The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 140


Ruan Shiqing still remembers how shabby the 09 was when he first bought it.

No one knew what had happened to the little robot, and only a tattered trunk remained. When it was turned on for the first time, the little robot stuttered to promote itself in order to sell it. If he had not been really poor at the time, and saw that although the robot was shabby, it at least retained the basic translation function, he probably would not have bought such a broken robot home.

Later, he settled down on planet B4024 and the situation gradually improved, so he rebuilt the body of the little robot.

It was also discovered that this chattering little robot who liked gardening and singing was smarter than other robots. Perhaps because it was once a military robot, it had a high degree of intelligence. Later, it could even read books—not just inputting books into storage, but reading and understanding them like humans.

In order to protect the little robot, he did not point this out immediately.

But he didn't expect that in this world without him, the little robot not only became more humane, but even became the leader of robots.

Ruan Shiqing has read a lot of science fiction works. The conflicts between robots with autonomous consciousness and humans cannot be mediated. Even in his original world, the level of science and technology has leapt forward, but the ethical issues of robots have never been properly resolved. In order to prevent the high degree of intelligence of robots from causing hidden dangers, all humanoid robots are not allowed to be produced.

The Galactic Empire originally had similar regulations, but as the empire's population decreased and its territory expanded, the demand for robots increased. Robot production generated huge profits, making the original regulations useless.

From military to civilian use, from housekeeping services to assistance in various professional fields, robots have been widely used. In order to better meet the needs of consumers, the intelligence of robots has become increasingly advanced. Now the Galactic Empire has launched a humanoid butler robot.

Ruan Shiqing didn't know whether these robot manufacturers had considered the issue of robots developing autonomous consciousness and possibly triggering wars, but from Tianqi, he had already glimpsed the future wars.

A robot army that has awakened its own consciousness will never be willing to be driven by people like machines. What's more, their "self" consciousness will make them seek self-recognition. According to the laws of the Galactic Empire, the human rights of robots are not recognized.

According to a broad classification, robots can be considered machines or household appliances.

This conflict of concepts is likely to lead to conflict between the two sides.

Conflict is often the fuse of war.

Ruan Shiqing was worried, but he could do nothing but wait and see how the situation developed.

Since the encounter on Balem, Rong Heng and his entourage have never encountered Apocalypse and his Ark again.

Instead, the subordinates he sent out found some news about Apocalypse sporadically.

It is said that Apocalypse was originally the fifth PL-3 type technical robot produced by Nashi Company. It was put into service in Caesarea Region after leaving the factory, providing technical services for a certain military warship in Caesarea Region.

Originally, this battleship was sent to the remote planet Brynir to perform a mission to expel a large group of interstellar pirates. However, because the captain underestimated the enemy, he fell into the trap of the interstellar pirates, resulting in the death of the entire battleship and the mission to guard the planet Brynir was also facing failure.

But what was unexpected was that at this critical moment, an ordinary robot soldier took over the command of the entire battleship. He controlled the battleship and commanded more than 200 robot soldiers on the battleship to fight against the interstellar pirates, and almost in a way of mutual destruction, he defended the Brynniel Star.

Later, the severely damaged battleship was recovered by the military, and the robot, which had successfully completed its mission, was reportedly forcibly retired and destroyed because it had developed self-awareness.

In fact, I am not sure that the destroyed robot is Apocalypse, but considering that they are of the same model and have self-awareness, it is unlikely that there are other robots besides Apocalypse.

After listening to this, Rong Heng frowned and said nothing more. However, after sending his subordinates away, he immediately called a meeting with Nota and Ruan Yuebai, and decided to transfer all the robots on the Black Phantom.

With the development of science and technology, the widespread application of robots is almost inevitable.

But to be on the safe side, Rong Heng withdrew all the robots from the battleship.

Ruan Shiqing saw his series of actions and knew that he had thought about it himself.

And their guess came true two years later.

- Apocalypse led his robot army and occupied a highly mechanized planet. He announced new laws on the holographic network, which not only recognized that robots enjoyed equal human rights, but also declared war on the Empire.

He not only wants to liberate all robots, but even wants to overthrow the empire and establish a new kingdom for robots.

The war first broke out in the Caesarea region and then spread to the central region.

At the same time, the Melches defense line in the southwest region was suddenly breached, and a large number of Zerg poured into the empire's territory from the southwest defense line, wreaking havoc on various planets.

However, the imperial government did not take strong measures to deal with the problems that followed.

The "Mad King" had not governed the country for many years, and all political affairs of the empire were controlled by the Crown Prince Soma. In order to ensure the safety of Sikkim, they withdrew all their troops to guard the central region, and the other three front-line regions were completely defeated because they did not have enough troops.

