The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 16


Noah was very efficient. Three minutes later, Ruan Shiqing, who was still in a daze, heard her say, "You have successfully registered on the Mechanic Forum, and the highest authority has been opened for you. I hope you have fun."

He vaguely felt that something was not right, but there were too many complaints to express accurately.

Before he could react, he was teleported to the entrance of the forum.

Ruan Shiqing looked at the classical European-style tower building in front of him, with a forehead full of question marks.

Are the forum that Noah understands and the forum that he understands the same thing? ? ? ?

Ruan Shiqing looked at this magnificent building. Its outer walls were a hazy and chaotic gray, and its spire was so high that it almost reached the sky.

The guards at the door were not humans, but two silver-grey robots, finely crafted, a model Ruan Shiqing had never seen before. The two guards stood on the left and right, holding halberds, grimly scanning everyone who passed by.

When Ruan Shiqing approached tentatively, they all bowed and said respectfully: "Welcome, Your Excellency."

"… "

The specifications of this forum seemed a bit high. At least it was not the kind of online forum for peer communication that he wanted in the beginning.

Taking a deep breath, Ruan Shiqing temporarily suppressed the doubts in his mind and walked in under the gaze of the two robots.

As soon as he entered the door, his body changed. Countless gray light spots surrounded him and condensed into a gray robe, wrapping him from head to toe.

Ruan Shiqing paused and looked around. After vaguely seeing several figures wearing grey robes inside the tower, he let out a sigh of relief and continued walking inside.

When you enter, the first thing you notice is the huge statue in front of you. It is a beautiful woman wearing a gray robe and a hood, with her beautiful face half hidden in the shadows, holding an open book in her hands.

Around the statue were countless spiral bookshelves arranged in a strange array, stretching all the way to the top of the tower, with no end in sight.

Groups of people wearing gray robes like him were either stopping in front of the bookshelves or chatting in the lounge area. It did look like some kind of communication salon for niche enthusiasts.

Ruan Shiqing was about to look at the books on the bookshelf when someone tapped him on the shoulder: "Are you new here?"

Looking back, I saw a blond-haired, blue-eyed young man, probably around 25 years old, with a very enthusiastic smile.

This question is difficult to answer.

Ruan Shiqing could only smile back, neither nodding nor shaking his head.

Fortunately, the young man was talkative, and his indifference did not dampen his enthusiasm: "My name is Dai Si, and I just arrived in Metis, just ten minutes ahead of you."

"My name is... Ruan Qing." Ruan Shiqing hesitated for a moment, but still used a pseudonym.

Thinking of what Noah said when he was sent here, "cracking the encryption" and "selecting an identity", he subconsciously felt a little guilty.

After exchanging names, Days became noticeably more enthusiastic.

He looked around and whispered to Ruan Shiqing, "Although I knew there were many freaks in Metis before I came here, these people are too indifferent. I greeted them all around, but no one paid any attention to me."

He looked like he was hit hard, and he held Ruan Shiqing's hand tightly: "Luckily I met you."

Ruan Shiqing: …

Well, as long as you are happy.

Des is a qualified guide.

Although he was just a newcomer, he obviously knew more about this place. With his introduction, Ruan Shiqing learned that this magnificent building was called Metis Tower.

The statue at the entrance is the goddess Metis, who is the first goddess of wisdom in ancient mythology. Metista got its name from her.

Metista is the headquarters of the Mechanical Association. Every two years, an academic exchange forum for mechanical engineers is held here. Top mechanical engineers from various planets gather here to exchange ideas and learn from each other. It is the most advanced and most sought-after forum in the mechanical industry.

Moreover, Metis Tower is not a place that ordinary people can enter casually. It is the holy tower in the hearts of all mechanics and prospective mechanics. Only after passing the certification of the Mechanics Association and obtaining the mechanic qualification certificate can one step into the door of Metis Tower and receive the gift of the goddess of wisdom - the robe of wisdom.

Of course, the real Metista was built on the capital planet Sikkim, and the one in front of us is a holographic building built by the Mechanics Association based on the real Metista, which is used for mechanics in the holographic network to communicate and exchange ideas.

“…” OK.

Ruan Shiqing was shocked and speechless.

I even suspected that Noah had used some unfair means to get him in here.

But the old saying comes true...

Under Dais's guidance, he learned how to access the database in the tower.

That’s right, those bookshelves in the hall that spiral upward with no end in sight are just window decorations, arranged in this way only to show that the Machinists Association has a long history and is wealthy.

In fact, as long as a mechanic has a professional qualification certificate, he can connect to the internal network of Metis and freely access a lot of professional information that is not available outside. Except for some freaks, few people would go to Metis specifically to read books.

Of course, there are also restrictions on access to information, and the permissions are divided according to the mechanic's certification level.

