The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 34


Ruan Shiqing hurried to the cub school,

The other cub's parent had already arrived. He was a very strong Bis man, holding a crying cub in his arms. Judging from the exposed ears and tail, the animal should be a lion.

The teacher was negotiating with the other parent, and the three kids were standing in a row against the wall.

The little mermaid sat in the stroller with her lips tightly pursed; the little dragon and the little fox stared fiercely at the howling white cub.

The little dragon cub said loudly: "You cry because you lose the fight. How shameful!"

Nota immediately agreed: "That's right! What's the point of complaining? You're such a snitch!"

Inside the school office, the crying paused, then became louder.

The cub rolled over in his father's arms, baring his teeth and crying and howling: "Daddy, avenge me! Daddy, avenge me, wuwuwu!"

Ruan Shiqing's corners twitched as he watched from the outside, and he was worried that the other parent would really do something irrational, so he could only cough heavily, walked in, and stood in front of the three kids with his hands on his chest: "What the hell is going on here?"

He looked at the other cub. The fur on its ears and tail was obviously burnt black, probably because of fire. There was a blue spot under its forehead, and its teeth were leaking. It was hard to tell whether it was due to tooth replacement or some of its teeth were knocked out.

"Is the injury serious? Do you need to be sent to the hospital for treatment first?"

Ruan Shiqing was prepared to be troubled.

Unexpectedly, although the other parent looked fierce, he was very easy to communicate with. The tall Bis man snorted, slapped the crying cub on the buttocks, scolded him, "Shame on you", and then waved his hand to Ruan Shiqing and said, "It's okay, he has been tough since he was a child. Now he is crying fiercely, but it's just thunder and rain."

The teacher quickly explained what happened.

After the three cubs arrived at the school, they integrated smoothly. But with so many cubs, small groups were inevitably formed, and the cubs played together in groups of three or five. The three cubs played better with another group of cubs, so this caused dissatisfaction among the little lion cubs.

During the outdoor class this morning, he took the initiative to make new friends.

His target was the most exquisitely dressed mermaid among all the cubs.

The little lion cub had no experience in winning friends. After thinking for a while, he rushed forward and pulled the little mermaid's long hair and pulled off her delicate spherical hairpin. Then he proudly held up the hairpin and asked the little mermaid to chase him.

This is how he and the other cubs play.

After you chase each other and roll into a ball, you naturally become good friends.

But this set is not suitable for mermaids with special bodies.

The golden ball-shaped hairpin was given by Ruan Shiqing. The little mermaid had always treasured it very much. She was caught off guard by someone and her face turned red with panic. She drove the cart to chase after it.

But how could the cart outrun the nimble cub? In a few seconds, the little mermaid was left behind.

He could only anxiously watch as the little lion cub held up the hairpin to protest against him.

By chance, the little dragon and the little fox came back and saw this scene. Without saying a word, they grabbed the little lion and beat him up.

The little fox was very strong and knocked out one of the opponent's teeth; the little dragon breathed fire and burned the opponent's fur.

The little lion cub who lost the fight naturally accepted the defeat. He was so angry and embarrassed that he broke his hairpin and even threatened to not let his friends play with the ugly monster.

The little dragon cub and Nota became even more angry after hearing what he said, so they rushed over and pinned him down and beat him up.

The little lion cub was beaten one after another and his whole body was in pain. Finally, he couldn't hold back his tears, which attracted the teacher and the parents were called.

When Ruan Shiqing heard this, the thought of asking the kid to apologize was put to rest.

He patted the cubs' heads and said with a smile, "Although Mile was at fault first, Heli and Nota were right to beat people up, and I am willing to pay the corresponding medical expenses."

The other parent was stunned for a moment, but then thought that it was indeed their child who bullied others first, so there was nothing wrong with this, so he nodded blankly and said, "Just spend the medical expenses. It's not serious. This minor injury will heal in two days."

Despite this, Ruan Shiqing still insisted on transferring the corresponding fees, and the fight was settled with both sides taking a step back.

After bringing the kids back from the school office, Ruan Shiqing simply took them home early.

