The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 48


As everyone knows, Dragon Clan Chieftain Garlan and Brigadier General Hector are mortal enemies who fight each other whenever they meet.

The two had a deep hatred for each other as soon as they met, which could be traced back to a hundred years ago. But no one remembered that more than a hundred years ago, they were actually a couple.

Dragons are considered adults at the age of sixty, but Hector and Garland knew each other even earlier.

From youth to adulthood, from close friends to lovers, they have been together for decades. When Garland was 68 years old, they officially registered their marriage and bred a dragon egg belonging to both of them.

Same-sex married dragons cannot produce dragon eggs. Some dragon lovers who want to have their own children will choose to adopt, or even more extreme, steal eggs from other people.

This special dragon egg of theirs was bred by Galan using the latest breeding technology, after he extracted the genes of two people through a mermaid professor he was familiar with.

They were both young at that time, and they were full of expectations for this dragon egg that had their common genes.

In order to better hatch dragon eggs, they put aside all their work and went to Luso Star, where they dug a hatching nest inside the volcano named after him. The tables and chairs in the nest were all purchased by him and Garland himself, and they all expressed their expectations for home.

They will argue over who the hatched dragon will look more like, and they will fight over the right to name the dragon.

The name "Heri" was the name he won in a bet. Garlan was always upset about it, so much so that he later had a fight with him over whose surname the dragon cub should take...

But the much-anticipated dragon egg never hatched.

One year, two years, five years...even ten years passed, and it was still just an egg.

The longest incubation period for a dragon egg is only three years.

The dragon eggs that belonged to them had been incubating for ten years but still had not hatched. In the incubation nest, the supplies for welcoming the newborn dragon cubs had also been replaced one after another.

Suspecting that there was something wrong with the dragon eggs hatching, they suggested going to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. But Garland said that the incubation period of artificially bred dragon eggs is different from that of naturally bred dragon eggs, and insisted that going to the hospital for a genetic test would destroy their expectations for the dragon cub.

So they waited patiently for another ten years.

During this time, the dragon cub still showed no signs of hatching, so Garland moved the laboratory to the hatching nest.

It was during this period that Garlan proposed to reserve some dragon crystals for the dragon cubs.

Hector still remembers his expression at that time, but he was too careless at that time and did not notice the other party's abnormality.

She said, "The cub has been in the egg for too long, so its body may be weak. I found in ancient books that dragon crystal can enhance the strength of dragons. Using it on cubs can promote their development. Little Heli hatched so late, so his physical fitness is definitely not as good as other cubs. We have to prepare dragon crystal for him in advance."

So they went to dig dragon crystal again.

Luxor was full of volcanoes and mineral veins. According to Garland's location, they dug one mineral vein after another and saved up so many small bags of dragon crystals.

But no matter how much dragon crystals you collect, it will be useless if the dragon eggs cannot be hatched.

I couldn't help but suggest again taking the dragon egg to the hospital for a check-up.

Garland lost his temper that time.

Although the two of them often fought, Garland was rarely really angry. Although he appeared cold on the surface, he was actually very soft-hearted.

But the reaction that time was so intense that it only made Hector more confused.

‌I’m sure there’s something wrong with the dragon egg.

So he deliberately tricked Galan into leaving the hatching nest and secretly took the dragon egg to the hospital in Sikkim for examination.

Unhatched dragon eggs usually come with genetic testing.

It was then that I understood why Garland insisted on not coming to the hospital for a check-up. He was a professor at Sikkim University, majoring in biology. There was no need for him to go to the hospital for genetic testing. He must have already seen the problem with the dragon egg - it was a dragon egg with a genetic defect.

Perhaps there was something wrong with the breeding technology. The cubs in the dragon eggs developed very slowly, with weak signs of life. Even if they managed to hatch, they would still have huge defects.

For example, if dragon horns and bat wings are not fully developed, they may be unable to fight or fly in the future.

It was only then that he realized that when Garland asked him about his expectations for the cubs so many times before, it was not mentioned unintentionally, but he was carefully testing his attitude.

And what did you say at that time

‌ said: "Little Heli, who has our genes, will certainly be the most powerful. I will personally teach him the skills of flying and fighting..."

