The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 148


Cute, have you subscribed before? This is the nine-tailed fox cub that Rong Heng released on the day of the auction.

After the auction, the cub was never seen again. Unexpectedly, she not only escaped, but also stole nutrients and sneaked into his home.

Rong Heng clicked his tongue and walked out slowly.

Nota was holding eight tubes of nutrients in his arms and preparing to leave.

After escaping from the auction, she has been hiding here and there. The auction sent many people to look for her, and her tail was too conspicuous, so she dared not come out for too long each time, and only came out to look for food when she was really short of food.

But food is not always available, and only a few families have sufficient food reserves like this one, so this time she bravely took eight tubes of nutritional supplements.

If she takes one tube every two days, it will be enough for her to sustain for half a month.

With her tail swaying slightly, Nota jumped onto the windowsill and looked around cautiously. After making sure that there was no one around, she was about to jump out when she suddenly felt a familiar aura behind her that made her hair stand on end.

Nota turned around with a wary look and saw Rong Heng at the door.

—was the one who let her go that day.

Although the other party looked like a cub, the aura he exuded was the same as what she had felt from those adult nine-tailed foxes, and even stronger.

The aura released by the other party made her feel dangerous.

—Even if the other person had saved her once.

The hair on his body stood up, Nota tensed his body, and stared at the other person with his silver eyes. After a moment, he reluctantly put half of the nutrient in his arms on the windowsill.

There are still four tubes of nutrients left in my arms.

If she returned them all, she would have to go hungry for the next few days and would be at risk of being caught.

Rong Heng looked at the cub.

It was wearing ragged clothes that it had picked up from who knows where. Its previously bright and shiny fur had become dull and messy, and its exposed cheeks and arms were covered with stains and scars. It seemed that after escaping from the auction, this cub had not lived a peaceful life.

It goes without saying that if such a precious cub is lost, the auction will definitely send a large number of people to search for it.

The only thing that was unexpected was that she could hide for so long. And it seemed that she was very accustomed to this kind of life and did not fall into panic and fear.

Her eyes were the same as when we first met.

It was a good seedling, what a pity.

Rong Heng snorted lightly, glanced at the angry cub, and left as he came.

The scorching atmosphere gradually dissipated, and Nota's tense body relaxed. She leaned forward and stared hesitantly in the direction where Rong Heng left for a while. After making sure that the other party was not lying in wait for her in the dark, she jumped out of the window with the nutrient in her arms.

The remaining four nutrients are still on the windowsill.

Ruan Shiqing came back driving a racing car.

As soon as I parked the car in the yard, I saw the puppy squatting at the door, looking at me with its head tilted. It was so well-behaved.

Ruan Shiqing's heart softened immediately. He jumped out of the car, strode forward, picked him up and rubbed him randomly: "Is Xueqiu waiting for Daddy to come home?"

Rong Heng, who just came out to see what was happening, said:

Anyway, I can't refute it. If you say it is true, then it is true.

He gave up on defense and leaned over to see the extra racing cars in the yard.

He had only seen this kind of simple shuttle racing car in videos, and this was the first time he saw it in real life.

When Ruan Shiqing finally had enough, he jumped down and circled around the shuttle racing car.

The puppy was not very big to begin with, and recently his injuries have healed a lot, and he has become even rounder. The way he circles around the shuttle racing car looks like a rolling snowball.

Ruan Shiqing laughed as he watched.

The little mermaid on the second floor saw this scene and wanted to call for help, but she was unable to make a sound. She could only flap her tail anxiously, making “ah” sounds.

09 has a wide hearing range and immediately noticed the movement upstairs.

He volunteered, "I'll go and pick up the little master!"

It was indeed boring for the little mermaid to stay upstairs all the time. Ruan Shiqing thought about it and agreed to 09's proposal.

09Dongdongdong went upstairs and took the anxious little mermaid out of the bucket.

The little mermaid, with its tail, was actually taller than him. But 09 felt that he was already a mature robot, while the little mermaid was still an immature cub, so he took out the posture of an elder taking care of a cub, wiped the water stains off the little mermaid's body, wrapped him in a large towel, and carried him downstairs steadily.

The little mermaid, who had never gone downstairs except for the day she moved, looked around curiously, her pale cheeks flushed with excitement.

When she saw Ruan Shiqing, her eyes brightened even more and she pursed her lips and smiled shyly at him.

