The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 25


The little fox was covered in scars, with solidified black and red blood clots stuck to its fur. It was completely different from the little fox that looked like a burning flame at the auction before.

She lay unconscious on the ground, looking miserable, as if a fire was about to burn out.

Ruan Shiqing held her in his arms, asked 09 to prepare emergency medicines, and strode into the house.

Suddenly, I kicked a white tubular object under my feet.

It is long and strip-shaped and covered with dust.

Ruan Shiqing picked up the phone and was speechless after seeing it clearly.

Although the handwriting on it was blurred, he was able to determine from the remaining handwriting that this nutrient was one of the ones he placed on the windowsill.

The little fox has kept it until now and hasn't eaten it.

Ruan Shiqing couldn't describe the feeling in his heart.

He handed the nutrient solution to 09 and carried the little fox upstairs.

"Noah, help me connect to Dr. Hook's video." The little fox's identity was sensitive, so he didn't dare to send her to the hospital in the inner city for treatment. He could only ask for help from Dr. Hook, who had once visited the little mermaid to treat her.

The doctor's virtual image appeared in the room. Ruan Shiqing first asked 09 to clean the little fox, while he described the little fox's condition to the doctor and asked how to perform first aid.

"There are no fatal injuries on the body, but he is unconscious and his vital signs are weakening... There are many possible causes for this situation." Dr. Hook said, "Without precise instruments, it is difficult for me to confirm the cause."

Ruan Shiqing frowned in embarrassment and said hesitantly: "Her identity is not convenient..."

Dr. Hook immediately understood his concerns.

This situation is not unique on this planet.

The legal system of planet b3024 is backward, and the outer city is a place where good and bad people mix together. Many criminals who have committed crimes in the empire specifically choose such neglected and remote garbage planets to hide.

If such people get injured, most of them dare not go to the hospital in the inner city.

"Then we can only try the treatment cabin." Doctor Hook said: "The treatment cabin can heal most injuries, but the price is not cheap."

"The cheapest old-model treatment cabin on the market costs 500,000 star coins."

Except for a few difficult and complicated diseases, most of the pain and trauma treatment cabins can be cured. Compared with traditional medicine and surgical treatment, the treatment cabin is much more efficient.

However, the purchase price of the treatment cabin is very expensive. Except for large hospitals and some wealthy people, few people can afford it.

And although the hospital also provides treatment cabin services, the purchase price is high, and the price for a single use ranges from 5,000 to 50,000 star coins.

This is a very expensive treatment option and few people choose it.

Five hundred thousand star coins.

This is an unattainable number for Ruan Shiqing at present.

Although the engine had been sold for 450,000, the expenses during this period were even greater. In addition, he had spent a large amount of star coins on materials for making explosive guns and protection systems some time ago. Now, after calculating all the expenses, he only had 100,000 star coins left.

Equivalent to one-fifth of a treatment cabin.

After cutting off the communication, he glanced at the unconscious little fox. After hesitating for a while, he took his explosives, called the Xiong brothers, and went to the inner city.

Ruan Shiqing went to the counter where he bought the smart brain last time.

This counter is the largest in the entire mall, and it is opened by the agent of Naxi Company. If you want to buy a treatment cabin, this counter is the only one that has it.

Ruan Shiqing entered the store and was greeted by a familiar face.

Gu Feng looked surprised: "Mr. Ruan?"

He welcomed the person in and asked: "What do you want to buy this time?"

The ancient human shopping guide that Ruan Shiqing met when he bought the intelligent brain was Gu Feng.

But now Gu Feng is renewed from the inside out. He is no longer suppressed like before and is under the pressure of being fired and unemployed at any time. He is full of energy and vitality.

Ruan Shiqing noticed that the work badge on his chest read “Store Manager”.

"You got a promotion? Congratulations."

Gu Feng was a little embarrassed. "It was only thanks to Mr. Ruan that I was not fired. Later, I was lucky enough to negotiate a big order, so I was promoted to store manager as an exception."

