The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 26


Ruan Shiqing went to the banquet, so the kids were naturally left at home.

The three little cubs had no idea of the danger of this trip and were happily playing in the yard during closing time.

The little mermaid and the little dragon were soaking in the pool, and were trying hard to invite Nota to come down and play with them.

Nota changed back into his animal form, lying on a lounge chair beside the pool, combing his fur carefully, and coldly rejected the little dragon's invitation.

Although the external injuries were healed by the treatment cabin, there are some injuries that cannot be cured by the treatment cabin. For example, the little fox's red fur became dry and dull due to long-term hard life.

Nota didn't pay much attention to her appearance before, but since she moved into this house, she found that the little mermaid took good care of her hair and tail scales every day.

In the past, she always thought the little mermaid was much uglier than her because of her jealousy. But after meeting her, she had to admit that although the little mermaid had scars on his face, he was still beautiful. The hideous scars on his cheeks and neck not only did not make him look hideous, but instead gave him a hint of fragile beauty.

When something beautiful is destroyed, people will always feel pity unconsciously.

Even Nota herself, a little fox who was not very gentle and ladylike, would always subconsciously speak in a soft voice when talking to the little mermaid.

Nota believes that this may be the advantage of beautiful appearance.

As a race also famous for its beauty, the little mermaid can be so beautiful that it makes people feel pity for her, and so can the little fox.

So the little fox began to carefully maintain its fur. Restoring the luster and smoothness of the beautiful fur is the first step to becoming beautiful!

The little dragon cub, rejected by his sister, rolled in the water, splashing water.

He was very confused and asked the little mermaid: "Why do my sister and I think differently?"

Except for the night she woke up, her sister never called him brother again!

Longlong is angry!

The little mermaid glanced at the little fox who was licking the dragon's fur seriously, touched the dragon cub's head, and couldn't help but curl up the corners of her mouth.

In this family, only He Li looks the youngest, right

The three cubs were playing in the yard, and the Xiong brothers were working on the first floor. Rong Heng, who was unattended, watched for a while out of boredom and decided to go out for a walk.

He slipped out of the kitchen quietly, and after leaving the monitoring range of the protection system, he found a hidden corner and changed back into human form.

Now his injuries have completely healed.

After the little fox's injuries were healed, Ruan Shiqing was overjoyed and let him and the artificial mermaid try the treatment cabin one by one.

Although the treatment cabin was expensive, the effect was really good. There was no trace of injury on his body now.

The artificial mermaid only healed the wound on his tail. The wounds that were uneven due to the peeling of scales were completely healed and became smooth and even had new scales growing on them. But the wounds on his cheeks and neck were special because they were contaminated with an unknown liquid, so even the treatment cabin could not heal them.

The artificial mermaid was sad about this for a while.

But these little things are not something His Royal Highness the Crown Prince needs to worry about.

Rong Heng stretched his limbs, closed his eyes and felt the strength filling his body for a while before he chose a direction and walked towards Fita Manor.

—Fita Manor is where Ruan Shiqing attended the banquet.

The Alda Eagle has always been known for its insidiousness and cruelty. Rong Heng didn't think that Marin had any good intentions in inviting Ruan Shiqing. Most likely, he was coveting the blaster gun he made.

He had to go and take a look to feel at ease.


This was an extremely extravagant banquet, but there were not many guests.

Apart from a few guests, most of the people walking around the venue were waiters and beautiful girls wearing sexy and revealing clothes.

When Ruan Shiqing walked in, the lively atmosphere in the hall froze for a moment.

Everyone in the venue looked towards him with scrutiny in their eyes, as if this feast was just for him.

"Marin is not a native of planet B3024. It is said that he was a famous space pirate before. Later, he offended a big shot and fled from another planet to planet B3024 for refuge. The Fita Manor, which belongs to this banquet hall, is his property." 09 lowered his voice and told Ruan Shiqing the information he had collected.

On this planet, everything, from people to objects, is fragmented.

There are both poor people at the bottom of society who are so poor that they can only make a living by rummaging through metal garbage, and there are also local tyrants like Marin who, even though they are on the wanted list, are still able to get away with it and enjoy life on remote planets.

Ruan Shiqing walked past without looking around.

He had known for a long time that there was no good banquet, so he naturally made sufficient preparations.

09 followed behind him, carrying a black safe, with his back straight.

A waiter came up to them and bowed slightly, saying, "Mr. Ruan, please follow me. Mr. Marin has been waiting for you for a long time."

The waiter was dressed elegantly and behaved very politely, but Ruan Shiqing noticed the tense muscles under his shirt and the calluses on his fingers and palms.

