The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 150: The knot is formed


Darling, have you subscribed before? Dares and the others didn't believe that a mere interstellar pirate could destroy the Hermes.

The Hermes is one of the five main battleships in the Yengeis Region. Captain Asman ranks first among the five captains, not to mention that His Highness is also on the Hermes. Even if all the interstellar pirates unite, they cannot be the opponent of the Hermes.

But if the enemy sent a heavy destroyer fleet, everything would be explained.

"The Security Bureau deliberately concealed this key information." Dares said angrily: "I will file a complaint with the Security Bureau again and ask for a re-verification! More than a hundred heavy destroyers are not something that ordinary people can mobilize! This is a premeditated political murder!"

Rong Heng sneered, but he didn't seem angry: "Dares, after all these years, you still don't have a brain. Even if you appeal a hundred times, the result will still be rejected."

Dares was not convinced: "Your Highness, you are still alive. We have evidence! The Security Bureau has no reason to refute it. And we can't let Asman die in vain! It would be fine if he died on the battlefield, but how ridiculous is it to be ambushed and killed by space pirates?!"

"I saw on the news a few days ago that the Sikkim Daily News has been building momentum for the regent to ascend the throne," Rong Heng said.

Dares frowned when he mentioned this. "It was a proposal from the parliament. Those politicians thought that His Highness died in Baghdad and there was no successor to the royal family, so they couldn't wait to pledge allegiance to the regent. But the regent has refused three times and insisted on sending the royal guards to search for His Highness in the Baghdad area."

He didn't think there was anything wrong with the Regent's actions.

The Regent is your Highness's father. Apart from his subordinates, the only one who truly cares about your Highness's life and death is probably the Regent.

Rong Heng doesn't think so.

He shook his head, ignoring Dares's chatter, and ordered: "Don't spread the news that I'm still alive. Find a trustworthy person to come to this coordinate. I can be of use to you."

After that, he sent the coordinates of star b3024.

Dares took a look and continued to chatter: "B3024 garbage planet? There are probably not even a few people there. What are you doing in a place like that, Your Highness?"

"..." Rong Heng was annoyed and asked Noah to kick him off the Internet. He then read the latest news from the Sikkim Daily for a while before preparing to log off.

Before exiting, he thought of something: "Noah, you will be in charge of this intelligent computer from now on." He hesitated a little, as if he was organizing his words: "Its owner... seems to lack common sense in many aspects and needs proper guidance."

"As you command, Your Highness. But forgive me for being frank, you have never been so concerned about anyone before." Noah used a calm voice to cover up the fact that he was gossiping: "Can I know what is the relationship between him and you?"

We are just strangers who met by chance, not even friends.

Rong Heng thought.

But he never bothered to explain to others, so in response to Noah's question, he just casually said, "You don't need to know."

He is just a passer-by, and he will leave when the person to pick him up arrives.

There will be no more intersection between them.

When Ruan Shiqing woke up, it was already noon the next day.

The warm sunlight shone in from the window, covering the bed with fragmented light and shadows.

Ruan Shiqing rubbed his swollen temples and sat up. His memory was confused for a moment - did he sleep in the living room last night? When did he return to his room

His dizzy head didn't allow him to think well, so he simply put aside the annoying problem and walked barefoot to the living room.

The little mermaid woke up early and was lying by the window basking in the sun. Hearing footsteps, he immediately turned around and greeted Ruan Shiqing happily: "Ah!"

The puppy was lying on the windowsill. When he saw him get up, he sat up slowly.

Ruan Shiqing walked forward, rubbed each of them, and asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

The little mermaid pointed to the empty nutrient tube on the windowsill.

have eaten.

"So good." Ruan Shiqing praised and then went to wash up.

After he left, the little mermaid immediately changed her position, staying far away from Rong Heng, staring at him vigilantly with her blue eyes wide open and her ear fins spread out.

Rong Heng glanced at him and lazily lay back, not taking the artificial mermaid's defensiveness seriously.

The little mermaid relaxed a little upon seeing this, but still stayed in the corner farthest from him, looking alert.