"It was my negligence. I'll install a pool for you on the first floor in a few days." This way you will have a place for activities.

Ruan Shiqing glanced around, moved a large chair under the Falling Star vines, and asked 09 to put the little mermaid down.

Detailed rays of sunlight filter through the gaps between the vines, creating a warm and pleasant environment.

The little mermaid had just come out of the water. Although she had dried herself, her hair was still wet and draped over her shoulders. She sat there wrapped in a large towel, like some kind of wet little animal whose fur was soaked by the rain.

"My hair has gotten a little long, too."

Ruan Shiqing dried his hair for him and asked, "Do you mind cutting it shorter for you?"

The long blue hair looks like algae in the water. It looks beautiful, but it is not easy for the little mermaid to take care of.

"Ah." The little mermaid nodded obediently.

Ruan Shiqing found a pair of scissors and cut his long hair short.

The cut blue long hair was not thrown away casually. Ruan Shiqing asked 09 to store it properly and explained to the confused little mermaid: "This is the first time you cut your hair. You have to keep it as a souvenir."

The baby's replaced deciduous teeth and hair... are all stagnant time. If you carefully collect them bit by bit and look through them in the future, they will be the traces of growth.

The little fish man nodded heavily and smiled with his eyes curved.

Rong Heng pouted when he saw this.

What's so memorable about this fuzzy fur

In other words, the artificial mermaid is too bald.

If it were him, and he collected all the fur he shed every time, I guess even a warehouse wouldn't be able to hold it all.

whispering sound.


After settling the two cubs down and letting them bask in the sun in the yard, Ruan Shiqing called the Xiong brothers and asked them to help find the necessary parts.

There are many parts needed to modify the shuttle racing car, but most of them are ordinary parts and are easy to find, but it takes some time.

Xiong Yuanyuan glanced at the list and said happily, "We have some spare parts ready-made and will send them to you later. We'll look for the rest at the garbage dump. If we can't find any, we'll buy them at the market."

The two brothers did collect a lot of spare parts. Others were unwilling to accept their things, but Ruan Shiqing was willing. However, Ruan Shiqing's repair shop had not yet opened, and they were worried that Ruan Shiqing would take them but not be able to use them, so they never had the courage to take them out.

Ruan Shiqing did not refuse and agreed frankly.

After receiving the job, the two brothers went to look for parts in high spirits.

Ruan Shiqing asked 09 to look after the cub, and he went to the workshop to think about the overall design of the shuttle racing car.

The operating principle of the shuttle car is very simple, that is, two jet engines and an anti-gravity shuttle are connected by control cables. As long as the engine power is sufficient, the speed of the shuttle car can theoretically be fast enough.

But this is where the difficulty lies.

Jet engines are very old engines, and their power is positively correlated with their size.

The larger the engine, the higher the power, the greater the momentum, and the faster the speed.

But there is a limit to the size of a podracing car, and Luther does not have the star coins to replace it with a better engine.

So he had to find a way to improve the existing engine so that it would have more power while maintaining its current size.

Ruan Shiqing pondered for a while, but couldn't think of a better solution, so he decided to search the Internet for information. His understanding of the technology in this world was still superficial. Now he could only expand his understanding of this world through continuous practice, solving problems when encountered, and comparing the knowledge of this world with what he had learned in the original world.

The intelligent brain transformed into a neural connection helmet. Ruan Shiqing put on the helmet and logged into the holographic network.

This was the first time he logged into the holographic network in an immersive way after purchasing the smart brain.

A steady mezzo-soprano voice sounded in my ears: "Welcome to the holographic world. I am your guide, Noah."

In the holographic space, Ruan Shiqing looked at his new body in the mirror in amazement.

The young man in the mirror had black eyes, red lips, and clear contours. His short hair was slightly curly, thick and black. He looked a little distant when he wasn't smiling, but when he smiled, that distance was instantly broken, and his eyes were filled with tenderness. He was 1.82 meters tall, with a thin waist and long legs, and a cold white complexion. Blue blood vessels could be vaguely seen under his thin muscles.

This is not his current body, but his original body.

In fact, if you look closely at this body now, you will find that the facial features are very similar to his, but because of long-term lack of food and clothing and poor development, he looks thin and haggard.

Since he came here, his life has gradually improved, and his thin and dry body has begun to develop again and become plump.

But I'm not used to looking at my own body.