The dragon race values force and is a race born for fighting. Even if the birth rate is low, many dragons will not accept cubs with major genetic defects. This is also the reason why genetic testing is a must for every dragon egg.

Once a dragon egg is found to have genetic defects, the hospital will advise the parents to stop incubating it.

When he went to the hospital that time, the doctor gave the same advice and told him that the probability of the egg hatching was extremely low.

She was afraid that Garland would be sad after knowing this, so she even asked carefully if there was any way to find another egg. If the first egg really could not be hatched, at least there was another egg to comfort Garland.

The result is of course no.

Dragon eggs are so precious, it is even more impossible to steal other people's eggs.

In the end, he rejected the doctor's suggestion and took the egg to the hatching nest. At that time, he was still thinking about how to tell Garland the news, but before he found a chance to speak, the dragon egg was lost.

Garland searched like crazy for a long time, but ultimately did not find the dragon egg, but he did find the genetic test report.

Following the report, it was revealed that he deliberately tricked Garland to leave and secretly took the dragon egg to the hospital...

Garland suspected that after he learned that the dragon egg had a genetic defect, he deliberately tricked him into leaving and abandoned the dragon egg.

‌ even found the words ‌ had asked the doctor from the hospital surveillance.

Everything is too coincidental, there is no way to argue.

It was then that he learned that in the tenth year, Garland had known that the dragon eggs had major genetic defects, and that the mermaid breeding technology was illegal. The professor that Garland knew was just using their genes for an experiment.

And the much anticipated dragon egg turned out to be a failure.

Garland had known all along, and was racked by guilt.

He thought that it was his own lack of caution that led to the tragedy.

No inspection was allowed for the dragon eggs because they were afraid that defects would be found in the eggs and the hatching would be stopped; the research room was moved to the hatching nest in order to study how to make up for the dragon cubs' congenital defects... Hector didn't know how much pressure he had secretly endured for this, he only knew that the loss of the dragon eggs was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

I have never seen Garland so hysterical.

As the future leader of the dragon clan, Xixi has always been cold and reserved, but during that time, he became extremely emotional.

‌He searched for the whereabouts of the dragon eggs day and night to punish himself for his mistake.

He began to try to explain to Garland and make him understand that the loss of the dragon egg was just an accident, but later he discovered that what made Garland hysterical was the guilt and self-blame that had been lingering in his heart.

Garland took all the blame on himself and punished himself.

But it was clear that the decision to artificially breed a dragon egg was a joint one they made.

So later, I told Garland that the dragon egg was indeed abandoned by him and would never be found again. If Garland was willing, we could breed another egg instead of focusing on an egg with serious defects...

Later, ‌ and Galan divorced, and were expelled from the dragon clan and forbidden to set foot in the hatching nest on Luxor Star again.

In recent years, Garland stayed in the laboratory and seldom went out; after he went to the Ota front, the two met only a few times, and occasionally they met and fought, but he deliberately provoked them, just to find an excuse to look at her a few more times.

I never thought that the dragon egg that was accidentally lost could actually hatch.

Hector's eyes were slightly red. He looked at Heri and said in a hoarse voice: "If Garland saw you, he would be very happy. He has been looking forward to your birth."

The little dragon looked at it blankly.

Ruan Shiqing heard something and said hesitantly: "Mr. Hector, what are you doing..."

"More than a hundred years ago, I lost a dragon egg. According to what you said, the time, name, and surname can all match Heri's." Hector originally wanted to show him the video he had saved before, but when he opened his smart brain, he remembered that his original smart brain had been lost, and the information saved in the early years was naturally gone. So he could only say dryly: "If I remember correctly, the egg was iron gray, covered with strange patterns, and there was a small dent on the bottom. I accidentally dropped it..."

Ruan Shiqing looked slightly surprised, glanced at the little dragon, and asked 09 to find the little dragon's eggshell.

All the objects of commemorative value have been properly preserved.

After a while, 09 came back with the broken eggshell. The eggshell fragments were placed in a small box. Ruan Shiqing carefully examined it for a while and found a small dent.

Rong Heng, who had been watching silently at the side, was also surprised.

He looked Hector up and down with a strange look in his eyes. He didn't expect that Hector had a history with the dragon clan leader.

They hid it really well. After so many years, no one realized that these two were actually old lovers.