The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 49


I didn't expect that just hiring a teacher to teach the little dragon cub would end up being a family reunion scene.

Except for Hector himself, everyone including Ruan Shiqing was very confused.

They had always thought that the little dragon was abandoned by his parents because he had a genetic defect; now they know that he was not an unwanted child.

Even the little dragon cub himself thinks so.

When he was just born, he thought Ruan Shiqing was his father. Later, he gradually realized that he, like Xueqiu, Ruan Yuebai, Nota and others, was a child adopted by his father.

But the little dragon cub didn't care about these things because his father was very good to him, and so were other people.

The little dragon soon forgot the memories of his dragon egg period, and his little head was filled with his new home and new family.

So now a father suddenly appeared, and it was the big black dragon he hated. The little dragon cub was not happy at first, but felt helpless and scared. He shrank back and carefully moved behind Ruan Shiqing, shrinking his neck and trying to seek the protection of his father: "I have a father now."

If he could shrink in size, he would probably hide himself completely in his father's arms.

He wanted the fierce big black dragon to be his father.

Ruan Shiqing was a little amused and turned around to pat the little dragon's paws soothingly, and said to Hector: "Don't worry, he just hasn't figured it out yet."

Hector waved his hand and didn't take it to heart.

The dragon egg was recovered and was taken care of so well, he just felt lucky and relieved. As for the little dragon's slight resistance, in his opinion, it was not a problem.

Anyway, there is still plenty of time, he will make the kid accept himself.

If things get better, there's still Garland.

Garland is definitely more popular with the cubs than he is.

"Don't worry, I won't force you."

The more Hector looked at the little black dragon, the cuter it found it. Even the way the little cub stared at him in resistance and tried to curl up its huge body in an attempt to hide itself was very cute.

No wonder he liked her the first time he saw her. This was probably what Garland once said about blood connection.

He tried to make himself seem more approachable: "Can we just be the same as before? Just think of me as your teacher." He showed a pair of bat wings behind him: "Look, I can teach you to fly."

The little dragon looked at him suspiciously, with a hesitant expression.

He carefully confirmed with Ruan Shiqing: "Are you really just going to be a teacher? Dad won't want to be a teacher?"

Ruan Shiqing glanced at Hector, and Hector nodded to him.

"Of course not. This will always be He Li's home. The new house will be completed soon, and there will be a separate room for He Li. Why would Dad want you?"

Ruan Shiqing raised his hand and touched the cub's nose, comforting him: "Have you always wanted to learn how to fly? Hector will definitely be a good teacher."

After getting the assurance, the little dragon boy finally felt relieved. He tilted his head and looked at Hector, nodded for a long while, and said, "Okay."

As long as someone takes it away from me, I'll just try to learn from him reluctantly.

Hector heard this, and the corners of his tense mouth relaxed, and he smiled happily.

The dragon cub's flight teaching did not begin until the morning of the second day, but the night before, Hector tossed and turned and could not fall asleep, so he simply sat by the window and watched the dragon cub in the back garden from afar.

He originally wanted to sleep outside with the little dragon cubs, but was strongly rejected by the little dragon cubs - the little dragon cubs were too big to sleep in the room, so Ruan Shiqing found a huge soft cushion for him and laid it in the garden, letting the little dragon cubs take turns to sleep with him.

The little dragon was worried that the big black dragon would steal him away while he was sleeping, so he vehemently rejected the other party's proposal.

Today, the cubs did not go back to sleep in the house. They all hugged their pillows and blankets and slept beside the little dragon cub's head. Rong Heng didn't want to come, but the little fox forced him to come over and forced him to huddle with the three cubs on the cushions in the open garden.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has never done anything so degrading in his life.

I also have to listen to the little guys having serious bedside chats.

"Will He Li leave us in the future?" The little fox was the first to express her concern. She lay on He Li's arm and shook her big tail.

When she was wandering in the past, she heard people from Tutar mention the Dragon Clan. It was said that they were a very domineering and reasonable clan.

Although Hector promised to take Heri away today, the little fox was still very worried.

She rubbed the little dragon's smooth scales, feeling a little reluctant.

"We'll just leave now." The little dragon cub said in a muffled voice, with small sparks coming out of his nostrils. He poked the little mermaid with his claws: "You should think of a way quickly. When you learn to fly and change your form, we will drive the big black dragon away."

The little dragon cub had a good idea. He had to learn to fly, but once he learned it, he had to be driven away quickly.

Although the big black dragon is so powerful, if one day he suddenly wants to snatch me away again, that won’t be an easy thing to do.

The little dragon was worried and felt that this was a big hidden danger.

But he couldn't think of a good solution, so he could only ask the little mermaid for help.

Ruan Yuebai is the smartest among them!

The little mermaid pondered for a while, then shook her head gently and gestured with her hands to tell him not to be afraid: "I don't think he is lying."

Perhaps because he couldn't speak, the little mermaid was very sensitive to people's emotions. Whether it was good or bad, he could always tell the difference quickly. When he met Hector today, he could feel that the other party cared about Heri very much and was not lying.

