The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 141: (repair)


The cubs were obviously not happy with this world when they first encountered it.

Not only did Heri trample on several warships, he also overturned the warehouses, eating up all the stored energy. The remaining personnel tried to stop him, but they were obviously no match for him. After many people were injured, they retreated to the side, and the whole base was in chaos.

Nota was a hot-tempered man. After realizing that his house had been robbed, he rushed forward without saying a word and fought with the giant black dragon.

Naturally, He Li was not willing to be outdone. In the real world, if two kids had a good relationship, they would always like to fight. In this world, there was no such friendly relationship, so naturally they would fight more without any scruples.

Nota took the first step. Rong Heng and Ruan Yuebai naturally would not just stand by and watch, and they helped one after another.

The huge black dragon and the fiery red fox were fighting together. Ruan Jiao, who was sitting on the top of the black dragon, saw this and his tentacles swayed rapidly. Minor mental fluctuations spread from his body. Nota, Rong Heng and Ruan Yuebai only paused for a moment before getting rid of the influence, but the others who stayed behind to watch the battle were not so relaxed. Their eyes became dull and then they actually picked up their weapons and rushed towards Rong Heng and the other two.

Rong Heng narrowed his eyes, seeing through Ruan Jiao's tricks: "Be careful, the little guy above your head can control your mind."

Nota snorted when he heard that, and dodged Heri's attack and went straight to Ruan Jiao who was overhead.

Isn't mental attack the Nine-tailed Fox's specialty? Although she usually doesn't like illusions and prefers real fighting, she is not picky at this time. She leaves the Black Dragon to Rong Heng and Ruan Yuebai, and faces Ruan Jiao herself.

Three against two, Ruan Jiao's mental control couldn't play a big role, the outcome of this battle was already clear.

Soon Rong Heng and his two companions gained the upper hand. Nota restrained Ruan Jiao, grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up; Rong Heng teamed up with Ruan Yuebai and beat He Li so hard that he fled for safety.

The huge black dragon flapped its wings, and the chains on its body kept colliding with each other, making a clanging sound. He seemed to be frightened by the blow, and stopped fighting back, trying to escape. The huge bat wings behind him rolled up, trying to block the attack from the falling body, and occasionally made a humming sound.

Ruan Xinqing originally thought that his voice had also changed, but after observing for a long time, she found that he was crying.

Although his body is huge, his behavior seems to be no different from that of an ignorant cub.

If he couldn't win, he would run away. If he was in pain, he would cry. The red dragon pupils behind the bat wings were filled with tears, and even the dragon flames that occasionally spurted out of his nose became angry.

Perhaps realizing that he could neither fight nor escape, the black dragon simply lay prone on the ground, curled up, and skillfully wrapped his entire body with his bat wings, leaving only his solid back and the dragon's tail in the middle exposed.

The big one looks pitiful, as if he won't struggle and will let you beat him.

Rong Heng and Ruan Yuebai obviously noticed that something was wrong with him. Ruan Yuebai walked around him and saw large tears falling to the ground through the gaps between the bat's wings. He was silent for a rare moment.

He hesitated and said, "This black dragon seems a little abnormal."

Hearing this, Nota carried Ruan Jiao over and saw Black Dragon crying. She couldn't believe it and said, "It's so big, it can't be still a cub, right?"

She frowned and hissed.

He Li, who was still crying, obviously would not answer their questions, so Rong Heng's eyes fell on the silent Ruan Jiao. Between the two of them, Ruan Jiao was obviously the leader.

He looked at the other person's strange appearance, frowned, and said in a stern tone: "Where are you from?"

Ruan Jiao looked at him with eyes wide open, his tentacles erected straight up, but he pursed his lips and made no answer.

Rong Heng had a bad temper. In this world, his temper was even more violent, and he was ruthless towards his enemies. He took Ruan Jiao from Nota and prepared to interrogate him. But at this moment, the alarm on the entire B3024 planet suddenly sounded -

"It's the Zerg!" Nota exclaimed, and the others looked up and saw dense swarms of Zerg swooping down from the sky.

Rong Heng no longer had time to interrogate them and immediately issued an order for everyone to board the ship and prepare to evacuate.