The two cubs who were so aggressive just now, now that they were taken home, became well-behaved, and each of them looked calm.

The little dragon cub kept stealing glances at Ruan Shiqing with its eyes, its tail tip moving in and out.

The little fox's ears drooped and his big tail, which was always proudly erect, was folded up. He was as well-behaved as possible.

Ruan Shiqing watched for a while, rubbed the top of the little mermaid's head, and said with emotion: "It seems that only our Yuebai is really well-behaved."

The remaining two are more pretentious than the other.

The little dragon cub was convinced, raised his head and pointed at himself with his claws: "Hurry, you are very good!"

Ruan Shiqing poked his forehead with his fingertips and tried to hold back his laughter but failed: "I guess you're considered well behaved when fighting."

Nota tilted his head to look at his expression, and with a keen sense of perception, his drooping ears suddenly perked up, and he hugged Ruan Shiqing's arm, his tail wagging back and forth: "Dad is not angry!"

Ruan Shiqing pulled her ears and said, "You did nothing wrong. Of course Daddy is angry."

He looked at the kids with a calm look: "Are you hurt?"

Hearing the cubs say no in unison, he let go and continued to teach them: "But fighting is not advisable. Fighting will get you hurt, and your dad will be worried if you get hurt." He tapped his temple point: "In the future, when you encounter bad things, you must be good at using your brain, understand?"

The little dragon and the little fox nodded and said "um" and "ah" in response, even the amplitude of their voices were exactly the same.

When he raised his head, his eyes were blank and it was obvious that he didn't understand anything.

But the little mermaid next to her listened, uttered "ah" softly, and looked at Ruan Shiqing with a look of longing.

When I got home, I saw 09 looking out the door from a distance.

Seeing Ruan Shiqing leading the cubs home, the little robot immediately went over to them, nervously scanning the cubs, and asked worriedly, "Were they bullied at school?"

Ruan Shiqing looked at the little robot for a moment, suppressed his laughter and explained: "I bullied others at school, but I didn't suffer any loss."

09 heaved a sigh of relief, then looked at the little mermaid's messy hair and said angrily, "How come you didn't suffer any loss? Your hair is all messed up, and there's one hairpin missing."

It was he who tied the little master's hair today, and he remembered exactly how many hairpins were pinned on the hair!

When he reminded her, the little mermaid remembered that one of her hairpins was broken.

He held Ruan Shiqing's hand and shook it, his cheeks puffed up slightly, looking happy.

The hairpin is broken.

"I'll buy you a new one." Ruan Shiqing combed his long hair neatly, and then remembered what the teacher had just repeated about the white lion cub. Afraid that he would remember it, he added, "You're missing a hairpin. Your moon-white hair is the most beautiful."

The little mermaid blinked, her pale cheeks turned rosy, and her blue ear fins opened slightly.

He nodded, and the slight haze in his head dissipated.

The next day, Ruan Shiqing and 09 sent the kids to school as usual.

The little mermaid's long hair was combed neatly, and her hair was decorated with a newly bought starfish hairpin.

The little fox and the little dragon are still strong and vigorous, held in their father's arms, looking very powerful.

Ruan Shiqing sent them to the classroom, but did not leave immediately. Instead, he went to find the principal, Du De.

"You want to buy shares?" Dude was surprised.

Ruan Shiqing nodded: "There are not many cubs in the school, but the courses are simple and the venue for activities is really limited. If you are willing to accept the investment, the cost of renovating the school can be borne."

This is pie in the sky, how could Dude refuse it

He rubbed his hands excitedly, and immediately went to find a standard contract and discussed the specific investment projects with Ruan Shiqing.

Rong Heng and Dares disguised themselves as civilian explorers, and drove "Glory" behind the seven spaceships escorting Hector.

"The Blue Whale interstellar transport ship is 4,563 feet long, 897 feet wide, and 321 feet high. It is equipped with one bow heavy laser cannon, six heavy turbolaser cannons, eight heavy turbolaser turrets, six wheel turbolaser cannons, thirty twin laser cannons, twelve twin light laser cannons, and sixty-two point defense laser cannons. The hangar also carries more than a hundred TE-2 fighters."