After washing up and having a quick lunch, Ruan Shiqing started his first day of work.

Today is the first day of the new store opening.

He went downstairs, opened the door, hung up a business sign, and then began to organize his materials and tools - when purchasing furniture, he also bought some of the materials and tools he needed.

In just a few days of moving into the new house, he had used his spare time to finish reading the book given to him by the mysterious man, and had a general understanding of the world's technological level.

Now, he is ready to verify his learning results.

—The first experimental subject is the little robot 09.

After searching and comparing on the Internet, Ruan Shiqing confirmed the model of 09 - the fifth-generation PL-3 technology robot produced by Naxi Company, whose performance is superior to the Type 4 life-assisting robot Alex produced by Hornik that he had seen before.

This type of robot is mainly engaged in technical auxiliary work. It is not only equipped with a more comprehensive language system, but also familiar with the structure and performance of various electronic and mechanical products of the Empire so far. It is a military robot produced by Naxi Company and specially supplied to the military.

Although 09 is obviously a scrapped retired robot, Ruan Shiqing still has great expectations for him.

He took the tattered little robot, which was no longer recognizable, down from the storage shelf and placed it solemnly on the workbench.

Then he put on the auxiliary electronic eyes and began to disassemble the small robot.

First the incomplete limbs, then the head loaded with chips.

09 did not turn off the phone. Seeing that he was left with only a head, he finally could not help but speak: "Sir, are you going to dismantle me?"

Although he tried his best to remain calm, his voice still revealed a slight tremor: "Although I look a little shabby, I am familiar with 281 languages. In addition to the interstellar universal language, I can also teach you other languages. You will need me."

The little robot tried hard to promote itself, but after scanning the storage area several times, it found that its storage area was empty. Except for the language system, other functional partitions had long been damaged.

The red light on the display flashed, and he said dejectedly, "Actually, I'm also very good at housework."

This is of course a lie, there is no housekeeping function partition in his system. But if the husband is willing to replace him with a new body, he can learn it again.

The little robot thought sadly.

"Your body is too badly damaged to maintain basic functions," said Ruan Shiqing.

"… "

What the gentleman said was true, and the little robot couldn't refute it.

It seems that today is the last day of my life, 09 thought so.

Robots cannot understand the feeling of the end of life because they are mechanical products.

For a mechanical product, there is no birth, and naturally no death.

They simply learned the word death through a large amount of information input.

But 09 felt that at this moment, he felt the fear and reluctance before death.

He spoke again: "Sir, after you dismantle me, can you bury the remaining, useless body of mine under the vines by the door?"

He recognized that vine, its scientific name was Falling Star. Its flowers were inconspicuous, but its fruits were brilliant golden, and when autumn came, they fell into the soil like stars falling into the Milky Way.

This is how the Falling Star got its name, and its flower language is eternal tranquility.

"I think you can bury it yourself,"

Ruan Shiqing said as he turned off the small robot, carefully removed the outer shell of its head, and took out the core components. He then used new metal materials to imitate the appearance of the PL-3 robot and remade its body.

The robot's body is not easy to make, especially the joints are very complicated.

However, Ruan Shiqing had participated in several robot competitions due to personal interest, so this job was a piece of cake for him. In addition, some of the materials were semi-finished products. However, it only took most of the day to make a basic robot body.

He loaded the 09's core chipset into the new body and rebooted.

The electronic display screen lit up, a stream of data streams flashed by, and the little robot's voice sounded full of excitement and disbelief: "I'm not dead?"

"Robots won't die." Ruan Shiqing reminded him, and then said, "Try to move."

09 Only then did he realize that not only was he not dead, but he also had a new body.

The new body was in human form, about 1.2 meters tall, and made entirely of golden titanium steel. He tried to walk a few steps, but because his joints had not yet been worn in and rounded, he was not particularly flexible.

He muttered happily, "It would be nice to have an oil bath."

This is every robot's favorite activity.

But it doesn’t matter if there is no oil bath. You are lucky to be alive.