The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 138


When Rong Heng really woke up, it was already five o'clock.

The climate of planet b3024 was artificially controlled, with more sunshine and less rain. He was hiding in a garbage dump, which was hot and stuffy with no ventilation. There were scavengers gnawing at his flesh and blood, and the wounds on his body became infected as expected.

Ruan Shiqing stayed by his side all the time, his mood rising and falling with his weak breathing.

The passage of time seemed to slow down in the agony, until the small figure finally moved and struggled to get up, he breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes sore.

Rong Heng didn't know of his existence. He struggled to get up, and was not too surprised to see the wounds on his body. He just stared at the wound for a long time, and then bent down with difficulty to lick the wound.

When there is no medicine, licking is the most primitive way to heal wounds.

He licked the wound slowly, bit by bit. After licking for a while, he was about to spit out a mouthful of dark red blood mixed with rotten flesh and burnt hair. One can imagine how painful it would be to clean such a wound, but his movements were not hesitant at all, only his eyes revealed a little disgust.

It took the little cub a long time to clean the wound, and then he lay back down, motionless, with only his brown eyes wide open, dark under his eyes, and no one could tell what he was thinking.

Ruan Shiqing squatted beside him, stroking his tense back again and again with his palm. Even though he knew that he could not feel his presence, he still did not give up.

Rong Heng lay motionless for half a month. The wounds on his body that had been cleaned kept getting infected again and again. He cleaned them again and again, but the bad environment caused infections again, attracting large numbers of scavengers.

He was disgusted and impatient at first, but later on, he was able to clean the repeatedly inflamed wounds without any expression, and even used dirty blood and rotten meat to attract those scavengers and use them as his own food. When he calmly swallowed those creatures that even the poorest homeless people would not eat, Ruan Shiqing's eyes turned red, and he used all his self-control to hold back from crying.

According to the records in the crystal ball, Ruan Shiqing had been following Rong Heng.

He saw him hiding deep in the garbage dump, relying on scavengers to barely survive. When it rained occasionally, he would use dirty metal pipes to store rainwater. His once fluffy and soft white fur fell off due to severe malnutrition and injuries, revealing the flesh-pink skin underneath. The harsh environment caused his injuries to recur repeatedly, and it took nearly three months for them to heal. Large, ugly scars lay across his thin body, and he could no longer be seen as a Ymir cub.

Relying on his strong willpower, he overcame serious injuries and became the most frequent wanderer on planet b3024.

Ruan Shiqing watched him trying to survive, slowly accumulating strength, and finally regaining his adult form. However, due to his previous severe injuries, his strength was only less than half of what it was before.

At this time, Rong Heng had experienced fighting in a harsh environment, encountered countless hidden arrows, and experienced countless betrayals for the sake of interests. He became extremely indifferent and refused to trust anyone, including his comrades who had fought side by side with him in the Yanjis region.

He did not contact Dares and others, nor did he activate Noah, but hid alone on planet B3024, slowly building up his own power. He bought several retired warships, gathered many vicious people, and formed an interstellar pirate fleet.

This interstellar pirate fleet does not hijack ordinary fleets. It specifically targets the transport fleets of the four ancient clans and the four major chaebols. Whenever it takes action, it will never leave a single person alive.

Relying on robbing everywhere, within a dozen days, this interstellar pirate team grew stronger and stronger, becoming a wanted criminal of the empire. At that time, Rong Heng always appeared in front of people in a neat military uniform and a white smiling mask, with cold and cruel eyes under the mask.

Others called him "Death".

Ruan Shiqing looked at him like this and finally understood the meaning of this code name.

Unlike this time, Rong Heng in this world is truly the God of Death who crawled out of the abyss.

Ruan Shiqing felt a pain in his heart, but he could only watch the progress move forward.

When a pirate group attacked a transport fleet owned by the mermaids, he met Nota.

When Rong Heng led his men into the transport ship's cockpit, Nota had just pulled out the sharp knife from the captain's throat. Blood dripped from the tip of the knife. She licked it clean with the tip of her tongue, raised her chin and said, "Are you the 'God of Death'? I heard that you are recruiting people to do something big. What do you think of me?"

At that time, Nota was already a young girl, with a graceful figure, wearing a black leather jacket, and her waist was full of knives shining with cold light. However, her narrow eyes no longer had any innocence, but were full of the enjoyment after killing.

Her appearance was also different from before. One of her furry red ears was missing, and there was a hideous scar on her beautiful and delicate cheek, which made her look a bit more bandit-like.

Rong Heng looked at her for a while and agreed to let her join.

Perhaps it was fate, even though the two did not know each other when they were cubs, their cooperation became more and more tacit as they fought side by side. Nota soon became Rong Heng's right-hand man and occupied a place in the pirate army.