Nota picked up Ruan Jiao again and kicked Heli, who was still crying. He jumped onto the broad back of the black dragon and grabbed the chain around his neck. He said in a vicious tone, "You little bug. If you don't want to die, listen to me, or I'll feed you to the bugs later!"

He trembled when he heard that, but actually obeyed Nota's command and started to move.

Everyone withdrew to the warships, and the remaining supplies in the base were transferred to the warships at the fastest speed. Then the five warships opened their shields and sped away in the opposite direction of the Zerg. Noah commanded Heri to follow the warships.

Most of the buildings in the base had been destroyed, so it was not a pity to abandon them now. But what they didn't expect was that the Zerg were like leeches, following them closely.

The battleship left the b3024 star and entered the dark universe. The Zerg did not hesitate to turn around and catch up.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

Nota, who was sitting on the black dragon's back, had already changed into a portable space suit. She looked back at the Zerg following behind her and saw more clearly that these Zerg seemed to be heading towards her.

Or to be more precise, it was directed at this half-human, half-insect little creature.

This was something that was easy to figure out. After all, among all of them, he was the only one who had a good relationship with the Zerg and who was being chased by the Zerg.

Nota lifted Ruan Jiao over and stood face to face with him through an oxygen mask, saying threateningly, "Tell me who you are and where you are from, or I'll throw you to the bugs behind you."

Ruan Jiao's eyes were indeed filled with emotion. He pursed his lips and spoke after a long while, not very skillfully: "I am from the royal family, from Blue Star."

"The royal family of the Zerg?" Nota frowned when she heard this: "Isn't the royal family of the Zerg just the Queen?" She looked at Ruan Jiao carefully and confirmed that he was a man: "I haven't heard that the Queen is a male. And where is Blue Star?"

She racked her brains for a long time before finally recalling this vaguely familiar planet: "Isn't Blue Planet already a dead planet? What are you doing there?"

Her questions were so difficult that Ruan Jiao didn't know how to answer them. He didn't even have the answers to many of them, so he just pursed his lips and said nothing.

But it didn't look like she was lying. Nota knew she wasn't as smart as Rong Heng and Ruan Yuebai, so she didn't bother about it. After sending a short message to Rong Heng, she asked someone to take Ruan Jiao to the warship.

She herself drove the Black Dragon and cooperated with other warships to fight against the Zerg.

The number of Zerg chasing them was not large, so after deciding to fight them head-on, it only took half a day to wipe them out.

Several warships stopped at a alien planet for a while to rest, while Nota went to meet up with Rong Heng and Ruan Yuebai.

She slid off the black dragon's back and stepped onto the gangway. The black dragon behind her immediately followed, supporting its huge body with a pair of bat wings, and tried to push its head into the hatch, but ended up with its nose stuck in.

Nota pushed him out with a dark face and told him fiercely not to move.

Hearing this, the Black Dragon took a step back and looked at her aggrievedly, with a faint golden circle around the edges of his red eyes.

Seeing him like this, Nota remembered that although this dragon was big, it was probably still a cub. She felt embarrassed to bully him, so she took out a bag of candy from her pocket and threw it to him, threatening him: "Stay out there, if you damage the warship again, I will peel off your scales to repair the warship!"

The black dragon opened his mouth to catch it, but he didn't like the plastic taste and he immediately spat it out.

The candy bag fell to the ground with a rustling sound, and the colorful fruit candies were particularly bright against the white saline-alkali land.

He lowered his head curiously and touched the plastic bag with the tip of his claws. The sharp claws scratched the bag, and colorful round candies rolled out, emitting a sweet and greasy fragrance.

The sweet smell made Heilong sniff. He tentatively rolled the candy and the packaging bag into his mouth with his tongue. He wanted to swallow it whole out of habit, but somehow he felt reluctant to do so. He changed his action and just held it in his mouth.

The sweet taste of the candy spread, and the slightly drooping dragon pupils suddenly widened. The black dragon's throat moved, and as a result, it accidentally swallowed the whole bag of candy, leaving only a little sweetness in its mouth.

He flapped his wings excitedly, smacked his lips, and stared at the cabin door eagerly.


