The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 136: (repair)


Ever since Ruan Qing was taken to the cell, Rong Heng has been guarding there.

Seeing the man finally come out, he subconsciously stood up and went to meet him, looking at him with concern. Seeing that he was normal, and even had a vague solemnity in his expression, he guessed that he might have had some problems: "What happened?"

"A lot of things have come out, but..."

Ruan Xinqing looked at Rong Heng, paused, and then told him the clues he had found out from the interrogation.

The more Rong Heng listened, the more his brows furrowed.

Ruan Qing wasn't sure whether he thought the same as she did.

But he also reminded: "I think your majesty is not planning anything..."

He had no dealings with Si Yan, and only pieced together a vague and not very benevolent image of the emperor from the news and the words of other people.

In the book he read, Si Yan was a cruel "mad king"; in Rong Heng's words, he was an indifferent father who did not love his only son; in the news media, he was an ambitious politician who ascended the throne as an ancient human, who was obsessed with war and did not care about the future of the empire or the lives of his people.

His actions could not be analyzed according to common sense. Although he was not as crazy and cruel as the book said, he was not much better.

There is the difference between being insane and being mad while sane, ‌‌ mad.

Ruan Qing didn't have a good impression of him.

But after learning from No. 4 about the forces that participated in the murder of Queen Farah, a thought vaguely emerged in his mind - Si Yan did so much, maybe he did it on purpose

Didn't he already know that Queen Farah died as a result of conspiracy, and was seeking revenge for his wife

Now the four great chaebols are completely controlled by Si Yan, and the four people in power follow his orders. Since it was revealed that the Sgar Blue Planet cooperated with the Zerg, the Empire has sent troops mercilessly and used the whole country's strength to attack the Sgar Blue Planet, in order to escort the mermaids to the military court for trial. The Nine-tailed Fox Clan, which has always been in collusion with the mermaids, had to take sides because of the civil war provoked by Si Yan, and was dragged into the water, unable to protect itself...

Now Si Yan controls the four major chaebols, and warships and weapons are continuously transported to the battlefield. After Ruan Xinqing woke up, he occasionally paid attention to the civil war situation, and was shocked to find that the Sgarlan Planet and its affiliated planets, which seemed to be able to compete with the empire before, had fallen behind.

The news media also revealed that Tutar and some planets that followed Sgarlan were interested in negotiating with the imperial army, but were all rejected.

His Majesty the Emperor is determined to catch them all in one fell swoop.

Everyone believed that the Emperor was deliberately attacking the four ancient races because of his ancient human race identity, and even had the ambition to destroy them at all costs to overthrow the empire. Before this, Ruan Xinqing also believed so.

But now that I think about it carefully, what they thought might not be the truth.

In this case, it seems to make sense that Si Yan was unwilling to let Rong Heng know the truth and get involved.

What Ruan Qing thought of, Rong Heng naturally thought of as well.

In fact, because he knew Si Yan better and was more aware of the current situation of the empire, he thought about it more deeply.

After he was attacked, he hid on planet b3024 to avoid the spotlight. Later, he recovered from his injuries and activated Noah, contacted the old men of Yanjis and Lucien, and then, under Lucien's persuasion, he decided to fulfill his mother's will...

Looking back on these events now, it seems as if there is a traceable chain of events, as if an invisible hand was pushing him forward.

Yengeis's former subordinates had been with him day and night and had fought side by side with him. He was confident that they would not be betrayed. The only one who might be a problem was Lucien.

Lucian, the elder of the Elders' Council, gradually lost contact with him after he went to the Yanjis region to fight against the Zerg. Their close contact began after he was attacked.

When his mother was still alive, there were thirteen elders in the Elders' Council, all of whom were elites from all walks of life. They followed the queen and were independent of the Imperial Parliament.

But ever since Rong Heng reached a cooperation with the Elders' Council, Lucien was the only one who kept in touch with him. As for the other twelve elders, he had never met them.

Not to mention Lucien's all-seeing abilities. It seemed that no matter where he was, he could always get all the news related to the Parka Palace and the banquet at the fastest speed.

Si Yan has never been a fool. Is it really so easy to find out information about him

Rong Heng did doubt Lucien in the past, but he never regarded Lucien as a comrade-in-arms who could be trusted. In the cooperative relationship of mutual benefit, he naturally turned a blind eye to Lucien's anomaly.

But a guess suddenly emerged, and the two completely different faces gradually overlapped...

Rong Heng clenched his fists subconsciously. He took a deep breath and managed to calm his turbulent emotions.

"Let's go back first." His voice was a little deep, with a hint of suppressed hoarseness.

Ruan Qing knew that the knot between them as father and son could not be untied by themselves, so he didn't say much and just wanted to go home with him.

On the way, they received a communication from Darres. The warship led by the cubs accidentally discovered another Zerg nest on the way back, but they were insufficient in manpower and firepower, so they sent a distress message to the B3024 planet.

