The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 31


The kids were too excited during the day and couldn't fall asleep at night. They stayed in Ruan Shiqing's bedroom for a long time before reluctantly going to bed.

After the pups fell asleep, Ruan Shiqing lay down, hugged the puppies tightly in his arms, and sighed contentedly: "I'm tired today, go to bed early."

Being held in his arms, Rong Heng did not struggle for the first time.

He rested his head on the boy's arm, watching him close his eyes and fall asleep.

After a long time, he gently rubbed Ruan Shiqing's chest with his head and easily broke free from the boy's arms.

The small shadow on the ground gradually lengthened, and Rong Heng returned to human form, standing beside the bed and staring at him.

Rong Heng took off the blue star necklace from his neck. He had originally placed it next to his pillow, so that when the boy woke up and found that he was gone, he would see the necklace and would know that he had left on his own. He didn't need to worry too much.

But after stretching out the hand, the movement slowed down.

The blue star necklace hung on his fingertips, swaying gently, just like his hesitant heart.

After leaving, this was his only connection with this place.

After a while, Rong Heng withdrew his hand and wrapped the Blue Star Necklace around his wrist.

He lowered his eyes to look at the sleeping boy and whispered "sorry".

Rong Heng jumped out directly from the bedroom window.

His injuries had fully healed, and Noah had told him Dareth's coordinates. In his prime, Ymir ran at full speed, like the wind blowing through the night.

Came here, quietly.

Dareth's shuttle hovered deep within the junkyard.

The "Glory" G-7C shuttle is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's personal shuttle. It is equipped with a new type of sensor jammer that can completely block satellite monitoring and reconnaissance of this backward garbage planet.

Tonight, without anyone noticing, a shuttle landed at B3024 and then quietly left.

Dares, who had been waiting in the depths of the garbage dump for a long time, had nothing to do. He muttered, "Why hasn't His Royal Highness the Crown Prince come yet? How long do I have to stay in this damn place?" Then he heard a voice behind him that made his soul tremble: "Dares, you are becoming more and more assertive."

"Your Highness!" Dares' scalp tingled, and he turned around and flattered, "This is related to your Highness's safety, so of course your most loyal subordinates have to come."

In fact, the other captains, Melel, Shaw, and Jasper, all came, so the four captains fought, and Dares narrowly won, and won the qualification to drive "Glory" to planet B3024.

It's not to welcome His Highness, but to take a look at this magical garbage planet.

Oh no, it’s the magical Master Ruan!

But the fact was that Colonel Dares came with a heart full of curiosity and excitement, and then waited for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince for nearly fourteen hours in the depths of the deserted garbage dump.

There was nothing to see except metal trash all over the floor.

Ignoring his nonsense, Rong Heng sat in the passenger seat and called Noah, "Noah, erase the images of the protection system." After a pause, he thought of something and said, "Confirm again whether anyone has uploaded the images of the cubs to the Internet today."

Noah quickly searched and actually found a few messages. The user coordinates were all from the planet b3024: "There are a few messages involving Mr. Ruan and the cubs. Should they all be blocked?"

"Block it." Rong Heng fastened his seat belt and said, "Search regularly. From now on, all information related to them will be blocked."

When he was at the competition venue today, he noticed that someone with an intelligent computer secretly took pictures of Ruan Shiqing and the cubs.

With Mori and Ruan Shiqing around, the cubs were absolutely safe on planet B3024. But if the video footage was spread to the holographic network and discovered by someone with ulterior motives, it could lead to trouble.

Before leaving, he cleaned up the tail thoroughly.

"Let's go, Sikkim."

Leaving now

Dares tried to fight for his rights: "Your Highness, don't we meet Mori?" Or he could meet Mr. Ruan.

Rong Heng turned his head and stared at him without saying a word.

Dareth: ...

"Your Highness, let's go now."

"Glory" started up, preheated, rushed into the night sky at an extremely fast speed, and soon turned into an inconspicuous dot.