Dares reported a series of data and concluded: "The enemy has strong combat power and thick protective shields. We will definitely be defeated head-on. We can only find a way to sneak onto the ship, save people and run away."

Rong Heng glanced at him and tapped the red dot representing "Blue Whale" on the display screen: "This spaceship will go to the planet Sijialan. In addition to escorting Hector, it also transports goods worth tens of millions."

He licked his lips and smiled, "Since I'm here, I can at least make a wasted trip."

Dares' eyes widened, his expression gradually excited, he made a horizontal chopping gesture, hesitantly said: "What do you think... do a job before leaving?"

This deal sounds like the right deal.

But the problem is that they have neither warships nor manpower, so they will end up losing more than they gain.

"I'm worried." Rong Heng pulled out the route map and pointed to a coordinate more than a hundred light years away from them: "This place has been frequented by a group of interstellar pirates recently. They should have come here recently. They are equipped with a battleship and nine light destroyers. If we take down the battleship, it will be enough to deal with the Blue Whale."

"What are you waiting for?" Dares immediately became excited after hearing this and adjusted the direction of "Glory": "Turn around now!!!"

The shuttle following behind the huge transport ship changed its route and headed towards the new coordinates.

In the dark space, a blue battleship was hovering, and nine light destroyers were arranged in an array around the battleship.

Several small fighter planes shuttled back and forth among the ten warships.

This group of space pirates seemed to have just finished a business and were counting supplies.

Dares looked at the white main battleship with great interest, rubbed his hands and said, "It's a modified old battleship, but it looks well maintained, and its firepower looks sufficient. If we can get our hands on it, it won't be a problem to rob an interstellar transport ship."

"Catch the leader first." Rong Heng moved his finger on the screen and said, "First sneak into the battleship, and I will be responsible for seizing control of the battleship. You grab a fighter, and then sneak into a random destroyer and cooperate with me to create chaos."

"As you command, Your Highness!"

It had been many years since he had done this kind of life of robbing other thieves. Dares excitedly agreed and changed the settings of the stealth device of "Glory", imitating the electronic identification characteristics of fighter jets, blending in with two fighter jets, and swaggering into the hangar of the battleship.

The protective shields of the two fighter planes were lowered, and two sturdy space pirates jumped down. When they saw "Glory" next to them, they were stunned for a moment at the same time.

One of them looked at the appearance of "Glory", excitedly pounced on it and touched it twice, holding his breath and said: "Is this the spoils of this battle? Why haven't I seen it before?"

The other one shook his head and said with a chuckle, "I've never seen it before. Maybe someone hid it secretly. I've never flown such a cool fighter jet. Let me try it first."

After finishing the work, we will go to open the cabin.

But before he could touch the hatch button, the hatch suddenly opened from the inside. Dares smiled and waved at them, then waited for the two to react before jumping down.

Without activating the elevator, Dares used the gravity of the jump to pin one of the men to the ground and broke his neck cleanly.

The other man was about to shout "Enemy attack" when the laser beam instantly pierced his head. Rong Heng put his gun down and glanced at Dares, whose face was full of excitement: "Hurry up, don't waste time."

Dares obediently made an OK gesture, hid the bodies of the two space pirates, then jumped into the fighter, raised the protective shield, and drove the fighter out of the hangar.

Rong Heng took the elevator in the hangar and went up to the flight deck. There were six unmanned fighter jets parked on the flight deck. After quickly scanning the area and confirming his coordinates, he headed straight for the command bridge.

These interstellar pirates had just finished a battle and were busy counting supplies, so there was a high probability that no one was left in the command bridge.

Rong Heng sneaked all the way, dealt with two interstellar pirates he met along the way, and successfully entered the command bridge.

This is the armory of the entire battleship, and most of the weapon launch commands on the battleship are issued and executed from here.

Rong Heng entered the control room, entered the code on the computer, and woke up Noah: "Noah, take over the control of the battleship."

Noah received the order and began to forcibly take over the battleship. On the green display screen, a progress bar showed the progress of the takeover.

5%, 10%, 15%…

Rong Heng stared at the progress bar and called Dares: "How are you doing?"