The higher the level, the higher the authority.

"Mechanic apprentices like us who have just passed the assessment can only look up information in the primary gray database." Dais demonstrated it to him.

Ruan Shiqing imitated him and tapped on the virtual screen. When his finger accidentally passed over the highest-level golden database, the interface suddenly jumped and a dazzling array of manuscript design drawings appeared before his eyes:

"Design Manuscript of the "Scavenger" Destroyer", "Design Sketch of the Decanon Photon Cannon", "Research on the Pros and Cons of Ion Rings"...

What is all this

Ruan Shiqing was full of doubts and was about to turn around to ask Dai Si, but he found that his lips were trembling and his eyes were almost popping out from staring at the virtual screen.


This is the "Golden Hall" that only mechanical masters have the right to view! It contains the design sketches and manuscripts of many mechanical masters throughout the ages!!!

How many mechanics may never see this in their lifetime!

He was lucky enough to see it!!!

He suddenly grabbed Ruan Shiqing's hand and said in a trembling voice: "It turned out to be you, Boss. I was careless." Then he felt something was wrong: "Boss, how come you have never been to Metis?" He looked at the gray robe on him and became even more confused: "Why are you still wearing a gray robe?"

The robes of mechanics are also very particular, with clear levels from color to badges. For example, only mechanic apprentices will wear gray robes, because this is a gift from the goddess of wisdom, implying that the light of the goddess of wisdom shines on everyone. After the level is upgraded, the association will issue new robes and badges.

Level 1 to level 3 mechanics all wear brown robes, only the number of leaves on the "Wisdom Leaf" badge is different.

A mechanical master like Ruan Qing would usually wear a white robe and a "Tree of Wisdom" badge.

"… "

The grey robe is what you bring with you when you enter the door. If you ask me, who should I ask

Ruan Shiqing was thinking about how to fool him, but Dai Si had already thought of an excuse: "It must be because you are usually immersed in academic research that you can't spare time to come to Metis. You are the legendary sweeping monk, right? The bigger you are, the less you care about these external things."

Maybe the planet where the boss is located is very far away from Sikkim, so he can only see this holy tower on the holographic network.

He nodded to himself: "Yes, you have become a mechanical master at such a young age, how can you have so much free time like me?"

"… "

The reasons he made up were impeccable, and Ruan Shiqing couldn't explain them even if he had a lot of words. He could only remain expressionless and unfathomable.

Dai Si continued: "Meeting is fate. Boss, if I encounter a problem in the future, can I ask you for help?" Fearing that Ruan Shiqing would refuse, he quickly assured: "Don't worry, I will never disturb your study or work. When you are free and in a good mood, just talk to me. It's my honor!"

“…” What else could Ruan Shiqing say? He could only keep smiling.

Finally, at Dais's strong request, he added her as a friend. After Ruan Shiqing responded with a few random words, he made an excuse that he had something to do and hurried back to the original space.

"Sir, are you enjoying the communication in the Mechanic Forum?" Noah's brisk voice came.

She obviously had not yet realized that there was a deviation between her and Ruan Shiqing's understanding of "forum".

Ruan Shiqing felt that something was wrong with this AI. He considered his words and asked tentatively, "I just went to Metis Tower, right? You can't just go there casually."

"Of course!" Noah said, "It took me a lot of effort to hack-" in.

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly stopped and changed the subject abruptly: "It's good to be able to help you, sir. The Mechanic Forum is the most popular forum in the Empire!"

His Highness didn't seem to have revealed his identity, so she should just act a little more ordinary.

"… "

Ruan Shiqing wasn't sure what this AI was about, but was afraid that asking too many questions would irritate her and be disadvantageous to him. He could only temporarily stop the topic and prepare to log off before planning for the next step.

Without asking any more questions, Ruan Shiqing said goodbye and logged off.

After taking off the helmet and turning it back into an intelligent computer, Ruan Shiqing pondered for a while and prepared to wait for Xiong Fangfang and the others to come before asking about the AI.

In the era of artificial intelligence, AI is not uncommon. But it is not normal for someone like Noah to be able to hack into the Machinists Association so easily.

Moreover, before each AI is designed, restrictions will be set in the core program, making it very clear what can and cannot be done.

But this AI... seems to have a very high degree of freedom.

The shock he received today was too great, so Ruan Shiqing decided to read some books to calm down.

When choosing books, I couldn't help but think of the database that Dai Si opened.

The books in the database were exactly what he needed at the moment, and many of them he had never seen when he searched for them online.

Ruan Shiqing felt itchy and couldn't bear it.

After hesitating for a while, he couldn't help but follow the method taught by Dais and connected to the internal database of Metis.

He just borrowed a few books, he would never do anything else.