The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 134


If the inherited memory is real, then everything he saw about the Queen of Insects, Queen Farah, is real.

This long-lasting war between humans and Zerg could have ended more than a decade ago. Queen Farah, the Zerg Queen, should not have died. They were all powerful rulers, and after reaching a consensus, they would have led their tribes to peace and prosperity.

But in the end, everything was ruined by a dirty conspiracy.

Even the truth of their deaths was artificially covered up, and even the people closest to them were unaware.

Ruan Shiqing looked at Rong Heng with a slight hesitation in his eyes, wondering how to tell him the truth.

But soon, his expression became firm.

No matter how cruel and unbearable the truth is, Rong Heng, as the heir to the queen, has the right to know the truth. No matter whether he can accept it in the end or what choice he makes, as the closest family member and partner, all he can do is accompany him.

If he wants revenge, he will build weapons and an army for him; if he cannot accept the truth for the time being, he will not force him.

After returning to the repair shop, Ruan Shiqing thought for a while and not only told his "dream" but also confessed his own experience.

He had originally not planned to tell this secret for the time being, thinking that it would not be too late to tell Rong Heng and his cubs at a suitable time in the future. However, he did not expect that plans could not keep up with changes, and what happened during his coma could no longer be circumvented by his experience.

Instead of telling a lie to cover it up now, and then telling countless lies to make it up, it is better to be honest from the beginning.

His tone was very calm as he narrated everything.

Starting from the inexplicable time travel, all the way to the ambush, he fainted because of the high-decibel voice of the newborn Queen Insect, but unexpectedly awakened his inherited memory, and through the inherited memory he saw the truth about the death of the Queen Insect's daughter.

And finally, he struggled to wake up, only to find himself back in his original world.

Only when he talked about staying in the original world and almost being unable to return, did his tone fluctuate slightly.

In that world, his parents died, he had no relatives, grew up in an orphanage, and was raised by the government. Later, in order to repay society, he studied hard, completed his undergraduate, master's, and doctoral studies ahead of schedule with excellent grades, entered the research institute, and worked for the government.

Many people once said that he was a key figure in the research institute at a young age and had a promising future. But only he knew that he spent all day in the laboratory, addicted to working overtime, just because he had nowhere else to go.

After get off work, others have homes to return to or appointments to keep; but he seems to have nowhere to go except his neat and deserted dormitory.

When you are used to being alone and without any worries, you will not feel lonely; but when you have experienced the hustle and bustle and warmth, and then return to the former loneliness, you will uncontrollably feel lonely.

This was an emotion that could not be controlled by reason. He returned to his original world, facing the hustle and bustle of familiar colleagues, but he felt lonely again.

He also realized for the first time with great clarity that this familiar world had no home for him and was not his home.

He can't stay.

These emotions evolved slowly, like water slowly boiling in a pot, and he was the frog being stewed in the water. In the gradually rising temperature of the water, he finally saw his own emotions clearly.

However, these complex emotional changes could not be accurately expressed through poor language, and he was not used to showing his vulnerability, so he just brushed it off in a few words.

He even paid more attention to Rong Heng's emotions.

After he finished speaking, Rong Heng remained silent.

Ruan Shiqing couldn't tell his inner emotions from his expression, but he could guess that no one could remain calm after learning that his mother didn't die in battle but died in a despicable conspiracy.

The calmer he appears on the surface at this moment, the more stormy his heart may be.

Panggaran's expression was also very complicated. What Ruan Shiqing said contained too much information and involved the truth about the death of the former queen. He couldn't help but think of Si Yan who was far away in Sikkim.

Rong Heng doesn’t know the truth about Queen Farah’s death, but does Si Yan know

He had worked with Si Yan for a short period of time and knew only the basics of the Emperor, but even so, it did not prevent him from speaking highly of Si Yan.

Calm, wise, ruthless and merciless.

Is it true that this madman, who is cruel to others and even crueler to himself, is unaware of his wife's death

Garland thinks not.

Si Yan has a smart and calm mind and a cold heart. He is definitely a qualified politician, and if he is willing, he can also be a qualified emperor.

Many people outside believed that a weak and short-lived ancient human was not worthy of being an emperor, and that Si Yan was able to ascend the throne only because the bloodline of the Yumir clan was cut off, and according to imperial law, as a royal husband, he was qualified to inherit the throne.

He also sold his body and married old Bart's daughter.

But in his opinion, whether it was Queen Seya Bart, or old Bart, or even the other three chaebol leaders who controlled most of the lifeline of the empire, they were all in his calculations.

He took great pains to secure the throne, but regarded the empire as a worn-out shoe and personally provoked a civil war in the empire; he did everything he could to get close to and win over the chaebol leaders, gain their trust and control their lifelines, but he did not use the power of the chaebols to consolidate his own position. Instead, he turned them into his puppets, and through the four major chaebols, he accelerated and expanded the civil war in the empire, causing public dissatisfaction, and even putting the throne under his butt in jeopardy.

Whatever people do, whether good or bad, they all have their own purpose.

But Si Yan never follows common sense, making it difficult for people to see his purpose.

But now that he knew the truth about Queen Farah's death, he looked at Rong Heng and had some vague guesses in his heart.

Perhaps, it’s not that he has nothing else to ask for, but that what he asks for is too big.

No one can see it clearly, or even if they can, they won’t believe it.

After all, normal people cannot understand a madman.