Ruan Qing looked at him from the side, and could read an urgent desire from his wide eyes.

In this world, Harry has never even eaten candy.

He gently touched the metal bat wing and felt its coldness.

When Nota got off the warship again, he saw a black dragon that was extremely well-behaved and clingy.

Due to its huge body, the Black Dragon's movements were particularly clumsy when walking on land. Even with its two bat wings for support, it would often be tripped by the chains dragged on the ground.

Nota saw him following behind her crookedly, with a hint of flattery in his red eyes, and she thought of the bag of candy from before with some uncertainty. She tentatively took out another candy, and sure enough, the clumsy black dragon poked its head over her with exceptional agility and rolled the candy into its mouth.

"It's so dirty." Nota wiped his saliva-covered hands on the other's scales.

Harry held the candy carefully in his mouth, his eyes narrowed happily, and followed her movements.

Rong Heng and Ruan Yuebai, who had just got off the warship, were seeing this scene, with a thoughtful look on their faces.

"They both can stay." Ruan Yuebai said first.

One is the royal family of the Zerg. Although no one knows what changes have taken place within the Zerg, keeping the other party may be useful in the future. As for this black dragon, it was purely that the royal family encountered it on a certain planet. The other party was imprisoned and driven by someone with chains. He saw that the black dragon was very powerful and easy to deceive, so he took him with him to escape.

Rong Heng looked at the Black Dragon and felt that this was indeed an unbeatable battle.

Moreover, they destroyed the base on the b3024 planet, causing him considerable losses, so naturally he had to work to pay off his debts.

The three of them temporarily reached a consensus and left Ruan Jiao and He Li behind.

Because the base was destroyed and many supplies were consumed, after a day of repair on the alien planet, the fleet set out on its journey again.

The Black Phantom led the way, and Nota and the Black Dragon followed behind.

They roamed around the imperial star field, specifically targeting the great ancient clans, big tycoons, and royal transport ships for robbery. Relying on these fat sheep for supplies, the originally impoverished interstellar pirate group gradually became wealthy again.

Not only did the black dragon not have enough candies, the chains on his body were finally untied, and he even learned how to change his form.

But he still likes the giant dragon form the best.

At the same time, Ruan Xiqing followed Rong Heng and also noticed many situations in the empire.

Queen Seya was killed by an ambush of interstellar pirates, and Prince Soma was furious and vowed to avenge his mother. With the support of his grandfather, Old Bart, he took over the military and political power of the empire.

On the contrary, the real emperor, Mad King Si Yan, was indifferent to his wife's death. He was still obsessed with the laboratory, and many corpses were sent out of the laboratory every month.

Therefore, compared with his terrible father, the prince who stood up to save the empire in times of crisis seemed particularly wise.

He first met with the other three chaebols besides the Naxi Group, reached an agreement with them, and obtained their financial and military support; then he left Sikkim and went to various planets to deliver speeches and declarations to inspire people, recruit many people to join the army, and initially formed his own team; after that, he began to fight against the Zerg.

After two beautiful battles, Crown Prince Soma's power reached a new level. The empire, which was on the verge of collapse, was temporarily stabilized. Most people in the empire were looking forward to the mad king's abdication and Crown Prince Soma's ascension to the throne as soon as possible.

All of this seems to coincide with what is written in the "book".

But Ruan Xinqing followed Rong Heng and listened to their meeting to analyze the situation, and he knew that all this was just a show by Soma.

Beneath the glamorous surface, there are big chaebols with growing power who control everything.

Prince Soma was just a puppet supported by Old Bart to restrain the other three chaebols. Although the three chaebols did not get along with Old Bart, their common interests were the same - they not only wanted to control the economic lifeline of the empire, but also the royal family and parliament.

Now, two of the Great Ancient Clan have died, the remaining Dragon Clan does not participate in the fight, and the Nine-tailed Fox Clan is not a force to be reckoned with, but their hearts are full. It is the time for the chaebols to expand their power and reshuffle.

Therefore, the big capitalists were persuaded by Soma and generously provided warships and weapons; therefore, they won two battles against the Zerg.

They created a false sense of hope for the entire empire.