When Ruan Shiqing woke up, his arms were empty.

He stretched and stood up, but didn't see the puppy. Usually at this time, the puppy would lie on the pillow, half awake, looking at him with open eyes.

Are you playing so early today

After washing up in the bathroom in slippers, Ruan Shiqing went downstairs and said good morning to the kids.

The little ones are full of energy. Since they were free, they get up earlier than Ruan Shiqing every day and go to the yard downstairs to bask in the sun early.

The little mermaid and the little dragon floated comfortably on the water, while the little fox lay on the rattan chair, combing its fur carefully.

The little robot 09 was diligently pruning the overly lush falling star vines in the yard. The Xiong brothers had just gotten up and were doing morning exercises on the other side of the yard.

He looked around, but didn't see the puppy.

Ruan Shiqing asked curiously: "Where is Snowball? Have you seen him?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Ruan Shiqing frowned, feeling a little nervous for some reason: "Where did you hide to play so early in the morning?"

He slipped on his slippers and searched upstairs and downstairs, but still couldn't find the puppy.

The unpleasant feeling in my heart grew stronger and stronger.

Later, Ruan Shiqing left the workshop and turned on the positioning tracking in the Blue Star Necklace.

On the virtual screen, a small blue dot was in the yard. It was the puppies basking in the sun. But the other blue dot, representing the puppies, had disappeared.

Ruan Shiqing repeatedly located and tracked.

It shows that the signal cannot be searched or the signal is not within the search range.

"Impossible..." Ruan Shiqing murmured in a low voice.

The positioning system in the Blue Star Necklace was a program he wrote himself, and he didn't believe that anyone on Planet B3024 could crack it. The only possibility left was that the Blue Star Necklace was no longer on Planet B3024.

Snowball was taken away from the planet b3024.

Ruan Shiqing checked the surveillance footage from last night. From the video, the bedroom door was never opened and there was nothing unusual in the yard.

But the absence of an abnormality is a major abnormality, and the protection system cannot fail.

There was no way the snowball could just disappear out of thin air in the bedroom.

The only possible explanation is that the person who took Snowball away erased the images in the protection system.

The other party's level should be higher than his, otherwise it would be impossible for him and 09 to erase the video data without triggering the alarm.

Ruan Shiqing pinched his nose and dialed Ma Lin's number.

"Good morning, Mr. Ruan. Is there something you need that makes you contact me so early?" In the virtual image, Mori was enjoying breakfast.

"Sorry to bother you." Ruan Shiqing said bluntly, "Snowball is missing, and the tracker I set up is not responding. I suspect he has been taken away from planet B3024. You know someone in the inner city, so I would like to ask you to help confirm whether any aircraft has left planet B3024 between 12 o'clock last night and 8 o'clock this morning."

Although it is just a remote garbage planet, it still has the necessary defenses.

With the help of Marin, it may be possible to confirm whether any aircraft left during the time when Snowball was missing.

If someone had the clues, they could find out the model and owner of the aircraft and follow the trail to find Snowball.

If not…

"Please wait a moment, don't worry, I'll contact and confirm." Mori didn't react for a moment and hurriedly helped contact the people at the energy center.

The entire protection and control system of the B3024 star, including Jinwu No. 1 and Taiyin No. 2, is controlled by the energy center.

Ruan Shiqing slumped into his chair, pinching his nose, waiting for news from Ma Lin.

After a moment, Marin ended the call and said apologetically: "It has been confirmed that no aircraft left the B3024 star during this period. Did you make a mistake?"

He thought, who would go to so much trouble to steal a puppy overnight

This is totally illogical.

Just as he was about to say something to comfort Ruan Shiqing and remind him to look somewhere else, something suddenly flashed through his mind.

Morrie suddenly froze.

Wait, there was indeed a spacecraft that left planet B3024 last night.

—His Royal Highness the Crown Prince’s “Glory” G-7C shuttle.

