The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 20


After a night's rest, Ruan Shiqing got up early the next morning and went to clean the small pool with 09.

When he went downstairs, he deliberately turned to the kitchen to take a look. The kitchen window was not closed all night, but the nutrient supplements he had placed on the windowsill had not been moved.

It seems that the little fox did not show up last night.

Or maybe he was just dazzled and it wasn't a little fox at all.

Ruan Shiqing shook his head, changed into work clothes, took the tools, and went to clean the small pool with 09.

The small pool in the yard was built by 09 alone. It was circular, with a diameter of five meters and a depth of three meters, occupying one-fifth of the entire yard. The falling star vines hung down from the second floor, just covering the top of the pool, with only a little light leaking through the branches and leaves.

This is a playground specially built for the little mermaid.

The two of them worked together to flush and disinfect the pool three times. Ruan Shiqing then installed water pipes and filtering devices into the pool. After the pool was filled with water, Ruan Shiqing went upstairs and brought down the long-awaited little mermaid from the second floor.

The little mermaid brought two little ducks with her. She held the little ducks tightly in her hands and looked at the pond with sparkling eyes.

"Try it and see if you like it." Ruan Shiqing carried him to the edge of the pool.

Half of the small pool is embedded in the ground, and the other half is above the ground. The height above the ground is only a little over one meter, which allows him to communicate with Ruan Shiqing or other people in the family at any time while playing in the sun in the yard.

The little mermaid looked back at Ruan Shiqing, and after getting his confirmation, she jumped into the pool.

The water surface stirred up a splash, ripples spread out, in the clear water, the little mermaid swayed his long tail, rolling and swimming in the water wantonly. His posture was extremely elegant, and the light reflected in the water concealed the uneven old wounds on his tail that had not yet fully healed, making him look like a real mermaid glowing in the water.

Two rubber ducks teeter on the agitated water.

The little mermaid rushed to the surface from the bottom of the water. Her sapphire eyes were washed by the water, becoming more crystal clear. When she looked at Ruan Shiqing, her eyes were full of joy.

He picked up the duckling and uttered "ah" three times in a row to express his love for the new pool.

"As long as you like it." Ruan Shiqing pointed to the small shelf beside the sink and said, "This is also yours. You can put the things you like on it."

A large bath towel, nutrients, medicines, and some small gadgets to relieve boredom have already been placed on the small mushroom-shaped storage rack.

The little mermaid was extremely happy. He leaned out of the pool and hugged Ruan Shiqing tightly, nodding his head against his chest and shouting “ah”.

If his vocal cords returned to normal, Ruan Shiqing would be able to hear that the little mermaid was actually calling "papa".

"Papa" means father in the language of the mermaids.

Although he didn't understand what the little mermaid said, it didn't prevent Ruan Shiqing from feeling the little mermaid's happiness. He put the little mermaid back into the pool and pointed at 09: "If you need anything else, just ask 09 to get it for you."

The little mermaid clung to the edge of the pool and nodded obediently, then looked at 09, exclaimed "ah" twice, and revealed a brilliant smile.

This time he said "thank you".

09 was also very happy that his work was loved by the little mermaid. An unprecedented emotion was stirring in his chip. He turned around twice happily and rushed into the house.

He needed to do something else to cool down the chip that was starting to heat up.

Ruan Shiqing smiled and shook his head, then suddenly remembered that he seemed not to have seen the puppy since he got up, and his eyes could not help but darting around, looking for the cub.

After searching the house for a long time without finding it, he looked up by chance and saw a furry little head on the windowsill on the second floor, looking down at him.

Ruan Shiqing waved at him: "Snowball, come down and play."

Rong Heng sneered. The yard was dirty due to the splashing water from the artificial mermaid, so he refused to go down.

He turned his head away and ignored Ruan Shiqing.

If the mountain doesn't come to me, I will go to the mountain.

Ruan Shiqing went upstairs, picked up the puppy, rubbed him for a while, and then carried him downstairs.

When he passed by the workshop, he suddenly remembered the metal ball that was taken away by the puppy, so he pinched the puppy's armpits and lifted him up and shook him: "Where is the ball I gave you to play with yesterday?"

“…” Rong Heng looked at him.

Not telling you.

When Ruan Shiqing saw the puppy looking at him with a pair of wet eyes wide open and innocently, he knew that he would not get anything out of him by asking, as the kid must have lost the ball.

He held the kid in his arms again and couldn't help pulling his furry ears: "You are really good at playing dumb now."

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is unhappy.

I'm doing this for your own good, what do you know

The material of the metal ball was very special, and Ruan Shiqing was going to study it. However, he was about to go out to do some work, so he was not in a hurry to find it. Anyway, the kid had never been out of the house, and the metal ball was probably thrown in a corner of the house. It would not be too late to find it after he finished his work and came back.

After instructing 09 to take good care of the kids, Ruan Shiqing and the Xiong brothers drove out in their racing car.

—Today they are going to the depths of the junkyard to test the performance of their modified shuttle racing car.

Nota, who was hiding in the dark, saw him leave the door, then he sneaked towards the kitchen with the newly found radiator.