"Solve it immediately." Dares turned his body to reveal the interstellar pirates piled up behind him: "They were unwilling to cooperate, so it took some time."

Before long, he had entered the cockpit and seized control of the destroyer.

"We're almost there." After looking at the progress bar that had reached 99%, Rong Heng closed the virtual image, leaving only the voice, then called up the coordinate map, selected a destroyer, adjusted the laser turret's aiming point, and fired.

The laser cannon instantly hit a star destroyer, and gunfire splashed in the dark space.

Dareth's ghostly howling voice came from the voice channel: "Your Highness, if you were a little more off, you would be shot!"

Rong Heng ignored his cries and gave Noah an order: "Continue to attack the remaining destroyers."

Noah received the command and started the automatic control mode. On the coordinate map, the red aiming point changed again and aimed at the next destroyer.

"Noah, don't hurt our friendly forces by mistake." Dares drove the destroyer and took advantage of the situation, firing a shot at the destroyer that was hit first and kept sending out distress signals.

The entire sky was instantly ignited by artillery fire.

"What's going on?!", "What happened?", "Who fired the cannon?! Stop the attack!"

Inside the battleship's cockpit, the driver Andrew's personal communications were nearly blown up. Andrew, who was lazy about surfing the Internet, was startled by the non-stop ringing communications and became flustered.

After receiving the inexplicable communication from the friendly forces, he was still a little confused. Just as he was about to curse back, he saw in the front window that the turbolaser cannon on the bow of his side was activated and fired at the destroyer directly in front of him.

Silent artillery fire exploded, and the destroyer directly in front reacted belatedly and sounded the alarm.

"This is really weird..." Andrew's eyes were dull. After he came to his senses, he was about to sound the alarm, but found that the alarm system did not respond.

He tried to activate the deflector shield again, but still no response.

With fear spreading in his chest, Andrew frantically tapped on the control panel, but there was no effective response.

Instead, the turbolaser cannon on the front bow fired another shot.

The destroyer in front reacted and dodged left and right, but because of its large size and short range, it was hit accurately and fiercely again. The same part was hit twice, and the poor star destroyer was almost broken into two pieces.

"Damn it! What's going on?!"

Andrew fell into the driver's seat, holding his head and muttering in fear. It was not until the communication on the smart brain rang again that he realized that he could still use the smart brain to communicate.

He hurriedly dialed the leader's number, and while waiting for the call to be connected, he belatedly realized why there was no alarm or communication from the cockpit when such a big situation was happening outside.

Because the cockpit communications were blocked!

That's why he didn't answer any alarms; that's why his teammates who were attacked could only call his private communication.

Could it be that the main ship's control system has been hacked? !

Recognizing this terrible possibility, Andrew rushed out of the cab in panic, preparing to go to the rest cabin to report the news in person - at this time, several leaders were probably celebrating their success in the rest cabin.

But just as he rushed to the front of the cabin, he saw the hatch of the cockpit suddenly closed, and a gentle and steady voice said: "You have been arrested. Now there is a question that requires your cooperation and answer."

Andrew held the gun in fear, but he didn't know where to attack: "Who?"

"Where is your leader?"

Andrew looked more and more terrified: "Who are you?!"

Seeing that he was unwilling to cooperate, Noah said regretfully: "It seems that we can only let him go to report the news."

Rong Heng nodded, and the tightly closed hatch of the cockpit opened immediately. Andrew, who was trapped in the cockpit, stumbled out with a gun in his hand.

After learning Andrew's target location through the monitor, Rong Heng left the command bridge, went to the armory, picked up a gun, and then walked slowly to the rest cabin.

Inside the rest cabin.

Several pirate leaders were playing finger-guessing games and drinking. They had just robbed a civilian transport ship, and the supplies they had seized were enough for them to eat for a month. After handing over the distribution of supplies to their subordinates, the pirate leaders were already impatiently holding a celebration banquet.

After three rounds of drinking, several pirate leaders were a little drunk.

As they smoked, they discussed the coronation ceremony that took place long ago.