And unlike him and Nota, Hurry was the expected cub.

His fathers had been looking forward to his birth so much that they must have loved him very much and would not have hurt him.

The little mermaid opened and closed her ear fins and gently patted the dragon cub's paws.

The little dragon tilted his head hesitantly, looking at Snowball with his big golden eyes, and nudged him again: "What do you think, Snowball?"

Snowball: “…”

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince didn't think anything, he just felt that the stupidity of the dragon clan was indeed hereditary.

Glancing at the little dragon cub, he nodded reluctantly.

Adult dragons have sharp hearing, and the cuckooing sounds of the cubs were carried by the wind to Hector's ears.

Imagining the little dragon cub with a distressed look on his face, thinking about how to drive him away, he not only did not feel angry, but he could not help laughing.

It’s still just a cub after all.

Garland had said countless times that their dragon cubs would definitely be very cute.

He stroked the smart computer, and on the screen was Garland's contact number. He knew this number by heart and had never forgotten it for a moment.

Now, he will muster up the courage to tell the other party the good news.

Tell him that their dragon cub has finally hatched and is as cute as he said, without any defects.

Taking a deep breath, Hector dialed the number with trepidation.

But the other end kept showing that the communication could not be connected.

He believed it and repeated his communication request, but the only message sent back from the intelligent brain was "communication cannot be connected."

Hector frowned, wanting to find some old friends to ask about Garland's situation, but he hesitated and stopped.

His current situation is not suitable for too many people to know.

Finally, he sent a text message to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, asking him to help find out about Galan's current situation.

Rong Heng must have his own people in Sikkim.

The micro-intelligence computer sent a message, Rong Heng turned around to check, and quickly replied: [Received, remember, you owe me another favor.]

Hector: …

Damn, with such a profiteer demeanor, how can he be a prince? He might as well go and compete with the big capitalists for business and make a fortune.

He replied angrily: [As soon as possible.]

After tossing and turning all night, Hector woke up at dawn.

He tidied himself up carefully, making sure his scales were shiny, before going to look for the little dragon.

The little dragon cub, who had just rinsed his mouth, was still a little dazed and walked slowly towards the restaurant.

He is big now and eats a lot, so he takes tons of nutritional supplements.

After patiently waiting for him to finish breakfast, Hector suppressed his excitement and suggested going to the garbage dump for class.

After last night's bedside chat, the little dragon felt much more at ease. He didn't resist too much and followed him out.

It was the first time for the little dragon cub to learn to fly properly, so the other cubs naturally went to support and cheer him on. Even 09 went along with a small bag of snacks for the cubs.

In order to let the kid concentrate on his studies, Ruan Shiqing found a reason to stay in Fita Manor.

The cubs rushed to the garbage dump in a mighty force.

The garbage dump is filled with towering piles of metal garbage, which is perfect for the little dragon cub to learn how to fly.

But Hector wanted to win the little dragon's favor, so he didn't follow the rough education of the dragon clan. Instead, he asked tentatively: "Before you officially start learning to fly, should I take you to experience flying?"

He did not look at the little dragon alone, but also invited the other little cubs.

The little dragon cub began to waver, and the other cubs were also a little tempted.

After all, the kids have never tried the feeling of flying in the sky!

Rong Heng, lying in 09's arms, snorted coldly.

He's not completely stupid, and he even knows how to win the favor of other cubs.

The little dragon cub agreed hesitantly.

So Hector transformed into the complete form of the dragon clan, picked up the little fox and the little mermaid and put them on his back. When it was Rong Heng and the little robot 09's turn, they refused the invitation and just watched from where they were.

"Then we're ready to take off, hold on tight." Hector turned around, his bat wings vibrated, and he instantly soared into the air.

The little fox screamed, the little mermaid's ear fins exploded, and the two cubs clung tightly to the protruding bone spurs on the black dragon's back.

Seeing this, the little dragon cub that was dropped to the ground stretched his neck anxiously: "What about you? What about me?"

Hector laughed, circled in the air, swooped down suddenly, grabbed the joints between his bat wings and back with his claws, and flew with him.

The sudden weightlessness made the little dragon flap its bat wings in panic.

"Don't be afraid. Just enjoy the feeling of flying in the air."

The black dragon, nearly twice his size, held him tightly and flew him in circles in the air. He flew very steadily, and the two cubs on his back could even look up at the little dragon cubs below to cheer him on.

The little dragon was a little scared at first, flapping his wings randomly without any rules. But gradually, he seemed to get the feeling of flying, and the vibration of his wings gradually became synchronized with Hector. It was difficult for the little dragon to describe that feeling with poor words, it was as if the wind was carrying him floating in the air.

The little dragon opened his eyes wide with excitement and said excitedly: "I can fly now!"

"It's still early." Hector laughed and asked, "Do you want to try flying by yourself?"

The little dragon nodded excitedly.

So the next second, Hector released his claws.