This is a thank you gift for the previous four tubes of nutrients.

The radiator was almost half her height, and she finally dragged it to the kitchen window sill with great effort. She stood on tiptoe to lift the radiator and put it on the windowsill. When she was about to leave, she noticed three tubes of nutrient solution on the windowsill.

Nota was not planning to patronize this household, so after seeing the nutritional supplements, he just licked his lips quietly and did not take them.

But the words on the nutrient tube caught her attention—she could recognize some simple words.

On the nutrient tube was written "This is a thank you gift".

Nota climbed up by grabbing the edge of the windowsill, squatted on the windowsill and stared blankly at the three tubes of nutrients, thinking uncertainly: Is this for me

Is this a thank you gift for the parts you sent yesterday

The tail was wagging slightly, and a feeling of excitement was bubbling up from the bottom of his heart.

Nota hesitated for a moment, held the nutrient in his arms, jumped off the windowsill, hid among the vines, looked at the house that looked particularly warm from afar, and smiled happily.

The owner here is indeed a very gentle person.

Ruan Shiqing and the Xiong brothers drove a racing car to the depths of the garbage dump.

The garbage dump is large enough, with various metal garbage piled up into small hills and towers, so it is hard to fly at high speeds. This is one of the venues for the annual high-speed shuttle race.

A batch of transport ships just came today, and deep in the garbage dump, many people were looking for valuable items.

When Ruan Shiqing and his party drove over in the shuttle racing car, they attracted a lot of people who gathered around to watch curiously.

When he saw the old appearance of the shuttle racing car, he couldn't help but boo: "Your shuttle racing car is too old. It will fall apart after running one lap on the track, right?"

"Yeah, not everyone can participate in the shuttle race."

"The person in the driver's seat is an ancient human, right? Could it be that the ancient human also wants to participate in the shuttle car race?"

Ruan Shiqing turned a deaf ear to the rumors around him. After making some adjustments, he signaled the Xiong brothers to get out of the car and wait.

The Xiong brothers were strong and looked very intimidating. They waved their fists at the crowd watching the excitement, which drove away many timid people.

But some brave ones still stayed and watched from afar.

Ruan Shiqing put on goggles and moved all the joysticks up. In the fuel chamber, the fuel igniters ignited at the same time, and the two engines roared. The next second, the shuttle racing car rolled up a gust of wind and disappeared on the spot.

The speed increased so suddenly that no one could react.

By the time they came to their senses, the shuttle racing car had disappeared and only the roar of the engine could be vaguely heard.

The crowd watching suddenly became agitated: "This speed is too fast. Can this type of shuttle racing car go so fast?"

"I've seen this racing car. Is it a second-hand racing car that Luther bought? It was said that it broke down right after he bought it, and he was looking for someone to repair it..."

"If the race was this fast, maybe we could make it into the top ten?"

Amid the chaotic discussions, a male Bis with wolf ears sneered: "What's the use of being fast? Shuttle racing is not all about speed, and the person in the driver's seat is an ancient human. If he drives out, he will crash. No matter how fast you are, it will be useless."

Before he could finish his words, they were drowned out by a loud roar.

The shuttle racing car with old-fashioned shape and dilapidated shell returned from afar, carrying the wind and thunder, and with a fierce momentum.

Ruan Shiqing pushed open the hatch, jumped out of the car, looked around at the different expressions of the people around him, and said to the stunned Xiong brothers: "You two go for a test drive. If there is no problem, we can go back."

Xiong Yuanyuan responded loudly and pushed Xiong Fangfang into the car.

The shuttle racer sped away once again. The wind blew the hair on Ruan Shiqing's forehead slightly messy, and the exposed eyebrows made him look a little more sharp than usual.

Although he still looked like a thin and immature boy, no one dared to look down on him anymore.

The Bis man who had spoken so arrogantly earlier blushed and hid behind the crowd.

But some people were curious about Ruan Shiqing and came up to ask, "Are you also going to participate in this year's competition?"

"Did you buy this car from Luther? Which repair shop had it repaired?"

"Are you an ancient human? I have never seen an ancient human as powerful as you."

"… "

Ruan Shiqing was surrounded in the middle, but he did not put on a cold face because of the previous discussions. He picked out some of the most frequently asked questions and gave answers.

"I'm not going to participate."

"The car belongs to Luther, I just modified it for him."

"It's an ancient human, but I can't say I'm that powerful."

Before the question was answered, Xiong Yuanyuan and Xiong Fangfang had already finished a lap and returned to their original places.

Xiong Fangfang jumped out of the car, protecting Ruan Shiqing behind him, letting him get in first. He then blocked the car door, no longer looking fierce, but smiling honestly as he advertised: "He is the owner of the newly opened repair shop next to the underground market. This racing car was modified by him personally, and its performance is obvious to all. If you are interested, you can come to the shop more often in the future."

After saying this, he dispersed the crowd, got in the car, and drove away.

The crowd that stayed there was talking about it, while the wolf-eared man quietly withdrew from the crowd.

Suddenly a strong enemy appears and he has to inform the boss.