Ruan Shiqing did not take credit for it. He believed that Gu Feng's success in staying here was due to his own abilities.

"I want to buy a treatment cabin. Is it in stock?"

"Treatment cabin?" Gu Feng was slightly surprised. Then he hesitated and said, "There is one, but it is a very old model and has been exhibited as a sample. You know, few people on planet B3024 can afford a treatment cabin."

Hearing him say that he had the goods, Ruan Shiqing breathed a sigh of relief and asked about the price.

"This is the earliest type 1 blue light therapy cabin produced by Naxi Company. The original price was 600,000 star coins, but it has been on display for a long time and is a bit old. If you need it, I can apply for a preferential price. The final price is about 450,000."

"Four hundred and fifty thousand..." Ruan Shiqing asked, "Can I get a loan or mortgage?"

He told the truth: "I'm in urgent need of a treatment cabin, but I only have 100,000 star coins in cash. In addition, I have a two-story building in the outer city and a set of explosives to mortgage."

Ruan Shiqing took out the explosive gun.

Gu Feng looked at this strange weapon with a dazed expression: "The repair shop that was rumored in the outer city before, is it you who opened it?"

He thought for a while and said, "Please wait a moment. I can try to negotiate with the higher-ups."

Recently, a repair shop called "Ruan" in the outer city has become quite popular.

First, the modified shuttle racing car "Gaia" stood out in the preliminary round of the shuttle racing, which was a surprise; then a new type of firearm was manufactured, which was amazingly powerful... Not only the outer city, but even the inner city had heard of it. It was said that many people were very interested in this ancient human repairman.

Ruan Shiqing's value is immeasurable.

The person above had the same method as him, and Gu Feng only took ten minutes to convince the other party.

It was agreed that Ruan Shiqing would first pay 100,000 star coins, and use the houses and explosives in the outer city as collateral. If the remaining 350,000 were repaid within one month, the money would be returned to the original owner.

But if the debt cannot be repaid, the house and the explosives will be repossessed as collateral.

The condition is a bit harsh: the debt of 350,000 yuan must be paid off within one month, or the house and explosives will be taken back.

Gu Feng said apologetically: "This is the longest time I have ever fought for."

"That's enough." He was confident that he could earn back the money in a month.

Ruan Shiqing transferred the star coins and said, "I just need to bring the treatment cabin with me now."

Gu Feng immediately ordered people to carry the treatment cabin out of the warehouse and hand it over to the Xiong brothers.

After expressing his gratitude, Ruan Shiqing rushed back home with the treatment cabin.

At home, 09 was monitoring the little fox's vital signs.

Her heartbeat had almost stopped and her breathing was barely detectable. If she didn't receive treatment, she might be pronounced dead in the next moment.

Ruan Shiqing rushed back with the treatment cabin, picked up the little fox and put it inside.

The transparent door of the treatment cabin closed, a blue light came on, and a lot of data flashed across the display screen.

09 stared at the data and said happily: "The wound is starting to heal, and the heartbeat is starting to recover."

The little fox had a lot of external injuries, but they were all superficial and not fatal. However, it was unconscious for some unknown reason and its vital signs began to gradually fade.

Ruan Shiqing was relieved when he heard the report from 09: "It's good that it works."

The whole family stood by the treatment cabin nervously, paying close attention to the little fox's condition. Only the little dragon cub was short, and after jumping around for a long time, he still couldn't see anything, so he simply climbed to the top of 09's head and leaned over to look: "Is this the newborn's sister?"

He still remembered what Ruan Shiqing said, "First come, first served."

The little fox is born later, so he has to be the older brother!

The little dragon cub was secretly delighted that he had leveled up, and asked eagerly, "When will my sister wake up?"

He can't wait to be a big brother!

"It won't be long." Ruan Shiqing took him off 09's head and touched his little head: "Let her have a good rest for a while, maybe she will wake up tomorrow."

Nota stayed in the treatment cabin for three days.

During these three days, all her external injuries have healed and all her data indicators have returned to normal, but she has never regained consciousness.