This is a characteristic that only people who have been in contact with firearms for many years will have.

"Thank you for leading the way." He followed the waiter calmly.

Marin was indeed in the lounge area, leaning against the sofa. On his left and on his right sat two beautiful Bis women holding wine glasses and wearing sexy clothes. When they saw him coming, Marin patted their shoulders, and the two Bis got up and left.

"Mr. Ruan, I have heard of your name for a long time." Ma Lin stood up and stretched out his hand: "I am finally able to see you today."

His attitude was unexpectedly friendly, but Ruan Shiqing did not take it lightly. He shook hands with him and sat down opposite him. He sipped his wine slowly, waiting for him to make a move.

"Mr. Ruan has become quite famous on Planet B3024 recently. Many people want to get to know you. In order to prevent others from getting there first, I specially organized this banquet."

As expected, Marin opened the topic first. He was tall and strong, with a deep voice, and his words and actions had a kind of roughness that did not seem to match this gorgeous and exquisite banquet. However, it made it easier for people to ignore the sense of distance between them, and subconsciously thought that he was a generous and upright person.

But how could a desperado really be so generous and honest

Ruan Shiqing smiled politely: "You are too kind. I just opened an ordinary repair shop. Why would a big shot like you take notice of it?"

"Mr. Ruan is too modest." Ma Lin shook his head, beckoned the waiter, and ordered: "Open the video and let Mr. Ruan take a look."

After saying that, he turned around and said to Ruan Shiqing, "Mr. Ruan, you haven't watched the preliminary round of the shuttle race yet, right? The shuttle racer 'Gaia' that you modified has been very popular recently."

Ruan Shiqing knew this. After Luther qualified for the semi-finals, he sent him a text message, telling him that "Gaia" had made a big splash in the shuttle race. After the race, many people approached him and asked where his car was modified.

This is also the reason why Ruan Shiqing’s repair shop business is getting better and better.

However, due to constant family matters, he really couldn't find time to watch the preliminary rounds.

The waiter turned on the virtual screen, and the lights in the entire banquet hall dimmed. The music gradually faded, and was replaced by the roar of the engine.

A black racing car whizzed past on the track. Even though the video has been processed and played in slow motion, one can still imagine its majestic momentum as it speeds on the track.

"The Titan 3782 engine, manufactured by the Leitzel Company, is 25.5 feet long and has a top speed of 735 kilometers per hour. It was once an extremely popular engine model. But it was gradually replaced by new, faster engines, and the Leitzel company that produced it has gone bankrupt. Even on planet B3024, the Titan 3782 has been eliminated, and only the poor like Luther will buy it."

Marin sighed in appreciation: "But he has gained new life in your hands."

He casually called up a string of data and displayed it on the virtual screen; "After the modification, the Titan 3782 reached a maximum speed of 989 kilometers per hour, and the average speed was also stable at 873 kilometers per hour. The superior performance of 'Gaia' made Luther stand out in the preliminary round. Now he has gone from being an ancient human racer who was not favored and ridiculed by everyone to a dark horse in this year's high-speed shuttle race."

"This is all thanks to Mr. Ruan."

“No matter how good the performance of a car is, it still needs the driver to be able to fully control it.”

Although Marin concealed it very well, his words still inadvertently revealed his contempt for the ancient humans, or the lower-class civilians. Ruan Shiqing frowned slightly: "If someone else were to drive Gaia, the results might not be better than Luther."

On the day he went to test drive with Luther, he discovered that Luther was bold and careful, with quick reactions, and could almost be called a natural racer. His modification of Gaia made up for the natural shortcomings of ancient humans in terms of dynamic vision, which made Luther more capable of using it. In his hands, Gaia could exert 120% of its advantages.

He didn't like Marin's statement that all of Luther's achievements were attributed to him alone.

Marin didn't notice his change of mood and continued: "But without your help, he would never have been able to advance so smoothly."

He suddenly changed the subject and said, "I wonder if I can have the honor to receive Mr. Ruan's help?"

What is coming will eventually come.

Ruan Shiqing did not respond: "You are too polite. An ordinary person like me can only repair things. How can I help you?"

"Mr. Ruan is too modest. Whether it's modifying Gaia or making your own blaster, your abilities are admirable. But how can a small repair shop be worthy of your abilities?"

Seeing that he didn't accept the challenge, Marin simply made his purpose clear: "You should have heard that the South District and the North District are about to merge, and the power of the army will expand, and new trade routes will be opened in the future. Mr. Ruan is good at making firearms, so why not join me and work for me. You will be responsible for designing firearms and weapons, and I will set up production lines and sell the finished products through trade routes. This will be a business with amazing profits."