After receiving Dares' message, Rong Heng immediately rushed to the helipad and gathered people for support.

Ruan Qing sent him to the helipad and watched rows of soldiers organize themselves at the fastest speed, board the warships, and set sail away.

After the fleet left, Ruan Qing drove the landspeeder back to the repair shop alone.

The two Xiong brothers received the order and were not at home. Ruan Jiao was still in the laboratory and had not returned yet. There was only one person at home.

The little golden robot saw him coming back and hurried over with a crystal ball in his hand: "Sir, I found this under the bed in the bedroom."

The crystal ball, which was the size of an adult man's head, looked normal, but Ruan Qing recognized it at once. It was the one that the mysterious stall owner had sold to him as a gift along with the key. Later, he was so tired from studying the key that he fell asleep. When he woke up, he found that he had traveled back in time. However, the key was no longer in his hand, so he naturally recognized it, and the crystal ball disappeared along with the key.

But now 09 found the crystal ball from under the bed.

Ruan Xinqing frowned and took it, looking at the crystal ball carefully: "Found it under the bed?"

09 nodded and described the scene when he found the crystal ball: "I was cleaning and suddenly found something glowing under the bed. I leaned over to look for it and found a crystal ball. But it flickered for a while and then there was no movement."

"Glowing?" Ruan Qing murmured, looking at the crystal ball carefully, but did not find anything unusual.

He thought for a while and didn't let 09 put the crystal ball away. After all, this was something the mysterious stall owner sold him. Although he hadn't found any use for it yet, there was no guarantee that it wouldn't come in handy in the future. So he put the crystal ball on the bedside table, thinking that if it glowed again next time, he would take the opportunity to study it.

After a busy day, Ruan Qing went to bed early at night.

The crystal ball placed casually on the bedside reflected the moonlight from the window, covered with a thin halo. The halo was still at first, but then began to flow slowly like water waves. Brilliant light spots appeared on the clear surface of the spherical ball, and the dots became lines, and the lines became surfaces, gradually flickering into one piece, like the deep universe.

As for the person lying on the bed, the spiritual power around him was like ripples, and layers of invisible water waves collided with the crystal ball, and there seemed to be an eternal sound.

Ruan Qing vaguely heard the sound of the tide, the waves hitting the shore, and the sound of waves.

But how could he hear the sound of waves when he was in the bedroom

Ruan Qing struggled to open his eyes out of alertness, but when he saw clearly where he was, he was stunned—he was not in the bedroom, but in the boundless universe.

Surrounded by twinkling stars, with the Milky Way flowing beneath your feet, countless twinkling points of light are moving according to their own laws, endlessly.

Ruan Qing took a tentative step forward, the Milky Way beneath his feet suddenly flowing and changing, with ripples spreading out faintly. A mysterious feeling enveloped him, and a sense of desolation and loneliness arose in his heart.

It's like being on the top of a mountain, overlooking all the other mountains and feeling isolated and lonely.

His body paused slightly, and he looked around for a way to leave, but he saw the stars around him gathering together and forming a human figure in front of him.

The figure was tall, looking down at him like a god, with light and shadows flickering around him.

The vague outline gave Ruan Qing a vague sense of familiarity. He frowned and thought for a while, then said with certainty: "You. Who do you love?"

The human figure formed by the stars gradually solidified, and the tall figure gradually shrank. In a blink of an eye, a young man with a smile on his lips stood in front of Ruan Xinqing. His appearance had not changed, but the gray robe he was wearing was no longer as gray and inconspicuous as before. Instead, thousands of stars condensed on it, shining brightly.

He slowly opened his mouth, his voice was ethereal and seemed to echo: "Believers like to call me God, scientists like to call me the universe. But to be more precise, I am the world string. Countless strings make up me and also make up the world."

His words were mysterious and complicated. Ruan Qing frowned subconsciously, but did not rashly question the other party's identity.

This mysterious stall owner's origin is unknown, and his methods are even more extraordinary. His sudden appearance here must not be a coincidence. Ruan Xinqing did not insist on exploring the other party's identity, but asked: "You brought me here? What do you want?"

"You've tried to save yourself." The stall owner looked at him with a smile, but seemed to see through his doubts.

He stretched out a finger and touched Ruan Qing's forehead in the air: "After you finish reading it, you will understand."

Ruan Qing felt his forehead getting hot, and countless complicated scenes flashed before his eyes, but finally froze in a dead and desolate space.

The universe is vast and boundless, but it breeds countless planets, and countless lives are born on the planets. It is like the night before dawn, the dawn is born in the darkness, and the vitality of life is brewing in the dead silence.

But as far as the eye can see, there is no sign of life.

Stars fell, life became extinct, and the splendid and deep universe was left with only the remains of the Big Bang.

"This is the future." The stall owner's brows were shrouded in melancholy. "This world has been destroyed countless times. I have tried to save myself countless times, but all in vain. This time is the closest to success. This is the last chance for me and all of you."