Ruan Shiqing had to seek help from Dr. Hook again, but the response he got was not optimistic.

The doctor advised him to observe for a few more days.

If there is no sign of awakening after more than seven days, it is very likely that the brain, nerves or sperm are damaged. With the current medical level of B3024, it is impossible to treat such a delicate and complex disease, and we must go to a planet with a higher level of medical care.

Ruan Shiqing felt heavy in his heart, but he did not give up.

He wiped the tube of nutrient solution with blurred writing on it, placed it in the little fox's palm, and whispered, "Don't give up."

Because the little fox had not woken up, the atmosphere at home became a little heavy. The little mermaid and the little dragon no longer liked to play in the pool in the yard. The two cubs often leaned on the edge of the bucket and stared at the little fox in the treatment cabin.

The little dragon cub squeezed the rubber duck and muttered, "I still want to be a big brother."

Rong Heng, who was standing by, saw all of this.

He waited until Ruan Shiqing went downstairs to work and the two kids had taken a nap before he approached the treatment cabin.

The cub's body was too small to reach the treatment cabin. But now that the room was equipped with a protection system, it was inconvenient for him to change back to human form. After a lot of effort, he finally opened the treatment cabin.

Jumping onto the treatment cabin, Rong Heng approached the nine-tailed fox cub, sniffed it gently, then put his hand against her forehead to feel her physical condition.

Pretty much as he guessed.

The day he picked up the little fox, he smelled several different smells of blood on it.

Everyone else thought that the blood belonged to the nine-tailed fox cub, but he was sensitive and noticed that there was someone else's blood on her body.

She must have experienced a fight and was the winner.

The Nine-Tailed Fox Clan is good at illusions and can confuse people's minds. Compared to the fighting methods of Ymir and the dragon clan, their fighting style relies more on precision and strength.

However, precise research is still in its infancy, and even the Nine-tailed Fox tribe itself has not fully figured it out.

What is known so far is that the nine-tailed fox clan with pure bloodline cannot use illusions since birth. The purer the bloodline, the stronger the power.

Therefore, in recent years, in order to ensure the strength of the race, the Nine-tailed Fox Clan has been very reluctant to intermarry with other races.

But in fact, there are exceptions to everything. Over the years, the Nine-tailed Fox Clan has produced some very powerful hybrids.

However, over the past thousand years, the pure-bloods have completely controlled the Nine-tailed Fox Clan's right to speak, and in order to maintain the status and interests of the pure-bloods, no one is willing to change this status quo.

Rong Heng always felt that this was a foolish act that would lead to his own destruction.

For example, this mixed-blood cub has never received any guidance or education, but has lived in the chaotic B3024 for so long, and has learned the illusion of the nine-tailed fox tribe without a teacher. Although the illusion almost drained her energy and made her sleep, if she can survive this test, she will never be inferior to any pure-blood when she grows up.

Not accepting this cub was a loss for the Nine-tailed Fox Clan.

Rong Heng always admired people with strong personalities, even if the one in front of him was just a cub.

He lowered his head slightly and touched his forehead with the nine-tailed fox cub.

In that case, I'll save you again.

The vigorous life was continuously transmitted through the touching foreheads.

This is one of the innate skills of the Ymir people.

Most people only know that Ymir has great strength and is an invincible warrior, but they don't know that Ymir is also good at healing. It's just that this kind of healing method comes at the cost of Ymir's own life.

It's like a water bucket. They can give the water in the bucket to others, but every time they share a little, their own water will decrease a little.

After the number of Ymir gradually decreased, this secret was buried in the dust of time, and almost no one knew about it except themselves.

The treatment took five minutes to complete. Rong Heng glanced at the cub and jumped out of the treatment cabin.

As soon as I stood firm, I met a pair of big yellow eyes.

"What are you doing?" The little dragon stared at him curiously.

Rong Heng glanced at him, didn't answer, walked around him and went straight to the bedroom.