No business is more profitable than arms dealers.

Marin raised his hand and pointed to the luxurious banquet hall: "If you are willing, everything here will be yours in the future."

It turns out that this luxurious banquet was deliberately prepared just for this moment.

Ruan Shiqing found it a little funny. Although he tried his best to dress himself mature, the age of this body could not be deceived. Marin probably really regarded him as a 17 or 18-year-old boy who had never seen the world.

The compliments are poured down one after another, and people are deceived without any sincerity.

If we distill his flowery words, the core point is just one: I am short of people, come and work for me.

Even in his original world, headhunters had to clearly state the salary and benefits before poaching people.

Marin, on the other hand, just painted a big pie in the sky: "Everything here will have a share for you in the future" and fooled the person away.

What's more, with his abilities, he doesn't need to work for just anyone. What he needs is not a boss, but a partner.

Ruan Shiqing's expression remained unchanged, but his tone became lighter: "I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. I have no plans to join any faction at the moment."

Marin's smile paused, his eyes became sharp, and he knocked heavily on the table: "I think your sincerity is enough. If Mr. Ruan is not satisfied with anything, you can raise it."

Ruan Shiqing smiled, shook the wine glass and took a sip: "Maybe I should make my words clearer."

His expression became serious, and he looked at Marin meaningfully, his eyes revealing a depth that did not belong to a young man: "I agreed to the banquet to seek a partner, not to find a boss for myself."

“I only work for myself.”

These words were almost a slap in Marlin's face. They told Marlin clearly that he knew what you were up to, but he was not going to let you slaughter him.

Ma Lin's expression changed again, and he finally showed his true colors: "Mr. Ruan, are you going to drink a forfeit if you don't accept my toast?"

As the words fell, in the banquet hall, both the guests and the waiters moved closer to the lounge area, surrounding it.

Rong Heng hiding in the dark:

This bird looks ugly, but it has beautiful thoughts.

He suppressed the urge to rush out and beat someone up and waited for Ruan Shiqing's reaction.

He even started thinking about how he should rush out to save the situation if the boy couldn't handle it.

Does he still remember

If we knock down the bird and take the opportunity to propose cooperation, will he agree

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince fell into deep thought.

However, Ruan Shiqing would not let himself be at a disadvantage. His politeness to Ma Lin was just a result of his inherent politeness and upbringing.

"I brought some things." He put down his wine glass and motioned to 09 who was standing beside him to put the metal password box on the table. He slowly entered the password and opened the box, revealing the blaster inside.

"Mr. Marin, you don't know the power of it yet?"

Marin sneered and glanced at the four guns with contempt: "I heard that you used it to scare away two low-level Bis people."

Of course he knew the power of this weapon. It was indeed quite powerful, but it was not as powerful as the latest model of laser gun that he had purchased at a high price.

As expected, he is still young and has never seen good things. He actually thinks that a four-gun can threaten him.

Marin clapped his hands, and the guests and waiters behind him put away their smiles, took out their new laser guns one by one, and aimed them at Ruan Shiqing.

"After seeing yours, it's time to see yours. Mr. Ruan is proficient in firearms, so he should know it, right?" Marin smiled confidently.

Rong Heng in the dark also frowned.

But he finally kept his composure. He had been with Ruan Shiqing for a long time and knew that he was never an arrogant person.

His eyes fell on 09. This little robot had always been responsible for taking care of the cubs and helping Ruan Shiqing with some work matters.

But after receiving the invitation, Ruan Shiqing and 09 stayed in seclusion in the workshop for two days.

After coming out, 09 also went to the banquet together.

He didn't think that Ruan Shiqing brought 09 with him just to keep him company or to carry suitcases.

There must be some other use.

Even though dozens of laser guns were pointing at him, Ruan Shiqing remained calm and took out the blaster gun slowly from the code box.

Following his movements, 09, who had been standing behind him, also moved. He took off his clothes, folded them carefully and put them aside, then asked, "Sir, is it my turn?"

Ruan Shiqing nodded, and at the same time, he quickly disassembled and reassembled the blaster.

Marin didn't know what he intended to do, so he waved his hand, signaling others not to act rashly and watched leisurely.

Then he paid the price for underestimating his enemy.

09's mechanical body suddenly changed. His hands quickly transformed and reorganized into two blaster barrels. At the same time, four spider-like metal arms extended from his back, each equipped with a pair of miniature twin blasters and blaster enhancers. His legs folded upwards from the knees, and two anti-gravity projectors extended from the knees.

