The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 135


Ever since Rong Heng was attacked in Baghdad, the two fathers had not contacted each other again. Later, the news that Rong Heng was not dead spread widely, but Si Yan never took the initiative to contact him.

The father and son seemed more unfamiliar than strangers.

So when the communication was connected, the two looked at each other, and no one spoke first, and they fell into silence.

"You suddenly contacted me, is there something wrong?"

Finally, Si Yan spoke first, his voice was cold and emotionless. Even though he was facing his son who had come back from the dead, he did not show any surprise.

Compared with the gentle and polite emperor reported in the news, he seemed much more indifferent.

But Rong Heng is more accustomed to the current situation. If Si Yan really responds with the same hypocritical face as he does to the media, he may not want to say a word to him.

Taking a deep breath, Rong Heng organized his words and answered the question: "There are some things I want to confirm with you."

Si Yan's eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't respond, as if he was waiting for someone to speak.

"My mother died on the front line, and there was something else going on. Did you know about it a long time ago? Did you tamper with Noah's memory?"

After calming down and thinking about it, he felt that the only person who had the ability and authority to tamper with Noah's memory was Si Yan.

Si Yan did not deny it, but asked: "Where did you hear that from?"

"You don't need to know." Si Yan's tone remained indifferent.

After confirming that the other party had known everything for a long time but deliberately concealed it, and even tampered with Noah's memory, Rong Heng's heart was burning with anger.

He clenched his hands into fists at his sides, barely suppressing his anger and trying to talk calmly, but his tone still revealed resentment: "What? What are you hiding from me?"

He stared at Si Yan and twitched his lips sarcastically: "You knew that your mother was framed, but you refused to avenge her for so many years, and even hid it from me." His eyes were bright with anger: "What on earth do you want to do?"

I had a lot of things I wanted to ask, but when I met that calm and collected face, I suddenly felt like I had punched a cotton ball.

It doesn't hurt, but there is a deep sense of weakness.

So I only asked this question, but after I said it, I suddenly had a feeling.

Si Yan had no idea what was going on.

As expected, he said: "This is my business, you don't have to get involved."

Even though they were connected by blood and were the closest father and son, Rong Heng had never understood it.

I don’t know who I am, nor do I know what I want.

Even at this moment, looking at the other person's indifferent face, my heart was shaken: Is my mother really right? Does she really understand her husband

My mother always said that my father loved us, but he was just not good at expressing it.

I believed it before, but now I feel confused.

Even the wisest people make mistakes sometimes.

As for Si Yan's behavior towards his mother, was it her fault

‌I don’t know.

Si Yan's attitude was tough, and he obviously wasn't going to tell me anything. Rong Heng couldn't even get angry and have a quarrel with me. This man was cold-hearted and his emotions were a burden to me. No matter how angry and indignant you were, in my eyes, it might just be noise.

So in the end, Rong Heng cut off the communication without saying a word, and the meeting ended unilaterally and unhappily.

He threw the intelligent computer away in annoyance, feeling confused.

Ruan Xinqing estimated that the boy should have calmed down by now, so he went upstairs.

As soon as I stepped into the living room, I kicked something under my feet—it was Rong Heng’s intelligent computer.

After picking up the intelligent computer, Ruan Qing walked closer and found the man sitting on the sofa with his head bowed, wrapped in a gloomy atmosphere.

‌ placed the intelligent computer on the coffee table. Before he could open his mouth to ask, Rong Heng pulled him and he fell into ‌'s lap.

Just as I was about to get up, she said in a low voice, "Don't move, let me hold you."

‌’s movements stopped and ‌ stopped moving.

Rong Heng hugged her waist tightly, buried his head in her neck, and said nothing.

Ruan Qing maintained this awkward posture, thinking of picking up the smart computer and accidentally seeing the call interface on the display screen. Although the call number note only had a simple "Si", it was self-evident who the owner was.

It was obvious that Rong Heng took the initiative to contact Si Yan, most likely to find out the cause of Queen Farah's death.

But judging from their expressions, it was obvious that they did not get a satisfactory answer, and perhaps they even had a quarrel.

He groped for the other person's hand and interlocked his fingers with his: "Did you find out anything?"

Rong Heng didn't want to bring up this unpleasant conversation, but Ruan Xiqing's voice was too peaceful, and the sound of summer springs soothed his irritability. After a moment of silence, he still said in a muffled voice: "No, I won't say it."

Ruan Xinqing was a little surprised, but then he remembered that this emperor was once called "the Mad King" in the book; although he is not crazy now, his style of doing things is hard to guess, so he felt it was normal again.

"If you don't want to tell me, then we'll go check it out ourselves." Ruan Xinqing shook their clasped hands and said softly, "I'll accompany you."

If you don't tell us, we can check it ourselves.

These words cheered up Rong Heng, who was in a depressed mood.

Ruan Qing was right, I was no longer a kid who could be manipulated by others. If Si Yan refused to tell me, then I would go and find out the truth by myself. If Si Yan didn't want to avenge my mother, then I would kill the enemy myself and pay tribute to my mother's soul.

He raised his head and rested his chin on Ruan Qingqing's shoulder. He pondered for a moment and said, "That No. 4 may know a lot. I will go and interrogate him tomorrow. Maybe I can find out something."

The next day, Rong Heng went to the arsenal prison again to interrogate No. 4, and Ruan Qing was there.

Rong Heng had been immersed in the military for a long time and was familiar with various torture methods. He used them one by one on the stubborn Zerg, but the other party still held his ground and refused to reveal anything.

"Let me try?" Ruan Qing saw that Xiao had a gloomy face and suggested after thinking for a while.