Having wasted his life, he was now a little tired and needed to catch up on some sleep.

The little dragon cub followed him relentlessly: "How did you jump up there? Is your sister awake?"

Newborn babies always have lots of strange questions and are incredibly clever.

Rong Heng was annoyed by his noise, and angrily bit the back of the little dragon's neck, dragged him out of the bedroom, and quickly closed the bedroom door before he could react.

The source of the noise was finally isolated. His Highness was very satisfied. He jumped onto the bed, curled up on the pillow and fell asleep.

Only the little dragon cub who was ruthlessly kicked out was still indignant. He struggled to crawl to the side of the barrel with his short legs and complained to the little mermaid: "Brother has a bad temper! I want to tell Dad!"

The little mermaid, who knew everything but could not speak, touched his head and invited him to come into the bucket and practice the technique of freezing water with her.

The little dragon spread its wings, floated on its back on the water, yawned lazily, and spit out a small flame.

He doesn't want to practice.

The repair shop's business was obviously getting better. It was already eight o'clock in the evening when Ruan Shiqing saw off the last customer.

After closing the sign indicating that business was suspended, Ruan Shiqing closed the door and went upstairs to take a shower and change clothes.

09 habitually checked the various data in the treatment cabin. As he was looking, he suddenly screamed: "Sir! Sir! She's awake!"

"Awake?" Ruan Shiqing strode out of the bedroom, opened the door of the treatment cabin, and saw that the little fox's eyelashes were blinking constantly, struggling to wake up.

Everyone gathered around the treatment cabin nervously, waiting for the little fox to wake up.

Nota felt as if he had just gone through a long journey, his body was sore and his head was dizzy.

I opened my eyes blearily and saw a face that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

She blinked, not sure if she was dreaming, but she still lowered her eyes guiltily and apologized in a low voice: "I'm sorry."

Sorry for breaking your eggs.

Ruan Shiqing immediately understood what she was talking about.

He picked up the little dragon and placed it on the edge of the treatment chamber: "Thanks to you for breaking the egg, Heli was able to come out of the egg."

The little dragon cub looked at her in bewilderment, his nose twitched, and he said in surprise: "I have smelled your scent."

He immediately started dancing with joy, lying on the side and muttering, "Although you hatched earlier than me, in our family we believe in first come first served, so you have to call me brother."

The little dragon cub always firmly believed that all the cubs in the family came out of eggs, but he and I came from the same egg.

Nota looked at him blankly, at a loss as to what to do.

If this is a dream, then it is a beautiful dream.

She seemed to be torn into two people, one of whom was bubbling with joy in her heart; the other was full of disbelief, repeatedly asking, was all this true

The little dragon cub was very dissatisfied with her lack of cooperation, and immediately pulled the little mermaid next to him to seek an alliance: "Look, we are all brothers, hurry up and call me brother."

He held his head high, looking like a big brother.

Nota pursed his lips and called out softly, "Brother."

The little dragon cub was very satisfied and generously gave her his rubber duck: "This is my favorite toy."

On the day he was born, Ruan Yuebai gave him the duckling. Now he gave the duckling to Nota, who had just been born, as if completing some very solemn ceremony.

The little dragon cub's tail was lifted up with joy.

The little mermaid watched from the side, thought for a while, clenched her fists, and stretched them in front of Nota, motioning her to stretch out her hand.

Harry gave away the duckling, and he never gave away the same one again.

Nota hesitantly held out his hand, palm up.

The little mermaid smiled shyly, opened her five fingers, and crystal clear little stars fell from her palm. Nota opened his eyes wide in surprise, staring at the stars in his palm.

When she was wandering alone, she often looked at the stars at night.

Those stars were so bright and shining, but they were separated from her by the entire galaxy, so they were out of reach.

But now, she held two stars.

The little fox lowered his eyes and couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

She had never been happier.

Rong Heng, who was awakened, came out of the bedroom and saw this scene. He fixed his eyes on the little mermaid for a moment, then looked away as if nothing had happened.

whispering sound.