But that's not right. His Royal Highness is going to Sikkim to do something, why would he steal Mr. Ruan's dog? Besides, considering the relationship between His Royal Highness and Mr. Ruan, he wouldn't take away someone's pet without even saying hello.

Morrie was becoming increasingly confused.

Your Highness, the pup, Your Highness, the pup…

This word kept lingering in Mori's mind, and he suddenly shuddered, remembering a rumor about Ymir - the cubs of the Ymir clan were very weak, and in order to protect the cubs, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had never appeared in public before they entered the growth period.

But no one has ever seen how weak it is.

When they met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, he had already entered his growth period. At that time, His Royal Highness was already very brave, so how could he look weak at all

But no one had any doubts about this. After all, the birth rate of the four noble families had always been shockingly low, and the few cubs they had were all protected like the apples of their eyes. Ymir was among them, which was not surprising at all.

Mori covered his mouth in horror. Could that puppy be the Crown Prince

His Highness is familiar with Mr. Ruan, but he has never seen His Highness at Mr. Ruan's house; and Mr. Ruan obviously doesn't know His Highness either, because he has never mentioned anyone who looks like His Highness...

The more doubts he had, the more Mori grabbed his own hands. In his fear, there was also a bit of excitement as if he had touched the Crown Prince's head, and in his excitement, there was also a bit of fear as if his life was over.

Ruan Shiqing saw that Ma Lin's expression suddenly became distorted, and he looked extremely neurotic.

He had to speak out: "Mr. Marin? Mr. Marin? What's wrong with you?"

Mori came back to his senses, and with a guilty conscience, he put the right hand that had touched the Crown Prince's head behind his back, and said with a strange expression: "It's nothing, I just suddenly thought of a private matter."

"Then you go and do your work first." Ruan Shiqing was now filled with worry about the pup being lost, and had no intention of caring about his personal affairs. He exchanged a few polite words and cut off the communication.

He slumped dejectedly in his chair, his mind turning over the information he had so far.

Marin said that the people in the inner city confirmed that no aircraft had left between last night and this morning. He was very sure that there was nothing wrong with the Blue Star Necklace. The only possibility was that the other party's aircraft might have a shielding device.

It’s not that there was no aircraft leaving, but that the B3024 star did not detect the other party’s existence.

After staying on planet B3024 for such a long time, Ruan Shiqing was sure that there were no such powerful people in the local area.

Moreover, why did he only take Snowball away from such a powerful person

The other party was able to come so quietly, and the precious cub at home was not coveted, so he could rule out the possibility that he was after money. There must be other reasons that he didn't know.

Ruan Shiqing suddenly thought of the man he met at the beginning.

The other man was dressed as a soldier and crashed his Silver Falcon into a garbage dump. He met the man briefly, and then the man disappeared. He found the injured Snowball in the sealed cabin hidden in the Silver Falcon.

Now that I think about it, it was strange to have a puppy on board the aircraft, let alone hide it in a sealed cabin.

Could it be that Snowball was also a precious thing? After the man recovered from his injury, he found Snowball's trace and took him away.

Ruan Shiqing felt more and more that this was very likely, so he took a pen and paper and drew a sketch of the man on the draft paper based on his memory.

The time interval was too long, and the environment was dim, so Ruan Shiqing could only draw about 70% of the picture.

After scanning and uploading the sketch, he called Noah: "Noah, help me search and match the entire network and find similar candidates."

Noah's reaction was a little slow. He paused for a few seconds before saying, "Sir, please wait a moment."

Looking at the sketch that was 70% similar to His Highness, Noah felt fortunate that His Highness had been fighting on the front lines all these years and had rarely appeared in public. The only video information about her on the Internet had also been erased by her.

After showing the searched interface to Ruan Shiqing, Noah quickly informed Rong Heng: "Your Highness, Mr. Ruan drew your portrait and is searching and comparing it on the entire network. Based on the existing information, I speculate that he may suspect that you are a dog thief."