The cell was stained with blood, and Rong Heng was not very willing to do so.

But Ruan Qingqing said, "He seems to be very uncomfortable with my presence. Maybe I can get some information out of him."

No. 4 did not hide his hostility towards Xi and the Queen of Insects, and Ruan Xiqing felt that this was a breakthrough.

Rong Heng hesitated for a moment, but finally let him in.

Number 4 saw that Ruan Xinqing was indeed looking angry.

The Empire had no policy of treating Zerg prisoners preferentially, and Rong Heng would not spare any of his men in order to pry open his mouth. At this moment, he sat in the corner of the cell, covered in wounds, motionless like a corpse. Only when Ruan Qingqing came in did he raise his eyelids with great effort, his eyes filled with anger and contempt.

"As a royal family, they are willing to be humans' lackeys and turn against their own people."

"When you betrayed and plotted against the queen, you didn't even care about the friendship between brothers." Ruan Xinqing said with sarcasm.

Even though he now knew that the blood of the Zerg was flowing in his body, it was still difficult for him to reconcile with these cold and cruel Zerg.

In my opinion, only Ruan Jiao and the Queen of Insects can truly be considered my clan.

There is an essential difference between us and these Zerg.

Although the anthropomorphic Zerg have human forms, they are still beastly Zerg in nature. Plunder and killing are engraved in their genes, just like monsters in human skin.

But the Queen Insect and Ruan Jiao are different. They not only have human forms, but also have learned human senses.

This Zerg keeps talking about "cells", but in fact, he may not even understand the meaning of the word cell.

Otherwise, how could one hate the Queen of Insects who only wanted to lead her people to a peaceful life

At this moment, Ruan Qing suddenly understood the Queen of Insects.

She was the first person in the tribe to evolve, and she even sneaked into the empire and saw the empire's technology and culture. Her animal nature was dormant, and her human nature was awakened. When she faced her tribe members who were still beasts and uncivilized, she must have felt lonely.

So later she helped No. 4 and even some powerful tribesmen to transform into human forms; she worked hard to promote peace talks and end the war. With a peaceful environment and enough "sky stones", her tribesmen and the next generation can successfully complete their evolution.

They no longer have to wander around like wild beasts, fighting and plundering.

They can also have a peaceful and stable life.

And she doesn't have to shoulder the burden of the tribe's reproduction. She can only mate with different male insects like wild beasts to produce eggs.

Only the Queen of Insects can continue the race, which is inherently abnormal.

The empire's technology is so advanced that the continuation of the race should not rely on just one person.

Unfortunately, everything she planned was ultimately ruined by conspiracy.

Ruan Qing's brows darkened, and he looked at the Zerg who looked angry, and asked slowly: "Who were the people who participated in the assassination?"

As the sound of ‌‌ was heard, waves like water waves spread out.

have no idea.

No. 4 originally wanted to answer like this, but when he opened his mouth, he felt an indescribable pressure. His lips opened and closed, and his throat made uncontrollable sounds: "Of course, I am not responsible for the contact, so I don't know who the specific people are. I only know that many people in the empire do not want to end the war, so they hit it off with us."

There is a traitor in the Empire colluding with the Zerg, and we have long known about this.

But the "quite a few people" mentioned by No. 4 still surprised me.

“Who are they?”

"As far as I know, the four major chaebols, the mermaids, the nine-tailed foxes, and the Holy Legion are all involved. If you help us kill the Queen of Insects, we will help you kill Farah Nuwa for you."

In this way, both sides can put the blame on each other.

Ruan Qing was slightly surprised. She didn't expect that so many forces were involved behind the queen's death.

But I soon realized that what these people did was not just about profit.

The war between the Empire and the Zerg lasted for thousands of years. The protracted war not only affected the territorial division of the entire country, but also provided support for a large number of arms dealers who made a fortune from the national disaster.

The four major chaebols relied on making money from the war to gradually grow stronger and develop into the behemoths they are today. Even the royal family had to stay out of their way.

Once the war was over, the Empire no longer needed large numbers of warships and weapons to defend against the Zerg, and the big capitalists lost their trump card to check and balance the royal family.

The same is true for the mermaid and nine-tailed fox tribes. Relying on the wealth accumulated by their ancestors, they not only firmly control the military regions in their hands, forming cliques and factions in the military, but even covet the power of the royal family in an attempt to go further.

Once the war is over, the military will inevitably face downsizing during the peace period, and the structure of the military regions divided to fight against the Zerg is likely to change.

So when they learned that the queen wanted to negotiate peace with the Zerg and end the war, they chose to cooperate with the Zerg without hesitation.

Since there is no way to solve the problem, then get rid of the person who raised the problem.

Facts have proved that this method is quite effective. The Queen and the Queen of Worms died, and the hatred between the two sides grew deeper and deeper, and they have been fighting more fiercely in recent years.

Ruan Qing closed his eyes, suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked one last question: "What kind of force is the Holy Legion?"

I felt that the name sounded familiar, and after thinking about it, I remembered that this seemed to be a newly-grown organization, similar to a cult.

I just don't know if it is the same.

"They seem to be wanted criminals of the empire. They took the initiative to seek cooperation. I don't know the details, but I know that they hate the royal family very much. Many of our experiments were completed with their help."

No wonder, we were wondering how the Zerg could develop so many things in a short time. It turns out there are people behind it.

Ruan Qing asked a few more questions, and seeing that No. 4's voice was getting weaker and weaker, he temporarily ended the questioning and let the robot treat his wounds.

Without noticing, as soon as he left the cell, No. 4 completely collapsed. The black pupil in the middle of his red compound eyes spread out, and he looked almost lifeless.