These cubs, one or two at a time, are a real worry.

His Highness was very unhappy, and he came up with a solution to solve the identity problem of these cubs.

In the short term, maybe everything will be fine, but in the long term, there is no guarantee that it will not be coveted by others and cause chaos.

It’s better to solve it as soon as possible.


The little fox stayed.

Her external injuries have been completely healed in the treatment cabin, without even a scar left.

It was just that because of her special status, she only stayed on the second floor during the day, and would only stroll around the courtyard after closing time.

The two little kids took good care of her. Fearing that she would be bored alone, they took the initiative to stay on the second floor to play.

Ruan Shiqing began to think about how to convert the existing technology into star coins as quickly as possible and pay off his debts quickly.

The easiest way is to make more explosive guns and sell them publicly. But although explosive guns are powerful, if they are really sold, the price is not outrageous. At most 5,000 star coins each, otherwise the price is too high and not many people can afford it.

But as a result, the collection period was extended, and he only had less than a month left.

To pay the 350,000 yuan debt, he had to sell at least 70 explosive guns, regardless of the cost. And with only one person, even if he worked day and night, he might not be able to make it in time.

It is impossible to make a lot of money from gun sales with just one person's output.

Ruan Shiqing thought that maybe he should find someone to cooperate with. If he had a professional production line to produce the products and then shipped them to other planets for sale, the profits would be immeasurable.

But who to look for is a question worth discussing.

When he was having trouble choosing a partner, Shen Wuzhuo, whom he had met once, came to him.

This time, Shen Wuzhuo brought Marin's invitation.

"Invite me to the party?" Ruan Shiqing raised his eyebrows as he flipped through the gold-embossed invitation.

He and Ma Lin had no connection before, so he was suddenly invited to the banquet, probably for some purpose.

Shen Wuzhuo said frankly: "Marin knows you, and he is very interested in the explosive gun you made."

As it happened that he was also an ancient human, he was sent as a messenger.

It's really a good idea to be sleepy and someone will send you a pillow. Ruan Shiqing thought for a moment and then accepted the invitation: "I will attend on time."

The mission was completed, Shen Wuzhuo did not stay long, drank a cup of tea and left.

However, Ruan Shiqing fell into deep thought over the invitation.

Marin set up a Hongmen Banquet. Although he chose to attend the banquet, he was not unprepared.

Only if you have chips in your hand are you qualified to negotiate with the dealer.

The weight of the explosive gun was obviously far from enough.

Ruan Shiqing pondered for a long time, then called 09 over...

Two days later, Ruan Shiqing attended the banquet as scheduled.

He changed into a formal suit and smeared all the loose hair on his forehead with hairspray, revealing his full and smooth forehead and sharp eyebrows.

After this period of recuperation, his body grew several centimeters taller and his height was gradually approaching his original height.

The sallowness caused by malnutrition disappears, and the skin shines with a healthy luster.

At first glance, Ruan Shiqing is now a handsome young man.

Only the slightly rounded lines on his face reveal a bit of youthfulness.

Ruan Shiqing had no means of transportation, so Ma Lin specially arranged for Shen Wuzhuo to pick him up.

He didn't act pretentiously and got into the car with the 09 tank.

Because he was going to attend the banquet, the little robot 09 also put on a formal suit. This was the first time he attended a banquet in his life, and 09 was actually a little nervous.

But he didn't want to embarrass his master, so he imitated Ruan Shiqing and sat upright.

Shen Wuzhuo glanced at him from the side and said, "This robot of yours seems to be smarter than many robots."

Ruan Shiqing said: "09 has always been very powerful."

There was no conversation after that.

The speeder was very fast and arrived at the banquet venue ten minutes later.

In the backward and poor outer city, this banquet that displayed splendor and luxury everywhere seemed so out of place.

The waiters on both sides bent down and welcomed Ruan Shiqing in unison.

"I've only accompanied you here." Shen Wuzhuo whispered.

Ruan Shiqing waved at him and took 09 into the banquet hall.