he was extremely tired, he wrapped himself up like an egg and floated around based on his instinct.

Until the extremely strong breath made him wake up again. He followed the breath and met Ruan Shiqing.

Ruan Jiao's words indirectly verified the reliability of the report, but even he himself was not clear about the connection. Rong Heng did not want to ask any more questions. After asking Galan to continue the investigation, he picked up the cub and went home.

The cubs were still guarding Ruan Shiqing on the second floor. 09 had already come down to clean up the fallen leaves with the Xiong brothers. Because the reason for the crazy growth of the Falling Star vine had not been found yet, they did not dare to deal with the vine rashly.

However, according to Ruan Jiao, they speculated that those wildly growing Falling Star vines were most likely caused by Ruan Shiqing's loss of mental control.

With Ruan Jiao's ability, he could enhance the vitality of the Falling Star Vine and promote its growth, but he couldn't make much noise.

This also proves Ruan Shiqing's extraordinary.

This realization made Rong Heng feel a little worried, but when he thought that there was now a research direction that could take him one step closer to finding the reason why Ruan Shiqing was in a coma, he gradually felt relieved.

No matter whether Ruan Shiqing is related to the Zerg or not, he will never change.

He went upstairs and looked at Ruan Shiqing again. Seeing that the data from the monitoring equipment was stable, he took the cubs to clear the Fallen Star vines that were growing wildly outside.

At this time, the Falling Star Vine has stopped growing, and remains at the moment of bearing abundant fruits.

Everyone took out their own pruning tools and, under the direction of 09, trimmed the overly lush Falling Star vines into beautiful shapes.

By the time I finished cleaning the house, it was already night.

The extremely tired cubs transformed into cub form and rested by the pool in the backyard, unwilling to move.

Trimming the vines into an artistic and ornamental shape according to 09's requirements is more tiring than fighting and killing insects. Not only is the body tired, but the mind is even more tired.

The little ones all lay with their bellies spread out, not even wanting to take a bath.

"Come and take a shower." Rong Heng took a bath towel and shower gel from the bathroom and called the kids to come and take a shower.

The cubs lay lazily, none of them moving.

The veins on Rong Heng's forehead popped up. He picked up the little dragon cub that was closest to him and placed it in a small bathtub filled with warm water. He then squeezed some bath gel and rubbed it on his body, rubbing bubbles in an unskilled manner.

The little dragon cub whined as he rubbed it, complaining that his technique was bad.

Rong Heng sneered and angrily pulled his tail: "Then wash it yourself."

The little dragon lay motionless beside the bathtub, pretending not to hear.

Rong Heng rolled up his sleeves, washed the little dragon, then the little fox, and finally came to Ruan Jiao. Fortunately, the little mermaid was shy and had washed herself clean, so she didn't let Rong Heng do it.

After all the kids were washed, Rong Heng put them on the large recliners and went upstairs to wash up.

When he changed his clothes and came down, he found that the cubs had fallen asleep.

The three cubs huddled together on the lounge chair just like before, you pressed my tail and I rested my head on your belly, and the little mermaid lay on the edge of the pool with her arms as a pillow, her eyes closed, and her blue tail swaying gently with the waves.

You can't see the stars on the horizon, but at this moment the falling star vines on the roof are full of fruits. The golden fruits are hidden among the branches and leaves, illuminated by the lights at night, and hanging on the roof, like a galaxy.

Rong Heng's expression softened. He bent down to pick up the cubs, then woke up the little mermaid and told him to sleep in the water.

After coming back for the first time, Rong Heng stayed on star b3024 for three days before he received another call from Lucien.

The last time Main Star was attacked by Zerg, the military failed to send rescue troops in time due to mutual shirking of responsibility, resulting in heavy losses for Main Star. If Rong Heng had not brought people to provide timely support, Main Star might have very likely followed in the footsteps of Fumu Star.

Therefore, after Mainin survived the crisis, its governor Zheng Yu published a thank-you letter and a video of the battle with the Zerg on the planet's official website and holographic network.

The thank-you letter and video quickly attracted attention, and the Eastern Alliance and the "Eastern" entered the public eye for the first time.

Someone immediately dug out the last video of the Eastern Alliance using live broadcast to warn the public. At that time, most people thought they were exaggerating, until the planet Lenka was attacked and destroyed by the Zerg, which made everyone realize the crisis. Now, when the Imperial Army was unable to provide timely support, the Eastern Alliance had to step forward and repel the Zerg.

The reputation of the Eastern Alliance rose rapidly, and many people even began to imitate the members of the Eastern Alliance and wear masks, which sparked a mask fever.

Lucien contacted Rong Heng for this very reason: "According to the latest news, His Majesty the Emperor has survived the crisis, and it is said that he is participating in the 'Sacred Transformation Plan'."

“What about the three people in power who were said to be injured?” Rong Heng didn't seem surprised to hear the news, he just narrowed his eyes.

"After His Majesty the Emperor, they all participated in the 'transformation plan'. When you were supporting Mainin Star, they were undergoing surgery." Lucien said.

Rong Heng showed an expression of "as expected": "You said he participated in the 'transformation plan' because he was seriously injured or was he just using himself as bait to lure those three idiots into the trap?"

Lucien remained silent.

But Rong Heng obviously already had the answer and didn't need Lucien's answer. He changed the subject abruptly: "You contacted me suddenly, is there another planet under attack?" He couldn't help but frowned: "The Zerg's actions are too frequent, they seem to be in a hurry?"

"That's right. Yesterday, Parker Star in the Ota region asked the military for help." Lucien said, "The current situation is turbulent and unclear. This is your opportunity."

Rong Heng said “hmm” and said, “Give me the coordinates. As for the rest, I’ll tell you after I kill all those annoying bugs.”

The intelligent computer beeped, and a coordinate came over.

He cut off the communication, straightened the brim of his hat, and went upstairs.

He came back and left again, and he went to say goodbye to Ruan Shiqing.