When they were not on a mission, they would occasionally drink together. When Nota got drunk and accidentally exposed her tail, Ruan Shiqing discovered that she had only one of her original ten fluffy fox tails. The lonely tail was surrounded by a circle of scars.

Ruan Shiqing felt distressed when seeing this, and his palm lightly dropped on her buttocks, gently stroking her broken ear.

"How come you lost your tail?" Rong Heng asked the question that Ruan Shiqing couldn't ask.

"I cut it off myself." Nota looked at the broken tail behind him and showed a nonchalant expression: "I originally had ten tails. Tutar regarded me as a hybrid and a heretic and would not tolerate me. I was kidnapped when I was about to leave. I finally escaped, but was caught on a remote garbage planet and became an auction item."

Mixed-bloods are discriminated against on the planet Tutar, but outside, they are still highly sought after in black market auctions because of their bloodline and appearance of the four ancient clans.

She shrugged, took a sip of wine, and skipped over her experience after the auction. She said lightly, "Later, I killed my buyer. He was of high status, and I was being hunted down. To avoid trouble, I cut off the extra tail. The wound on my face was also caused at that time."

When she talked about the past, she was calm, with the corners of her mouth even raised nonchalantly.

But Ruan Shiqing, the audience, clenched his fists after hearing this.

Nota has always been a tough cub. She is like an inconspicuous weed that has never been broken by wind and rain. But when she came home, Ruan Shiqing found that she was actually a very sensitive cub, but she was too independent and often used to hiding her true emotions. When she first came home, she didn't even know how to act like a spoiled child.

Ruan Shiqing put a lot of thought into allowing her and the other little ones to play and act coquettishly to their heart's content.

But there is no him in this world, and Norta has no father either. No one protects her, no one loves her, so when she talks about the injuries she suffered, she doesn't even frown.

It was as if rain was falling in Ruan Shiqing's heart, and the sourness shrank into a ball.

But no matter how sad he was, he couldn't change anything.

Rong Heng and Nota seemed to be planning something big. He kept recruiting people and replenishing warships and weapons. The pirate army quickly grew stronger.

When he was finally ready, Ruan Shiqing knew what he was going to do—he was going to lead people to raid the military fortress of Sgarlan Star.

All the traces can be followed. Even if he was not there this time, Rong Heng would still be together with Sjia Lanxing.

The strength of Sgar Blue Star is not weak, but the pirate army is even more ferocious. Sgar Blue Star is about to be defeated and is forced to evacuate the military fortress and defend Sgar Blue Star with all its strength.

While the two sides were fighting, Ruan Shiqing saw a familiar face again.

—Ruan Yuebai from another world unexpectedly returned to the Saga Blue Star, and followed Lan Xin to discuss cooperation with Rong Heng.

The scars on his face were much more serious than they are now. Perhaps they were not properly treated, leaving a terrible scar on half of his cheek, and his blue eye also lost its luster. He no longer had a gentle smile on his face, and his long blue hair hung down to cover half of his cheek, making him look gloomy and unapproachable. When he stood with Garland, even his expression was vague.

They are going to discuss attacking the planet Sgarlan.

Ruan Yuebai and Lan Xin proposed to cooperate with the Pirate Corps. Rong Heng helped Lan Xin to capture the Blue Star of Sgar. In return, not only the military fortress of the Blue Star was handed over to him, but also the Pirate Corps would provide two batches of the latest warships and weapons for free in the future.

After negotiations, the two sides reached a cooperation.

Lansing returned to the blue planet of Sgar, and in order to ensure smooth cooperation, Ruan Yuebai temporarily stayed in the pirate corps.

He was not talkative and was silent most of the time on the battleship, but Nota really liked to talk to him. Most of the time, Nota would say three sentences before Ruan Yuebai would reply one sentence. Rong Heng would occasionally join in, and they got along quite well.

But this false peace only lasted for three days.

On the third day, Lansing did not send out a signal as agreed, and Rong Heng waited for a long time without receiving Lansing's signal. Instead, he witnessed the explosion of the Sgarlan planet with his own eyes.

The mermaid tribe's base camp, the planet second only to Sikkim in prosperity, exploded in an instant and turned into stardust.

Rong Heng and Nota were unhappy - all their previous efforts were in vain, the blue planet of Sgar was lost, and the warships and weapons promised by Lansing were naturally wasted.

On the contrary, Ruan Yuebai had a calm expression, as if she had already sensed it.

He looked at the explosion outside the window, his dim blue eyes illuminated by the fire. He was silent for a long time, and then he said in a hoarse and unpleasant voice: "Your wish has come true, congratulations."