With the help of the anti-gravity projector, he leaped into the air, switched his electronic eyes to laser sights, locked onto Marin's men, and was ready to strike.

All these changes happened in just five seconds.

Two single-barrel blaster cannons and a pair of twin-linked blaster cannons, mounted on the robots that had gained air superiority, had firepower that was not inferior to Marin's.

"So this robot is what you rely on." Marin put away his contemptuous look, sat up straight, and had to change his plan: "A capable person like Mr. Ruan is not willing to make the biggest concession. How about we change the way of cooperation? Mr. Ruan only needs to provide weapon drawings, and I will be responsible for production and sales, with 70% and 30% of the profits."

"Seven and you three?" Ruan Shiqing smiled.

The corner of Ma Lin's eye twitched: "Mr. Ruan, this joke is a bit too big."

Ruan Shiqing finally reassembled the blaster. He casually fiddled with the strange-shaped mechanical sphere and placed it on the table.

"I never joke." He said, and pressed his finger down.

The mechanical sphere reassembled from four blaster guns released a shield, covering Ruan Shiqing completely.

The upper part of the sphere slowly rotated, and the flashing red light fell right on Marin's chest.

"You were wrong just now. 09 is not my reliance, ‌ is." Ruan Shiqing patted the mechanical sphere in front of him and explained slowly: "‌‌ blaster can be assembled into a blaster bomb, which is powerful enough to turn two Fita manors into dust."

"Of course, I didn't come here to die with you. I have installed a protective shield launcher for it." He pointed to the protective shield covering him.

Before the banquet, he prepared two plans. If Marin was sincere in cooperating, then this blaster bomb modified from a blaster gun would be the starting point of the cooperation; if Marin was not sincere enough, then the blaster bomb would be his trump card.

09 is just the first line of defense, and it is also used to divert attention while he assembles explosive bombs to delay time.

Marlin's face suddenly turned pale.

He was skeptical about Ruan Shiqing's words, but if he really had to take the risk, he neither had the courage nor the need to do so.

"Mr. Ruan holds a treasure in his hands. Only by cooperating with him can we maximize the benefits." It was obviously not cost-effective to take action, so Marin waved his hand and signaled his subordinates to retreat.

Ruan Shiqing also signaled 09 to come back, but did not put away the explosive bomb: "I came to the banquet today, but you obviously don't show your sincerity in cooperation."

"Fifty-fifty is already my biggest concession."

It was clearly his home court, but the initiative was in the hands of others. This made Marin furious, but he couldn't vent his anger, and his face turned blue.

"Seventy-three is also my biggest concession."

Signaling 09 to pick up the explosive bomb, Ruan Shiqing did not want to talk more: "You should know how much profit there is. Production lines can be found everywhere. As long as the b3024 star is produced, sales will not be a problem. But weapons research and development is not something that everyone can do," he tapped his temple: "The core is the key."

If he follows his idea, it would be best to cooperate with the government or the military.

But now, one reason is that he is in urgent need of money, and two is that he does not trust the military, or the government, of this world.

In his original world, the imperial system had been overthrown thousands of years ago, and democracy, freedom and equality were the ideals that everyone believed in. But in the Galactic Empire, people were divided into different classes based on race, and democracy, freedom and equality had long become a joke. According to the information he obtained from the holographic network, the internal struggles and oppression in the empire were even more serious.

It was difficult for him to identify with and trust such a corrupt country.

So I had to find a way out on my own.

Ma Lin knew very well that Ruan Shiqing was right, but sometimes interests were not divided according to morality, but depended on who had the right to speak and who had the stronger fist.

However, he obviously couldn't do anything to Ruan Shiqing at the moment, so he could only grit his teeth and say, "It needs to be considered."

Ruan Shiqing expressed his understanding: "Is three days enough? We need money urgently now. If you are not interested in cooperation, we can only seek other partners."

"That's enough." Marin almost gritted his teeth.

Ruan Shiqing was satisfied and left with 09.

Rong Heng, hiding in the dark, watched him leave with amazement and admiration in his eyes.

Although he had known that the boy would not sit still and wait for death, this negotiation that turned defeat into victory was a brilliant victory.

Strong but not tough, he uses his advantages to the extreme.

The tip of his tongue licked his palate, and Rong Heng took a long while to look away, looking coldly at Marin.

As soon as the person left, Marin got very angry.

"He will pay the price."

His subordinates all lowered their heads and eyes, not daring to breathe.

Watching Marin's helpless rage coldly, Rong Heng thought of the powerful explosive bomb and the changes in 09, and his mouth curled up in contempt.

Dare to think about his things.

Marin is dead.