The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 131


Rong Heng maintained the posture of supporting his elbows on the bed, with his body pressed lightly on Ruan Shiqing. His dark golden eyes widened in surprise, and he stared at Ruan Shiqing with a dazed look on his face.

Ruan Shiqing had been in a coma for too long. In the beginning, he would often fantasize that he might wake up the next moment, but now eight months have passed, he has become accustomed to waiting and no longer has any false fantasies. He only tries his best to find the reason why Ruan Shiqing was in a coma.

‌The surprise came too suddenly.

When he met those eyes that he had been thinking about day and night, his mind suddenly became a mess. He thought that he missed Ruan Shiqing's beautiful dream too much. If the dream came true, he hoped to wake up later. At the same time, he thought that if this was true, what should he do? Pretend that nothing happened and pretend to be relaxed to let his lover come back

He stared at the person below him with eyes wide open, his face showing various expressions, but his body was tense, he neither spoke nor moved, just standing there in a stalemate.

Their noses were almost touching, their breaths blending together, and their lips even still lingered with the warm touch from their earlier touch, which felt strange and ambiguous.

This isn't a very suitable posture for talking properly.

Ruan Shiqing moved his arms, trying to support his body and sit up.

However, as soon as he moved his arms, his whole body was pinned down.

— Rong Heng noticed my intention and thought he was about to wake up from his sweet dream. He instinctively pressed me down with his whole body, hugged me tightly, and even buried his face in the crook of my neck, like a pair of mortise and tenon joints that fit together perfectly with me.

"Don't go, I miss you so much." The man's voice was low, even with a hint of grievance.

Ruan Shiqing paused and felt warm water dripping down his neck.

"How long have I been unconscious?" Ruan Shiqing compromised, gave up the action, maintained this awkward posture, and gently stroked the man's tense back.

I originally thought that I had suddenly disappeared, but when I woke up I found that it was not the case. It seemed that only my spirit had traveled back, and my body was still on the planet B3024.

"Eight months and twenty-one days."

There are only nine days left, and it will be nine full months, and three-thirds of the year will have passed.

Rong Heng buried his head in her neck, greedily sniffing her scent.

For eight months and twenty-one days, every day I was looking forward to Ruan Shiqing waking up. From expectation to disappointment, disappointment then ignited new hope... Over and over again, I never gave up, but I was instinctively afraid of the extreme disappointment of having my hopes shattered.

Therefore, now, I don’t even dare to confirm the authenticity of this "dream", fearing that everything before my eyes is just my own imagination.

I hugged my beloved tightly and told him about the separation and longing for him during the nearly nine months.

Ruan Shiqing listened to him talking about the growth of the cubs, the changes in planet b3024, and the expansion of the Eastern Alliance... He couldn't help but sigh deeply: "I missed a lot."

At such a crucial moment, I should be with you.

"I didn't miss it." The arms that were tightly clamped like iron clamps finally loosened, and he stretched out his long arms to take out the glass jar on the bedside: "I remember everything for you."

The cylindrical glass jar was filled with five-pointed star-shaped medals. The bronze medals were polished smooth and sparkled in the sun.

The medals were not of uniform size and looked like they were hand-carved. Ruan Shiqing could clearly see the words on the medals, as well as the unique patterns that symbolized the Ymir clan.

It seems that the person who made them is right in front of us.

She put the glass jar aside, raised her hands to hold Rong Heng's face, and kissed him under his puzzled gaze. She gently held his lips and made an unclear sound: "I like this. It's a thank you gift."

When he was trapped in his original world and couldn't come back, Ruan Shiqing regretted not being able to clarify the ambiguity with the other party.

Now that I'm finally back, I don't want to waste each other's time any longer. Since Rong Heng is hesitant and doesn't dare to speak out, I'll take the first step.

Rong Heng's barely functioning brain crashed again.

I thought to myself that this dream was too beautiful and too real.

They kissed secretly three times, but each time they only tasted it briefly and didn't dare to really go deep. But when Ruan Shiqing took the initiative, he seduced her to go deep. The kiss after a long separation became lingering and passionate.

When he noticed the changes in his body, Rong Heng hunched his back uncomfortably, but in his heart he thought that this dream was more real than all the dreams he had ever had.

Even in my dreams, I have never seen Ruan Shiqing like this.

The other person's lips were still watery, the corners of his eyes were red, his eyes were fixed on me with a smile, and his voice was slightly hoarse, as if hiding a small hook, which made Rong Heng couldn't help but lower his head and savor the sweetness just now.

As if he couldn't get enough, he kept kissing her. Ruan Shiqing's lips were all broken. Finally, he couldn't help himself and stretched out his hand to push her away: "That's enough."