There was a subtle hint of gloating in Noah's tone.

Rong Heng:

"What's going on?"

Dares raised his hand: "Excuse me, may I know what the dog thief is about?"

Rong Heng's face was dark, and he scolded him coldly: "Shut up."

Dares immediately gave in, raised his hands, and made a zipper-like motion to his mouth.

Noah said, "This should be an easy conclusion to draw. The technological level of planet B3024 is backward, and no one can surpass Mr. Ruan at present. With my internal authority, I easily deleted the surveillance footage of the protection system. Mr. Ruan must think that the person who did it is a highly skilled outsider. And... you probably forgot that Mr. Ruan has met you before."

Outsiders and military personnel are easily associated with powerful forces.

If you don't doubt me, who would you doubt

Rong Heng also fell silent:…

After a long while, he asked, "How is his mood?"

"Still calm." Noah said: "Before this, Mr. Ruan had already contacted Mori and obtained information about the inner city through Marin's network. But this also shows that he is really anxious."

Rong Heng pursed his lips. This was much better than he had imagined.

At least there was no crying or tearful part.

He let out a sigh of relief and said, "Keep an eye on that side. If anything happens, let me know."

Noah said ok: "I will take care of Mr. Ruan for you."

"..." Rong Heng thought this was a bit strange, but he didn't know where to start. In the end, he could only wave his hand and lean back in his seat.

This time he returned to Sikkim secretly and could not take the official jump channel. It would take a detour of 10 days from B3024 to Sikkim.

In a few days, he would return to Sikkim.

Ruan Shiqing carefully compared all the image information retrieved by Noah, but did not find the corresponding person.

He tiredly turned off the virtual screen, and just as he opened the door, he saw 09 and his little cub sneaking around the door of the workshop.

Being interrupted, 09 stood up awkwardly and stammered, "Mr. Xianxian, we just came to call you for dinner."

It's already evening

Ruan Shiqing turned his head to look at the sky outside. That's right, it did take him a lot of time to compare the images.

He forced a relaxed smile and said, "Then let's have dinner first."

The little dragon cub followed him closely, hugged his legs hesitantly, and asked in a muffled voice: "Dad, why is my brother gone?"

Nota also pulled Ruan Shiqing's clothes and looked up at him.

The kids are very sensitive to emotions.

Dad started looking for Snowball as soon as he got up in the morning. After failing to find him upstairs and downstairs, he locked himself in the workshop. Now he has come out, with a worried look on his face.

The kids instinctively felt that something had happened at home.

Ruan Shiqing's pretended relaxed expression froze. He squatted down, gently touched the cub's head, held them in his arms, and said softly, "Snowball is gone."

The cubs sensed his sadness and carefully grasped his hands.

The little dragon cub is always optimistic: "Then let's go together to find big brother back!"

Nota also blindly trusted Rong Heng who had saved him, and vowed: "Brother is very powerful, there is no danger."

Ruan Shiqing picked them up, hummed softly, and said firmly: "Dad, he found them."

Snowball's whereabouts became a mystery.

While asking Marin to help keep an eye out, Ruan Shiqing issued a reward notice, offering one million star coins to anyone who could provide information on Snowball's whereabouts.

When Mori heard the news, he gasped.

Mr. Ruan is really generous.

It seems that he has earned this bounty.

Unfortunately he didn't dare to do so, as his life was more important.

Because he felt guilty, he didn't dare to see Ruan Shiqing recently. But after Ruan Shiqing sent him a text message and issued the reward, he calmed down. Except for taking the cubs out for a walk occasionally, he spent the rest of his time in the repair shop.

No one knows what he is doing.

Mori only knew that the number of weapon drawings he sent in had increased significantly, and the installation speed of the production line was not as fast as his drawing speed.

Every time he saw that exquisite and mouth-watering design, he suspected that Ruan Shiqing actually had an arsenal in his head.

Therefore, I am increasingly worried about the Crown Prince's actions. What if the relationship between the two sides breaks down in the future

It was such a big leg, and he would not let go once he hugged it.