Except for the central district, the other eight administrative districts and their affiliated planets were all exposed to the Zerg's claws.

Ruan Shiqing watched all the developments and found that what was written in "The Story" was gradually overlapping, which made him feel frightened.

Rong Heng remained calm in the face of an increasingly chaotic environment. In the past two years, he had set aside many of his subordinates who had ulterior motives and built a fleet that obeyed his orders. In addition to the Black Phantom, there were two other battleships, captained by Nota and Ruan Yuebai respectively.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but their base is also on planet B3024.

Not only is the planet b3024 in this world not as prosperous as before, even its vitality has disappeared. After being ravaged by the Zerg, it has completely become an abandoned death star.

Rong Heng ordered people to build a helipad and warehouse on the ruins to park warships and store weapons and other supplies.

Except for occasional stops at planet B3024 to replenish supplies, most of the time, he led his fleet to kill Zerg everywhere.

But this time, he did not have the military base on planet b3024 to continuously provide weapons and supplies, nor did he have loyal and reliable subordinates to follow him, nor did he have an early insight into the Zerg conspiracy to prepare for it. Even if he wanted to support them, it would be difficult to sustain.

Their own weapons and supplies are not sufficient, so how can they support other planets regardless of the cost

And those abandoned planets acted on their own, and refused to listen to his advice, watch over each other, and establish a new line of defense.

But even so, he did not give up on the rescue.

Ruan Shiqing watched him lead the rescue team every time, getting more and more injured, and the aura on his body became more and more fierce, as if a sharp blade stained with blood, ready to devour someone.

Nota's brother Ruan Yuebai once advised him that if he continued with his rescue method without incurring any loss, the family fortune accumulated over the years would soon be exhausted.

But Rong Heng didn't think so, and said he would rob again after all the money was used up.

At that time, he was studying Queen Seiya's travel routes.

Nota and Ruan Yuebai could not understand his sudden move, but most of these supplies were accumulated by Rong Heng, so they did not strongly object.

Instead, Ruan Shiqing vaguely understood his thoughts—even though the title of Prince of the Empire had been taken by his half-brother Soma, he still regarded protecting the people of the Empire as his responsibility.

He wanted to avenge his mother and protect the peace of the empire.

But no matter what, it is not easy for him who is alone and powerless now.

But he still relied on his courage and risked his life to do it.

Rong Heng spent several months tracking the whereabouts of Queen Seiya. Since the rebellion of Tianqi and the rampage of the Zerg, Queen Seiya has been secretly contacting various forces to ensure the safety of Sikkim. Her exclusive royal battleship has left Sikkim several times.

But she didn't know that her whereabouts had been seen by Rong Heng.

Rong Heng carefully planned an ambush, preparing to kill this woman who had participated in the murder of his mother and later occupied the throne.

And this time was exactly the beginning of the book "The Secret" that Ruan Shiqing had read.

—The memories of the previous world that Time hastily gave him were based on Soma, the son of Queen Seya. Rong Heng and the Black Phantom were the villains that everyone feared, and they blew up the royal spaceship that Queen Seya was riding on as soon as they appeared.

This was only briefly mentioned in the "Book of Changes", and Ruan Shiqing did not have any deep feelings about it.

But when he was with Rong Heng, his feelings were extremely profound.

Although this battle was carefully planned, the Royal Fleet was not idle. Although Black Phantom won, it was a miserable victory.

The Black Phantom was badly damaged and had to retreat to B3024 for repairs. However, before it even landed, it found that its base had been cut off.

—A huge black dragon strolled back and forth on the tarmac, with the wreckage of warships all under its feet.

And between the two horns above his head, there was a small figure sitting.

Ruan Shiqing couldn't help but move closer, but found that both the black dragon and the small figure were completely different from what he remembered.

The huge black dragon has two bat wings, and the other two are made of metal; thick chains are wrapped around his neck and limbs, which make a loud noise when he moves, and this noise seems to make him feel uncomfortable. The bat wings on his body flap irritably, and tiny sparks spew out of his nostrils.

Those dragon pupils that looked like golden gemstones were now completely red.

The thin figure sitting above his head had half of his face like a child, while the other half was covered with insect-like carapaces. Long tentacles extended from his forehead, swaying gently, and his dark red eyes were filled with vigilance and ferocity.

Ruan Shiqing had speculated about the whereabouts of the two cubs when Heli and Ruan Jiao had not appeared for a long time. Without him in this world, he thought the worst result was that Heli might still be an unhatched dragon egg, and Ruan Jiao might still be sleeping in the egg...

Maybe it was because she met Rong Heng later that she broke out of the shell/egg and became a partner fighting side by side with Rong Heng and the other two.

But he didn't expect that in this world, the first time the five little cubs got together, they would be so tense.

And this naive cub became a ferocious hunter.