Rong Heng took advantage of his dream and acted recklessly, rubbing his nose against my face and saying stickyly, "Not enough."

Ruan Shiqing was about to say something else when he saw a figure out of the corner of his eye—Ruan Jiao, who had just been picked up from the laboratory by 09, was standing there, his eyes wide open, staring at him dully.

I don't know if I was shocked that my dad woke up, or that Snowball wanted to give me a little dad, or both.

In short, the cub just stood there stupidly, without even moving his eyes.

Ruan Shiqing's face immediately turned red, and he hurriedly lifted Rong Heng's body, tidied up his messed up pajamas, and tried his best to pretend that nothing had happened. He smiled and waved at Ruan Jiao: "Jiaojiao, come here."

I looked at the cub carefully and found that it was actually starting to grow taller.

Ruan Jiao finally came to his senses and took a step forward to throw himself into his father's arms. The cub hugged his waist tightly, rubbed against him affectionately, and whimpered, "Dad."

Ruan Shiqing responded and said with a smile: "Jiaojiao has grown taller."

The cub hummed with a thick nasal tone, and the tentacles on his forehead swayed in a tangled manner. In the past six months, he has grown up a bit. He goes back and forth to the laboratory every day to study with Galan. Every day, he wants to grow up faster so that he can help like Ruan Yuebai and others.

But when daddy woke up, I didn’t want to grow up anymore and couldn’t help but act like a spoiled child with him.

I finally understood why my brothers and sisters, even though they had grown up, still liked to maintain their cub form in front of their father.

Daddy's little cub is so happy!

The cub nestled in his father's arms and didn't want to leave.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who was pushed aside, fell into a long silence. He glanced at Ruan Jiao, then at Ruan Shiqing, and then at Ruan Jiao again... He finally confirmed with fear that this did not seem to be a dream!

I wasn't dreaming, but I kissed Ruan Shiqing... and Ruan Shiqing also kissed me.

Rong Heng swallowed hard, tried his best to act calm, and unceremoniously pulled the spoiled cub out: "I'll ask Jia Lan to check your body."

After all, he has been in a coma for so long, and now that he has finally woken up, we have to do a comprehensive examination to feel at ease.

Ruan Shiqing noticed his guilty and evasive look, which was completely different from the way he said "not enough" with confidence just now. He raised his eyebrows and understood the reason for his change of attitude after a little thought.

He responded and said, "There's a medicine box in the living room. Can you help me get it?"

When he heard that he needed to get the medicine box, Rong Heng immediately became anxious. He held her shoulders and looked at her carefully: "Are you feeling unwell?"

Ruan Shiqing looked at him, licked his peeled lower lip, and raised his chin: "My mouth is peeled, I have to apply some medicine, otherwise how can I face people later?"

"… "

Rong Heng loosened his hand as if he was scalded, his eyes wandering, not daring to say much, and timidly went to get the medicine box.

Applying medicine was already embarrassing, so Ruan Shiqing flipped a tube of external medicine and casually applied some on his lips. He glanced at the person beside him who was looking at him with wandering eyes and didn't dare to look at him. Because the cub was present, he couldn't do anything too much, so he just smiled and handed the empty medicine box to Rong Heng.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince took the medicine box and fled.

He hunched his body slightly to hide his abnormality, and lingered in the living room, not daring to go back, trying to calm his burning anger. He always felt that Ruan Shiqing's every move seemed to have hooks, and he would lose control if he looked at him for a few more seconds.

It is very easy for a 26-year-old energetic magician to accidentally fire a shot when facing his sweetheart.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince sighed, feeling deeply troubled.

Recalling the sweetness just now, I couldn't help but touch my lips, still feeling a little dreamy.

Ruan Shiqing kissed me, so he should like me too, right

But I haven't had the chance to confess yet!

But since we've already kissed, it doesn't seem to matter whether we confess or not, we might as well take advantage of this opportunity to make things fait accompli...

While Rong Heng was thinking about all kinds of things, Garland, who had received the news, hurried over.

When I went up to the second floor with the equipment, I saw Rong Heng squatting in front of a small cabinet with a smile on his face, looking very affectionate.

He paused and walked into the bedroom. While taking out the equipment, he spoke to Ruan Shiqing: "What's wrong?"

Ruan Shiqing leaned out to look, and could only see half of the silhouette of the man, squatting in front of the small cabinet where the medicine box was placed, with his head slightly lowered. His long hair, which was neatly tied behind his head, was messed up by the intimacy just now and fell to the side of his face, just covering half of his face. Only the curved corners of his lips could be vaguely seen.

"You're so happy." Ruan Shiqing lied without changing his expression.

Based on how well I know Rong Heng, he is most likely still recalling the kiss they just had.

He subconsciously touched his slightly swollen lips, and the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.