Rong Heng and Dares arrived in Sikkim secretly.

He did not return to the palace immediately, but chose a property under Dares' name as a temporary residence.

"Why don't we go back to the palace directly? According to the imperial law, you are the first heir. Now that you have returned safely, the regent has no reason to ascend the throne." Dares was extremely puzzled.

In a few days, the Regent will hold his coronation ceremony and wedding at the Parka Palace. If it is not stopped in time, once the coronation ceremony is completed and His Highness shows up again, it will not be so easy to seize the throne.

"Showing up now won't help."

Rong Heng glanced at him, opened the virtual screen, and pulled up the page of Sikkim Daily: "You haven't read the news in the past few days?"

"No." Dares shook his head. He never liked watching the news.

Rong Heng sneered: "During these days of traveling, I have read all the reports about the royal family in the Sikkim Daily, and found a piece of information."

"The actual controllers of the four major chaebols in the empire will all attend the new king's coronation ceremony and wedding."

The four major financial groups in the empire are the Nashi Group, Quark Dockyard, Planck Energy, and Schwarzschild Transport Company.

The four major chaebols divided up the entire empire and jointly controlled the economic lifeline of the empire.

They are both competitors and collaborators.

The people in power of the four major chaebols rarely get together on weekdays. Most of the time, their representatives come forward.

But now, the leaders of these four families attended Si Yan's coronation ceremony at the same time, which only meant one thing - Si Yan had reached some kind of exchange of interests with them.

No relationship is more stable than the exchange of interests.

Rong Heng was sure that if he showed up rashly, he might not even be able to enter the first door of Parka Palace.

Dareth opened his mouth wide and said in disbelief: "Do they dare to kill the king?"

"Why not? Haven't they already done it?"

Rong Heng sneered: "Where do you think Baghdad's heavy destroyer fleet came from? Apart from the four major chaebols, who else has such strong financial resources to mobilize more than a hundred heavy destroyers that are not in service or registered?"

Dares was speechless.

Rong Heng did not mock him this time.

This is the difference between a soldier and a politician. Dares had been in Yanjis for a long time, far away from the political center, and had become accustomed to being straightforward on the battlefield.

It's not his fault that he doesn't understand intrigue and conspiracy.

"Since you're here, learn more." Rong Heng unbuttoned the collar and walked towards the bathroom.

On the contrary, Dares became restless. He stopped in front of Rong Heng and said excitedly: "Since Your Highness knew that Sikkim was so dangerous, why did you come back? What should we do next?"

Of course he had to come back. He came back not to stop the coronation ceremony, but to observe the situation and verify his own guesses.

Through the information Noah collected, he always felt that the atmosphere in Sikkim was not right.

But he had been away for too long, and for the time being he had no way of confirming whether his mother and his own men who had stayed in Sikkim would defect at this time.

Since he couldn't trust outsiders, he had to go there in person.

"Next I need to take a shower and then have a sleep." Rong Heng pushed him away, walked into the bathroom and closed the door heavily.

Dareth, who was almost hit on the nose:…

Your Highness, are you looking down on my intelligence

After taking a bath and changing into soft pajamas, Rong Heng went to the bedroom to rest as he said.

Dareth stared at him as if he had seen a ghost.

After staying at the frontline for a long time, the noble Crown Prince actually lived a very rough life. When he was tired, he would just take a nap in a corner of the battleship with his clothes on. When he was thirsty or hungry, he would take a tube of universal nutrient solution.

But now, at this critical moment when he could be discovered by the enemy at any time, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince not only prepared to go to bed, but also changed into pajamas? ! !

If the enemy discovers my whereabouts, do I have to run away in my pajamas? !

Dares was very angry and grabbed the ancestor by the collar and questioned him harshly.

But he didn't dare.

So he also took a shower and went back to his room to sleep.

It turns out that the emperor is not anxious, but the eunuch is.