The wine on the low table suddenly began to shake. The golden-haired Evolved Man extinguished his cigarette in the wine glass and said quickly, "Andrew must have brought another group of people to the cockpit. Look at the ship shaking!"

He stood up angrily: "Let's go over and take a look. If I catch him messing around in the cockpit again, I'll castrate him!"

After he opened the door, he was about to go out, but his forehead was met with the black muzzle of a gun.

Rong Heng kicked the driver's body away, put the gun to the blond Bis's forehead, and entered the rest cabin.

There was a loud collision sound in the cabin, and Noah closed the door of the rest cabin tightly.

When Rong Heng came out, the noise inside had subsided.

After letting Noah clean up the body, he licked his lips and asked Dares on the other side: "Did you clean up the mess?"

"Mission accomplished."

Dares drove a fighter jet and sped out of the sea of fire. Behind him were nine blazing destroyers—the one destroyer he had driven earlier had already activated its self-destruction program, adding fuel to the raging sea of fire behind him.

When everything burns up, they will eventually become a piece of metal junk suspended somewhere in the universe.

Some people may know that a group of interstellar pirates were once destroyed here.

"Let's go." Rong Heng walked to the cockpit and opened the hatch of the hangar at the bottom.

Dareth's fighter plane drove into the hangar and landed.

Noah also started the autopilot program and headed towards the coordinates of the "Blue Whale" interstellar transport ship.

Hector had already lost count of how many days he had been held captive.

In the dark prison, time became blurred and he could only count the injections those men gave him to tell time.

Since he was arrested, he has been injected with a relaxant every seven days.

So far, he has received eight injections.

This damn relaxant should be a strengthened version. After each injection, he felt drowsy and could not muster any strength.

Just before being transferred here, he was injected again. However, this time the interval was not seven days, but only three days. During this time, he was in a coma for a while, and when he woke up, he found that he was imprisoned in a new place.

It was smaller than the previous cell and a little bumpy occasionally.

He suspected that he was on a spaceship and might be sent to a planet to continue being imprisoned or executed.

Hector gritted his teeth, and dragon scales appeared on his cheeks because of anger.

If he were to find out who plotted against him, he would bite off the other person's neck.

The golden dragon eyes scanned the surroundings, and Hector was calculating the possibility of escape.

This powerful relaxant is very useful, but dragons have always been highly adaptable. After the fifth injection, his body had gradually developed drug resistance. The effect of the relaxant on him had been greatly weakened. His previous weakness was all pretended.

Now, two days have passed since his last injection of relaxant, and the drug's properties have gradually been metabolized.

He felt the power coming from his body and secretly planned how to leave.

Perhaps he was too generous with the relaxant, and there was no one else guarding him. If this was really on a spaceship, as long as he got out successfully, entered the hangar and found a fighter, he could leave this damn place.

Hector has always been a decisive person. Once he had a plan in mind, he broke the metal chains that imprisoned himself and left the cage quietly.

Using obstacles to hide his tracks along the way, Hector successfully left the prison and entered the warehouse on the upper floor.

There was a dim light coming from outside the porthole.

He casually opened a box and found that it was filled with the latest laser guns.


If he was not mistaken, this should just be a civilian transport ship

The tip of his tongue licked his palate, and the dragon clan's warlike genes were ignited. Hector put three laser guns on his back and held two in his hands, and walked out swaggeringly.

With the weapon, he suddenly wanted to leave so quickly.

He decided to deal with the people on the transport ship first, and then capture the captain and torture him to find out who was the one who dared to plot against him from behind.

Thinking of the humiliation he had suffered during this period, Hector's face was gloomy.

The furious dragon scales spread from the cheeks to the neck, opening and closing slightly as if they had life, and the golden dragon pupils seemed to be burning in the dim light.

Hector got on the elevator and prepared to go up one floor.

But at this moment, the ship suddenly shook violently, and an alarm sounded in the elevator: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!"

The hull seemed to have been hit by heavy artillery fire and kept shaking from side to side.

Hector was thrown onto the wall on the other side by inertia. He barely managed to keep his balance and got out of the elevator. Looking at the fighter jets neatly prepared for battle on the deck, he cursed in his heart.

Who is the one who is so bad to him? !