In an instant, the little dragon cub, having lost his protector, fell rapidly downward. He flapped his wings and tried to fly, but because of his panic, he lost his rhythm and could not keep his balance.

The little fox exclaimed.

When he was about to fall to the ground, the black dragon in mid-air swooped down again, grabbed him and put him back into the air: "Don't be afraid, keep the rhythm."

Hector patiently explained the flying skills to the cub, and after he was ready once again, he released his claws.

Perhaps because he knew Hector would catch him in time, the little dragon was not so panicked this time.

He began to try to keep the rhythm of flapping his bat wings.

After trying again and again, he finally learned to keep his body steady and was able to glide on his wings and land smoothly.

The little dragon cub roared with excitement and joy.

Ruan Shiqing and Mo Li, who had followed secretly, watched this scene from a distance. Ruan Shiqing had a gratified smile on his face.

Mori looked at him and said with a sigh: "It's only been one day, and they are getting along so well. Do you feel disappointed?"

He thought that since He Li's biological father had come to see him, Ruan Shiqing, as his adoptive father, would feel a little disappointed, so he followed him without any worries, thinking that he might be able to say some words of comfort.

But now it seems that he was overthinking it.

"Yes." Ruan Shiqing smiled and said, "Although I have tried my best to take care of them, there are always things that I can do. Now that Hector is helping, it is a good thing for the cubs."

Although he tried his best to arrange his work time, most of the time he would unconsciously indulge in it, forget the time, and neglect to accompany the cubs.

Moreover, teaching flying and changing form were not within his capabilities, and the appearance of Hector just filled this gap.

He doesn't feel lost just because there is one more person to take care of the cub.

On the fifth day of studying with Hector, the little dragon learned how to change its form.

Switching between animal and human forms is an innate instinct, but the little dragon cub seems to be born without this instinct. For Hector, something that is innate, the little dragon cub cannot understand.

Hector tried many ways, but he couldn't make him understand the key to changing his form.

It was completely an accident that the little dragon learned to change its form.

During the two days when the transformation was stuck, the little dragon cub was thinking about how to successfully transform into a human form, but no matter how hard he thought, his body remained unchanged. Until the early morning of the fourth day, the little dragon cub who was sleeping in the garden was woken up by the cold.

When he opened his eyes, he found that he was different from usual.

The body feels light.

Looking down, what I saw was no longer the black and smooth scales, but a smooth body.

He had long limbs, healthy wheat-colored skin, and even light muscle lines - this was the body of a young man.

The little dragon was extremely frightened.

He thought that even if he turned into a human form, he should be similar to Ruan Yuebai and Nota, a very cute cub who could act coquettishly with his father at any time.

But reality dealt the little dragon a heavy blow. An adult dragon, when switching to human form, is naturally also an adult.

The devastated little dragon cub didn't even have the mood to show his new skills to his father; he sneaked to find Hector and strongly demanded to be transformed back!

He has to grow up so fast!

Perhaps the little dragon's reaction was too strong this time, and he finally succeeded in mastering the key to switching forms.

The little dragon cub, who had successfully transformed back into beast form, breathed a sigh of relief and fiercely asked Hector to keep a secret for him.

Hector could fully understand it. After all, every dragon wanted to grow up a little bit more.

"You have to grow up sooner or later," he said.

He had even begun to think about how to quickly catch up with the cub on his missed lessons and help him get used to and adapt to his identity as an adult dragon.

But the little dragon cub was not willing. He glared at Hector and said with a grunt, "Dad said you are still a cub. There is no need to rush to grow up."

He did not tell Hector what happened in the swamp. Although that dark experience had become a memory, it made the little dragon feel that it would be better to grow up.

What a joy it is to be daddy’s baby!

He has to grow up so fast.

Hector had no choice but to teach him how to control the changes in body size. This skill was not mastered by every race, only the ancient great races could master it.

Fortunately, after the little dragon understood the secret of changing form, it became much easier to learn this skill.

When the little dragon finally succeeded in transforming himself back into a cute little cub, he couldn't wait to show his father off.

In the reception room, Ruan Shiqing was discussing with Mori the improvement plan for the first batch of blaster guns.

—The first batch of blasters has arrived in Yanjis and has been put into use. After testing, Dares has sent back the test report today.

Ruan Shiqing needs to make minor changes to the first batch of blasters based on actual combat conditions.

As the two were discussing, a small cannonball rushed in and threw itself into Ruan Shiqing's arms.


The little dragon sounds cheerful.

"He Li?" Ruan Shiqing picked him up in surprise and carefully measured the cub in his arms: "You have learned to control your body shape so quickly?"

The little dragon wagged its tail proudly and kept rubbing against his arm.

Ruan Shiqing touched his head and noticed that the little dragon cub was still a little different from before.

For example, the small bump on his forehead is no longer there, but two blunt dragon horns; the bat wings behind him are no longer a small pair, but look full of power.

Only the body shape remains the same as before.


"So awesome." Ruan Shiqing pinched his armpits and lifted him up.

The little dragon narrowed his eyes happily.

Everything is the same as before, but everything seems to have changed.