Garland seemed to have discovered a secret that could not be told, but he could not express it out loud.

After all, this is a matter between father and son.

He had heard about the cold and bad relationship between Si Yan and Rong Heng, but after meeting Si Yan in person, he felt that the rumors might not be true.

The relationship between this father and son is shrouded in mystery. He cannot tell what is true and what is false, so he dare not speak out rashly.

After a little thought, he simply said goodbye.

It was obvious that Rong Heng was in a bad mood. The young couple must have something to say to each other, and him standing here would just be a hindrance.

Ruan Shiqing did not try to persuade him to stay, and even left some space for the silent Rong Heng by sending him out.

Although the cub who was quietly listening didn't understand these complicated things, he intuitively felt Rong Heng's depressed mood.

The tentacles on his forehead shook gently. He tilted his head to think for a moment, then tiptoed out behind Ruan Shiqing.

The second floor suddenly became quiet, with only Rong Heng left in the living room.

He remained expressionless, and after a long while, he started to move again - he picked up his smart computer and quickly entered a communication number, but when he was about to dial out, he chose to delete it.

After repeating this several times, he finally turned off the intelligent computer and summoned Noah in a mute voice.

"Your Highness, I am at peace."

Noah had not been listening during their conversation, but his voice was as brisk as usual.

"Noah, you are the love created by your mother. You have always served her, right?"

"Yes, Your Highness." Noah's voice ended with an upward sound, and it was not difficult to hear the pride in it.

Rong Heng closed his eyes and continued to ask expressionlessly: "When mother suddenly went to the front line, you should have followed her, right?"

As the emperor of a country, the queen not only has to rush to the front line to kill the enemy and stabilize the morale of the army when the war is critical, but also needs to deal with complicated government affairs. But even as powerful as Ymir is, he is not omnipotent.

That’s how Noah was born.

Noah is highly intelligent and has the same authority as the queen. He usually assists the queen in handling government affairs, so when the queen goes to the front line to deal with the insect tide, Noah should follow her.

After all, she is not a real human being, so there is no need to worry about travel inconveniences. Except for specific occasions, the Queen is almost wherever she is.

If the queen had been plotted against more than ten years ago, it made no sense for Noah to be unaware of it. But he had never heard Noah mention anything about it.

It is difficult for people who have not experienced it personally to understand how powerful Ymir is.

In his opinion, his mother was undoubtedly strong. He, who had just entered the growth stage, could still deal with the insect swarm, so there was no reason why his mother couldn't.

He had his doubts about his mother's death on the front line. How terrible could the insect swarm be to kill the extremely powerful Ymir

He had been on the front lines for many days and experienced countless insect swarms, but he still couldn't imagine it.

But whether it was Si Yan, Noah, or even the whole world, they all told him that his mother died on the front line.

After a long time, he accepted this statement and stopped exploring it.

Thinking about it now, how ridiculous is it

He wanted to ask Si Yan if he knew that there was something fishy about his mother's death. If he knew, why did he hide it from him? Why did he let the murderer who plotted against his mother go unpunished

And Noah, is he really clueless, or is he also deceiving him

He was afraid to know the result. He didn't dare to question Si Yan, so he could only choose to test Noah.

But Noah's reaction was the same as usual, and a calm female voice answered his question: "Yes, Your Highness."

Noah had been with him for so long, from childhood to adulthood, so he naturally knew him very well: "Did something happen, Your Highness?"

Noah seemed to be unaware of the situation, but Rong Heng continued to ask, "I just got the news that my mother didn't die in battle, but was killed in a despicable conspiracy."

"How is this possible?" Noah seemed even more excited than him when he heard this: "I followed your majesty all the time! That Zerg tide was unprecedentedly severe, and the front-line defenses were almost defeated. If it weren't for the queen's strong support, those Zergs might have broken through the defenses and entered the rear of the empire. At that time, I saw your majesty being besieged by the Zerg and it was difficult for him to hold on alone..."

As he recalled the past, he told Rong Heng about the situation at that time. Although he was not a human, he remembered the battle exactly.

But Rong Heng asked: "Mother didn't have the habit of carrying an intelligent computer with her when she went into battle. How did you see it at that time?"

Rong Heng was brought up by Queen Farah, so he was naturally aware of Queen Farah's habits.

Noah, who cooperated seamlessly with the Queen, naturally understood this.

The voice of the man suddenly paused, revealing a bit of doubt: "Really? How could I have seen the scene at that time?"

As an AI, in order to see and hear the outside world, it must rely on speakers and cameras.

However, in such a thrilling battle situation, the queen had no habit of carrying an intelligent computer. Logically, he should have obeyed the queen's orders and stayed behind to coordinate and dispatch. How did he see it at that time

But no matter how he searched his memory, he had no other memory except that image that seemed to be engraved in the core data.

"How did I see it? How did I see it?" Noah's voice became stuck and he kept repeating this sentence.

It's like a program with a bug.

Seeing that the sound it made was becoming more and more choppy, Rong Heng knew that if this continued, Noah would definitely collapse. He could only input commands to force it into hibernation.

Noah's repetitive stuttering sound suddenly stopped, but Rong Heng's doubts did not stop there. Instead, they grew like a snowball.

After a long silence, he opened the smart brain again, entered Si Yan's contact number, and pressed the confirmation button.

However, this time, his eyes only showed the determination to seek the truth, without any hesitation or fear.